Ersia: Raven Dawn

When in Rosmayne . . .

It takes a lot of time to explore the capital city, thus, Lisabelle and Viena spend the next day playing strolling the city also. They go out at eight in the morning and return home for lunch at one, before going out again until the sun sets. Lisabelle takes Viena to places that she often visits, mainly clothing and garment stores. She taught her how to spot defects and bad designs in a product, and being the curious cat she is, Viena listened and asked a lot of questions every time.

However, today is Monda, the first day of the week. Viena, who was ready for another little adventure calls for Lisabelle and banging on her room.

"Lily! Let's go! I want to see the flea market you told me yesterday!"

When the door finally opened, Viena is in awe. She sees Lisabelle wearing a cool, neat, and tidy outfit. Moreover, her lustrous white cap and half-cape are shining brilliantly even in such a closed space.


"Err . . . Haven't I told you yet? I'm attending the academy on weekdays."

 "Is everyone wearing the same thing? Look at that hat! And and and that shiiny cape! You look super cool!"

Lisabelle blushed and went a little giddy. She flaunts her cape with a smug face to exudes her ego even more.

"Hehehe, is that so? Well, the cap is for all, but only three people wear the cape. You have to be the best rankers to get to wear this. Honor students only. 'The Perianthes' only."

"Amazing! It sounds so fun! Can I go to the academy too?"

Lisabelle slightly frowned upon hearing the question. Now that she thinks about it, Viena most likely never had the chance to attend formal education due to her circumstances. It makes her a little bit sad, since in Rosmayne, it's mandatory for every child to attend school. Education expenses is covered thoroughly by the state until the second coming of age ceremony.

"Listen here. It's a bit difficult to take you to school. The security is tight there, unregistered people will be cast out right away. Her Majesty the Queen is particularly strict about these kinds of things."

"But . . . I want to go . . . ."

Viena dispirited face makes it much harder for Lisabelle. She looks away, not knowing the right words to say.

"Look, I . . . ."

Suddenly, Randia came out from the bathroom. He heard everything and thinking of a way to take a hold of the situation.

"Viena. Behave. Lisabelle needs to go now, or she will be late."

"But I want to see the academy!"

'She wants to see the school', that's the point of the conversation, Randia thought. Hence, the resolution is clear, and the right answer is in the bag.

"Alright, we will accompany her only to the entrance. Promise that you will not make a scene."

"YES, I PROMISE!" Viena gives Randia a salute, mimicking the city guards she saw the other day.

"After that, if you have nothing to do, we will go to the cathedral. There is a lot that you can learn."

Followed by Viena's aggressive nodding, Lisabelle feels glad that the whole thing has been resolved.


Not long after, the three of them walked out from the house. Along the way, Viena can see how the whole neighborhood cherishes Lisabelle. They look so proud of having a Perianthes representing them in the academy. An old lady offers her a warm glass of milk, and another middle-aged man offers an apple. It's a wonderful sight representing hope and supports for the promising youth.

"Hmm, did you always get all these treats, or is it just a special day?" Viena asked.

"Hm? These? I got them every day, and this much are actually less than usual."

"Eh?! How come?!"

"Don't get me wrong though! I never had any expectations. It's so kind of them to do this every day. Even sometimes I myself think, 'Don't they get tired of this?' or 'Are they planning to do this until I graduate?'"

Lisabelle throws the apple to Viena.

"Here. Have a taste."

As the little girl munches the apple, she found out that it was actually rather sour. Yet, it is tolerable, and she has no plan to make a waste.

"Kinda sour," Viena protested.

"Huft. As I thought."

"Are they giving you scraps?"

"No. It's just Mr. Bibo has a weird palate and doesn't have a keen nose. He can hardly differ between the good apples and the bad. That's why I help him with restocking occasionally."

Randia and Viena thought Lisabelle was only on the receiving end, but they were wrong. The relationship between her and the people around her goes two-way.

"I thought they all were leftovers or something. You're not angry, aren't you?"

"Why should I be angry? Why do you think so?"

"Hm . . . Because you don't smile one bit?"

"Do I have to?"

"Err . . . ."

Listening to their conversation, Randia knows that the things between Viena and Lisabelle are working so much much better than he expected. It doesn't take a year, or even a month, or even a week, for the two to give each other a space.

"Usually, it was something spontaneous, not something to think over. People smile when they accept gifts."

