Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 561

Chapter 491 :Meet your wife and children! Death will

“Boom boom boom boom…”

There were bursts of earth-shattering bursts.

Not an explosion, but a burst.

Under the gravitational pull of the three suns, the entire Protoss pyramid was continuously torn apart.

All the laboratories, all the energy arrays, and all the spaces inside were wiped out.

Of course, the millions of Protoss inside are still alive.

Because the individual mass of each protoss is too small, even if it receives the gravitational force of three suns, it will not cause much harm.

To use an analogy, if Jupiter and Saturn are at a very close distance, and the moon is placed in the middle of the two, the only result is that the entire moon is torn apart. But if you put a person between Jupiter and Saturn, you won’t be torn apart.

Although all protoss are not dead, their faces are full of infinite despair.

Because the entire energy pyramid is everything to them.

Not only their home, but also their laboratory, their future and so on.

The most important thing is that the entire pyramid is their source of energy.

Why are these protoss able to leap in space extravagantly, and why can they carry out plane experiments more extravagantly?

It is because the entire pyramid can provide them with an endless source of energy. To be precise, the pyramid can collect the energy of three suns, and then provide it to millions of gods.

Therefore, the energy that each Protoss can enjoy is almost infinite.

Protoss woman Sophia can directly create a sea and a sandy beach for relaxation.

If a certain Protoss is too boring, he can directly create millions of strange races, and then watch them evolve into civilization.

All of this energy comes from the collection of solar energy by the pyramid.

Now that the pyramid was destroyed, it was unable to concentrate the energy of the three suns.

How much energy can each protoss swallow? It can be said that just by absorbing the energy of the sun by their own bodies, they can complete a four-light-year jump and they will be completely consumed.

More directly, without the energy pyramid, these protoss cannot even explore the universe. Because it is very likely that they will not find any stars or get any energy replenishment after flying for a few light years, they are likely to die in space due to exhaustion of energy.

“Boom boom boom…”

The Protoss pyramid continued to be torn apart.

It was torn into two pieces, four pieces, eight pieces, sixteen pieces…

Under the gravitational force of the three suns, it will be shredded until the mass of each fragment is as small as a certain level.

“Long live adult Du Bian, long live, long live!”

After the collapse of the Protoss Pyramid, tens of thousands of demigod prisoners were restored to their freedom.

Like Du Bian, they were all victims of the Protoss experiment. They sacrificed countless lives on the plane they were in to allow every demigod to escape the doomsday bell.

They were once the king of kings.

Like Du Bian, they both wanted to avenge the countless dead of their clan.

But as soon as these demigods entered the world of the gods, they were immediately imprisoned, not to mention revenge, even their freedom was lost.

At this time, Du Bian destroyed the Protoss Pyramid, which meant that they had revenge. How could they not be ecstatic?

The speaker of the Protoss Council, the skinny green-skinned Protoss trembled all over.

The green-skinned protoss speaker looked at Du Bian and screamed: “You ruined our civilization, how much did we pay? How much sacrifice we have made, how many years we have spent countless years before we have today’s glory. And you But ruined it!”

Du Bian looked at the green-skinned protoss and said, “Then how many civilizations have your games and experiments destroyed?”

The Greenskin Protoss said, “Those experimental civilizations were created by us. Since we created them, we are qualified to destroy them.”

Du Bianhan said: “The so-called dragon race was created by you, and the demons were created by you. What about the human beings on earth? Did you also create it? No, they are the life civilization born naturally in the universe, but they are also destroyed by it. Your experiment.”

“The weak eats the strong.” Green-skinned protoss said: “As a low-level civilization, being weak is the original sin, and it is normal to be destroyed.”

Du Bian said: “Then I will return this sentence to you now!”

The face of the green-skinned protoss shuddered.

Yes, if your civilization is so powerful, why was it destroyed so easily by me?

That can only prove that you are far from strong enough.

“Du Bian, you destroyed our homes and our pyramids, but do you think everything is over?” The Protoss Speaker’s thin body laughed wildly.

Suddenly, the green-skinned protoss knelt down in the air.

The millions of Protoss also knelt down.

