Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 31]

While Akorya sat behind Lily, her legs wrapped around Lily’s torso and arms to keep her arms hugged against her side and unable to move, she sent me a message to fly up in front of Lily’s face. I had an idea where she was going with that, and my idea turned out to be right.

Akorya, still resting her chin on Lily’s shoulder, reached forward to gently grab me by my side with one of her hands. Meanwhile, her other hand gripped the shaft of my draconic length and aimed it down—aimed it toward Lily’s face. She had to hold me farther away to actually do so without my cock slapping Lily in the head, though, due to the sheer length of it.

Being in a tiny body with a huge cock was great.

More importantly, Akorya gave Lily’s chin a kiss and said, “Keep your eyes closed, but open your mouth.”

An excited but nervous smile curled Lily’s lips before she followed the order, parting her lips for Akorya.

“Nyehe, good girl. Now… stick your tongue out.”

Lily gulped and followed her next order, sticking her tongue out for Akorya. This meant Lily had closed eyes, parted lips, and an extended tongue all right in front of my cock, and the view of her face was a great one.

Then, while bringing my body closer with one hand while aiming my cock with her other hand, Akorya brought me close enough to Lily’s face to slide my cock right into her mouth. Lily never dared to open her eyes, of course, not that she needed to in order to know what was happening in the first place. She knew exactly what was happening and arched her back in a pleasurable response to it—well, she arched her back as much as she could with Akorya there keeping her in place with her legs.

Once my cock was inside of Lily’s mouth, Akorya was able to let go of it so that she could grab my other side instead, holding onto me with both of her hands. At the same time, she raised her shoulder up to place it behind Lily’s head to more or less keep her head in place while still getting to look around and watch what was happening in the front.

And with both of her hands holding me, it was easy for her to move me however she wanted.

Akorya started off with slowly bringing my body closer and closer to Lily’s face. Every inch closer to her face meant another inch deeper my cock was slid into her mouth. Though, Akorya didn’t let too much of my cock enter her at first. She wanted to take things nice and slow, apparently, by only ever letting a few inches in at a time before moving me backwards to leave only the tip of my cock inside Lily’s mouth.

“Nyehe, this is pretty fun,” Akorya said, smiling with a catlike grin as she began to pull my cock even deeper into Lily’s mouth. Though, as it became clear, Lily wasn’t too happy about the slow progress. She even tried to lean her head forward to get more of my cock into her mouth, but Akorya pushed me away again before Lily could be selfish. “Nu-uh. You have to be patient.”

Lily whined from around my cock.

“No amount of whining is going to help you,” Akorya cooed. “All you’re allowed to do is stay still and get used.”

Lily’s whining stopped as soon as she heard that. Instead, she moaned and gave Akorya a little nod.

If there was one thing that Lily loved, it was getting dominated, and Akorya was bringing out her dominant side for her.

Seeing Akorya act dominant made me want to train her to be even more dominant with Lily. I was going to have to show her the ropes sometime. For now, though, she was doing pretty good.

And then my body was pulled all the way forward until my underside was pressed up against Lily’s face, meaning my cock went from only the tip being inside of Lily’s mouth to most of the shaft being buried down her throat in an instant.

Akorya definitely needed some training to learn how to properly pace things when in control of a dick fucking another girl, but I wasn’t going to complain or criticize her. I mean, I was a tiny dragon with my dick shoved down my girlfriend’s throat. Lily was clearly loving it and I felt incredible, so of course I was going to enjoy it too much to critique while it was happening.

Though, if I did have to critique it, I would have told Akorya to tease Lily for a bit longer. She basically rewarded Lily with exactly what she wanted as soon as she agreed to obey and stay still. Her agreement needed to be tested first. Akorya should have gone even slower and put even less of my cock in her mouth for a minute or so just to test Lily and see how obedient she really was. She needed teased some more before being properly rewarded.

