Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 32]

While Lily and Akorya cuddled on the bed, I went out in search of the one who was spying on us.

Of course, I also cuddled with them on the bed for a few minutes at first. I wasn’t going to not cuddle my girlfriends after getting lewd with them. It was only after I cuddled them to the point of satisfaction that I left them.

There were few things as important as post-sex cuddling. But really, that could be extended to just saying that there were few things as important as aftercare. That was something many people, especially aspirant dominants, failed to consider. Yes, treating your partner like they’re absolute garbage whose only worth in life is to be a living cum dumpster unworthy of human rights is great stuff. Choking them, smacking them, pushing them down and fucking them until they can’t move to remind them of their place—all fun and wholesome.


After doing all that, you’re still supposed to pamper the ever-living fuck out of them. Cuddle them, wrap them up in blankets, let them sip on some hot chocolate while petting their head, call them a good girl or boy to make them feel loved and appreciated so that they can know how important they are to you—that sort of stuff. Fun and lewd.

Because clearly, treating somebody like they’re garbage while fucking them is wholesome, and treating them like they’re a good little stuffed animal is lewd.

Actually, referring to them as a stuffed animal probably is lewd.

Treating them like a good little puppy?

No, that’s also unironically lewd.

Phrasing was a strong enemy to go up against. Perhaps a foe too strong even for I.

That aside, I went to go and check on our spy.

Now, considering that our spy would have been able to know where I was at all times pretty much, hiding from me wasn’t going to be difficult for her. But considering that she was a bit visible before, I had to assume that she wanted to be caught since perfectly hiding herself would have been easy.

And considering that I saw a leg of hers sticking out from behind a corner as soon as I stepped outside of the master bedroom, it was even more obvious that she wanted caught.

So, we played a little game. I kept on walking up to wherever I last saw one of her legs sticking out of hiding, and then I’d look around until I saw where her leg was the next time. This game eventually led me through Lephacoda’s room, where I gave him a high-five by slapping my hand against one of his tentacles, and into the room behind his.

The dungeon core room.

It was a room that… admittedly, I basically didn’t touch ever since first setting it up. There was no need to. The only reason that the room existed was to be a “victory” room of sorts for any potential invaders. Getting through Lephacoda and destroying the dungeon core was the entire point of the dungeon core existing. Doing so would destroy the dungeon and free up the building location for anybody else to build their own base or dungeon here instead.

And standing on the floor in front of the pedestal that hosted the dungeon’s core was none other than the spy I was pursuing Meadow. Surely enough, she was in her arachne form. The size of a large spider overall, but with the upper body of a human girl.

Well, she was a combination of different things now.

Her lower half was still basically that of a spider. Or rather, where a spider’s head would normally be, the bottom of her human half began. And it actually began with some thighs stuck close together, meaning that she still had a human crotch and genitalia, followed by her torso. However, when it came to her head, she went more elf than arachne. Thera had multiple sets of eyes as a proper arachne, but Meadow only had two eyes and then long, elven ears similar to the ones I gave her avatar.

Her hairstyle also matched the long, elf-like style that I gave her avatar, so she must have wanted to fuse her original arachne form with her elven avatar form.

I wasn’t sure how that was possible considering no such race existed in the game, but she pulled it off and looked pretty adorable in doing so. More importantly, she was also blushing and looked pretty embarrassed.

“Didn’t I talk to you before about getting consent to be a voyeur?” I asked, mainly just intending to tease her since I already had a good feeling about what her answer would be.

“Bu-but… didn’t you all already consent to me watching before? I—I thought you did. Does… that no longer apply?” Meadow asked, surely enough proving my assumption right.

“It does. I just wanted to tease you. Well, wait. It depends on the person and relationship you have with them, really. You can’t always assume that just because somebody consented before means that they’re still consenting. There are plenty of cases where somebody’s consent only applies in the moment, and just because they make it sound like you’ll always have consent doesn’t mean you actually will. For example, if you tell me that I can fuck you whenever I want without having to ask, you would probably get pretty upset with me if I try to fuck you while you’re in the middle of having a serious conversation with somebody, or if you’re feeling sick or depressed. Or maybe we have an argument and you get mad at me and don’t want to talk to me, but I try to fuck you. It doesn’t matter if you told me before that I can fuck you whenever I want, I, and any person with a functional brain, should assume that the consent has been revoked in those cases.”

“Consent… is confusing. But… how are you supposed to know exactly when somebody revokes their consent if it was previously given?”

“Common sense.”

“But… not everybody has the same sense of common sense!”

“Unfortunately, it’s just something you have to… kind of hope for the best for. Either that, or you go the obviously superior and obvious route of asking, ‘Hey, can I do X?’ Basically, relying on standing consent is always an issue that requires a ton of trust in each other and a shared ideal of common sense. If you want to actually be careful, all you do is for consent again whenever doing anything that typically requires consent.”