The green-skinned protoss speaker kowtowed to the air: “The great king, the great king of wisdom, the great guide of civilization. Millions of years ago, when our race suffered the calamity, you will guide us. The direction of is for you to bring us rebirth and light. Now your people have once again encountered the crisis of destruction, please show up again and show you the lost lamb.”

Then, millions of protoss watched and kowtowed among countless ruins and danced mysterious dances.

“Great King of Gods, Great Faith, please show yourselves and show us these lost lambs.”

Millions of Protoss kept knocking their heads.

“Sacrifice, start!”

Then, the shocking scene began.

Countless protoss committed suicide and blew themselves up.

One after another protoss was wiped out,

Dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions…

As long as this king does not appear, these millions of protoss will continue to explode!

In the end, a whole 1.9 million Protoss blew up.

After self-detonation, their energy condenses and condenses in space.

Suddenly, a figure condensed!

This is the King of Gods?

He has the human head, limbs and body.

But there is no face, no facial features.

His hands have no fingers.

His feet have no toes.

Moreover, there is only a light and shadow, no actual body.

His figure is huge to infinite.

At least all the space within Dubian’s field of vision was occupied by his light and shadow!

Although he has no eyes, he lowered his head as if looking at the countless fragments of the pyramid.

At this time, the quality of the fragments of each pyramid has been small to a certain level, so it will no longer be torn apart.

He gently raised his hand.

Suddenly, the fragments of the energy pyramid were all shattered in an instant.

Originally, each fragment still had a diameter of tens to hundreds of kilometers, but at this time it was all turned into powder.

Then, he waved his hand again.

All the powder turned into light.

These rays of light condense into the body of this **** king.

He is no longer a light and shadow of nothingness, he has a body.

The huge pyramid of 3,000 kilometers, all shattered to pieces, condensed into his body.

Then, his figure kept changing.

Finally chose a human face.

“I use this face to communicate with you, maybe you will feel more natural.” The **** king said lightly: “Du Bian, do you know what a **** is?”

Du Biandao: “Create life, resurrect life.”

“Yes, create life, resurrect life, travel through time and space.” God is king.

Du Bian said: “Then why have you become a god?”

“Me?” God said: “Because… unlimited death!”

Become a **** because of infinite death?

On earth, God exists because of faith! It is the spiritual sustenance of tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and billions of people!

Then, a clock appeared in the hands of the King of God, and he shook it gently.

“When, when, when, when, when…”

Doomsday bell!

This voice is more than familiar, it is unforgettable!

That day, when the bell rang, Du became his father and his mother’s soul was wiped out.

Then hundreds of thousands of people who survived on the earth, including Dubian’s wife and children, and countless humans of the Daning Empire, were all wiped out.

“Your Excellency Du Bian, you should be very familiar with this bell.” The King of God smiled.


The doomsday bell continued to ring.

Du Bian was in the airspace between the three suns, and his mental power was constantly released.

Then, he saw an extremely shocking and terrifying scene. To be precise, he was psychopathic to the terrible scene.

Countless lives are dying!

The civilizations of one plane after another were completely wiped out.

The doomsday bell never rings for nothing.

When it sounds, it means the extinction of countless lives and the extinction of many civilizations.

“Your Excellency Du Bian, you want to avenge your people, you want to avenge countless demons, and avenge countless dragons. You should find me, not… my people.” The King of God smiled and said, “Because they are fundamentally. They are not protoss, they are just machines.”

His face is as warm as the sun, and his smile is like a spring breeze.

Then he raised his hand gently.

In an instant… the remaining millions of protoss were frozen in place, motionless.

How familiar is Du Bian in this scene?

It’s as if the whole movie has been suspended!

“Your Excellency Du Bian, you should find me if you want revenge.” The King of God sighed: “These people of mine are just tools I made. They are like worker ants and robots. In words you can understand. Said it is equivalent to a god-level artificial intelligence. It’s just that they don’t know this at all, they completely regard themselves as real beings, and they regard themselves as real protoss.”

Du Bian looked at these millions of immortal Protoss, who could not even move their eyes, and his whole body was a bit creepy.

