Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 17]

It was finally time to get some new monsters to bring back to the dungeon to have sex using.

That was something I thought… probably too many times before. It really shouldn’t have been something that needed to “finally” happen over and over again, but—well, ever since I met Lily and Akorya, and got close to them, I kind of… almost lost interest in a lot of what I wanted to do? At least, in regard to the dungeon and monsters.

Having a sex dungeon full of monsters sounded amazing back when I was single and the closest thing I had to a relationship was some flirty teasing with Thera. However, once I actually ended up in a relationship, I felt… content. I felt like I didn’t need to do more. Even when it came to potentially becoming Lust’s champion or whatever that was, I had no real drive to do it because I was already perfectly satisfied with life. I had a great mom, great friends, great girlfriends, a great career, and every single day was full of fun already.

So, why bother pursuing all that other stuff when it would only distract me from everything else that already made me content and happy with life? Even when it came to sex, Lily and Akorya were just as enjoyable whether I fucked them using my avatar, my real body, or by temporarily hijacking a monster’s body. So, if they were all equally enjoyable, why not just stick to my avatar since it was the already ready to use on demand without having to jump through any hoops? Aside from spicing things up every now and then, of course, which I did. The goblins, the hobgoblins, Al Capra, Lephacoda, Captain Consentacles, GP, the tyrant rex who I forgot if I ever named, the tentacle bug-like thing that I also don’t think I ever named—I still used all of those on Akorya and Lily every now and then. Not to mention that there was plenty of variety we could have with every single one of them, and plenty of variety with just my avatar as well.

But ultimately, there was still a part of me that did want to collect more monsters for the dungeon. I knew that the dungeon’s clients were expecting more, too, as well as all the other plans I had originally advertised for it.

I gave people a bunch of expectations, and now it was time to actually deliver on them even if I was perfectly content… well, not delivering on them.

I needed to be a man of my word or else I didn’t deserve Lily and Akorya in the first place.

So, that was why it was finally time to go and collect more monsters, once again, and to stop procrastinating and treating it like something that was only ever done once it reached the point of being “finally” done!

“Woah, your ear?” Akorya asked, walking beside Meadow who joined us as we were on our way out of the dungeon. “That’s… hot. What was it like?” “It—a-ah… umm, it felt… very wonderful,” Meadow answered with a blushing face. “I never thought… it would feel so pleasant.”

“Nyehe… what if I do this?”

Meadow lifted her head up to look at Akorya, but Akorya was gone, causing the elf AI to tilt her head and look around… only to be surprise attacked by Akorya from behind. Akorya grabbed onto Meadow’s hips from behind her and promptly bit onto the tip of Meadow’s ear, sucking on it a little afterward.

Akorya won within seconds.

Meadow’s legs trembled to the point where she dropped to her knees with her thighs pressed together, a triumphant and smug Akorya standing behind her with her hands on her hips. “Nyehehe, those things really are sensitive. I wonder how it’d feel if I placed one inside of my tail.”

“I think you’d break her,” I said.

“I bet she’d look super cute all broken and stuff. Also, I’d probably get to be the first person in the universe to tailfuck somebody’s ear.”

“Don’t forget that the internet exists, Akorya. No matter how insane something sounds, it’s already been done, especially if it’s sexual. And if it hasn’t been done, then somebody has either drawn or animated it.”

A disappointed sigh left her lips. “Yeah, you’re right.”

Meanwhile, Meadow, still trembling on her knees, apparently couldn’t take her eyes off of Akorya’s tail.

“That being said,” I said, “we should still do it sometime.”

“Totes,” Akorya replied.




“That reminds me, I wonder how Sophie is doing,” I said.

Akorya tilted her head. “What made you think of her all of a sudden?”

“Totes. She says that a lot.”

“Oh, whoops. Didn’t mean to steal her thing.”

“You know that multiple people are allowed to say it, right?”

“But I wanna be more unique than that.”

“You’re plenty unique already.”

“I know, since I’m totally awesome and stuff, but I wanna be even more unique.”

“Hmm. You know what would be super unique?”

Akorya’s eyes lit up as she held her hands in front of her, looking up into my eyes. “What?!”

“If you trained yourself so that you could orgasm solely from looking at my dick. Just, whenever you see my dick, instant orgasm, and it’s an orgasm that lasts until you can no longer see it.”

“Ooh, what if I train myself so that I can cum just from being within a hundred feet of your dick?”

“Even better, but potentially life debilitating.”

“Oh, yeah, that would actually kinda suck when you don’t just think about how hot it would be. I’d never get to do anything normal around you ever again. Like… it would kinda ruin cuddling. I don’t want to cum while cuddling. Unless we’re cuddle fucking, but that’s different.”

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever actually cuddle fucked somebody before. At least, not in a way that I would consider a cuddle fuck.”

Meadow recovered enough to finally join our conversation again and asked, “What… what even is a… cuddle fuck?”

Akorya decides to answer before I can by shouting, “It’s cuddling, but with sex! Like, if you’re cuddling together on a couch or anything, and then you start to fuck!”

“Would that not just… turn into regular sex at that point?”