“So… should—should I ask for consent when I… want to watch?”

“If you want to. But with us, you don’t have to. I just wanted to tease you.”

Meadow looked more confused the longer I talked for, almost looking confused to the point of being dizzy.

That made for an adorable sight.

“Did you enjoy the show?” I asked.

And just like that, she was back to looking flustered. With reddened cheeks, Meadow turned her head and tapped her fingers together. “I… I might have.”

“You should try masturbating while watching next time. They would make it even more enjoyable.”

She snapped her head forward to look up at me and clearly struggled to find the words to say before shouting, “But—but that would—that would be inappropriate!”

“You’re already watching other people have sex, how is that any more inappropriate? The whole point of watching others is to get off to it.”

“It—it just… sounds even more inappropriate than only watching…”

“And? Embrace it. Besides, we’d probably all find it hot to know that you’re watching and touching yourself to us. Of course, you could also just join in.”

Meadow covered up her face and mumbled something incoherent. She was honestly adorable. Part of me wanted to train her to embrace her lewd side rather than to shy away from fully embracing it, but the other part of me wanted her to stay exactly how she was so that I could continue enjoying the contrast.

Then, looking down at her tiny body, I had an idea.

“You didn’t cum while watching, did you?” I asked.

Meadow uncovered enough of her face to show me her eyes as she shook her head from side to side.

“Want to?”

She took a step back as if she was shocked by my question, covered up her face entirely again… and nodded.

She was a girl of many mixed feelings.

More importantly, I knew that she wanted to cum. So, I picked her body up with one hand while pulling my pants down enough to let my cock out with the other hand. The next time she uncovered her eyes, she’d see my cock absolutely towering over her miniature form.

Now, fucking her in her current form was probably going to be a bit difficult. She was already as tiny as she was, and then her thighs being stuck so closely together would make penetrating her even more difficult. Then there was her spider half to work with.

I could have asked her to just transform again and remove the spider half, but where was the fun in that?

Instead, I bent her. I kept her human half upright and carefully bent her lower half until she would feel her spider abdomen pressing up against her back, her legs sticking out behind her rather than below her. Fortunately, she was flexible enough for that. This also bent her thighs back enough to make it so that her crotch was at the lowest point, making it far easier for me to penetrate her.

I felt like I was holding onto a sex toy.

And in a strange way, with how my hand was holding her body—my thumb rested against her abdomen while the rest of my fingers went behind her, holding her by the underside of her spider abdomen. This resulted in some of her legs going between my fingers, so it almost felt like I was holding hands with her while gripping her entire body.

All I could think about was what a trooper she was.

Normally, that was going to be when I expected a tiny partner to talk about how something wasn’t going to fit, or be anxious, or anything else.

But perhaps it was because she was an AI connected to the game’s programming that she knew it would be perfectly fine and thus nothing to worry about despite the fact that the tip of my cock was bigger than her head.

I also realized something.

Even though I was just trying to teach her about consent, I didn’t actually ask for it. Sure, I was going off of her body language and the fact that she wasn’t saying no, but she never consented to me actually just picking her up and fucking her.

Did she consent? I had full faith in having her consent.

But I didn’t technically have it.

“I wonder if I should just rub against you or actually fuck you,” I told her.

That wasn’t technically asking for consent, but the implied consent was more than good enough as long as she replied to that with a preference for one or the other.

“Why… why not both?” Meadow replied.

And with that, I had consent.

I brought her closer to my cock until I was pressing her up against the underside of it, causing her to let out a small gasp as her body twitched against my length. Then, to make her twitch even more, I raised one of my fingers up to the side of her head to brush it up against her ear, causing her to tremble even more as I slowly slid her body up my cock toward the tip.

Now, something that not many people thought about was how unrealistically easy it was for cocks to rub against things in-game. Meaning, without any sort of lubricant, cocks were able to slide against surfaces as if they were lubed up.

Titfucks in real life, for example, typically required a bit of lube to help things go. In real life, rubbing against something textured without any lube was going to be a bit uncomfortable if not potentially painful. Not to mention it just wouldn’t be as easy as it would be if there was lube involved. Rubbing something textured against something textured, such as skin against skin, was doable, but superior when lubricated.

But in-game? No lube was required at all. The physics just weren’t there to make it potentially uncomfortable. A cock was able to slide between a pair of un-lubricated tits as easily as it could between a pair of lubricated tits, and rubbing against a tiny fairy-tier body was the same.

Though, it didn’t take long for some lube to get involved in the form of precum. After grinding my cock against Meadow’s body for a few strokes, enough precum began to slide down along the underside of my length that it effectively coated the front of her body with it.

Then I thought of something that would look really cute in a very lewd way.

