Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 22]

Me and Akorya returned to the dungeon as quickly as we could since that was where we always met up at. Basically, whenever anybody wanted to meet somebody else, it was assumed that they would be meeting at the dungeon. Everybody knew where it was and was added to the list that gave them permission to teleport to it from anywhere else in the world. So, when it came to returning as quickly as possible, all I had to do was teleport back to the dungeon. Then, because Akorya was in a party with me, she got the option to piggyback off of my teleport since she also had it unlocked to her.

It took all of ten seconds to get back to the dungeon once we saw that Lily logged on.

And of course, Lily was already there waiting for us, and she wasted no time jumping at us to give us a hug together. “It has been too long!”

“We saw each other yesterday,” I teased, kissing her on her forehead. Of course, I knew that seeing each other the day before and not today was going to be too long for her still. Lily wasn’t the demanding type of clingy, but she was still the type of clingy who wanted to spend at least a little bit of time together every single day without ever skipping a day.

“Ehehe. That is still too long.” Lily looked at Akorya next. “And it has been at least a day and a half since I have seen you! That is even worse!”

“I know, right?” Akorya replied. “We’ll just have to hug a lot to make up for it. Two days of hugs in one.”

Lily gave an excited nod in response to that. “Oh! How did everything go? You had your plan today, yes? Is everything alright?”

“At the very least, the situation is dealt with,” I answered. “Things didn’t go exactly as planned, but I think that they worked out for the better in the end.”

Akorya nodded. “Everything’s fine now. No more worrying about it! Time to leave all that boring stuff in the past to focus on the present and stuff.”

Lily let out a relieved sigh. “I am glad to hear it! That sounds like a good plan, so let us do it!”

“I think we can all agree to that,” I said. “Anyways, Lily, you ready to officially invite Akorya to our relationship now?”

Lily lit up as if a surge of energy just powered her up. “Yes! I have been waiting! Are we finally doing it?”

“If you’re ready.”

Lily scrunched her nose at me. “You are the one who made us wait!”

“Yeah, I know. Honestly, we should have done this a long time ago. It’s completely my bad for making us wait.”

Lily grumbled at me a little before turning her attention to Akorya. “Next time, we will do it without waiting for him. Mon maître takes too long and is very silly.”

“Nyehe, sounds like a plan to me,” Akorya replied. “Next time we wanna do something fun, we’ll just do it if he’s not ready. And if we do that, he’ll probably join in anyways.”

“That is true!”

“Like if we ask him if he wants to have sex, and he says no because he’s busy, all we have to do is start making out and playing with each other somewhere where he can hear or see us, and I bet you he’ll join us in no time.”

“Exactly! Mon maître will not be able to resist his girlfriends doing that with each other! Unless… mon maître cannot keep up with us?”

Both girls looked at me with smug little smiles that made me feel like I was being challenged. “I’ll show you both who can’t keep up with who.” Honestly, it was me and I knew that. I could easily outlast Akorya on my own, but Lily… Lily was a monster. I might have liked to control monsters for sex, but Lily was the legitimate monster who never got worn out when it came to sex. She could go for hours, and hours, and hours. Sure, she would be panting and barely able to move that entire time, acting like a girl who was broken in both body and mind, but she was also the kind of girl who would grab onto me and ask me why I’m stopping if I tried to get a break after five hours straight.

Lily could not be underestimated despite her shy, submissive nature.

Which, to be fair, lined up with everything I knew about subs. It was always the subs who could keep on going indefinitely while the doms struggled to keep up after enough time.

“Let’s get inside,” I said. “Since it’s taken this long to make things official, we might as well go full on dramatic about it to make the wait worth it.”

Neither of them had any idea what I meant, and neither did I. I only had a very vague idea for what I wanted to do. But first, I had to take them inside.


Once inside, I brought them to the revamped pool room and had them stand side by side while I swapped into a suit uniform that I had. What I had in mind was stupid, but fun stupid. I thought so, at least.

“It is now time for the moment we’ve all been waiting for,” I said, standing there with Lily and Akorya in front of me with the pool to their backs. “Lily. Akorya.”

The two girls nodded their heads at the same time. It was cute.

“Lily. Do you accept Akorya as our official girlfriend who can both do lewd things to whenever we want, both in the virtual world and the real world?”

“I do!” Lily said.

“And you, Akorya. Do you accept us as your official boyfriend and girlfriend who you can do lewd things with whenever you want, both in the virtual world and the real world?”

“Heck yeah,” Akorya said.

“Then with the power invested in me, I declare us… boyfriend and girlfriends.”

Lily was quick to wrap her arms around Akorya, rubbing her face against Akorya’s while smiling. Personally, I got distracted by watching Lily’s breasts press up against Akorya’s side. Lily’s chest never failed to create all manner of great views.

“So, what now?” Akorya asked while nuzzling back against Lily’s face with her own.

“Now?” I asked. “Now… basically nothing changes. I mean, we’ve already more or less been acting like boyfriend and girlfriends this entire time.”

“Hmm. Yeah, I guess that’s true. But that kind of feels anticlimactic, don’t you think?”

“It does. Lily, any suggestions?”

Lily nodded and said, “Sex!”

Akorya slapped Lily’s ass with her tail, causing her to jump and moan a little, before saying, “Isn’t that what we always do anyways?”

“It is, but now we can do it as a couple!”

“How’s that any different?”

“Hmm… we can say we love each other? A-ah, assuming that you do not think it is too soon for that!”

“I… it’s not like I don’t love you guys. I guess I have for a while. But uh… I’ve never said it to anybody before, so I don’t know if I can—”

Lily hopped in front of Akorya, grabbed her shoulders, and looked her straight in the eyes to say, “I love you!”