"Yeah, say someone who never smile," Lisabelle sneered at Randia.

"I was speaking theoretically. Of course there are exceptions."

Lisabelle let out a breath and tidying up her big bowtie.

"It's something reciprocal, Mr. Ran. They are all transactional relationships. Every gesture is a sow to reap."

"Papa, can you re-explain? Lily is confusing," Viena pulled the edge of Randia's tunic.

"She said it's simply a take-and-give. They want something or will want something in return for all those gifts."

"But what would they want from you?"

"A bit of this and that, or even something simple as a little special treatment. Most people believe Perianthes are bound to be someone important. Well, statistically speaking, they are correct. Only two Perianthes graduates live a life that led to an unexpected outcome."

When they were talking, the academy buildings finally appear on sight. They are massive building complex with many training grounds and even an amphitheater. It takes only a single glance to know how much wealth is spent on constructing the whole facility. Monuments of heroes are erected valorously, maintained to be clean and spotless. The flowers and trees are also well-pruned, as if dedicated to being the resting paradise for the actors of the long history of the land.

"It's all . . . White!"

Viena gasped, shouted, clapped. Her heart is pounding, and her gaze is so fixated on every inch of the landmark.

"It was this BIG! How come I didn't see it the first day?!"

"Maybe because you're simply not tall enough to see the minarets and the domes from afar?"

"If I'm tall enough, I can play inside too, right?! Right?!"

"Uh, Oh . . . I guess? Let's work on that first, shall we?"

Lisabelle, who wasn't expecting her response, was caught off-guard. Meanwhile, Randia, who had expected her response, immediately grabbed her by the back of her collar.

"Remember your promise," Randia said.

"I-I know!"

They walked a little bit more and talked about what's inside the academy ground. However, Lisabelle didn't tell Viena everything. Because she remembered the proverb her father once told her; "When the eagle speaks about the sky, the duck kill itself,". She only speaks long enough to spark the fire, and short enough to not make it burnout.

"Surely! Surely! Everyone here is so special!"

"But special doesn't necessarily means kind. Remember what I just told you?"

"The two Perianthes?"

"One of them vanished into thin air, some said he is in pursuit of a strange magic. However, the other one . . . ."




". . . He becomes a criminal psychopath. A genius serial-killer who still remains the top bounty of the whole continent. His name is Sual, The Question Man."

Randia clears her throat and grabbed Viena's hand.

"I think it's time, Lisabelle."

"Hm. Yeah, you're right."

"Aw, I wished I can go too . . . ."

Lisabelle crouched and looked Viena in the eye. She folds her arms and tilts her head a few times.

"You see, Vivi. There are lots of things about the academy that I haven't told you, and most of them are bitter. We'll talk more about it later, and if you still insist even after that, I will think of way.

"Really?! Yeay!"

Viena hugged Lisabelle spontaneously. Lisabelle, being surprised, got her face reddened and immediately pushed her away in embarrassment.

"Aaah! S-Stay away, pipsqueak! You'll mess up my bowtie!"

"Eheheh, sorry about that."

"Sigh. However there is bare minimum that you must abide to. I know you are trying to hide it from me, but kid, you can't even read, right?"

"Eh? W-What do you mean? I c-c-can read! I totally can! I can manage numbers well!"

Lisabelle, with a doubtful face, sneered at Viena.

"When I got home, I'll teach you how to read, okay?"


"Good. Give me your hands."

Lisabelle did double high-fives with Viena before going inside the gate. Together with Randia, the little girl watches her from afar. To Randia alone, he noticed some intriguing details. A few meters as soon as Lisabelle parted, she walks differently. Her steps are quick and fervent, exuding a strong intention and presence. Her face is also very serious, judgmental, and has a hint of distrust. Even people above her age makes way for her without the need for her to say anything.

"Lily is kind of cool, right? Although she is cranky sometimes."

"Yes. You should learn from her while you can."

"You two are kind of alike, you know?"

"It seems your observation and conclusion-drawing skill needs to be sharpened. Let's go."

"Let's go!"


Far from where the three previously stand, a pair of eyes is paying a careful attention. They belong to a girl who was sipping her tea elegantly from a balcony of one of the buildings.

"You seemed to be in a rather good mood this morning, my lady. Shall I pour you another one?"

"I just found myself another fun treat to savor, George. Make it less sugar."


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