Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 18]

Now, there were plenty of monsters that I wanted to get, but there was one that I wanted to get more than anything else.

It all started when I was bored, tired of visual porn, Lily and Akorya were both asleep so I couldn’t call them up, and in a rare mood to read something.

So, I looked up some erotica to read.

After several searches through some… beast type of material, I came across one that I didn’t expect to find in that category even though it did technically fit, and that was involving a dragon.

But not just any dragon.

It involved a tiny dragon.

A dragon the same size as a puppy.

This dragon, with such a small body, was paired up with a woman who was absolutely obsessed with dragons and she couldn’t help but to basically lift the dragon up, hold him in front of her face, and facefuck herself using his cock. Of course, his cock was also far larger than it should have been given the small size of his body which made it even hotter.

Ever since I read that… I wanted to be a dragon.

I wanted to be used to facefuck somebody.

Fortunately, dragons existed within the world of our game and could also be used for lewd purposes seeing as how they legally didn’t count as bestiality due to not being based off of a real-world animal. Centaurs? Centaurs were directly linked to horses, therefore they were not allowed. Mermaids? Directly linked to fish, therefore not allowed. Giant monster wolves? Directly linked to real life canines, therefore not allowed.

But dragons? Dragons had no real world, direct connection. It was impossible to fuck a dragon in something and then, as far as the law was concerned, gain a desire to go and fuck one in real life.

That meant dragons could be fucked.

And it also meant I could turn myself into a dragon to fuck.

Given that the game took place in a fantasy world as well, that meant it was perfectly common to see dragons here and there. They were much more rare than other species, of course, but they still existed.

There was also one particular area where low level, easy-to-tame dragons could be found. It was a popular spot for dragon fans to go and tame their very first dragons, and Meadow grinded to a high enough level that she could safely go there with me and Akorya.

As for the area we went to, it was in the game’s first mountainous region where the lore was something along the lines of a matriarchal dragon went there to get away from the rest of the dragons to raise her young in a more peaceful environment, but then a mysterious virus affected the young which made them all—for a lack of better words—very angry. And murderous. It had been a long time since I did that quest line, so I couldn’t remember all the details, but I did remember that it was… actually kind of tragic. A lot of the game’s quest designs were like that.

There was probably a reason for that. Maybe one of the writers in charge of writing quests really loved tragedy, but couldn’t get a job writing for the game industry anywhere other than for a perverted fantasy VR sex game. So, the writer put in as much tragedy as possible while also ultimately keeping things lewd, hence why the virus also gave all the dragons huge dicks despite their small bodies.

In a way, having tragedy in the background of all the lewd quests actually… kind of worked in a way that I liked. Honestly, that sort of tragedy was probably the only thing keeping the world from feeling like an absolute joke where nothing was ever taken seriously.

Not that most players took it seriously in the first place. Most people couldn’t ever be bothered to pay attention to quest dialogue and descriptions. They just wanted to level up, fuck, and grind endgame content.

Well, at least me and some others appreciated the writer’s efforts.

More importantly, me, Akorya, and Meadow arrived to the beginning of where dragons could be found. It was at the foot of the mountain at the edge of a beautiful forest with purple foliage, and the snow-capped mountains ahead of us provided a contrast against the warm sunlight we felt.

“You said we’re coming here for dragons, right?” Akorya asked me.

“Yep,” I answered.

“Ooh. I remember that one time you told Lily you would turn into a tiny dragon with a huge dick, and that she could turn into a dragon girl.”

“We… we did have that conversation, didn’t we?”

“Yeah. I thought you were going to turn into a dragon a lot sooner than this because of that. Like, that was almost back around the time when we first met.”

“Ri-right. Well, you see, I have this habit of getting distracted…”

“Nyehe.” Akorya gave me a couple of smacks on the back. “Well, at least you’re getting around to it now! Better late than ever considering how much she really wanted some dragon dick.”

Meadow spoke up to ask, “What—what is so great about dragon penis, if I may ask?”

“Ooh, you’ve gotta ask Lily that. Trust me, she is a total dragon lover who could totally fangirl about dragons for hours.”

That reminded me of something.

When I read that online story, which was just a single short chapter, the description had a note from the author apologizing for English not being their native language. Not only that, but the writing had some common mistakes in it that reminded me of the way Lily typed whenever she sent me messages over Fiscord or texts to my phone.

I doubted the world was so convenient that I managed to somehow stumble upon some written erotic piece by Lily without realizing it, but it was fun to think about anyways.

“It’ll be a good way for you two to bond, too!” Akorya added on.

“A-ah! I see! Very well, I will have her educate me on dragon penises!” Meadow replied.

Sometimes, I wished that I could be some random person randomly walking up to us out of nowhere to hear our conversations with zero surrounding context. That would be fun.

But that aside, there was already one of the small, black dragons hovering in the air a short distance ahead of us. Its wings looked too small for its body, and its body was overall smaller than the size of my head, but that just made it even more fun for future purposes.

“Wait,” Akorya spoke up. “Doesn’t it kind of look… too small? Not… not to ruin the fun, but… don’t things still have to be sexually mature in this game for us to do lewd things with them?”

“Don’t underestimate dragons, Akorya,” I replied. “For starters, it’s built into the lore that these dragons are at least two hundred years old. They spent most of that time in their eggs, but they’ve been hatched for at least eighteen years for legal reasons, and they’ve also reached full sexual maturity. Watch. Take your tits out and grab its attention.”

