Escape From Konoha

Chapter 72: 70: Scroll of Reconciliation

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The following morning at nine o'clock, Shiraishi and the other two arrived at the Konoha camp on the front line of the Land Of Fire, where they were set to meet Sakumo.

The camp hadn't undergone significant changes since their last visit. If there was any difference, it was the heightened tension in the atmosphere.

However, their recent mission to disrupt the hidden Sand supply lines had been a success on Sakumo's end. Despite Shiraishi's own troubles during the mission, Sakumo had executed it masterfully, destroying Suna's vital supply point and weakening their offensive capabilities in the process.

"In essence, as long as we make it through this winter, does it mean that Suna will weaken itself?" Shiraishi inquired.

With October's arrival, the weather was gradually cooling down. Winter, especially in December, ushered in the cold season for both the Land of Fire and the Land of Rivers.

Suna lacked the resources to endure this winter. By early spring, their situation would become incredibly unfavorable.

"Generally speaking, that's correct. However, we can't be certain if Suna will truly withdraw. All we can say is that it's very likely," Sakumo replied.

In their predicament, launching a final fierce assault to breach the Fire Country's defenses offered Suna a possible way out. With the third Kazekage leading the charge, they had to be thoroughly prepared.

In such dire circumstances, the need for caution grew even more. Preventing the sand ninjas from gaining an upper hand was paramount.

"What's our team's assigned task?"

"It remains the same as before: locate and eliminate the isolated Suna units to alleviate pressure on the front lines from the flanks," Sakumo explained.

Aware of his limitations as a ninja, Sakumo lacked extensive ninjutsu capabilities. His strength stemmed from taijutsu and swordsmanship. Consequently, opponents with wide-ranging ninjutsu posed a challenge, yet his mastery of physical combat and sword skills was unmatched.

The trio understood this well.

Sakumo's strengths and weaknesses were clear: suitable for small-scale battles but less effective in larger conflicts. On the front lines, he had to navigate myriad threats, dodging kunai and explosive tags from unexpected angles. When comrades were in danger, the choice to intervene or not was a weighty decision.

This complexity often dulled his swordsmanship's edge, preventing him from utilizing his full potential.

Sakumo had no complaints. Assignments aligned with a ninja's strengths and personality.

He was adept at these operations, much like the Sannin excelled in their own roles, incompatible with his own.

"Since you just arrived today, take a day to rest here. We'll commence our mission tomorrow morning."


Before Sakumo left, he offered a suggestion to Shiraishi: "By the way, Shiraishi, if you have some free time, consider visiting the medical camp. We're facing a shortage of medical ninjas here on the front lines. Lending a hand there would be appreciated."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Shiraishi nodded and headed toward the medical camp.

While it was indeed a way to relieve the medical team's pressure, Shiraishi understood that the extent of his assistance wouldn't drastically change the situation. Sakumo's words were more of a comforting gesture.

Treating patients was a medical ninja's responsibility, and Shiraishi had no reason to decline. Nonetheless, he believed Konoha's shortage of medical ninjas was a product of the village's own recognition and execution strategies.

Konoha did value medical education, thanks in part to Tsunade's medical reform proposal several years ago, which led to the training of medical ninjas.

However, at the start, the village hadn't fully embraced the reform. In the village's eyes, investing resources in low-combat medical ninjas seemed less appealing than bolstering combat effectiveness.

It wasn't until the devastating War in the Land of Rain that the consequences of neglecting medical reform became evident. The skewed allocation of resources to powerful ninjas led to high mortality rates, prompting the implementation of mandatory medical ninjutsu training in the ninja academy.

Shiraishi belonged to the first batch of the medical ninja experimental class resulting from the reform. He was acutely aware of Konoha's lackluster efforts in training medical ninjas.

Without Tsunade's reform proposal, Konoha might never have focused on training medical ninjas.

Arriving at the medical camp, Shiraishi was greeted by the pained cries of the wounded. The mingling scents of disinfectant and blood permeated the air, mingling with the limited space of the camp.

Due to the priority placed on tending to severely injured ninjas, moderate injuries were treated next. This was the protocol of the Konoha Medical Corps.

Amidst this scene, Shiraishi spotted Tsunade administering medical ninjutsu to the wounded, but he didn't indulge in reminiscence.

Shiraishi explained his intent to the deputy commander at the medical camp, who welcomed the additional medical help with gratitude. Having an extra medical ninja at this critical time meant that a few more wounded could be saved.

Shiraishi was a specially trained medical ninja assigned to Sakumo's team. He was among the first batch of students in the ninja school's medical experimental class. His skill in medical ninjutsu was undeniable.

Thus, Shiraishi was swiftly assigned over ten moderately and mildly injured individuals, along with medical supplies. He was instructed to begin work promptly.

