Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 552

Chapter 484 : Du Bian’s father! Is this the end? God

The ruler of the devil in the mirror is Dubian!

When Du Bian stepped into the Demon Palace and looked in the mirror, the Lord Demon Emperor would be resurrected.

But there is still a difference between the inside of the mirror and the outside of the mirror.

Du Bian in the mirror is a demon, and the horns on his head are black.

Du Bian on the outside of the mirror is a dragon, and the horns on his head are golden.

Du Bian stepped forward and looked in his own eyes.

He can’t see it himself, his eyes in the mirror are black, but his eyes outside the mirror are golden.

Dubian is both a dragon and a demon!

“When, when, when, when!”

Suddenly, a bell rang outside.

This is… the death knell of the doomsday!

Some people may say, isn’t the end already here?

No, the demise of the Dragon Blood Continent is not the end, nor is the end of the earth.

now ringing, is the real doomsday death knell!

A small sun floated and rose from the dark throne.

This is the small sun formed by the agglomeration of countless dragon races. It is the small sun that is eaten into the belly of the Destiny Demon in the heart of the earth, and then transmitted to the Devil Emperor.


The little sun exploded suddenly, turning into countless golden dragons and scattered.

In the entire magic palace, the Wanlong tribe hovered in the entire hall.

“Your Majesty, take revenge for us!” Countless dragons said.


Countless dragon races turned into the purest golden yellow energy, like moths flying into the fire, and penetrated into Dubian’s body.

They completely sacrificed themselves and gave all their power to Dubian!

“No, no, no…” Du Biankuang shouted: “Don’t do this, don’t do this… You are all extinct, there is only the last dragon in the world, Mo Han is a brain-dead!”

“Your Majesty, give us revenge!” Numerous dragon clan servants and servants got into Du Bian’s body one after another.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The energy in Dubian kept exploding.

His power swelled wildly.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands of dragons penetrated into his body.

At the same time, the eleven demon kings also kowtowed: “Your Majesty, give us revenge!”


The first demon king turned into a generation of dark rays of light, and suddenly plunged into the Dubian in the mirror, the master demon emperor.

Then, the second Demon King also got into the body of Demon Emperor Du Bian in the mirror.

The Third Demon…

The Fourth Demon…

These demon kings have destroyed the Dragon Blood Continent, swallowed countless planets, and the power of countless planes is already extremely powerful. And now they completely sacrificed their lives and injected all the energy they had swallowed into the mirror’s Dubian.

Outside, the doomsday bell continued to ring.


This bell does not come from the sky, but from the universe.

not only resounded on the Dragon Blood Continent, but also resounded on the plane of the Daning Empire, resounded on the earth.

“Your Majesty, take revenge for us!” Countless dragons said.

“Your Majesty, take revenge for us.” Eleven Demon King said.

The sacrifices of the dragons and the demon king continued, one after another, all of their power was drilled into Dubian inside and outside the mirror.

Three minutes later!

The whole hall of the magic palace is completely quiet.

Numerous dragon races disappeared, they all sacrificed, and all their power was dedicated to Dubian.

The Eleven Demon King also disappeared, giving all the power to Dubian in the mirror.

“Dangdangdang…” The bell from the universe continued to ring.

Du Bian outside the mirror already wears a certain golden crown on his head. This is a dragon crown.

Du Bian in the mirror, with a certain black crown on the top of his head, this is the devil crown.

The tears of Du Bian outside the mirror slipped down, and so did Du Bian inside the mirror.

Du Bian picked up the mysterious rune pendant in his hand and summoned: “Mom!”

“Child…” A light and shadow came out of the ornament and floated in the air, looking at Du Bian very tenderly and lovingly.

She is Dubian’s mother, the Queen of the Dragon Race.

Du Bian tremblingly said: “Father…Father…”

“Child…” Another light and shadow flew out from the ornament and floated in the air, looking at Du Bian with great love.

He… is the former ruler of the Demon Emperor, the master of the Thirteen Demon Kings, who has destroyed countless planes of the Great Lord.

