Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 21]

I sent a message over Fiscord letting Lily know to get online as soon as she could. While waiting for her, Akorya wanted to take me out on a date of sorts. Or rather, she wanted me to get more monsters for the dungeon. The only thing that really made it a date was her clinging to my arm whenever we were traveling. Then again, we basically always did that. So, it wasn’t really a date at all, but it still felt like one even though we weren’t exactly doing anything out of the ordinary together.

“So, when do we get to meet?” Akorya asked, still clinging to my arm as we walked into low-level, abandoned ruins together. It was the game’s first, open-world dungeon meant to pose a slight challenge for newer players. But because the game’s population wasn’t exactly growing all that fast or anything and most players were happy messing around at endgame, the dungeon was more or less abandoned save for the various monsters living within it.

“Uh, I’m not sure,” I answered. “I know my mom really wants to get Lily over to us. She’d rather me meet her in real life first before getting another girlfriend, but I don’t think it’s a big deal and I know that Lily isn’t going to care at all. If anything, she’d rather start dating you if it means dating you sooner than she gets to meet me. Plus we could always all meet up at the same time together.”

“Ooh… that’s true. I guess I can kinda see where your mom is coming from. Like, she wants you to meet the girl you’re already dating before you date even more girls. And there’s like, the seniority status of it. It’d be kinda eh if you like, dated me after her, but met me first.”

“Yeah, I get it. But at this point, I think we should just meet up all at once. Maybe we could go on a vacation somewhere else? Instead of having you two come and stay with me, I could rent us a hotel room in some other city or something and we could all meet up at the airport there.”

“Nyehehe, that sounds awesome. But where would you wanna meet?”

“Not sure. Any suggestions?”

“Hmm… whenever I think of places I want to visit, I think of all the places from a hundred years ago that are gone. Crap, this is suddenly depressing.”

“What about Appalachia’s Hope?”

“That’s um… what was it…”

“Come on, you should know about it if you’ve ever looked at the news in the past decade.”

“Nyehe… I usually avoid that sort of stuff.”

“The ‘eco city of the future.’ Come on, you seriously don’t know that?”

Akorya let go of my arm with one of her hands to scratch the back of her head with it instead. “Woops.”

I sighed and poked her nose from the side with my free hand. “I’ve actually thought about moving there since we aren’t exactly attached to where we live right now. I’m digging the… what’s that aesthetic called? I know it’s one of those ‘punk’ aesthetics, like cyberpunk and steampunk. Uh… oh, right. They call it the first ‘solarpunk’ city. I guess that just means it’s really, really green? Pictures of it look great. Trees everywhere along the streets, all the buildings have gardens on top of them and hanging off their sides—looks awesome.”

“Oh, I know what you’re talking about. It’s supposed to be like, a test run of what they want all cities to be like?”


“I… have mixed feelings about it. I get that it’s great for the environment and all… but think of the bugs. Aren’t there going to be like, a ton of bugs if there are trees and plants everywhere?”

“Probably. I guess part of returning to nature while keeping modern conveniences means bugs. A lot of bugs, probably.”

“It might still be nice to visit… but they’re not going to hate me if I kill every single bug I see, right?”

“You know, it’s funny hearing you say that considering which monsters I’ve fucked you as.”

“You mean that tentacle bug one?”


“That’s different! That’s like, a monster! Like… okay. Look. I would let a giant spider twice my size lay eggs in me and stuff, but there’s no way I’d ever want to do anything with a realistically-sized spider. Once they’re that big, I see them as monsters instead of bugs.”

“I get what you mean. Too bad I can’t use that sort of excuse for animals. You know, like sure, the game isn’t allowed to let wolves fuck girls, but what about giant wolves? I don’t think they’d go for that.”

“Yeah… that sucks. I’d totally be down for getting knotted by a wolf. Like, be on all fours, and have a wolf at each end. That’d be so awesome.”