Moving to an open area covered with mats, Shiraishi encountered dozens of injured Konoha ninjas lying there. He worked alongside three other medical ninjas, the eldest being in their thirties and the youngest a few years older than Shiraishi.

Though all were medical ninjas, the pressing circumstances allowed little room for interaction, if any at all.

Shiraishi focused on skillfully administering the healing technique, tending to the wounded with standardized movements. Throughout the process, he engaged in conversation with the injured, providing comfort and improving the treatment experience.

"I'm feeling much better already. Just need a couple more days to rest."

"I recognize you. You're a member of Sakumo's team, right? Your medical ninjutsu is really impressive."

The healed Konoha ninja spoke kindly, praising Shiraishi's skill.

"Thank you, but I have many areas to improve compared to my seniors."

Shiraishi modestly responded to the compliment. He recognized that he still had much to learn, especially in comparison to medical ninjas of Tsunade's caliber.

Starting in the morning, Shiraishi continued his medical work until darkness fell.

Despite most tents being allocated for the medical team, some wounded were left outside due to space constraints. Upon returning to Ruri and Ayane, Shiraishi found himself assigned an open space for rest.

The following morning, well before dawn, the three of them were already awake. While some Konoha ninjas were still asleep, others patrolled the camp's outskirts, including sensory ninjas and members of the Hyuga clan.

When Sakumo arrived to gather them, Shiraishi and his companions were prepared. They had stocked up on ration pills, antidotes, kunai, explosive tags, sealed scrolls, medical kits, and more.

As the team's sole auxiliary medical staff, Shiraishi's role included supplying as many provisions as possible. He had even packed emergency food and water in his backpack.

The Sakumo team's upcoming mission was notably unstructured.

Encounter an enemy? Eliminate them. Encounter an ally? Provide assistance. Chance upon a convoy of Suna transports? Obliterate it.

Their mission echoed the strategy Suna had used earlier by dispatching elite troops to create disturbances within the Fire Country. These acts distracted Konoha's attention and prevented the front line ninjas from freely moving.

Sakumo's team was tasked with a similar approach.

They were to infiltrate deep into the Land of Rivers, and even into the Land of Wind, executing sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Their actions would be dictated by the situation at hand.

The mission granted the Sakumo team substantial autonomy, underscoring its danger level. Shiraishi, Ayane, and even Ruri were excited about the assignment.

Ruri's abilities in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu had grown significantly since their last battle. Her Sharingan had also evolved to the three-tomoe Sharingan form.

Sakumo was pleased with her progress and considered her a formidable force. He realized he couldn't underestimate her



Within the Land of Rivers, Suna Camp.

With a gloomy expression, the Third Kazekage looked at the information relayed from the field. Over the past month, reports had surged in, detailing frequent Suna team patrols in the Land of Rivers. These patrols, however, were obliterated by an unknown force.

"Konoha's White Fang!"

The Third Kazekage's fist slammed onto the table, his eyes ablaze with anger.

He didn't need to scrutinize the intelligence information to deduce who was behind these attacks. No Konoha Jonin other than White Fang possessed the terrifying speed of annihilation witnessed here.

The speed was so fast that it seemed like a tornado. Wherever it went, no grass grew and it was uprooted.

Whether they were Chunin, Jonin, or even Genin, no ninja squad was spared from this merciless onslaught.

Aside from the renowned White Fang, the Third Kazekage couldn't fathom any other Konoha Jonin capable of such devastation.

Even his two most trusted puppet squads, elite units, had fallen victim to White Fang's team in the Land of Fire. The corpses remained in Konoha's possession.

Suna's mobilizable forces were hardly superior to Konoha's. The only variable was the Kazekage himself, along with the unused trump card, Morizuru.

The poisonous attack strategy created by Suna was defeated by the Konoha ninja Tsunade.

Despite his prowess in direct combat, Sand Ninja's overall competence was inferior to that of Konoha's. Compounded by a shortage of medical ninjas, the mortality rate was higher than in Konoha.

Now with the added menace of White Fang's raids, Konoha's next moves...

It wasn't long before a Jonin entered to report changes within the Konoha camp. Almost a thousand ninjas had set out from the camp, heading their way from the front.

However, the moment these Konoha forces crossed into the borders of the Land of Rivers, they halted their advance. It was as if they had assembled for a parade.

Yet the Third Kazekage understood that Konoha aimed to pressure Suna on the front, thereby enabling White Fang's team to strike.

If Suna desperately pursues and kills the White Fang team, Konoha's larger force would descend upon them from the front.

"Is that Jinchuriki still unwilling to cooperate?"

The Third Kazekage fixed a stern gaze on a high-ranking Suna ninja.

"He's unwilling. Despite my attempts at persuasion, he refuses to use One Tail's power. He insists that you, Third Kazekage-sama, value peace and cease hostilities for the sake of Suna."

