Escape From Konoha

Chapter 71: 69: Organize And Go To Battlefield

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Gaining the cooperation of these five experimental subjects went surprisingly smoothly. Despite providing them with limited choices, Shiraishi wasn't particularly concerned about their individual thought processes.

Their bodies had undergone transformation through natural energy infusion, rendering them akin to 'superhumans'. The extension of their natural lifespans and a significant slowdown in aging would set them apart from ordinary individuals.

To simplify, even at the age of 60, with attentive self-care, their physical capabilities wouldn't wane significantly, enabling them to continue working.

Presently in their twenties, these five had more than three decades ahead of them to contribute.

This was just the beginning; more individuals would join in the future. The potential of natural energy was astonishing.

Although it was still less versatile than Chakra, natural energy surpassed it substantially in terms of physical prowess.

Mass-producing body-type ninjas on a grand scale was plausible, with these ninjas reaching Chunin-level competency after a few years of systematic training.

While their fighting styles might be relatively straightforward and seem less sophisticated than typical Chunin, it was sufficient.

The unique utility of natural energy lay in its adaptability—transforming even ordinary individuals.

Shiraishi believed this was the most terrifying aspect of natural energy. Ninjas wielded power through Chakra, but it was a power that didn't extend to making most individuals stronger. Only a select few reaped the greatest benefits.

Natural energy was different; it could elevate the lower limit of human potential considerably. Without a comprehensive understanding of the upper limits due to a lack of comparable information, Shiraishi refrained from claiming that natural energy surpassed Chakra's ceiling. However, on average, natural energy outperformed Chakra.

Intent on making the most of the abilities of these five, Shiraishi didn't skimp on them. Physical training techniques, Chakra refinement methods, and even some basic ninjutsu would be imparted.

He wasn't concerned about the risks of exposing information. The natural energy within them hadn't been cultivated through conventional methods—it had been introduced via reagents, dramatically enhancing their physical attributes.

This implied that they possessed the foundation to engage in physical skill training, although they couldn't naturally extract natural energy themselves.

From the outset, Shiraishi had no intention of granting such abilities to his subordinates for usage. Perhaps in the future, but not at this stage. These five hadn't garnered enough trust from him.

In light of this, he intended to leave special markings on them when they left after a month.

Having hastily completed his laboratory tasks, Shiraishi consigned the five to their work. Satisfied, he emerged to the surface and returned to his quarters to rest.


The following day.

Shiraishi paid a visit to Ruri's room to discuss the matter of the five individuals.

"Establishing an organization?" Ruri regarded Shiraishi with a quizzical gaze.

Explaining his reasoning, Shiraishi stated, "Yes. It's an imperative plan. As my research expands, especially with my experiments involving the Sage Mode, there's potential for uncontrollable accidents. You're well aware of the destructive potential of the Sage Mode."

Ruri nodded earnestly. She had firsthand experience of its repercussions. While the fortified underground laboratory could mitigate certain energy surges, it might still generate problems and draw attention if exposed to overpowering forces.

"Indeed. Establishing an organization outside would allow us to conduct experiments when necessary. The village is too bustling; it's easy to attract unwanted attention," Shiraishi explained.

"Is that the only reason?" Ruri questioned.

"Furthermore, your current relationship with a high-ranking figure in the village, it's far from harmonious. While Hokage assures that no further mishaps will occur, you can't truly believe such words, can you?"

In response, Ruri cast a scornful smirk. She held no faith in Hokage's promises.

Formerly, there had been a change in the Hokage succession, yet now, it appeared some Uchiha clan members were overly naive.

A pursuit of power rendered them disdainful of strategic considerations, leaving them vulnerable.

Konoha wasn't the Konoha of old, and Uchiha wasn't the Uchiha of old either. Uchiha's contemporary might was attributed to the Sharingan's bloodline limit—not to individual prowess.

Consequently, Uchiha's current prominence was because of the Sharingan, not individual ability.

Given the situation, Hokage extended an alternative: Ruri could see the Scroll of seals again and choose another ninjutsu. However, Ruri wasn't swayed by this generous offer.

Had Shiraishi dissuaded Ruri from acting impulsively, and had she accepted Hokage's proposal and conditions, she might've reacted with greater fury.

Ruri's nature didn't align with accepting mercy or charity.

By agreeing to Hokage's proposal, the issue would be considered resolved, and neither party could reference it again. However, for Ruri, the matter wasn't over.

Hokage's apology and compensation wouldn't clarify her thoughts. Instead, revenge at the core was the only solution.

Shiraishi anticipated Ruri's decision. Revenge, not compensation, had always been her true motivation.

An esteemed individual had once noted that, when thoughts aren't clear, one must strive to clarify them.

For Ruri, this clarity wouldn't come from Hokage's apology and compensation. Only vengeance at its root would provide her the resolution she sought.

At times, the fixation of power-hungry individuals was truly formidable.