“I! Love! You!”

“Wha-what are you doing?”

“I am saying it until you have the courage to!”

“You know,” I said, “that’s a good idea. Let me help.” Getting behind Akorya, I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought my lips to her ear. “I love you,” I whispered, causing her wings to flutter against my torso.

“I love you!” Lily repeated with much more energy in front of Akorya.

“I love you,” I whispered again, contrasting Lily’s playful, loud energy with quiet, seductive energy.

“I love you!”

“I love you.”

Every single declaration of love caused Akorya to squirm more and more between us, her face growing brighter and brighter shades of red until she couldn’t handle it anymore. “Gah! Fine! Okay! I love you! I love both of you! There! I said it! I love you! J-just give me a break! My heart feels like it’s going to explode!”

“Ehehe… I love you,” Lily said again.

“Good girl,” I whispered. “Also, I love you.”

Unable to do anything to stop us, Akorya covered her face with her hands and whimpered. I figured she must have actually been happy going by how her body was acting, though. Her ears kept twitching, her wings were fluttering, and her tail was wagging between my legs.

She was so cute.

“I can’t handle this… I—I’m going to break up with you if you keep loving me!” Akorya whined. “You’re probably making my heart age super fast! The faster it beats, the faster it ages or something! You’re going to send me to an early grave!”

“I’m not sure that’s how it works,” I whispered, “but don’t worry. Even if you die and become a zombie, I’ll still love you.”

Akorya then proceeded to do the verbal equivalent of keyboard smashing while hiding her face from us. Unfortunately for her, though, she wasn’t even able to keep her face safe as Lily grabbed her wrists and pulled them away to kiss her lips and then say, “I love you!”

“My heart,” Akorya whimpered. “It can’t take it. I’m dying. Goodbye, cruel world. Make me a ferret in my next life so that I can discover what it feels like to squeeze my entire body underneath doors no matter how little space there is.”

I finally pulled my head away from her. “That’s… you want to be reincarnated as a ferret?”

“Yeah. Ferrets are cute, they get to sleep in hammocks all day, and can squeeze under doors.”

“Why do you want to squeeze under doors?”

“Just to know what it’s like. Oh, and I could sneak into secret facilities and stuff and squeeze under their doors to get in.”

“I… I think there might not be enough space there, even for ferrets.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of a ferret.”

Lily nodded and said, “She has a point, mon maître! Ferrets are very… err, squeeze-y? They squish! Squishy! They can squish under anything! I have seen the videos!”

“Lily, we totes need to watch ferret videos together sometime.”

“Oui! I would love that!”

“I can already imagine us cuddling in bed together watching ferret videos while ignoring Master.”

“Ehehe… I can see that! He will try to grab our attention but we will be too busy with the ferrets!”


“Mon maître will say, ‘Please, I want to cuddle and sleep,’ but we will say, ‘No! It is ferret watching time!’”

“He’ll totally get jealous and try getting our attention, but we’ll ignore him since ferrets are cuter.”

“Ehehe. But do not worry, mon maître, we will eventually give you attention! But you must wait until the videos are over! Oh! And it is time for sex now, yes?”

I wasn’t sure how to feel about the teasing about being ignored for ferret videos, but I did at least know it was adorable watching them get along as well as they did. Sure, being ignored for ferrets would probably make me just a tiny bit jealous if I was trying to get their attention, but seeing them cuddled up in bed together would be adorable.

“Want me to use a monster?” I asked, making it obvious that I agreed it was, in fact, time for sex.

“If… if it’s okay, can we just like… do it normally this time?” Akorya asked. “I think it’d make me happier if our first time as a couple is—wait, we’re not a couple. There are three of us. Are we a triple? A trio?”

“Let’s go with trio.”

“Okay. Anyways, I think it’d make me happier if our first time as a trio is like, normal. You know? I… I wanna be held and hugged and stuff while you do it. And I want to… hear you say that you love me. Not… a monster. But you could totes gangbang me as some monsters next time if you want to. I’d be down for that.”

“That sounds good to me. Think you’ll be able to handle some normal sex for once?” I asked, looking at Lily.

Lily crossed her arms under her breasts and pouted. “It is not like I only like monsters! I will like anything I do with mon maître. Mon maître and,” she looked at Akorya, “I… should think of a name for you.”

“You could just call me Akorya,” Akorya said. “Or anything else.”

“But I want to give you a cute name! Like mon maître has! Oh! Mon ange!”

“Mon ange?”

Lily nodded. “My angel! Because you have wings!”

“That… that is super cute. I’ll take it.”

I was still behind Akorya, so it wasn’t hard to wrap my arms back around her to whisper into her ear, “Mon ange.”

Akorya shivered within my hold… but Lily smacked my forehead with the palm of her hand. “Only I get call her mon ange! Like how only I get to call you mon maître!”

All I could do was stand there and blink a few times at Lily. I never expected her to smack me. She couldn’t even do something like that when trying to dominate me. Yet, as soon as I called Akorya the name she made for her, she smacked me.

“That was adorable,” I said.

Akorya nodded. “Same. I mean, yeah. And I guess I learned to never call you the double M word. Words? The double M words. Or just the M words? This… this is tricky. Wait, if I call him that, does that mean I can get you to smack me whenever I want?”

Lily pouted for a moment before saying, “Non! It is not punishment if you enjoy it! Instead, I will say I love you over and over until your heart goes boom!”

“That doesn’t sound like a punishment but does at the same time. I’m half scared, half excited.”

“Yes. Now, sex?”

“Yes. Sex.”

Time for me to join in. “Sex.”

The three of us looked at each other and nodded.

It was time… for sex.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W.

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