The Jonin replied.

"Is it for Suna''s sake that he desires to stip the war?"

The Third Kazekage turned his attention toward the direction of the Land of Fire.

The Third Kazekage shifted his gaze towards the direction of the Land of Fire.

The land there was more fertile than the Land of Wind, and Konoha was home to many skilled ninjas, such as the White Fang, the Sannin, Kato Dan...

The ninja clans included the Inuzuka, Sarutobi, Shimura, Aburame, as well as the three clans of the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi, along with other renowned ninjas.

What was even more daunting was that Uchiha and Hyuga were also part of Konoha, ancient bloodline wielders of significant power in the ninja world.

With such a formidable lineup, the Third Kazekage felt a weight settle heavily on his heart.

Now, if Konoha hasn't yet fully recovered from the war with Land of Rain, it could exploit the resources of the Land of Fire. But once Konoha regains its strength, reaping benefits will become incredibly difficult.

As Konoha continues to grow in power, it exerts considerable pressure on neighboring countries and ninja villages.

If this trend persists, with Konoha becoming increasingly dominant, Suna's space for existence will continue to shrink.

They'll have no choice but to further reduce military spending and the number of ninjas. Suna will be left watching as Konoha's ninja ranks swell and their military resources flourish, a situation unique in the ninja world.

In that scenario, Suna would be completely overshadowed by Konoha.

The third Kazekaze didn't want to witness Suna's decline like that. Regardless of Konoha's strength, he was prepared to resist.

As long as Konoha's power could be weakened, Suna might find some relief and glimpse a path to prosperity.

Without a war, there is no glimmer of hope in sight. On the international stage, there is no justice or evil—only strength and weakness, gains and losses.

"He is ill-suited for this ninja world. While the Jinchuriki might emanate peace, if left untapped, its potential risk remains dormant. But this also means that Suna cannot wield this weapon. In a war, the inability to utilize weapons is the gravest tragedy. It seems a new figure must be found to take its place..."

Upon hearing the Third Kazekage's words, the Jounin's expression showed surprise.

"Kazekaze-sama, this..."

"Don't worry, I'm merely discussing it casually. After all, the transfer of the tailed beast is of utmost importance and must be deliberated in a high-level meeting."

Though the Kazekage offered this reassurance, the Jounin remained uneasy.

"What should we do next then?"

The Jounin's tone was tinged with helplessness. This was the most challenging aspect for Suna.

In comparison to Konoha, not only was there an overall quality gap, but Suna also lagged behind in terms of elite ninjas.

A single Konoha White Fang had given them numerous headaches. The Suna Ninjas dreaded confronting such a formidable ninja, fearing he would wreak havoc.

Lately, many Suna Ninjas were reluctant to take on missions such as patrolling the River Country.

Facing the White Fang, many Suna Ninjas had already begun to experience a sense of terror.

"I have a plan in mind. Here is a personal letter from Iwagakure's Onoki to me. He has agreed to provide us covert assistance."

"You mean the Tsuchikage? Frankly, I'm not sure if it's wise for Kazekaze-sama to collaborate with him."

"This is our sole opportunity."

The Kasekaze asserted.

Having said that, he sat down at his desk and composed two letters.

After finishing the letters, he handed them to his trusted confidant, the Jounin, and instructed, "One letter will be sent to Konoha's leader Orochimaru, and the other will be dispatched to Konoha's White Fang through our patrol team."

"This is..."

The Jounin regarded The Third Kazekage with disbelief.

"Just follow the orders."


Although laden with doubts, the Jounin descended to execute the mission.

"All for the sake of Suna...."

The Third Kazekage murmured softly, a glint of determination flickering in his eyes.


In the western region of the Land of Rivers, at the crossroads connecting the Land of Wind and the Land of Rivers, Suna ninjas supporting the Land Of Rivers from the Land of Wind frequently traversed this road.

This location served as the site where the four members of Sakumo's team executed their annihilation strategy.

Their approach was clear: obliterate every Suna ninja in their path without exception. Following the annihilation of one team, they would swiftly retreat, avoiding prolongation, finding a concealed spot to lie low, and then resuming their assault after a certain period.

Sakumo's reputation had long preceded him, but the combined strengths of Ruri and Ayane, both functioning at Jonin level prowess and possessing bloodline limits, amplified their destructive capabilities exponentially.

Shiraishi's role was to provide minimal assistance from the rear, which included using poisonous smoke bombs and throwing detonators.

During periods of non-combat, he used locally available materials to concoct medicines such as ration pills and antidotes. Given the highly toxic nature of Sand Ninja's puppet master weapons, it was crucial to guard against accidental contamination.

This approach bolstered the Sakumo team's sustained combat effectiveness.

In the morning, another team of six Suna Ninja met their end.