Du Bian’s mother is the Queen of the Dragon Race, and his father rules the Devil Emperor.

For a long time, Du Bian trembled and said, “Father, does the Dream Demon King know who I am?”

Dominator Devil Emperor shook his head.

Du Bian said again: “What about the Devil of Destiny?”

Domination Demon Emperor said: “He is more intelligent and rational. Although he doesn’t know the truth, he may have guessed three points.”


The doomsday bell from the outer universe continued to ring.

“Time is running out…” the dragon queen said softly: “My child, the battle between the dragon and the devil for thousands of years is for one purpose, freedom, survival, and dignity! Perhaps the two races have different expressions, the dragon. Appears noble and natural, the devil appears despicable and greedy, but the ultimate goal is the same, all for survival and freedom.”

Du Bian remembered what the Demon King of Dream said before his death, that the Demon Race was fighting for freedom, for survival, and for dignity.

Domination Demon Emperor said: “But… we know that whether it is the Dragon Clan destroying the demon or the Demon destroying the Dragon Clan, the result is the same. When we decide the victory or defeat, it is the end of the two races. Dragon civilization, All demonic civilizations will be destroyed.”

Dragon Queen said: “Whether it is a demon or a dragon, it is just a game of gods.”

Dominate the Demon Emperor said: “Once the game is over, it will be the day of death, and the doomsday bell from the universe will ring.”

The dragon queen said: “So I fell in love with your father and gave birth to you. All dragons and all demons contribute energy to you. Our only hope is that you can escape the doomsday bell, and you will eventually get Survival, freedom, dignity. With the doomsday bell, all dragons and all demons will perish, because the game of gods is over. But as long as you can survive, everything is worth it.”

Dominate the Demon Emperor and said: “Live, my child! Live strong, and eventually defeat the will of the gods, break free from their grips, and finally slam on their heads!”

“Vengeance for all dragons!”

“Vengeance for all demons!”

“Child, now you are infinitely close to the power of God.”

“Dangdangdangdang…” The doomsday bell stopped!

Then, Du Bian’s mother, the Queen of the Dragon Race, was wiped out in ashes, and his soul was gone.

Du Bian’s father, dominates the Devil Emperor, is wiped out in ashes, and his soul is scattered!

God’s game is over!

Kill all dragons, all demons.

includes the soul of the dragon queen, including the soul of the devil emperor.

is like a laboratory after completing the experiment, spraying out a terrifying flame, completely emptying everything in the laboratory.


But Du Bian was useless, and there was no ashes.

Because he is both a dragon and a demon.

Dubian keep on going!

Du Bian in the mirror also moved forward.

In the end… the two were completely fused together!

The mirror disappeared!

contains all the powers of the demon, and contains all the powers of the dragons, and is completely integrated!

He… has become the most powerful species in the history of these planes!

far surpassed all dragon races, and far surpassed all demons.

He surpassed his mother and his father.


Du Bian sat quietly on the ground of the magic palace!

“Ah…” Instead of shouting, he exhales softly from the bottom of his throat.

The future obtained by divination is always vague and unclear.

Even if you have seen all the pictures, you don’t actually know what happened.

At least what happened just now, Du Bian did not fully preview it, at most it only previewed 60%.

And when it really happens.

still feel shocked from the depths of the soul!

He really saw his mother’s face, his father’s face for the first time, and then he/them disappeared completely and disappeared.

Because the game of God is over.

The doomsday bell from the universe is over.

More than a thousand years ago, the dragon clan collectively left and disappeared, and countless dragon descendants scolded them, saying that the dragon clan betrayed them and abandoned them.

However… Actually, the Dragon Race is preparing for today.

It was also more than a thousand years ago that the demons wanted to invade the derived earth plane where the Taining Empire was located, and swallow the energy of the entire plane, also for today’s layout.

But why did it fail?

is the literary feelings of the dream demon king? Or was it because a tendon move by Mo Han of the Dragon Clan ruined that invasion?

Everything is unknown.

Because mother and father are gone, so are all the demon kings gone?

But Du Bian inferred that if the Dream Demon successfully destroyed the derived earth planes, then there would be no end of the modern earth 16 years ago.