And if we were in real life… there were even bigger issues there seeing as how Akorya didn’t give Lily’s throat a chance to prepare or anything. Going straight from a couple inches in the mouth to stuffing the entire throat without any warning or build up wasn’t exactly a good idea. That was a good way to cause some less-than-pleasant things to happen in real life. Now sure, we were in a virtual game, but Akorya was brand new to this sort of thing. I doubted that was a concern which even crossed her mind. If we were in real life, I could easily imagine her suddenly shoving my cock down Lily’s throat all the same.

Now, at the same time…

Having Akorya push my cock down Lily’s throat like that without any warning made me want to do the exact same thing to Akorya in-game. Unfortunately, she wasn’t into being treated roughly, so my idea for revenge was likely going to be left as an idea and nothing more.

Akorya could dish out the rough treatment but not take it, apparently.

That aside, Akorya’s treatment of Lily only got even rougher as she began to move my body back and forth. Each time she brought me forward, she really pulled me up against Lily’s face to shove my cock as deep as it could go down her throat. Then each time she pushed me away, she only pushed me far back enough that the tip of my cock would be left at the entrance to Lily’s throat.

Fortunately, Akorya at least knew to take a break to ask if Lily was doing alright, albeit in a very teasing way. That part was great.

“Nyehe… I wonder if I should keep going.” Akorya gave Lily’s ear a little nibble. “Maybe I should stop?”

Lily, remaining still to the best of her ability since she was ordered to, could only whine in response to that.

“What’s that? I can’t tell what you’re saying, nyehehe.”

Lily whimpered even more. She was clearly whimpering and whining in a way that made her sound like she desperately wanted Akorya to continue, but Akorya was having fun playing stupid.

“I guess you want me to stop.” Akorya began to slide my cock even farther out of Lily’s mouth, and that caused Lily to suck onto my cock with as much force as she could as if trying to stop me from slipping out of her mouth. I even felt her tongue try to wrap around the shaft, but her tongue wasn’t long nor flexible enough for that. “Hmm… I have an idea. If you want Master’s cock so badly… then you should be able to cum just from sucking on it like this, right? Nyehe. So, do it. Cum just from sucking Master’s cock and I’ll let you—”

I wasn’t surprised at all, but Akorya, for some reason, looked surprised as her eyes went wide from the fact that Lily almost immediately came on the spot. She didn’t even have to do anything else. She was already so horny and close just from the previous treatment that all she needed told was to cum, and that order alone was enough to send her over the edge.

And even during the peak of her orgasm, Lily still tried her best to stay still, though the full-body trembling made that difficult for her.

As for Akorya, she looked at Lily, looked at me, and then shrugged before shoving my cock back down Lily’s throat, causing Lily to immediately follow up with another orgasm which really made it impossible for her body to stay still at that point. Akorya had to tighten her legs around Lily’s arm and torso even more to try and keep her still.

What came next was something that… while it objectively felt incredible, was kind of nauseating for me in a strange way similar to the feeling of motion sickness.

Akorya took up a consistent rhythm of using me to fuck Lily’s face as fast as she could move me. My body was getting pushed and pulled back and forth over and over again, uncomfortably fast, and the rhythm that she was using wasn’t steady enough for me to accurately predict and prepare for each movement. This meant that my head kept on getting jerked around and… I probably looked pretty stupid. Akorya didn’t seem to mind at all, though, and Lily had her eyes closed and wouldn’t be able to see anyways, so I was just being used as a toy while my head kept getting jerked around.

But thanks to how roughly I was being moved around, it didn’t take much more than that for me to cum, and Lily was in the same boat. Though, it was seeing and hearing Lily cum again that pushed me over the edge and brought out my seed, sending it shooting down Lily’s throat as she trembled from her own orgasm. Feeling my own orgasm inside of her only further intensified her own pleasure if the shaking of her body was anything to go by.

And I had to admit that the high-pitched squealing noise that came out of my draconic mouth was pretty cute. It was adorable, even. Not arousing in the slightest, but still cute.

That aside, Akorya realized we both finished and finally calmed down with my body, letting me slip my cock out from Lily’s mouth before setting me down on top of Lily’s thighs.

I didn’t even have to do anything myself yet I still felt exhausted.

“Nyehe, that was fun,” Akorya said, petting the top of my body with one hand while her other hand petted the top of Lily’s head. “I always forget just how easily you can cum, Lily.”