The **** king sighed and said: “Use your mind to think about it, the Protoss that can manipulate tens of thousands of planes, will be so fragile? Will it be easily killed by you?”

“Use your mind to think about it again.” The King of God smiled and said, “Will the home of a Protoss that can manipulate countless planets and countless planes be torn apart by three suns?”

The King of God sighed: “Du Bian, your thinking is too rigid. You always think that God should have a life shape. Either a human, or a green turtle, or an octopus, or a group of light and shadow. Actually you see The pyramid itself is me! Why can’t the pyramid be a god?”

Then, the King of God waved his hand gently.

His body changed suddenly, once again condensed into an intact pyramid.

His fingers dropped lightly in the air.

Suddenly, the countless protoss killed by Dubian, including the countless protoss that exploded in smoke before, reunited one by one.

Including Sophia who was beaten to pieces by Du Bian.

The millions of Protoss people all reappeared, frozen in the air, like robots that have not yet been awakened.

“Du Bian, you have many misunderstandings.” God said: “You always think that a civilization consists of many lives, but God is always lonely. At least I, the god, alone, represents the entire civilization.”

Du Bian repeated: “Infinite death has become a god!”

“Yes.” God’s king said.

Du Bian said: “Then why are you killing countless planes, exterminating countless civilizations, and killing countless lives?”

“Does it take a reason to kill a life?” God said: “Because life is the highest energy. Some gods are believed and worshipped by countless lives, so they are full of powerful power. And some gods are powerful and slaughter countless lives. like me!”

Du Bian said: “The **** of death is immortal?! Believe in immortality?!”

The king said with his hand: “Your Excellency Du Bian, you should feel extremely proud and proud. Because these high-level energy robots I have made are helpless to you, and even let you massacre millions of high-level intelligences, and even need me to show up in person. .”

“Okay, I’m going to kill you.” God said: “Your so-called immortal means is not bad, you confine your soul in an absolutely static space, in that space even time is still. So the natural soul will never die. And your body wanders outside, no matter how many times it is extinguished, even if it is thrown into the black hole, it can be resurrected, because your soul will never die in the space where time is still.”

Du Bian was silent.

The King of God is right!

That mysterious pendant, the pendant his mother gave him.

When the doomsday bell rings.

All dragons and demons have dedicated their power to Dubian.

Dubian is like looking in a mirror. Inside the mirror is Demon Dubian, and outside is Dragon Dubian.

Just when the two Dubians were about to merge into one.

The souls of mother and father came out of this mysterious pendant.

Du Bian’s soul got into this mysterious pendant.

How did this energy pendant come from? do not know!

There is no memory of this pendant in the mother’s memory.

This mysterious pendant is a substance far beyond the understanding of Du Bian’s mother, and also a substance beyond Du Bian’s comprehension.

The souls of parents can only be attached to this pendant.

But Du Bian’s soul was able to penetrate the inner space of this pendant!

The internal space of this pendant is also far beyond what Du Bian can understand.

In this space, everything is static, including time.

Once time stands still.

Nadu’s soul will be frozen forever, and naturally it will never die.

Du Bian hid his soul in the space of the mysterious pendant, then his body walked outside, and hid the mysterious pendant in the rift in the world.

This is the secret that Du Bian has always been immortal.

Now it was explained by this **** king.

So not long ago, Du Bian made Mo Han hurry back to Earth, that is, let her go to the rift in the world to take out this mysterious pendant, and then hide it in the most secret place, far away from the earth.

The King of God gently tore a crack in the air, then his hand got in and caught a person out.

Mo Han, and the mysterious pendant on her neck.

“Ah…Where is this place? Where am I!” Mo Han said in astonishment.

The body of the **** king kept shrinking, becoming the same size as a normal person.

Then, gently pick up this mysterious pendant.

“Do you know what this is?” The King of God asked: “This is the pendant of the God, which I put on the earth. I don’t know if you can understand that the vast universe is too big, and I need to drop a buoy to do it well. Mark, do you see the mysterious rune above? With your words, this is 496899!”

Du Bian remembered that when he entered the Pyramid of the Protoss, he was called No.496899.

