Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 554

Chapter 486 : Devour all gods! Conquer the goddess?

According to the energy law of the Protoss, after Du Bian’s soul was injected to death, he was bound to die.

No dragon energy or demonic power could save him.

However, he was not dead, and opened his eyes.

Could it be that someone in the Protoss showed mercy to his men and did not kill him?

This is of course impossible.


The garbage energy recovery center of the Protoss Pyramid shot down a ray of light suddenly.

The extremely dazzling light shone on these tens of thousands of corpses.

All of the tens of thousands of corpses were wiped out in ashes.

Including Dubian!

That’s right, Du Bian was wiped out once again! As soon as he opened his eyes, he was completely wiped out.

These tens of thousands of corpses contain extremely powerful energy. Because they are the accidental products of countless experiments, and they were once the kings of countless races.

After the ashes disappeared, the Protoss Pyramid began to recover energy.

These tens of thousands of corpses instantly turned into countless light particles.

The energy recovery center began to compress and condense, and the countless energy particles began to collapse, collapse, and collapse.

It finally collapsed into an energy crystal, a triangular energy crystal, about the size of an adult’s thumb!

This is the civilization of the Protoss.

Such a powerful energy is actually condensed in such a tiny energy crystal.

End of energy recovery!

This small triangular energy crystal returned to the laboratory of the Protoss.

“His Royal Highness, this is the energy crystal condensed from 30,000 corpses.” The energy robot was holding the plate and placed this energy crystal in front of the Protoss woman with the golden mask.

The Protoss woman in the golden mask waved her hand, and the energy robot retreated.

Suddenly the door closed!

In the entire huge house, there is only this golden-masked Protoss woman.

This is a crystal clear space, everything is empty.

The Protoss woman with the golden mask waved!

The surrounding scene changed and became a beach.

The turquoise water has no pollution, and the sand is fine and white, almost silver.

This protoss girl gently tore off her clothes and took off the mask on her face.

Suddenly, her whole body was covered with no strands.

At least on the surface, she is completely human.

Do gods and humans look the same?

It shouldn’t be the case, the Protoss can be anything, it depends on her plot.

If she thinks that the appearance of human beings is very good-looking, then she will change into a human appearance.

Her jade feet lightly stepped on the soft sand, and then stepped into the sea with her slender legs.

Like a mermaid, swimming in the sea.

After swimming for almost an hour.

She left the sea and returned to the beach.

With a light wave of Yu’s hand, a soft cloud appeared in the sky, and she lay on it comfortably.

Blue sky, white clouds, beach, blue sea.

Is all this fake?

No, all of this is true.

Because they are protoss, they can get everything they want.

All enjoyment is easy for them.

Yushou lightly summoned, and the small energy crystal suddenly appeared on the palm of her hand.

She is facing the sun, shining this beautiful energy crystal.

With a light breath, a ring appeared, and this energy crystal was embedded in the ring.

Then she put the ring on her finger.

Not very good-looking, because the energy crystal is too big.

With a light wave of the finger, the ring disappeared, and a certain small crown appeared, with energy crystals embedded in this crown.

Then she put the crown on her head.

Take a breath.

Suddenly there were two protoss women who were exactly the same, because she wanted to see how she was wearing a crown, and she didn’t even need to look in a mirror.

Still ugly.

This energy crystal is suitable to be mounted on the crown, but because it is triangular, it looks weird.

Next, she tried her best to turn this energy crystal into a necklace pendant or earring pendant, but none of them looked good.

It seems that triangular gemstones are not suitable for making any jewelry?


The protoss woman threw this energy crystal on the beach.

What a boring, boring life!

Everything is tasteless!

The life of the Protoss is destined to be boring, because they can get everything they want.

Any beautiful scenery, any delicacy, any desire!

When everything is satisfied, then it becomes extremely empty.

But the Protoss is greedy.

They are reluctant to lose anything.

Just like those super billionaires on the planet, they can easily get any beauty, own a private jet, collect all the limited-edition sports cars, enjoy everything, and there is almost nothing that can stimulate their desires.

Therefore, their days will be very empty.

However, once someone wants him to surrender one-tenth of his wealth, he can fight you desperately.