As for Lily, she asked, “Can… can I move and open my eyes now?”

“Oh, yeah.” Akorya sounded surprised again as if she wasn’t expecting Lily to need permission for those. She really did underestimate just how submissive and obedient Lily could be.

“Thank you, mon ange,” Lily said, followed by a sigh as she opened her eyes and relaxed backward against Akorya. “That was… good. Very good.”

“I’m glad! I have to be honest, I didn’t really know what I was doing, so I probably need some tips on how to improve. Master can teach me how to properly dom you later. Speaking of Master… how much time do you have left as the dragon?”

I checked the transformation effect and saw that I only had under a minute left, so I flew over to my actual avatar’s lap, sat down on it, and then ended the transformation about ten seconds early. “That’s how much time,” I then answered. “Should I go again?”

“I think Lily’s good, plus I had enough fun from that.”

“You sure?”

Akorya nodded gave me a little thumbs-up before using both hands to pamper the tired Lily. “I’m sure! Don’t have to cum to have fun! Hey, that rhymes.”

“Wait, does it? Cum… fun… I’m not sure if those actually rhyme or not. They sound pretty close when you say them together like that, but the more I think about it…” I tried saying both words again while placing extra emphasis on the end of them. “Cum. Fun. Um versus un. I… don’t think they rhyme.”

“They totally do! Cum and fun! There’s no way those don’t rhyme.”

“I’m not an expert on whether words rhyme or not, but my gut feeling tells me that they don’t rhyme.”

“Well, your gut is wrong. Aren’t I right, Lily? Cum and fun totally rhyme, right?”

Lily looked too satisfied to think about it properly, so all she did was say, “I can barely even speak English properly, so… I don’t know.”

“Eh? Come on, you’re like, a pro at English. You were already really good when we met, and now you’re way better. Also, if you agree with me, I’ll give you a kiss.”

Lily smiled and said, “Then, they rhyme!”

“Nyehehe. I knew it.” Akorya placed a kiss on Lily’s lips before turning to look at me with a smug smile. “See? Told you. It’s two against one.”

“I’m pretty sure whether or not something rhymes isn’t something that can be democratically voted on, but I’ll take your side if I also get a kiss.”


With that, I let the small dragon off of my lap, causing him to idly hover in the air, and walked over to get my kiss from Akorya. Once I had it, I had no choice but to uphold my end of the deal. “Alright. Cum and fun rhyme.” I was still pretty sure they didn’t, but I wasn’t going to argue about it if it meant getting kisses.

“Nyeehee. I’m—”

“Nyeehee?” I asked. “That’s a new one. It sounds… extremely smug.”

“That’s the point, nyeehee. Anyways! This is proof I’m the smartest person ever and the ruler of rhymes.”

“Is that so? What rhymes with ‘orange’ then?”

“Blorenge and sporange!”

I blinked a couple of times. “Are those—are those even words?”

“Blorenge is a mountain, and sporange is a thing that spores get made in!”

I narrowed my eyes at her, but her smug confidence told me that she was telling the truth. “You looked up what rhymes with orange before, didn’t you?”

“Yep! My parents got into an argument before about whether or not door hinge rhymes with orange, so I looked it up, and then I found out about Blorenge and sporange.”

“I feel like that’s cheating… but I can’t say they’re wrong. Alright, ruler of rhymes.”

“Nyeeheehee. I should be a rapper with how great I am at rhyming.”

“I… absolutely want to see you rapping while playing the piano.”

Lily nodded and said, “Me too!”

And with that, Akorya leaned back and scratched her cheek. “I—I uh… don’t know about all that. But I kinda want to try. So… I’ll try, but no promises. And don’t expect to ever see or hear about my attempt at it.”

Something potentially great was just born from a random discussion over whether or not fun and cum rhymed.

And also… I noticed that the door to our room was cracked, and that there was just a barely visible spider leg poking out from behind it. And as soon as I noticed the leg, it got pulled back behind the door as its owner must have run off to hide.

Apparently, we had a voyeuristic spider in our midst.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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