Ersia: Raven Dawn

La Muse

"Do we have to jump through the window? Can you help me, Lily? I mean, you can give me a boost up or something."

"Oi, Theo. Get inside and open the door now."

Viena was ready to climb up the window, though it wouldn't be as cool and smooth as Theo had before. However, Lisabelle wouldn't let her and she asked Theo to climb back and unlock the door from the inside. The boy wanted to talk back, but he knows well that getting Lisabelle pissed off is never a good idea. Thus, he did so silently.

"You're telling me that she's your sister? Seriously, who are you trying to fool, Bel?" Theo sneered as he opened the door.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean with 'what do you mean'? Just look at her! No bear-like arms, no killer's gaze, and small as a red squirrel. She's nowhere near as bad as you are."

*Bhug* Lisabelle gives Theo a quick body blow and he is instantly crouching on the ground, holding his stomach.

"Y-You witch!"

"Serves you right, asshole."

After the uncommon welcome, Lisabelle and Viena entered the house. Inside, there are lots of paper and posters stamped all over the wall, threads were pulled between some boards, and hammocks crisscrossing up high onto the ceiling. It's like a treasure cove for Viena. Her eyes are captivated as her body moves on its own, especially by the huge mosaic painting of a knightess hanging in the middle of the room and the big writing under it. The text seems to be the name of the place given by Lisabelle and her friends.

"Welcome to La Muse," Theo smirks.

"Well, what do you think, Vivi? Pretty cool, isn't it?"

Viena kept silent and stepped to the middle of the room. She spreads her arms wide as she is spinning around, and even starts to hop on her little feet.

"This is awesome! Super awesome! It's like a secret base!"

"That's funny, kid. It is indeed a secret base," Theo sneered.

"Do you like the painting? It's my masterpiece!"

Theo gave Lisabelle a questioning look as soon as she said that.

"Your masterpiece? Nice joke, clown. You only did the text."

Lisabelle smacked Theo's head before standing straight again with her arms akimbo.

"Uhm, I mean someone-not-so-important's unremarkable piece of work, as per my request, added with my magnificently beautifying writings!"

Viena laughs seeing the two of them being so close with each other. Yet, the question that pops out on her head is; Who is the woman in the painting is this, that Lisabelle seems to admire so much? It's quite surprising for her to know that even Lisabelle has someone to look up to, given the haughty air she always exudes.

"Who is this lady?"

"Oh, you don't know? This is the first queen of this country, Queen Fionalda, A warrior-queen to be more precise! And you know what, it's said when she was . . . ."

Then, Lisabelle keeps her mouth running so fast that Viena is overloaded with information. As for Theo, he covers his ears and clicks his tongue.

"There you go. You shouldn't have asked, little sister. Now she keeps yapping like a bitch tending to their customers."

Upon hearing that, Lisabelle struck Theo, but this time he had predicted it coming and was ready. Soon, the two start to fight again, and since Viena can't do anything about it, she is off to look around for more instead, leaving the other two to their own caprices.

"So many gears and gems! And what are these weird tools for?" Viena rummaged through the scattered stuff on the floor.

Suddenly, Viena got tackled by someone, and her body was turned around 360 degrees so fast that she couldn't even have the time to comprehend what just happened. She was slammed into one of the hammocks and got spun over and over until she felt like falling and flying at the same time.

"Gino! Gina! Stop!" Lisabelle yelled.

Only by then, did the spinning of the hammock stop before reversing the other way to make it as it was. Viena's head pops out from the hammock, looking queasy. Again, someone put her head down and gently rubbed the back of her neck, and the other put a bucket below her.

"Y-You crazy – Blegh!"

Viena threw up from all the sudden spinning. Lisabelle smacked the head of the two before grabbing the back of Viena's collar and taking her off the hammock.

"I know your tools are precious, but can you at least hold yourselves a little?"

"Sorry, Boss."

"Sorry, Boss."

Viena grumbled for a while, fretful about how she almost threw up all of her lunch. Lisabelle laughs it off saying that half of it was her fault for being so unwary. Later on, they make up and Lisabelle introduces the three to each other.

"This is Gino and Gina. They are our . . . uh . . . tinkers?"

"With an H!" Gino cuts in.

"Without an H is also true!" Gina also follows.

"-Ugh, whatever. Anyway, usually they helped out Old Baretti at his workshop."

"The blacksmith Theo just mentioned?" Viena tilts her head.

"Yes, that's correct. But I guess these two always find a way to slack off from time to time."

"Hey! We're not slacking off! We're just taking a break!" Gina replied.

"Besides, there are lots of guards nowadays. Do you know how hard it is to work while taking a glance around every few minutes?!" Gino replied.

"Alright-alright. I understand it wouldn't end up too pretty if you both were to get caught."

Viena's face says everything about her curiosity. Gino then explained to her that they were illegal immigrants from Zantessa. War orphans fleeing the warzone between Varnaria and Aramia, and ended up being taken as apprentices by a master blacksmith, Lorenzo Baretti.

"So, what about you, new kid?" Gino asks.

"My name is Viena! I traveled around with my Papa. He is a medevist, and I often helped him treat his patients. For now, we've been staying with Lily since days ago!"

"So, you and your daddy are adventurers? That's cool!"

They talk with each other and play around for an hour. Gino and Gina showed Viena their makeshift crossbow, slings, as well as mining tools prototype. Viena has never seen so much manifested creativity and takes her time to try all of them.

Her favorite is Gina's old jumping pogo stick.

"Wow, you're not bad, kid! But still nowhere near me! Try this trick!"


Viena laughs out loud as she is jumping all over the place. She even went out of the house and played on the street where she had been feeling anxious not long ago. Her exhilarated face brings joy to whoever sees her.

"Wow, I thought that toy was busted since it's too small for me and won't launch as high as it used to be. But I think the problem was me after all," Gina raised her shoulders.

Suddenly, Theo calls for everyone. The one he's waiting for has come. It's a pigeon. As it lands on Theo's hand, the flapping of its wings turns everyone's attention to it. Even Viena stopped humping on her pogo stick.

"Eddie is here. Get in, all of you. You can play again later if you want," Theo gestured before returning inside the house.

". . . Eddie?" Viena looks confused.

"It's the bird, Theo named him. A Royal Quindor pigeon that is also known as the 'Black Agent' for obvious reasons," Lisabelle hinting at the bird's deep jet-black color.

After they followed him inside, Theo walked to the table which he had prepared beforehand while everyone was playing. He gives Eddie water and food as he detaches the message from the canister on its right leg.

"12 flags, 9 sports, 41 Events, 40 days, and . . . . The Hero's Sword?"

". . . ."

". . . ."



Everyone except Viena is screaming and bouncing with enthusiasm. She can't relate but she can tell that she should wait for them to be finished before asking. Only when Lisabelle turns to Viena to share the spirit, does she notice that the youngest one seems to be disconnected from all the jubilation.

"Hm. That's definitely a lack of reaction if I've ever seen one. You don't seem surprised or anything, Vi. You knew about this?" Theo questioned.

"O-Oh, it's nothing. I'm just . . . I don't understand. What do you mean with The Hero's Sword?"

"Huh? You don't know the Great Hero, Vivi?" Gino asked.

Vivi shook her head, and Theo who had been listening found it weird.

"You said you are traveling with your father, but you don't know the story of the Heroes of Ersia? Really?"

"I asked him once, but he said they are just a plain tasteless fairy tale that won't help me get through with my life in any way. That's why I don't get why you're all so excited. Is it really anything special?"

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