Though the numbers may not seem staggering, their team had been fighting ceaselessly for over a month, repeatedly eliminating enemies, amounting to hundreds in total.

Their tactics involved opportune encounters with convoys entering the Land of Rivers from the Land of Wind. They would ignite the limited resources of Suna and create chaos with Ruri's large-scale fire escape technique before swiftly retreating to evade encirclement.

For those who pursued in smaller numbers, the Sakumo squad would turn the tide, annihilating the pursuers. When facing larger chasing forces, they would employ their exceptional mobility to navigate the Land of Rivers in such a way that an encirclement became nearly impossible unless Sandyin deployed a considerable force, which, if done, would weaken their frontal presence.

If the Third Kazekage truly adopted this strategy and divided his forces, Suna on the frontlines would never be able to overcome Konoha, and their losses would escalate further.

Shiraishi efficiently scoured the fallen Suna ninja bodies for scrolls containing jutsu information, combat tools like exploding tabs, and recovery items like ration pills and antidotes. His backpack was loaded to its capacity.

He couldn't help but marvel at the relative ease of his assignment compared to the challenges Ruri and Ayane faced. The latter duo confronted hordes of Suna Ninjas and navigated a relentless escape, all while evading the threat of being surrounded.

Even though his own strength had grown considerably, Shiraishi knew better than to challenge Suna's massive forces head-on. Yet, the presence of Sakumo's team allowed them to confront smaller squads headlong, ensuring efficiency.

When opposing larger groups, they resorted to a strategy of wandering, leading the enemy forces in circles within the Land of Rivers.

The choice of whether to pursue or not must have been a vexing one for the Suna Ninja: chasing could spell death, while not pursuing allowed Sakumo's team to continue sabotaging them and attacking patrols and convoys.

With Ayane's Byakugan, there was no need to fear a head-on encounter. In the face of larger armies, they would simply target the weakest point and break through.

Sakumo's leadership and charging prowess rendered him a free-moving force within the Land of Rivers, offering the Sakumo squad remarkable versatility.

"Alright, we've finished searching this area."

On a white stone terrain, Shiraishi moved to a clean spot among six corpses, collectively sighing as they reflected on their progress.

The bodies included one upper ninja, three Chunin, and two lower-level ninjas. Though Sakumo had played a pivotal role, the combined efforts of the three were crucial, especially concerning the continuity of their supplies.

With a nod, Sakumo signaled their next move.

Following closely behind, Shiraishi and the others proceeded with alacrity, racing along the border between the Land of Rivers and the Land of Wind.

Whenever fatigue set in, they would take breaks, consuming dry rations and water before pressing forward.

Around three in the afternoon, Ayane's Byakugan detected a four-person Sand Ninja team.

Sakumo wasted no time and executed their customary annihilation approach against this squad.

"Something's amiss."

Ayane voiced her concerns.

"What's wrong?"

Rur asked.

"One member of their team should be a sensory ninja. He sensed our presence but made no attempt to flee or prepare for combat..."

Ayane's words prompted thoughtful expressions from the others.

"It's almost as if they're waiting for us to pass by."

Ayane stated with uncertainty.

"Any traps around?" Sakumo asked.

Ayane scrutinized the vicinity and shook her head.

There were no traps, not to mention that these Sand Ninja hadn't even channeled chakra or readied long-range ninjutsu attacks.

Approaching cautiously, a Sand Shinobi separated from the group, advancing toward them.

At Ayane's signal, Sakumo halted, and Shiraishi and Ruri followed suit.

In an instant, the Sand Ninja arrived before them.

Surprisingly, he didn't initiate any action; instead, he produced a sealed letter from his ninja pouch.

"White Fang-sama, this letter comes from Third Kazekage-sama. Please take a look."

The Suna Ninja presented the letter as if it were a business transaction.

Nodding to Sakumo, Ayane confirmed that the letter contained no poison or chakra activity, indicating its normalcy.

Sakumo stepped forward, accepting the letter and briefly scanning its contents. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"I understand. I'll personally confirm this matter."

The Sand Ninja nodded and vanished from sight.

"Sakumo-sensei, what does the letter say?"

Shiraishi and the others gathered around, curious about the letter's contents.

Sakumo didn't withhold the information, unfurling the scroll and displaying it for Shiraishi and the others to see.

At the top of the letter, only three words were written: "Reconciliation Letter."

It appeared to be a communication from Sand Ninja's Third Kazekage, signaling their willingness to cease hostilities with Konoha.

"Can we trust the contents of this letter?"

"I'm uncertain. We'll need to consult with Orochimaru. If he agrees, the war might end here. If he disagrees, we'll continue our mission. Until we receive official orders, we'll temporarily suspend the mission and abstain from attacking Sand Shinobi."

Sakumo's final words hung in the air as he gazed into the distance.


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