"Absolutely, similar incidents could occur in the future without any guarantee. The dissemination of misleading information during missions emphasizes the necessity of establishing our own organization. Whether it involves gathering information or conducting other activities, the convenience would be considerable. Even creating a network of informants across the ninja world, discreetly cutting off the roots of external missions. I assume this would be of great interest to you?"

Both Shiraishi and Ruri now view the Root as enemies, rather than allies. It's clear that the biased stance taken by Hokage is not convincing.

Indeed, Ruri's curiosity was piqued by these ideas. Although she may not fully comprehend Shiraishi's motives, her desire for revenge against the Root is evident.

"Another aspect is that Aunt and Uncle are often involved in business ventures, hiring other ninjas or samurai for protection. While these mercenary groups are well-known, they prove unreliable during true crises. We can provide them with trustworthy protection personnel to avert such mishaps."

Ruri nodded in agreement. Her parents, Uchiha Sosuke and Uchiha Miyoko, have indeed faced such predicaments.

Shiraishi's discussion with Ruri revolves around the fact that she is trustworthy. Establishing trust could solve numerous challenges, and her substantial resources further bolster this.

Recently, Shiraishi completed numerous challenging tasks, but the cumulative rewards amounted to only slightly over a million taels. This sum is inadequate for establishing an organization capable of meeting his research needs, let alone Waves, which lacks sufficient funds.

Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and expansion costs would all necessitate substantial capital.

Hearing Shiraishi talk about these things in front of her, Ruri just replied him lightly:

"Tell me, how much does it cost?"

Upon Ruri's inquiry regarding costs, Shiraishi hesitated and then cleared his throat. "I'm not entirely knowledgeable about this area, but I estimate that the initial development phase would require an investment of hundreds of millions of ryo. Hence, it might be prudent to discuss such a significant financial commitment with Aunt and Uncle first."

However, Ruri asserted, "No, I can decide with the resources at hand. In the Land of Tea, I own several mines that could be sold or utilized."

Shiraishi was taken aback by this revelation, unsure of how to proceed.

"Wait, you have mines? Why haven't I heard about this before?"

Shiraishi quickly inquired, surprised by this undisclosed asset.

Ruri clarified, "I didn't think it was something worth mentioning. Regardless, financing won't be an issue. After all, Konoha's annual military budget surpasses the amount required. Establishing an organization for intelligence gathering, research, and training personnel would demand a substantial budget in the billions."

Though Shiraishi initially proposed the concept of an organization, he now saw Ruri as more adept at the organization's establishment.

Shiraishi pondered and asked, "Have you considered where to establish this organization?"

It was crucial that the organization's base not be situated within the territories of the five major nations. These nations possessed significant power and would not permit unregulated entities to operate freely within their borders.

Any such organization established in these nations would undoubtedly invite a swift and devastating response.

Given this reality, the only viable course of action was to operate from smaller nations.

"Between the Land of Iron and the Land of Ghosts, which do you believe is more suitable?"

Shiraishi questioned, considering the options.

"A neutral country?"

While both the Land of Iron and the Land of Ghosts were relatively small, they could not be deemed major powers, of which there were only five in the ninja world.

However, not all smaller nations were considered neutral. Countries like the Land of Rain, the Land of Rivers, the Land of Grass, and even the Land of Whirlpools (destroyed a few years prior) could all be vulnerable to attack by larger nations.

Thus, among these smaller nations, the Land of Ghosts and the Land of Iron stood out as potential options, both possessing unique attributes.

Of particular interest was the Land of Ghosts, a mysterious and unknown country.

This nation's ruler was not a daimyo, but rather a figure known as a 'Witch'. It adhered to a belief in witches and exhibited a mystical nature.

Ruri had heard rumors that the Land of Ghosts' ruler, Miko-sama, possessed extraordinary powers, including the ability to foresee the future. Whether it is true or false, there is no unified generalization.

Shiraishi and Ruri discussed these considerations, recognizing that the Land of Ghosts had some advantages.

Shiraishi questioned Ruri, intrigued by her reasoning.

Notably, the Land of Iron, located closer to the Land of Fire, seemed more practical in terms of proximity.

Ruri explained, "My parents conduct most of their business affairs there. Their professional ties have fostered relationships with influential figures in the Land of Ghosts, which could prove advantageous."

Shiraishi recalled that Ruri had mentioned her parents as businessmen in a distant small country. The Land of Ghosts was indeed located far west of the ninja world.

The chief concern, however, was that the Land of Ghosts was a considerable distance from the Land of Fire.

Even with non-stop travel, the journey would take over three days to complete.

While Shiraishi briefly wished for access to planes, he acknowledged the limitations of existing technology within the ninja world. Though there might be flying tools, they were neither widely available nor financially viable.

Ruri confirmed, "I don't possess knowledge about witches. I'll gather more information about the Land of Ghosts and witches in particular."

Shiraishi agreed, "That would be a valuable contribution."

Despite the distance, Shiraishi was content with the unique attributes offered by the Land of Ghosts. He pondered the mysterious existence of witches, intrigued by their potential ability to foresee the future.


