Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 553

Chapter 485 : The kingdom of gods!

“I want to take back my wife and children, even if they have been wiped out.”

“I want to avenge all the dragons and all the demons.”

“I want to declare war on those who control fate, even if they are gods!”

Du Bian repeated these three oaths and walked into the door of the rainbow!

Passed through this remnant red door, and then…

He has entered a completely strange world!

Is this… the kingdom of God?

The back door of the Rainbow Gate is a rainbow bridge.

The whole bridge is very long and very wide.

Even length and width have lost the meaning of description here.

In short, it is very long, more than a thousand kilometers long and more than a hundred kilometers wide.

The entire Rainbow Bridge is flat, not an arch bridge.

And this is a rainbow bridge in a pure sense, because the bridge deck does have seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

And the end of the Rainbow Bridge!

Is it the kingdom of God?

It is not a planet, or even a continent, but a huge pyramid.

It is also meaningless to describe his size. The bottom of the pyramid should be more than 3,000 kilometers in length and more than 2,500 kilometers in height.

Its size is smaller than that of the moon, but it is also on the same level as the planet.

The entire pyramid is crystal clear, completely carved from a complete piece of crystal. .

If Du Bian guessed correctly, this pyramid is all constructed of energy spar.

This is the kingdom of God!

It does not need any planet, nor does it need any land or sea, it is just a pyramid.

It seems that it doesn’t even need the sun.

Because in the known space, Du Bian did not see the existence of the sun.

Even the entire pyramid itself is like a sun, exuding bright light.

It’s like a huge diamond floating in the universe.

This kingdom of God is gorgeous, but it has no imagination at all.

In Chinese mythology, gods live in the sky, and countless heavenly palaces are floating in the clouds.

However, it conforms to a certain imagination of the kingdom of God.

At least, it’s in the sky.

At least, it got rid of the planet and land.

Du Bian walked along the huge Rainbow Bridge.

Over a hundred kilometers long bridge, all alone on it, really like an ant walking on the bridge across the river.

The whole bridge is empty.

after an hour!

Du Bian quickly walked over the 1,000-kilometer Rainbow Bridge and came to the gate of the Kingdom of God.

The gate of the kingdom of God is closed!

Du Bian stepped forward and knocked on the door without answering.

Du Bian called the door again, but still didn’t answer.

And he couldn’t see any figure in the Pyramid of the Kingdom of God, or the existence of a **** shadow.

Because the surface of this pyramid is absolutely smooth, it is an absolutely complete equilateral triangle.

In the universe, it really looks like a huge diamond floating in space.

After trying many times, the door of the kingdom of God still didn’t open. Du Bian simply stopped calling the door and just sat on the ground and waited.

Probably a few hours have passed!

The door of the Pyramid of the Kingdom of God opened, and several figures came out.

There are five figures in total.

There was only one person wearing a shirt. She was not only wearing a shirt, but also covered her face and wore a golden energy mask.

Is she a member of the Protoss?

For the other four people, Du Bian doesn’t know if they count as human beings?

Because they have no faces and no gender characteristics. The entire body is made up of white energy bodies. They should be energy robots.

The golden masked protoss looked down at Du Bian, his eyes were as if he were looking at apes and monkeys.

Then, she pointed to the crown on Dubian’s head.

The four energy robots stepped forward and swiped gently on top of Du Bian’s head.

The crown on Du Bian’s head changed directly and became a collar around his neck.

Crown and collar? !

The crown was worn by the emperor, and the collar was worn by the slave.

At this time, the crown has become a collar, does it mean that Du Bian has become a slave from the emperor?

Du Bian’s crown is a combination of the dark crown and the dragon crown.

With a stroke of one of the energy robot’s hands, a screen appeared in the air.

What is displayed on the screen is all the information of Dubian, all the energy indexes, and all the historical pictures he has experienced.

There are almost no secrets in everything about Dubian.

The energy robot quickly reads every scene that Du Bian has experienced for decades.

The golden mask protoss only glanced at it and got all the information from Du Bian, and then she waved her hand gently.

The energy robot presses lightly on the front screen.

Du Bian walked forward completely uncontrollably.

At this time, it was no longer his own soul and will that controlled him, but the collar around his neck.

The Dream Demon King once said that this dark crown once gave it great power, but it also imprisoned his soul, freedom and dignity, so he paid the price of near death, and he also had to rely on this dark crown.

