Ersia: Raven Dawn

Way to The Base

After their encounter with Theo, Viena and Lisabelle live rather peacefully for two whole weeks. In the morning, an official mail courier will visit the house. He is to give Lisabelle homework and assignments given by the academy lecturers as a part of the court decision to uphold Lisabelle's right to education. The girl would then provide the past assignments to the courier, and he would take them to the lecturers to be scored.

As per her routine, Lisabelle has only free time after ten in the morning. It is to be considered a breakneck pace of work, given that she has to find references in the local library and even conduct experiments and practice using whatever she can since she can no longer use the academy facilities. Yet, she never complained, because she would do it all over again given any chance.

During her free time, Lisabelle often teaches Viena many things. They spent more than three hours a day just reading before doing anything else like tending to the flowers or simply playing catch-and-run. After a week, Viena could read three simple long paragraphs without mistake, and Lisabelle, though she doesn't show it that much, is overjoyed to the point that she cuts her old but pretty dresses to repurpose them as fabrics for a long skirt she is making for Viena.

It's not only Viena and her grandmother whom Lisabelle is taking care of, but also the others. In the very early morning, even before Viena awakes, she sometimes brews a cup of tea for Randia before he gets off to work. She either did it to show her gratitude for bringing her a sister she never had, or to make him reluctant and forever abandon the idea to leave and start another journey.

Lisabelle didn't neglect the two knights guarding her house either. She is set to keep a friendly and warm relationship with both Gwen and Alan. On the fourth day of her house arrest, she took the trouble to knit a handkerchief for Allan because he has been having a hard time with his pollen allergy since the garden turned full bloom. As for Gwen, they quickly become friends when they talk about fashion and aesthetics.

"Say, Gwen. Can I play with Viena in the town for once in a while? Being stuck in the house for too long is starting to get on me."

"Hmm . . . That's quite a stretch if I must say."

"Well, it's been two weeks. I kinda understand what you are saying," Alan interjected.

"Are you sure, Alan? Wouldn't it be bad if someone caught your face?"

"Why are you worrying about that now? You have quite literally taken them on a stroll on our very first day here."

"T-That is just because it was essential!" Gwen looked away, embarrassed.

Alan and Lisabelle looked at each other. The man sighed and the girl chuckled.

"No, it wasn't. What are you even babbling about?"

"No, it wasn't, really. But thank you for that."

In the end, Gwen couldn't say no to her request. However, she insisted that the two could go only if they brought Alan with them. Also, additionally, they have to be at home at five at the latest. Lisabelle agreed and then went back inside to make her preparations as if she were going on a full picnic. She brings slices of bread, two small clay pots filled with jam and sauerkraut, meat pies, and fruits.

After everything is set, the three of them take their leave.


"Come to think of it, where are we going exactly?" Alan asked.

"The seventh district. Somewhere around the Old Armory."

"I see. That is technically still among the merchants' quarter. Why there, though? There are lots of better places for kids to play."

"I have some decent friends there. They are worried."

Not long after, the three arrived at their destination.

The place lies way deep into the alley that is as soundless as a dead winter, and it makes Viena wary of the unfamiliar surroundings. She snuck in the middle of Lisabelle and Alan as if trying to cover herself with two practical meatshields. Lisabelle notices that Viena is feeling uneasy and grabs her by the hand.

"Darn. I lived for more than two decades in the city, but I don't think I've ever been to this part yet. Not after Delilah's Treason."

Suddenly, an extremely loud sneezing sound echoes all over the empty street and it startles not only Viena but also Alan. The man was so ready to unsheathe his sword, while Lisabelle let out a laugh instead.

"Ahahah. Shit, that never fails."

"What the hell was that?!" Alan canceled his fighting stance.

"That was Old Gugu. He always sneezes that loud at least four times a day."

Then, suddenly Lisabelle realized that Viena was gone in an instant. She immediately turns around to look around her. There, she found Viena hiding inside an old wooden cart that was parked at the side of the road. The little girl perfectly fit and concealed, however, it was her bunny ears that gave away.

"What's wrong, midget? Come here. There's nothing to be - No, more importantly, how can you be so fast to get in there?"

"T-That was so scary. He sounded like a lion!"

"Have you actually met a lion though?"

Viena jumped from the cart and quickly walked to Lisabelle's side.