One month had passed without them realizing it; it seemed neither long nor short.

Afterwards, Shiraishi approached the Hyuga clan and invited Ayane to join. During their conversation, the topic of the organization came up. Ayane remained composed and said, 'I'll support your decision, Shiraishi-kun, no matter what.'

Sometimes, Shiraishi found it difficult to comprehend the thoughts of girls. Perhaps this was a result of entering puberty.

Despite having kept the underwear and kimono hidden in his room, Shiraishi didn't hand them over to Ayane this time. He recognized that she wouldn't accept them just yet.

Though she remained as well-behaved and obedient as before, Ayane had grown somewhat stubborn in certain aspects. Shiraishi found this growth intriguing.

What would her future hold? After freeing the caged bird, would she distance herself from him, seeking the freedom she desired and forging her independent path as a self-reliant individual?

After all, she had been trained as a ninja under his guidance.

He indulged her somewhat, even entertaining her unreasonable ideas.

He wished for her to remain by his side throughout her life, yet he also hoped she'd achieve complete freedom to pursue her desires, unburdened by her 'master's' moods.

These conflicting emotions weighed on his mind.

As for the organization's preparations, they were proceeding relatively smoothly. The organization's base had been established in the Land of Ghosts, a distant region within the ninja world.

Shiraishi didn't need to physically inspect the location; he relied on five operatives to act as his eyes, hands, and feet. His personal visit to the Land of Ghosts could wait for many years.

Currently, his presence wasn't necessary for the operation's progress.

After a month of basic training, the five operatives had acquired rudimentary ninja skills. Their next step was to apply these skills in real combat scenarios.

Two days before the vacation's end, their training concluded. Ruri was tasked with transporting them out of Konoha. Ruri's Ninja Cat would serve as the intermediary between the two groups.

The operatives' sole destination was the Land of Ghosts. There, they would receive further instructions.

Meanwhile, the laboratory had returned to its deserted state, with only Shiraishi working there. Over the past month, Shiraishi had mostly resolved the issue of replacing chakra with natural energy as a life force.

The outcome seemed improbable, yet Shiraishi had verified an unexpected answer—natural energy, in a certain manner, bore a striking resemblance to chakra. One could even argue that, after undergoing specific processing procedures, natural energy could be transformed into energy akin to chakra.

According to computer statistics, the similarity exceeded 90%, a feat that defied Shiraishi's understanding. This marked the limit of processing natural energy; any further advancement would necessitate specialized 'equipment' that remained shrouded in mystery.

Shiraishi speculated that this discovery might be a mere coincidence. Natural energy emerged from nature, while chakra manifested from the fusion of physical and spiritual power within a human body.

In essence, they were distinct and unrelated, apart from their convergence in Senjutsu fusion. This unexpected find might indeed be a fluke.

Initially aiming to utilize natural energy as a life force replacement for chakra, Shiraishi's research unearthed inconsistencies and issues that defied logic.

"Something's not right," Shiraishi sighed, grappling with his dilemma.

To be honest, Shiraishi felt at a loss. There was no need to continue experiments verifying the link between chakra and natural energy. For the purpose of resolving the caged bird issue, progress had reached its zenith. Additionally, he was out of ideas.

The research had hit a dead end, a door firmly shut with answers concealed beyond. Shiraishi couldn't pry it open through force or other means.

He reluctantly abandoned further exploration, as he couldn't conjure knowledge from thin air. Should new clues arise in the future, he'd resume the investigation. However, the present wasn't the time to dwell on such matters.

Soon, he'd return to the battlefield.

In early October, the two-month break concluded. Today marked their departure for the frontlines.

Shiraishi, Ruri, and Ayane gathered at the Village's gate.

A mysterious Anbu operative handed documents to Ruri and Ayane before vanishing.

"Chunin Appointment Letters?" Shiraishi noted. The documents, identical in form, signified their promotion to Chunin rank.

Ruri, already at Jonin level, found the Chunin position underwhelming. Ayane, on the other hand, received the letter with a smile, clearly unconcerned.

Her strength nearly matched a Jonin's upon graduation, and two months of practicing natural energy had elevated her to Jonin level.

"Let's proceed," Ayane announced.

The journey to the frontlines would only include the three of them. Though higher-ups provided no detailed instructions, they urged the trio to rendezvous with their captain, Sakumo Hatake, as soon as possible.

Shiraishi couldn't help but feel a slight yearning for Sakumo, as it had been two months since they last met. Moreover, Sakumo's resolute and demeanor garnered his admiration.

Sakumo consistently prioritized the safety of his team during missions, a trait Shiraishi held in high regard. Sakumo's approach during their battle with the Sand Ninja emphasized this.

In Shiraishi's view, Sakumo exemplified a ninja who embodied the Will of Fire in its purest form. While Sakumo might lack the qualities of a future Hokage, he epitomized the will's core tenets.

Shiraishi held a similar perspective, despite his mild indifference to the concept.


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