But the Devil of Destiny said that the Devil of Dreams should not pursue freedom when he should no longer pursue freedom. He was different. He chose to surrender to the dark crown, then used its energy, and turned it into an extremely powerful body, entering the center of the earth to swallow power.

The dark crown is like Monkey King’s curse.

The so-called crown was originally a collar, which was prepared by the gods for each dragon and demons.

It’s just that the higher demons and higher dragons feel that they are strong, so they transform their collars into crowns.

And you can never take this thing off, even if it is taken off the top of your head, it will always be inscribed in the depths of your soul, which is bound to the soul.

At this time, the collar around Du Bian’s neck was made up of almost all the collars of all the demons and all the dragons.

At this time, this collar also proved the point of view of the Demon King of Dreams. It is not your soul and will, but this collar that has the highest power of this body.

Du Bian entered the Kingdom of the Pyramid, but he still did not see the people of the Protoss.

Because he was walking through a special passage with energy walls on both sides. This passage reminded Du Bian of the long corridor of the prison.

Under the control of the collar, Du Bian walked through the long prisoner passage, and then walked into an energy cell.

“Lie down!” The energy robot issued an order.

Du Bian’s body was completely out of control, and he lay down directly on an energy bed.


The energy robot issues instructions.

Du Bian fell asleep instantly.

The golden mask protoss left with four energy robots.

In the entire laboratory prison, there is only a sleeping Dubian.

I don’t know how long I slept.

“Wake up!” The energy robot issued instructions.

Du Bian opened his eyes and woke up.

In front of him, there were five members of the Protoss, but they all wore energy masks without exception.

“This is the accident of Experiment No. 4968.” The woman of the Golden Mask Protoss said: “Experiment No. 496899 is to verify the development trajectories of two diametrically opposite races and the birth of subsidiary civilizations under the almost identical DNA. Civilization and which race will win the final victory. To determine the superiority of the devouring race? Or the superiority of the developmental race?”

The war between the dragon and demons spanning thousands of years, the destruction of countless civilizations, countless planes, and many planets, is it the so-called 4968 experiment?

The two races that are almost identical in DNA, but completely opposite, should be the dragon and the demon.

And Du Bian was the accident!

“In our experimental conception, either one of the races will win or they will die together.” The golden masked Protoss woman said: “But these two races sacrificed all their members and gave birth to a new race. After our doomsday bell, escaped the end of the game.”

“Moreover, this unexpected new race has half of our race’s mastery and understanding of the law of energy.” The golden mask woman said: “It is already equivalent to half of the intellectual race.”

Many people are familiar with this scene. In many American movies, a group of human scientists surround a gorilla.

And this gorilla was tied to the bed with various tubes plugged into it, and it was studied by these human scientists.

Then these human scientists said that this star is very smart, about half the IQ of a human being, equivalent to a six or seven-year-old human child.

It’s just that Du became a gorilla, and these human scientists became a protoss.

“How should we deal with the accidental object in this experiment?” said the Protoss woman with the golden mask.

A little green-skinned protoss frowned and said, “Are all the traces of Experiment 496899 been cleaned up?”

“It’s all cleaned up.” The golden-masked Protoss woman said: “All lives have been obliterated, and only this accident is left. Should we continue to raise him in captivity or obliterate it?

The little green-skinned protoss said: “Does his body show a very special situation?”

“No!” The golden masked Protoss woman said: “There are probably more than 30,000 of such experimental accidents. At the beginning we raised them in captivity and tried to cultivate new ones to see if they would evolve into our Protoss. . But without exception, they all failed. After all, they are the product of the combination of low-end experimental subjects. There is an absolute bottleneck in wisdom. Therefore, we have eliminated all experimental accidental subjects born after that. Because they all seem very… …Mediocre, if all raised in captivity, it would be a huge waste of our Protoss resources.”

Countless dragons and demons sacrificed their lives and dedicated all their power to Du Bian. The new race that was born is totally unique in the billions, and in the eyes of these protoss, it is ordinary, mediocre, and lacklustre.

It’s like choosing the most handsome monkey out of 10,000 monkeys, but it’s still a monkey.

This is quite the feeling of a million King Arthur.

You drew the sword in the stone. Congratulations, you became the protagonist. But sorry, you were the 1.3 millionth person who drew this sword, so you became the one millionth king Arthur.