Even if there are still 90% of their wealth left, they will want to enjoy it for ten lifetimes.

And these protoss, their emptiness and greed probably have to be magnified ten times, a hundred times!

Until now, the only enemy of these Protoss is time!

What they want is…immortality!

And immortality means that endless energy is needed.

They need to overcome the laws of the universe.

However, stars will die, galaxies will die, and the entire universe will die.

So of course the Protoss will die.

Then their eternal goal is to defeat the laws of the universe.

Therefore, the Protoss is constantly doing various experiments, just to get the next direction of development, hoping to find a way to eternal life.

Is the Protoss invincible?

Of course not!

They can’t even escape the black hole, nor can they defeat the multidimensional space.

Even if their star explodes and dies, they can only escape.

But at least until now, they have no enemies.

The goal of eternal life seems out of reach, and the direction of eternal civilization is completely elusive.

But it was extremely far away from death.

In these long years, it is destined to be extremely boring.

“so boring!”

“It’s so boring!”

The Protoss woman sighed in her heart.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly!

Because she found an extra person on the beach beside her.

It was the unexpected lifeform of Experiment 496899!

Isn’t he dead? Didn’t you die by soul injection?

Not only that, but his corpse was also purified by the garbage energy recovery center.

Why can he survive?

Not only did he come alive, but… he was also countless times stronger!

Because the protoss pyramid energy recovery center wiped out tens of thousands of corpses, and then collapsed and condensed into a small triangular energy crystal.

After Du Bian was resurrected, he naturally inherited all the energy inside.

Therefore, he is countless times stronger!

So, is he stronger than the Protoss girl in front of him?

Of course not, it is impossible.

The gap between him and this protoss woman is not energy, but energy level.

At this time, he was considered to have swallowed the power of tens of thousands of demigods, but he was still very close to the power of the gods, but he seemed to never reach the gods.

The Protoss girl did not issue a question, but was slightly surprised.

But Du Bian leaned forward and asked, “Your Highness, what is your name?”

“It doesn’t matter, you can call me Sophia.” The Protoss woman said.

Du Bian put his lips together and kissed her waist, the most sensitive skin.

Protoss woman Sophia put her palm on top of Du Bian’s head and was about to slap him to death.

However, he hesitated for a while.

In her view, Du Bian is equivalent to an orangutan, or equivalent to modern humans watching ape-man at the top of the cave.

In short, it is equivalent to a livestock beast.

So, would a very wealthy woman make affection with a beast? Will you be intimate with an ape-man?

Ordinary women don’t know it, and they feel sick even when touched.

But those super wealthy women, those at the apex of the pyramid will.

Because they have tried every stimulus, their mind and body are in a state of extreme emptiness, and they are willing to bear any stimulus.

Therefore, the upper-class society in the West has repeatedly reported appalling scandals, such as the death of Boeing engineers in horses and so on.

Protoss woman Sophie Asia Pacific is too empty.

Therefore, she did not reject Du Bian, although in her eyes Du Bian was an apes.


Everything happened!

Du Bian enjoyed this Protoss woman.

In other words, he tried his best to serve this Protoss woman Sophia.

at last!

After he almost lost half his life.

This protoss woman Sophia climbed to the peak of the soul.

The nerves of all aspects of the Protoss have been stimulated countless times, even completely numb.

Du Bian has never been so tired, even if he swallowed the power of tens of thousands of demigods, he almost lost half his life.

The nerves of ordinary people, even small currents, cause tremors.

Protoss probably needs to detonate a nuclear bomb in their nerves to make them feel.

After regaining his energy a little, Du Bian stretched out his hand to stroke the back of Protoss woman Sophia.


In the next second, Du Bian was frozen.

Protoss woman Sophia waved her hand.

The beach and the sea disappeared and returned to the laboratory.

“Advanced Energy Killing Array!”

Protoss woman Sophia gave an order.

Suddenly, a huge energy array appeared around Du Bian.

“The 496899 will be completely bombarded and wiped out. There is no need to retain any energy, and there is no need to carry out any energy recovery!” Protoss woman Sophia gave an order.

“Yes!” Energy Killing Array said: “Do you want to leave a record for this bombing?”