“I wish I could control the wolves I’ve got to do that. Oh well. Also, speaking of the game and what they are and aren’t allowed to do… I heard from Syl.”

“You… you did?”

“She got in trouble at the company. Apparently, she was just as much of a bitch in real life as she was in the game, and the company made her take some anger management classes. She met with me and told me about everything that happened and sounded genuinely sorry, and she wanted to apologize to you herself.”

“Why didn’t she?”

“She was afraid of going to you. Thought you would hate her, so she wanted to come to me first.”

“Oh… wait. When did this happen?”

“A while ago.”

“How come you didn’t say anything?”

“I wanted to wait until we dealt with Moxxxie. I figured I already put enough stuff on your plate by wanting to deal with her, so I didn’t want to potentially overwhelm you with Syl. Especially since we don’t know if she’s actually not going to cause any more problems or anything.”

Akorya pouted and looked away from me only to rest her head back against my arm a few moments later. “I’m kinda mad you hid that from me. But… I guess I understand why you did it.”

“Sorry. I probably should have said something sooner.”

“Promise not to hide anything else from me and I’ll forgive you.”

“I promise.”

Akorya stopped us in our tracks and leaned up to kiss me on the cheek. “Good boy! Okay. So, what did you think? What did you honestly, seriously, think?”

“About Syl?”

Akorya nodded.

“She really did sound sorry. And she said that her in-game activity is being monitored so that she doesn’t try anything, mainly in regard to abusing her powers and causing issues for other players. The guy who reported her and got her in trouble is basically looking for any reason to get her fired at this point, because it’s only going to take a single mistake, so she has to behave whether she means it or not.”

“Then she was serious. As mean as she was sometimes… she was never fake. And if she’s being watched and stuff, she’d probably go insane having to hold back if she was the same. So, I believe her!”

“Let’s wait until you see her yourself.”

“Can—can I?”

I nodded, though I still wasn’t sure how good of an idea it was to let them meet again. “Yeah. I’ve got her added, so I can send her a message whenever. Or you can, but I think she’d rather me set up a meeting between you two so that the next time you hear anything from each other is face-to-face.”

“Got it! Okay. Then umm, anytime after today is good, I guess. Just let me know whenever she’s online at the same time as us!”

“Will do. And now… looks like we found what we’re looking for.”

In front of us was a doorway to a wide, empty room devoid of any decorations aside from a single thing sitting in the center of it.

A chest.

A chest, without any monsters guarding it, could only mean one thing.

A trap.

A trap designed for noobs who didn’t know any better.

Really, any experienced player of RPGs would probably be wary of it, but our game was a game with the second largest percentage of players who had never played a game before it. The first went to Fantasy Tales Online, obviously, because nearly everybody in the world played that game. There was no competing with it in any metric. But when it came to every other VRMMORPG on the market, our game had the most game virgins.

That was mainly because of everybody just being really horny and wanting to fuck each other. There was nothing like sex to unite seasoned game veterans and noobs who never touched a single game in their entire lives, not counting mobile games.

No matter how much mobile gaming might have advanced, there were always going to be those who drew a line between it and proper gaming.

I just so happened to be one of those people.

Well, I didn’t care too much. I also knew it was an irrational thing to care about considering that mobile games were even more advanced than the proper games of old that were still considered timeless classics.

But all that really mattered was the chest in front of us. What Akorya told me on the way to the dungeon was that our own dungeon lacked one very important, classic monster that plenty of people would probably want to get fucked by.

A mimic.

There was only one downside.

Unfortunately, as far as the game was concerned, mimics were traps rather than monsters. That meant I couldn’t just tame one and then control it in the dungeon. What I had to do was kill a mimic, get a specific drop from it, get that crafted into a mimic trap, and then place it in the dungeon. Even then, I wouldn’t be able to control it and have sex as it. Technically, it couldn’t even have sex on its own.

But I had another idea in mind for it.