The failure of the Demon of Dreamland led to the Destiny of Destiny invading the modern earth.

Because it is always necessary to devour enough energy to allow the children of the Devil Emperor and the Dragon Queen to reach the power of a god, even if it is a little bit less.

But, none of this matters anymore!

The important thing is the truth and the future!


Du Bian stood up.

Then, he drew a circle lightly with his fingers.

A space door suddenly appeared in the air, a space door leading directly to the earth.

Because he has gained all the power of dragons and demons, he has reached the realm of near gods, and he can directly create space doors.

At this time, he can not only create space gates, but can even directly transform the planet. It may take hundreds of years or even longer, but he can eventually restore the ecology of the earth.

“Earth, I am coming!”

Du Bian entered the space gate.


After passing through time and space, Du Bian returned to Earth and appeared over the Pacific Ocean!


After the demigod Dubian returned to the earth, he was shocked.

Because the sky is completely blue and the sun shines brightly on the earth.

Not only that, but the sea is also extremely clear.

Du Bian flew west.

passed an island.

He was horrified to find that the island was full of green trees and flowers, lush and lush.

This…what is going on?

The earth suffered a nuclear winter, and the entire ecosystem was devastated. Except for mutated plants, most of the plants died.

Not only that, the faces of eleven demon kings covered the earth’s sky and isolated the energy transfer between the earth and the sun. The entire earth was completely frozen, so even the surviving mutant plants died cleanly.

And there was a terrifying tsunami across the Pacific Ocean, and all the islands should have been swept away.

Why are these islands still lush and blooming?

Du Bian continued to fly to the west.

has passed many islands along the way, each island is full of life, dense woods, and rich vegetation.

Dubian accelerated his flight and reached land in an instant.

This should be the original location of Shang/Hai.

Now… it has become a dense forest.

There is the Huangpu River on this ground, but… there is no building, there is no trace of human existence.

Everything is a primitive forest.

Besides, there are no animals except plants.

There are no birds or beasts, not even bugs.

Dubian accelerated his flight and soon came to the capital of the Taikang Empire!

This city… is still there!

Taikang Emperor Li Xiaoqiang’s imitation of the Icecrown Citadel Palace is still there!

But… there is no one inside!

Daughter Du Xiao is gone, Fat Xiao is gone, Du Mo is gone.

Ren Yexiao is gone, the neon clothes are gone, Fang Qingyi is gone, Ji Yinyin is gone, Ji Piaopiao is gone, and Li Daozhen is gone.

Everyone has disappeared!

Du Bian searched no corner of the Taikang Empire capital.

All lives have disappeared!

However, the TV and the computer inside are all safe and sound.

Even the games on the computer continue.

The steak on the table is still warm.

The ice cubes in the cup of drink have not melted yet.

In other words, everyone in the capital of the Taikang Empire disappeared ten minutes ago!

Du changed his scalp and became numb.

He accelerated his flight abruptly, and instantly came to the Pure Land World!

The dragon energy shield is missing.

Because of Du Bian’s mother’s body, she also disappeared directly.

Pure Land World is like a game that has been paused.

All airships, all sky trains are frozen in the air.

Similarly, not half a living person can be seen inside.

All the dragonborn have disappeared!

The only thing that stands is the huge statue of Du Bian in front of the palace!

Du Bian began to tremble all over.

He drew a circle in the air, and once again opened the door of the plane space, leading to the space door of the Daning Empire.


Through the space gate, he entered the plane of the Daning Empire!


At this time, the Daning Empire is sunny.

All the sea water has melted. The sea water is not only blue, but even more beautiful green, like emeralds.

But Du Bian has no intention of watching the beautiful scenery.

He moved instantaneously.

came directly to the palace of the Daning Empire!

Similarly, there is no one.

Not only all humans in the palace disappeared, the entire empire, the entire human beings that derive the plane of the earth, have disappeared.

Du Bian even saw that everything in the palace remained the same as it was ten minutes ago.

Rocking horses, small swings, and many baby toys he saw.