The little green-skinned protoss said: “Then… kill him!”

“Yes!” said the Protoss woman with the golden mask.

The little green-skinned protoss said: “Before obliterating it, remember to keep all the data, this will not waste much resources.”

“Yes!” said the Protoss woman with the golden mask: “Back up all the energy data of experimental accident No. 496899.”

“Yes!” The energy robot opens the front screen and downloads all the data of Dubian to the Protoss server.

After just a few seconds, the energy robot said: “All data upload and backup completed!”

“Destroy it!” the green protoss said.

“Yes!” said the protoss woman in the golden mask.

Then, a screen appeared in front of her.

“Unlock the collar and the soul of the subject.”


Du Bian felt that there was a blank in his mind and a blank in his soul.

As if there was a wave of energy, it left directly.

The dream demon king paid the price of death and couldn’t get rid of the experimental collar. At this time, Du Bian easily asked.

Just like a character in a game, it is always free from the imprint of the character, but the engineer who makes the game can do it easily.


The collar on Du Bian’s neck was directly loosened.

An energy robot stepped forward and took away the collar from Du Bian’s neck.

For the Protoss, this collar is much more precious than Dubian, and it can be recycled and reused.

“The experimental collar has been recovered.” The energy robot said.

“Destroy!” said the Protoss woman with the golden mask.

“Yes!” the energy robot said, and then took out a needle tube, which contained a mass of energy that was almost a black hole.

The needle directly pierced Du Bian’s brain and slowly injected it.

In an instant, Du Bian’s pupils suddenly dilated!

The whole soul goes out directly!

This is the obliteration of the Protoss, and it doesn’t seem to be tall at all.

The ashes that were not photographed by a palm disappeared.

It’s not that a terrible light shone suddenly, and the soul was scattered.

It’s more like the death penalty by injection on the earth.

However, the higher the civilization, the more understatement the death penalty.

In ancient China, the death penalty included Ling Chi’s execution and five horses to divide the body. Is it gorgeous and exciting?

But then it became a hang, then a shot, an electric chair, and finally the death penalty was injected quietly without any pain.

“How to deal with the corpse?” the energy robot asked.

The Protoss woman with the golden mask said: “Send to the garbage collection point for mass incineration and decomposition. Don’t waste a little energy.”

“Yes!” Two energy robots stepped forward, carrying Du Bian’s body, and walked outside.

Inside the cell, all the Protoss scientists dispersed.

For Du Bian, his entry into the kingdom of God was a big deal.

But for these Protoss scientists, including the arrival of Du Bian, including the obliteration of Du Bian, is just an understatement.

They have done this kind of obliteration tens of thousands of times.

Just like the little white mouse who has finished the experiment, it can’t be reluctant to kill because of its cuteness.

Two energy robots carrying Dubian’s corpse, follow a special passage to the central abyss of the pyramid where is the energy decomposition and recovery center.

To put it simply, it is a garbage decomposition station.


Two energy robots threw Du Bian’s corpse.

Du Bian’s body kept falling and falling.

It fell tens of thousands of meters.


His body was smashed on a pile of soft things!

Look down from a height.

This is a sea of ​​corpses.

Tens of thousands of corpses were piled up like a mountain.

There are all kinds of corpses, some are extremely large, some are extremely small.

There are human appearances, octopus appearances, green turtle appearances, and even a black shadow appearance.

Wait, there are all kinds of things.

But without exception, they are all unexpected creatures born out of the Protoss experiment.

They are all miracles of life and energy that are born out of hundreds of millions in every experiment. They were once the king of kings.

And now, it’s all reduced to rubbish, piled up into a mountain of corpses, waiting to be decomposed!

Time passed day after day!

Half a month, one month, three months, six months have passed!

Within this six months!

Dozens of corpses were thrown down one after another in this abyss, one in a few days on average.

Du Bian has been completely buried.

at last!

Thirty thousand corpses have been collected, and the garbage can be decomposed and recycled!

The green-skinned protoss scientist said: “The trash abyss is full. Let’s decompose and recycle!”


The energy recovery center of the Protoss Pyramid is opened!


Suddenly, an extremely gorgeous light shot down suddenly.

Tens of thousands of corpses in the trash abyss were wiped out in an instant!

At the same time, Du Bian opened his eyes suddenly!

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