“Hey,” I said, “wrap your arms around it. And press the side of your face against it.”

Meadow was still pretty embarrassed and looked almost hesitant to comply, but she did, wrapping her tiny arms around my length to the best of her ability and being unable to fully wrap them around its girth before pressing the side of her face up against it. With blush coloring her cheeks and one cheek smushed up toward her eye due to being pressed against my cock, she looked up at me with aroused but nervous eyes.

And the sight was as great as I thought it would be. So, to reward her, I made sure to play with her ear a bit more before sliding her farther up my cock. And this time, rather than slide her back down, I slid her up higher and higher until she left my cock entirely, instead holding her right above the throbbing tip.

“Do you want it?” I asked her. Though I wasn’t specific, the meaning of the question should have been obvious.

And Meadow nodded in response.

Seeing just how flustered she was… I couldn’t resist teasing her a bit more. “Then prove it,” I ordered.

Biting her lower lip, Meadow lowered one hand down to her crotch and slowly spread apart her lips for me, showing just how wet she was as some of her juices dripped down onto my cock. “Pl-please… don’t make me wait any longer.”

“Then I won’t,” I said with a smile before pressing her down onto the tip of my cock.

Now, even in my human form in-game, my cock was still massive. Because of course I was going to make my dick huge even as a human. But with Meadow, even a small dick would be massive given the tiny size of her body. Even a micro penis would probably be too big to realistically fit inside of her.

But we didn’t care about realism in the game.

That was why, despite the tip literally being bigger than her head and the girth being wider than her body, I was able to push my cock into her without much issue.

Meadow’s eyes rolled back as soon as she felt my tip penetrate her, and I didn’t stop there. I kept on sliding more and more of my length into her until the tip of my cock basically filled her entire womb and proceeded to bulge it out up to her face. Then just a couple more inches meant that my cock bulged her womb out to over her head.

Unfortunately, that meant I couldn’t see her face anymore, and I wanted to watch her reactions. So, I lifted her body back up until I could see her face again… and she looked totally broken already. Her body was twitching in my hand, her eyes unable to focus on anything, and drool dripped down the side of her tilted face.

I was actually kind of worried for her.

But then she weakly lifted her hands up to hug my sheathed shaft, basically hugging herself in the process, and moved her arms up and down a little as if trying to stroke my length inside of her.

She wanted more.

And I was happy to give her more.

It was the only way for her to tell me at the moment that she wanted me to keep going, so that was exactly what I did. I properly fucked her—or rather, I jacked off with her. I was basically just moving my hand up and down as if I was jacking off with a toy, her body being the toy. I didn’t get anywhere close to burying my entire length in her, but I did at least bulge her womb out to the point where it reached a few inches over her head each time before I lifted her back up. This meant I only got a glimpse of her face every now and then, and the expression she wore was never anything but one of pure pleasure as I fucked her miniscule body.

It didn’t take long for me to cum like that.

And when I did cum… she inflated up real quickly. My cock was above her head when I started cumming, and I filled her up like a balloon with water when it began. It created an even bigger bulge as it inflated her womb, and that caused a part of her inflated womb to basically flop onto the top of her head with just how heavy it was getting from all seed filling it.

By the time I lifted her off my cock, her womb had been inflated to the point where it was bigger than the rest of her torso, her small breasts not even visible behind her abdomen, and the rest of my cum shot out onto her to paint her from head to crotch with my seed.

My fingers couldn’t even fully wrap around her anymore with how much cum was in her.

As for Meadow herself, an occasional mumble left her lips, but most of her communication came in the form of her body mindlessly and pleasurably twitching as she went completely limp within my hand.

“Well,” I said, “I have to say, I wasn’t expecting this to happen… but I’m happy that it did.”

I looked down at her inflated body and felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. AAA gaming companies wanting to push loot boxes onto people could only dream of making me feel as proud and satisfied as I did in that moment.

And then I heard a whistle.

When I turned my head to see who it was, I saw Akorya and Lily peeking their heads into the room from behind the entrance.

“Is everybody in here a voyeur?” I asked, causing Akorya to nod while Lily was too lost in arousal after what she saw. She was even drooling a little.

Akorya must have been the whistler then.

“Hey, Master,” Akorya said, “can we shrink Lily down to that size? I want you to inflate her, and then I wanna play with her while she’s all inflated and stuff. I mean… I kinda want to with Meadow, but I don’t know if she’s appreciate me poking her belly and playing with it and stuff.”

“Remember that potion I used to grow huge?” I asked.

Akorya nodded.

“Well, obviously, if there are potions for that, there are potions for the opposite.”

Excitement filled Lily’s eyes as she drooled even more.

It was foolish of me to think that anything else was going to get done in the day when I had girlfriends and a voyeuristic spider-elf miniature girl to do lewd things with.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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