“The record becomes a normal experiment.” Protoss woman Sophia said.


Then, this huge energy array began to condense.

After condensing to the extreme.

A light burst suddenly!

In an instant, Du Bian’s body was wiped out again.

Nothing is left, countless energy particles are completely dissipated!

It is said that men are ruthless, but they are no better than this Sophia, really worthy of a Protoss woman.

After killing Du Bian, Protoss woman Sophia once again transformed into the sea.

Then she rushed into the sea to vomit.

Of course, she couldn’t vomit anything, she just radiated inner nausea.

When she was extremely empty before, she wanted to find excitement, so she struck out with Du Bian.

But when he entered the state of sage afterwards, Du became disgusted again.

Because in her eyes, Du Bian is always not the same kind, but a low-level creature, so when the desire to retreat and restore calm, she wants to vomit and feel very sick.

So she killed Du Bian and then vomited by herself. This was probably the greatest contempt that Du Bian encountered.

Next, she must thoroughly wash away this memory of her own.

Otherwise, every time I recall it, I will feel sick and nauseous.

However, she has not had time to wash away her memories.

The surrounding energy particles began to condense again.

First it condenses into a light and shadow, but condenses into one entity.

Subject 496899 is resurrected again!

Du Bian is back again!

This time, Protoss woman Sophia temporarily forgot the nausea, she was really shocked.

Why did Du Bian come alive again?

This, this is impossible.

He has been killed three times, why can he survive every time?

They are Protoss, it is so easy to kill an experimental subject like Du Bian. Why can’t they kill it after killing them three times?

Protoss woman Sophia said: “Your Highness, please go to the laboratory. We have an accident. No matter how you can’t kill the experimental body No. 496899.”

Dozens of protoss scientists are surrounding Dubian!

They have killed Du Bian more than a hundred times, but every time Du Bian is not dead, even with a strange smile on his face.

This is a huge accident, and the cause must be found, otherwise there will be great trouble.

Protoss must be in control of all situations, and any failure to be grasped is dangerous.

“I found the reason!” Suddenly, an energy robot said: “The reason why the Dubian experiment body is not dead is because he has been mentally entangled. He and a dragon female have been mentally entangled, energy entangled, shared life, and shared will. And Du The mutant subject seems to have a certain understanding of our collar. He even deliberately erased this piece of data. We have recovered this piece of data. This dragon female left early from the Earth-derived plane and was flying to the triad star region. ”

“When the Doomsday Bell rang, this dragon female must have not flown far, and has not left the solar system, so she could not escape the Doomsday Bell, and she should have died A Protoss scientist said. .

“Because she had been entangled with the energy of the Dubian experiment body, this dragon female was killed by the doomsday bell, but the Dubian experiment body did not die, she will soon be resurrected.” Protoss woman Sophia said: “As long as these two livestock have One will never die, and the other will never die. This is also our energy law.”

At this time, the little green-skinned protoss said: “Sophia, your clone goes to space to hunt down the dragon female. Then kill both the Dubian experiment body and the Mo Han experiment body at the same time, so that these two experiment bodies can die forever! ”

“Yes!” Sophia, a protoss woman, said.

Then, her body suddenly separated, splitting into two identical Sophia.

She doesn’t even need to draw a space gate, she just disappears in place and appears in the space of the solar system.

At this time, it had been 70 hours since Mo Han flew away from the plane of the earth.

She has flown more than 70 billion kilometers, very, very far, right?

This is already vast space, and at this distance, the sun is already a small star.

But… here is still not out of the gravitational range of the solar system.

It’s still very, very far away from the destination, the triple star, because it takes more than four years to fly.

Mo Han turned into a light spot and flew straight towards the target forever!


Suddenly, she slammed directly into a mirror and stopped directly!

“Why are you blocking my way? A good dog doesn’t stand in the way.” Mo Han regained his human appearance and scolded angrily.

Protoss woman Sophia was taken aback, and then easily grabbed Mo Han’s neck and said indifferently: “Humble female livestock, die with your male livestock!”

Note: The second one is sent, ask for support, ask for monthly pass. Because it’s difficult to write Kawen, the update is late, sorry.

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