Akorya looked a bit confused, but she did what I said and slipped her breasts out from behind her bra before shouting, “Hey! Little dragon! Over here!”

The dragon turned its head to look at her, saw her breasts… and immediately grew a massive, red erection as it—well, he, began to fly toward her.

“Wo-woah… that thing is huge. It’s like, bigger than its body is.”

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked. “Almost brings a tear to my eye. Anyways,” I paused to switch to my monster tamer class and then immediately using the baiting skill, using up some of the monster bait in my inventory. Said bait then fell out of the air above the dragon, dropped onto its head, and bounced onto the ground.

While the dragon might have been interested in Akorya and her breasts, he flew straight down to the ground as soon as there was an offering of food. Though, he struggled to actually stand up on all four of his legs due to the girth of his cock preventing him from—well, it prevented his small legs from actually reaching the ground.

He was absolutely adorable and I couldn’t wait to be him to fuck the fuck out of Lily’s face. And maybe Akorya’s tits. And to just fuck them in general.

“I can already tell he’s going to be popular in the dungeon,” Akorya said. “He’s adorable… and has a huge dick.”

“And I’m going to take control of his body for some fun as soon as we’re back,” I said.

“Nyehe. Looking forward to it.”

Unfortunately, that first piece of bait wasn’t enough to tame the dragon, so he lifted his head and stared at Akorya’s tits again to restart his charge toward her… only to stop again as soon as another piece of bait dropped for him. This repeated a few different times until, eventually, I successfully tamed him.

Once tame, the dragon flew toward me and happily perched himself on my shoulder. His cock reverted to unaroused as soon as he was tamed, so he was actually able to sit on my shoulder without his dick getting in the way.

“I’ll name you… Death,” I said. “Wait, no. That’s too edgy. And not cute enough. Instead, how about… Conqueror? Because with a cock like that, he’s going to conquer everybody who tries him out no matter how small his body might be.”

“Ooh! I like that!” Akorya said. “Nyehehe, Conqueror, the small dragon with a huge dick.”

“I think we need an entirely dragon themed room in the dungeon. In which case, do you know what we need?”

“Umm… I’m not sure. Some dragon eggs for decoration?”

“Good idea, but no.” I looked at Meadow. “Do you know?”

Meadow tilted her head and tapped a finger against her chin before answering, “More dragons?”

I pet her head for the right answer. “That’s right.”

Meadow closed her eyes and sighed as I slid my hand side to side atop her head.

“Nyehe, I’ll get the next answer right so that I get some pets, too,” Akorya said.

“Oh?” I asked. “Well, I would have given you some if you asked, but I guess you want to earn them.”

“A-ah… I played myself. But that’s okay! I’ll earn them myself!”

So, with Conqueror tamed, I converted him into a dungeon monster and then went out to tame another one… only to remember that I didn’t need to. Once I converted any monster into a dungeon monster, I could summon as many of them as I wanted assuming I had enough dungeon points to do so.

It was becoming more and more obvious that too much time had passed since I last really did anything with the dungeon and the monsters within it.

So, while taming more of that specific type of dragon wouldn’t have done anything for me, there were more to tame in the region we were in!


Within an hour of searching around taming every dragon-type monster that I could find, we had Conqueror, and then we got several more dragons that consisted of: a land-based dragon with wings too small to lift its larger, man-sized body up with… while also having another stupidly, amazingly massive cock; a swarm of dragons even smaller than Conqueror, but a single monster of that type included three different models each with big dicks of their own who operated similar to how the goblin group did; and another dragon about the size of a man but with functioning wings and, rather than have one giant cock, it had two smaller cocks instead that basically equaled the size of one giant one when close together.

All in all, I was happy with the dragons we claimed and added to the dungeon for me to summon later, but I still wanted more.

For starters, a dragon was only the first monster on my list of monsters to add to the dungeon, and that didn’t include multiple different types of dragons.

On top of that, I still felt like we were missing something. We needed something that would be really fun for any dungeon guests who loved big dragons and massive cocks.

And it just so turned out that perhaps the world was a world of conveniences as a rare, named dragon spawned in the distance.

Ravryn, Rage of the Mountainside, was his name. He was the largest dragon found in the region outside of the ones in the local dungeon, being about the size of a small house, and his body was absolutely ripped with muscles that bulged up against his scales. Not only that, but his head, wings, back, and tail were all covered in spikes, and his front feet were actually shaped more like hands that could easily grip things or be balled into fists.

He looked really, really badass.

And he also probably had an absurdly massive dick that might just end up being the largest one in the dungeon if I could tame him.

“Leave it to Master to see a scary dragon like that and have a perverted look on his face,” Akorya said.

“That—that is rather contradictory to the normal expression one should have when facing such a beast,” Meadow joined in.

As for me, I said, “That big guy up there is about to become Conqueror’s bodyguard.”


Had my Easter break last week in case anybody was wondering why there was no chapter. Hope everybody had a good week!

Also, just a reminder that if you ever really want to make sure I see a comment or anything, the best way to do so is by joining the Discord server! Honestly, I rarely ever read comments or reviews anymore for the sake of my mental health. I do reply to basically anything and everything on Discord, though, and can be found in the voice chat almost every single day. If you ever want to make sure I see something, the Discord server is the absolute best way to do so!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K.

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