Ersia: Raven Dawn

Perianthes Struggle

[Monda - Royal Secondary Academy of Fleurein]

Bell for lunch break is ringing. Lisabelle collects her bag and is on her way to the canteen. She is all alone despite the glittering half-cape that resembles fluttering white jasmines, and she knows that it's the exact same thing that puts her in such a situation.

Two years ago, when she was just a freshman, things were much livelier. However, now. even flies wouldn't dare to say hi to her. The reason for this turn of events is no other than her fellow Perianthes. Rudd Donovan, the second son of Marquis of Grassit, and Lucas Fortez, the first son of the biggest exploration guild owner in Rosmayne.

As soon as she gets her meal of the day from the old dinner lady, she picks a table to sit at. Thanks to the social isolation treatment she received from her rivals, it's quite easy for her to get a space for herself. Anywhere she sits, those around them will move away. She never pays any mind to such an antique, and to whoever makes her pay her mind, she makes sure to make it memorable for them.

The treatment goes a year back, during the start of the fourth semester, and it starts with coercion. Through an indirect approach, the other Perianthes would send some people, even upperclassmen, to 'educate' Lisabelle in certain desolate corners of the academy. It takes three months and dozens of hospitalized students to make them realize that the hard way could never work on Lisabelle.

After numerous failed attempts, they devised a more cunning way to shake Lisabelle off her grade and school life. They bring misery to anyone trying to get close to her. The bullying gets harder and harder every single day. Her friends' bags and shoes are pranked, and at one point, they even carry out the business outside the academy grounds. Due to the unending harsh pressure, one by one, people maintained their distance from her, leaving her with nothing but her books and the gymnasium equipment which she always practiced with after school.

When Lisabelle enjoys her lunch, sometimes, her eyes meet with people she used to be friendly with. Every time it happens, they look away awkwardly, like having something to say, but can't muster enough courage to do anything about it. Although it's easy for Lisabelle to guess what they were thinking, she believes that it would be best for them to pretend she doesn't notice.

Yet, this time, her eyes met with someone adversative to her. She caught Lucas staring at her with both enmity and fear. Lisabelle stares back, right to his eyes, unblinking. Lucas was taken aback and quickly returned to his meal before leaving.

In his mind, Lucas is wondering how Lisabelle could survive the encounter a few days ago. He was so sure she wasn't going to get out alive from such a situation. Today, he is filled with anticipation for her obituary, but instead, now he finds her alive and eating well in a spot where he and his gang usually sit. Lisabelle can hear him grumbling about something on his way out, but since the place is loud, all that she hears is slurs and badmouthing.


Ultimately, the day went rather uneventful, and Lisabelle is grateful for that. The tasks that the lecturers assigned to her are mostly done, and there are no extracurricular activities. The gymnasium is also fully booked for her seniors, the High Academy students. Hence, she packs her stuff to leave since she has nothing left to do after school.

However, during a turn in the east wing of the main building, Lisabelle accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ouch . . . ."

"Ah, sorry. Are you okay?"

"Uh, I think I sprained my legs."

When their eyes met, Lisabelle recognized the girl before her after a delay. She was her classmate back in the first grade. Back then, she was so attached to Lisabelle that even during toilet time, she would be right beside her.

"Pristine . . .? Let me help you. I'll take you to the infirmary."

Lisabelle proceeds to carry Pristine like a princess. Strangely, Pristine doesn't look like she was in pain at all. Instead, she looked overjoyed and even blushed a little as they moved past the hustling students.

"Move. Someone is injured."

Lisabelle kicked one of the male students who was in her way. He looks angry at first, but as soon as he finds out that it is Lisabelle's shoes that made their mark on his back, he steps back and only dares to stare at her. Lisabelle herself couldn't care less and kept moving forward.

"It's rare to see you by yourself, especially when you have someone like George who is always so keen on staying with you all the time. Where's that butler of yours?"

"He is away on another duty right now. My mother wants to discuss something, and she insists on speaking with him alone. Sigh, now that you bring it up, I wonder what they are talking about."

Pristine Lucraveli, daughter of Trevor Lucraveli, a timber tycoon who is the sole earner of a harvest permit in Black Tears Forest. Yet, almost everyone in the upper caste of the society knows how ordinary of a man the head of the house is. The true head who makes the shots of every important decision is none other than his wife, Evelyn Lucraveli. Lisabelle knows that whatever Lady Evelyn is cooking, it would be in her best interest to stay clear and not mess around with anything beyond her.

Soon, they arrived at the infirmary and luckily it was empty, so there was no need to wait for turns. The medevist on duty went to check at Pristine, but she couldn't find anything wrong with her leg. Of course, that's because she was never hurt from the start. Meanwhile, knowing that Lisabelle would leave immediately the second she hears the diagnosis, Pristine is starting to play her card well.

"Miss Jane! The gardener is looking for you. He was talking something about some . . . Gangrea? Ganggalia?"

"Oh my! Has my yellow-crown hydrangea bloomed?! I'll be right back!"

The medevist bolted out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"Hey! Wait! What about her?! Ugh . . . That tunnel-minded woman! Wait here Pristine. I'll go and -  Wha!"