"No. But if they are no louder than that, then maybe I can take them on!"

Lisabelle laughed and took Viena's hand again.

"Get bigger than me first, then you can talk the talk. Anyway, rest assured; I've been here many times. This place may feel unsettling as much as it is deserted. Yet, there's nothing here but war veterans and old men counting the rest of their days. It's fairly a safe place."

"If you say so . . . ."

They went even deeper into the alley, and it finally came to Viena's vision. It's quite a big run-down house in a corner of a T-junction. The house jogs her memory of her old shack. Although it was only a few months ago, that grey, solitary life feels so distant to her now. She grabbed Lisabelle's hand tighter and smiled anxiously. It's nearly impossible to let go of everything that happened to her, but at least, the life she is living right now is so much more than she could ever ask, and she won't let it go just as she won't let go of Lisabelle's hand.

Viena immediately wipes her tears, but Lisabelle has already found out. She grabs Viena's head with one hand and turns it towards herself.

"What? Why are you crying?"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"NO, I'M NOT!"

Lisabelle tried to clean Viena's nose with the edge of her cloak, but she refused and looked away. Lisabelle sighed and clicked her tongue. Then, she wraps her hand over Viena's shoulder and pulls her closer.

"Don't be a scaredy cat. There's nothing to be afraid of when you're with me. I'll protect you," said Lisabelle with a brittle voice and a slightly reddened face.

"Hehe. You trying to act cool looks so lame and corny, Lily."

"What?! Why you - little brat! Maybe we should've just left you by yourself and see how much you are going to wet yourself!"

The embarrassed Lisabelle pushed his knuckles on Viena's forehead multiple times as they were kidding around. However, she was caught off guard when Viena suddenly hugged her.

"Then, that's a promise."

". . . . Hmph. Of course. I don't just talk the talk, I always do the talk," Lisabelle flaunts her platinum-ashen hair.

Not so long after, the three of them saw a young boy coming out from the inside. He comes out not from the door, but he jumps out from the window next to it instead.

"Yo, Bel."

"Here I am. Just as promised."

"Yeah, but you never said a knight will be with you. How's your day, Sir? Pardon the stinky place."

Theo gives Alan a half salute to Alan. It isn't clear whether it was an insult or he was just simply too lazy to clear. Either way, Alan took it lightheartedly and raised quick brows while smiling.

"Just doing my job, kid. Do what you need to do."

"Ha! At least you're a cool guy. Tell you what, Sir, I mean no disrespect, but your belt looked nasty. Slightly rusty, a lot of bad crook, dull color, and - do I have to continue?"


"And the hilt of your sword, it's loose, isn't it?"

"How do you-?!"

"Man. When was the last time you took care of your gear properly?"

"Err . . . around 10 months ago?"

Theo lets out a breath that is full of mocking disappointment.

"Alright, so why don't you take your stuff and get it fixed? There's a super good -but slightly grumpy- old forge master just down that way. He goes by the name Lorenzo. Lorenzo Baretti."

Alan rubs his beardless chin and then takes closer steps towards Theo. He then crouched with his arms akimbo, staring at Theo's face as if investigating something.

"Hey boy, are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Yeah, coz your muscles are too big for the base! It's for the young bones only!"

With his plan to rub Alan's ego underway, the knight doesn't seem to budge. Lisabelle can sense that Theo is getting a little bit nervous. She then stroked the side of her hair while letting out a breath just like what Theo did.

"Just tag me with your spell, Alan. It's not like we're going run anywhere anyway . . . ," Lisabelle rolled her eyes while flinging her necklace that seemed to be embedded with a certain black gem given by the knight's order before she was released from the rehabilitation center.

Theo rides the momentum by also raising quick brows.

"The place that I told you is near. It will only barely take five minutes for you to come back here - two or even one maybe, if you run."




"Well, what can I say, eh? You kids are pretty good nowadays. Very well, I'll do just that. Go and have fun, fellas."

Alan takes it up on Theo. He cast a spell on Lisabelle's necklace and it turns bright red before he leaves for the downtown. Finally, the young ones are by themselves again. Viena lets out a relief, just like everybody else. They then talked and laughed about what just happened. Lisabelle compliments Theo, saying that he has gotten better since the last time she saw him.

"Aight, fellas. Now that the dog's gone, let's get your asses inside."

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