“You want to do the honors?” I asked Akorya.

“Aye aye!” Akorya replied, giving me a little salute before walking over to the mimic and knocking on the top of its body. Surely enough, that caused it to open up and lash out with its tongue, hands, and tentacles. It was desperate to defeat her and ready to bring out every single one of its attacks against her.

But no matter how hard it tried… it was doomed.

The mimic was a low-level monster. Akorya was a max-level player. All it took was a slightly rough kick from here and that was enough to take the monster’s health from full to empty in an instant.

“I know a lot of people have fun running through low-level content and wrecking everything,” Akorya said, “but I feel like it’s always kinda… been anticlimactic instead of fun.”

“I get it,” I said. “The only time I enjoy it is going back to things that gave me trouble early on and destroying them. Like going into a dungeon, pulling every single mob in there, and then killing them all with a single AoE.”

“Hmm. That might be fun. But I think I’d rather just suck your dick instead.”

“This is why you’re amazing.”


With the mimic being dead and all, I opened up the loot window and took from it the item that I needed for the crafting recipe. A “Mimic Tongue.”

“Akorya,” I said, “can I do something horrible to you in exchange for letting you do whatever you want to me whenever you want?”

“How—how horrible?” Akorya asked.

“It’s bad. Trust me.”

“Well… it can’t be too bad if it’s you… but I’m still kinda scared.”


Akorya gulped. “A-alright. What?”

“Close your eyes.”

She looked hesitant, but she still closed her eyes.

I then took the mimic tongue out from my inventory and held it in my hands. It was a tongue as long as my forearm and several times wider than it. Now, holding the tongue…

I slapped Akorya in the face with it.

Akorya jumped back with a squeak and held a hand over her cheek as she looked at me with shocked, adorable eyes. “What was—oh. Did you… did you slap me with that?”

“I’m sorry. Yes,” I answered.

“It felt like being slapped by a really wet steak. A soggy steak.”

“I couldn’t resist. I saw it in my inventory and just… immediately thought of slapping you with it.”

“Nyehehe… if you want to slap me with it, why don’t we try this?” Akorya placed her hands atop the slain mimic and bent over, sticking her ass out toward me. “I’d rather you try spanking me with it.”

“I know I just said it, but this is why you’re amazing.”

“Nyehe. Less talking, more spanking!”

I nodded and wielding the mimic tongue like a baseball bat, which really didn’t work all that well, and then swung it at her ass as hard as I could. The result was a loud, wet sound that sent mimic saliva flying everywhere. Not only that, but it earned a pretty loud and erotic moan from Akorya.

Then I heard the voice of somebody else. “Uh… are you… spanking her with a tongue?” a masculine voice asked from behind.

Looking over my shoulder to see who it was, I saw a party of low-level adventurers all watching us with either confusion or arousal. Mainly confusion. Only one of the girls in the group looked like she was interested in what we were doing beyond confusion.

Considering that we were caught in the act, I wasn’t even going to bother trying to deny it. “Yes,” I answered.

“People in this game really are wild,” the male said before shrugging and continuing on past us. The rest of his party followed.

When I turned around to look at Akorya again, I saw her standing there with her tail swishing around in the air behind her as she held her hands over her face. “That—that was so embarrassing for some reason,” she whined.

“Well, we did just get randomly walked in on while doing something weird with a tongue that we took from a dead monster,” I explained.

“Please don’t put it that way…”

“Also, how was it?”

“It—it was nice.”

“I’m kind of thinking… you know, the dungeon needs some toys to go with it. What if I keep a mimic tongue on hand to use as a toy?”

“I think some people might get weirded out by it… but I want you to keep one so that—oh! Lily’s on!”

Surely enough, when I looked at the chat log, I saw a message letting me know that Lily just logged on. “I’ll get an extra mimic tongue sometime. For now, let’s head back to the dungeon.”

Akorya nodded, excited to finally become official with us.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W.

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