Before Lisabelle finished her sentence, Pristine already dashed to the door and twisted the lock. Then, she suddenly pounces on Lisabelle, forcing her to carry her like a princess once again.

"But I thought- What about your sprain? What is the meaning of this?"

"Fufu, you look even more interesting when you are confused."

Lisabelle lifts Pristine up and throws her to the bed, but at the last second Pristine pulls Lisabelle's sleeves, and they end up falling on top of it together. Pristine laughs a lot while kicking her legs in the air. Now, the two are facing each other on the bed.

"Pristine. What is your game?"

"Do you know how BORING it is when you have to put up with this and that and this and that and basically every little thing that you never cared about OR at least, you wished you never HAVE TO care about in the first place? Like, how to sit properly, how to talk properly, how to walk properly, how to dress, bath, eat, and relieve yourself properly. Pristine do this but don't do that, do that and don't this, should've done that, but try to do this too! UGH!"

"Uhm . . . Uh . . . I'm not sure."

"It is as annoying and as itchy as if I'm being shackled and isolated from the whole world."

Lisabelle said nothing and looked away instead. Yet, suddenly, Pristine grabbed her hand and put her face on it.

"Lisabelle. You know what? When I see you, I feel related."

". . . You shouldn't waste your time on me doing something like this. They are watching, and they might come for you also. Their family outranks yours and mine. It's fairly easy for them to cause millions of inconveniences to us."

This time, it's Pristine's turn to go silent. Her hazel eyes are tightly shut, and her long, straight, and carefully maintained black hair covers a part of her shoulder. Lisabelle can smell the perfume on her hair, it is sweet like cherry and apple.

"Then, if it's just the two of us, can we spend some time alone like this more often in the future? I know you are a busy lady, but what if we make it work two or three times a week?"

Lisabelle turned facing upside. Her hands are on her belly as she lets out a big breath.

"I don't know what is going on in your mind. But, I don't make promises I won't fulfill."

Despite Lisabelle's answer, a wide smile rises on Pristine's face.

"Alright, alright. I know you love your sports and steel. But why bother with all of that? Aren't you trying a bit too hard? This is the time of peace, isn't it?"

"I wouldn't be so sure. As long as Emperor Ethelar Aramid is alive, I think longing for lasting peace is wishful thinking. Besides, it's just like they said, 'better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in war'." 

In the middle of their conversation, Pristine proceeds to rub around Lisabelle's arm. It's so toned and muscular, absolutely beyond the average for girls of her age.

"So, all these muscles, they were for protecting someone?"

"I guess you can say so."

"Someone . . . Like your little sister, for example?"

For a very brief moment, Lisabelle noticed a strange look in Pristine's eyes, but she thought to herself that she was just seeing things. 

"Haha. What are you talking about? You all know I am an only child."

"Is that so? I'm glad I was worried for nothing," Pristine lays her head on the pillow.

It takes a few seconds for Lisabelle to realize the oddity in Pristine's words. She then immediately wakes up and sits and the edge of the bed.

"What do you mean? What are you worried about?"

"Hm? No, I told you it was nothing. Why are so riled up about it? Just get back to-"


Lisabelle snapped and grabbed Pristine's collar. Lisabelle's breathing is heavy and rugged, and it makes Pristine very thrilled and excited to the point of blushing for some reason. As tension filled the air, Pristine regained her focus on the topic after taking a few breaths to control herself.

"I-I was just . . . I overheard something."

"Tell me," Lisabelle glared at her as if staring right into her soul.

"I was late to lunch today, and when I was on my way to the dining hall, I saw Lucas and his bunch coming from the other side of the door. They appear to be very irritated, but strangely they are smiling like they were planning something. Then, I pretended to be busy looking at my book, until they passed through me.




They were talking about looking for a girl - Wait, no - a little girl, to be more precise, I guess? 120 cm, blue eyes, and wavy raven-black hair."

At this very moment, Lisabelle looked so dead in the eye. Then, she turns so furious that she looks like she could wreck everything around her, and even Pristine becomes scared. Lisabelle's heart is beating so loud and hard, and she immediately gets off the bed. She grabbed her bag and was about to storm out the door.

"W-Wait, where are you going?!" Pristine yelled.

"I forgot about something. See you, Pristine. Take care."

After the quick answer, Lisabelle left as fast as she could. It's still 4 PM now, but the sky is already dark like it's going to rain soon. However, she doesn't give a damn about anything, even if there's a hurricane or an earthquake. There's only one objective in her mind and she will do whatever it takes to do it. 


Meanwhile, from the window of the infirmary, Pristine watches Lisabelle dashing out of the gate faster than the average athlete with that outfit, and she even pushes over a lecturer on her way. Pristine wondered a little bit about whether her shoes would last after being treated so roughly. Yet, more than anything, Pristine is so enchanted. She is enamored, captivated, and bewitched by Lisabelle's pained eyes and gritting teeth.

"Ah~ Yes! Run! Run as fast as you can! I was, am, and will always look at you, Lisabelle . . . My Hero. My Love." 

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