Ning Xue must have given birth to the baby.

Du Bian has another child, but he has never seen it before.

Now, Ning Xue has disappeared, and her baby of several months has also disappeared!


Du changed into a loud roar, and flew up to the sky, overlooking the entire Daning Empire.

The ship on the sea is still sailing, but there is no one on it.

The giant spaceship in the sky is still flying, but it is also empty.

All humans on the plane of the Daning Empire disappeared.

It is not just human beings, all life except plants has disappeared.

Even the mosquitoes and mice have completely disappeared!

The bell of the doomsday not only makes all the demons and dragons disappear, but also makes all human beings, birds and beasts of all planes disappear.

The game of **** is over!

Are human beings and countless lives also considered a game of gods?


Du Bian let out a terrifying roar.

He has never screamed so angry and painful.

The lives of all known planes in this world have been terminated, only one of them survived.

Countless dragons, demons, and humans condensed all their energy on him alone, to achieve his demigod, and let him escape the doomsday bell.

Where is Mo Han?

Is Mo Han still alive? !

If everyone disappears and all relatives disappear, then what is the point of Dubian being alive?

No matter how strong he is, even if he surpasses his father and mother, what is the point?

Is this the final ending? !

Is all the sacrifice of life a godhead?

The sky is also affectionate and the sky is also old?

Is it the so-called loss of everything and nothing in order to become a god?

Du turned down and looked down!

In the reflection of the sea, he saw his face.

There were countless dragons’ voices in his head.

“Your Majesty, take revenge for us!”

The voices of countless demons.

“Your Majesty, take revenge for us!”

and the voice of parents!

“Be brave to live, and truly survive, freedom, and dignity!”

“Step on the top of your head fiercely for life!”


“I will find everything I have, my wife, my children, and all my relatives.”

“Even if they are wiped out, I want them to reappear in the world!”

“I want to declare war on all those who manipulate fate, even if they are gods.”

“I want to give revenge to all demons, all dragons, and all sacrificed lives!”

Du Bian said all his vows word by word.

All the words floated out of his mouth, inscribed on the plane of the Daning Empire, and inscribed on the earth.


God’s game!

God’s manipulation!

So where is God?

Du Bian wants revenge and wants to take back his wife and children who have been wiped out in the dust.

But, where should he go?

Where is the world of God?

Du Bian closes his eyes and thinks!

Then, he drew a space door in the sky and returned to the modern earth.

The figure teleported and appeared directly at the gate of the Tower of Purgatory.

Entering the Tower of Purgatory, he climbed up layer by layer.

Someone once said that the Tower of Purgatory had only five floors.

But Du Bian discovered that there is more to it. The sixth floor is almost a space of thinking, leading to the outer space of the earth The seventh floor is the Dragon Prison.

The eighth floor is the Dragon Sky, which contains the Dragon Crown, the Dragon Rod, and the Dragon Little Sun.

What about the ninth floor?

Is there a ninth floor?

If there is, it must be a higher plane than the dragon sky.

Du Bian came to the eighth floor of the Tower of Purgatory.

There are no more steps!

There seems to be no ninth floor.

Du Bian stepped on the air, stepping up one by one.

Demigod, he no longer needs steps.

If there is a ninth floor, he can always reach it.

Du Bian keeps going up!

There is a shady scene in front.

Du Bian went through the shady scene and came to the ninth floor of the Tower of Purgatory.

Sure enough, there is a ninth floor.

And the ninth floor has no walls, only endless void.

In the middle of the void, there is a rainbow gate.

This rainbow gate is shining brightly, changing colors constantly, reminiscent of the gate of the kingdom of God.

Du Bian came to the front of the Rainbow Gate, chanting vows in his heart.

“I want to avenge all dragons, all demons, and all lives.”

“I want to take back my wife and children, even if they are wiped out.”

“I want to declare war on those who manipulate fate, even if they are gods!”

Then, Du Bian suddenly passed through the rainbow gate.


Note: The second one is sent, please ask for support, ask for monthly pass. This book is about to end, and I will work hard to write the last chapters.

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