Me and Akorya both shook our heads at the same time. Though, I was the one who took the role of explaining next. “You see, normal sex would be like… missionary. Or doggy. You might wrap yourself around your partner a little, like hug them, but that’s not the same as cuddling. A hug is not cuddling. Instead, cuddle fucking is when you’re cuddling during it. Let’s say that I’m on the couch on my side and Akorya is in front of me. I’ve got a leg and arm around her to pull her as close as possible against me as I can get her, and she’s snuggling back up against me. Then I put my dick in her. We stay cuddling while having sex, and it’s nothing too rough. If anything, it’s even slower, more gentle, and more casual than normal, vanilla sex. Personally, and some might disagree with me on this point, but I feel like cuddle sex should be the slowest, gentlest form of sex. The moment you start to get rough or stop cuddling, it’s no longer cuddle fucking. It’s just normal fucking. But with true cuddle fucking, the fucking cannot interrupt the cuddling. It’s cuddling with a side of fucking instead of fucking with a side of cuddling. That, to me, is cuddle fucking.”

“Same,” Akorya said.

“Wait, that’s it.”


“Your thing!”







Akorya tilted her head. “Same?”

“Exactly. Same.”

“Same sounds funny now that we keep saying it,” Sameorya samed.

“There’s just… a way about how you say it. It’s the classical Akorya Same. Nobody else can just say ‘same’ like you.”

“That’s a pretty weird thing. Can I trade it in for a better one?”

“You can’t just treat personality traits like trading cards.”


“No, same.”

While I acted like an idiot with Akorya, Meadow giggled to herself while keeping a hand raised over her mouth. “You two—you get along very well! It is no wonder that you are dating one another.”

“Nyehe, same goes for you and,” Akorya paused and stared straight into my eyes, almost looking despaired. “Now—now that you pointed it out… I’m going to be super aware of every time I say ‘same.’”

“Same, I think we’re all going to be aware of it now,” I said.

“Same!” Meadow joined in.

Akorya whimpered a little before trying to shake the thought of her head. “A-anyways, I was gonna say that you and Master get along really good, too! You should totally join us.”

“But… I am already with you?” Meadow tilted her head. The girls might have thought that ‘same’ was always going to be noticed but, if anything, I was the one who noticed every single time one of them tilted their heads out of confusion like dogs. Mainly because I thought it was really cute.”

“I mean like, with us with us. Like, you should date us. You’re cute and we all get along, plus you and Master have already done lewd things together, and I totally want to do lewd things to you, plus I know Lily would be down, so you should date us!”

“Ha-hang on now,” I interrupted. “We can’t just randomly invite people to our relationship.”

“Why not? I mean, if we get along with them and are friends with them already, then it’s fine. Oh, wait. Are you worried I might invite other guys? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t. You’re the only guy I like.”

“I mean, I wouldn’t care even if you did invite other guys, but it’s more just… there’s a process to these things, you know?”

“I know! That’s why I’ve only invited Cani, Thera, and now Meadow! Oh, and that party of girls who are kinda under your command? I don’t really know the full deal with them, but they were cute and I thought they must like you since they came by looking for you once while you weren’t here, but they weren’t interested.”

“Oh, right, them. I… haven’t exactly had the time to help them like I thought I would be able to. Wait, more importantly, you invited them to our relationship?”


“And… Thera?”

“She’s the obvious one, so why not? But she said no and then said that you still have to beat her and stuff. Plus she said you have to be the one to ask her yourself once you’ve beaten her.”

“And even… Cani?”

Akorya nodded while wearing the expression of a woman who clearly believed that all of my questions had common sense answers. “She got really flustered and then changed the subject, so I think she’s interested, but you probably have to work her with your magic a bit more first. You know, like, pin her against the wall, whisper into her ear, and nibble on her neck and stuff. Do that and I bet she’d totally melt and join us, then we could all make her melt together.”

I sighed and placed my face against the palm of my hand. There was something… really embarrassing about her going around without my knowledge inviting mutual friends to our relationship. “Does Lily know about this?”

And, once again, Akorya still looked like the answer should have been common sense. “Obviously! She’s the one who helped me figure out who we should ask. She wants Meadow the most because she thinks Meadow would be fun to dress up in cute costumes and stuff. She also really wants Thera so she can be tied up and maybe have some eggs laid in her.”

“I don’t know how to feel about this. On one hand, I feel like the luckiest man in the world knowing that I have two girlfriends working behind my back to try and get me even more girlfriends. On the other hand, it’s… kind of embarrassing and feels a bit too forced. Just—let’s try and go about things a bit more naturally, alright?”

“You say that, but now Meadow looks disappointed.”

I looked at Meadow just in time to see her panic and shake her head. “A-ah! No! I am fine! Please, do not worry about me! Besides, I… we are… not even the same species, in regard to both the virtual world and the real world. We would—”

Part of me was tempted to just go and ask her, “Want to be our girlfriend?” but I wasn’t going to rush things no matter how perfect the timing would have been to interrupt her with that. Instead, I placed a hand on her head to pet her and said, “Let’s get to know each other, including you and the others, some more first, alright?”

Whatever disappointment she might have felt was replaced by a soft smile. “Gladly!”

“Now then, I’ve got a list of monsters I want to gather, so we can talk more while hunting. Ready to get started?”

Meadow nodded and Akorya gave me one of her signature salutes. I was tempted to point that out as another one of her “things,” but I didn’t want to make her self-conscious about two different habits in one day.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K.

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