“Obviously it was the beacon I cast, but you used it as a life-saving straw. It’s really ignorant and cute!” The King of God smiled: “I have many beacons like this!”

Immediately afterwards, countless pendants appeared in front of Du Bian’s eyes.

There are mysterious runes on them, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!

There are too many planes, too many planets, and too many worlds in the game of destroying civilization and destroying lives.

Therefore, we have to mark them one by one.

And this is also an energy connection, ensuring that his energy robot can manipulate the plane war in the solar system within 4.2 light years.

“The inside of this pendant is like an independent universe. Time is still. Do you think anyone other than me can create something of such a high level.” The King of God smiled and said, “Well, Lord Du Bian, even though you are very naughty. Jump off, but the game about you is still over, say goodbye!”

As long as the **** king smashed this mysterious pendant lightly, Du Bian could be completely killed.

“Wait!” Du Bian said, “God King, I have two questions for you!”

God King said: “Say.”

Du Bian said: “I want to resurrect my wife and children. I thought of two ways. The first way is to make time flow backwards. When the speed exceeds the speed of light, time will flow backwards, and I can return to a few years ago. If I can meet my wife and children, I can change the destiny of the world’s destruction. Is this path feasible?”

The **** king shook his head and said, “It’s not feasible.”

Du Biandao: “The second way, I find a wormhole in the universe, return to the past, and change the fate of world destruction. Is this path feasible?”

God King said: “It’s not feasible either!”

Du Bian said: “Then… if I kill you, can I resurrect my wife and children, and can I save the earth from destroying the fate?”

“Of course!” The king of gods smiled and said: “I said that some gods gain power by the faith of countless lives. Some gods are strong by killing countless lives. I am the latter, so I need to continue to slaughter. Even It is not enough to kill the humans in the solar system. It is also necessary to use human genes to create the Demon Race and the Dragon Race. This is equivalent to fattening the pigs and killing them to eat more meat.”

“No. 496899, the game about you is completely over!”

Du Bian was holding Mo Han’s hand, and he was ready.

The King of God gently squeezed that mysterious pendant!

In an instant, that mysterious pendant was completely wiped out.

The space inside was also completely shattered, and Du Bian’s soul floated out.

Next, the King of God did not make any movements, did not need to snap his fingers, nor did he need to pat Du Bian on the top of his head. He just smiled and looked at Du Bian with his warm eyes.

The souls of Du Bian and Mo Han disappeared inch by inch.

at the same time!

Tens of thousands of demi-god moths rushed towards Du Bian as if they were fighting the fire. Of course, it is not appropriate to use a demigod, to be precise, it is a test product of the gods.

They want to save Dubian with their lives.

“Swish swish swish…”

Each of these demigods was once the king of kings, and they all placed the hopes and beliefs of hundreds of millions of creatures on every plane.

Now, these tens of thousands of experimental products pin all their beliefs and all hopes on Du Bian.

His life and soul were continuously injected into Du Bian’s body.

The **** king smiled faintly: “Want to use the faith of countless planes to create a new god? It’s too late!”

Tens of thousands of demigods (experimental products), the king of kings representing the hope of tens of thousands of planes in the world, all sacrificed for the sake of preventing change.

The **** king’s hand was placed on top of Du Bian’s head, and he was about to lightly pat it.

But Du Bian didn’t wait for his action, he chose to stop himself.


In an instant, the bodies of him and Mo Han were completely wiped out.

This time, he can never be resurrected!

The **** king closed his eyes and enjoyed it incomparably.

This is the taste of becoming powerful!

Death is immortal! The death of countless lives made him stronger and stronger!

“Du Bian, do you know that at that moment, you placed the hope of life on countless planes, you gained the faith of countless creatures, and you almost became a true god!”

After a while!

The **** king transformed into that 3,000-kilometer-long energy pyramid again.

The millions of advanced intelligences in the pyramid are still frozen.

Suddenly, their eyes turned and they were activated!

Sophia appeared in the room and sighed: “The Protoss is invincible. It’s so lonely and boring!”

Then, she waved gently.

Her room turned into a sea, her clothes disappeared without a trace, and then she jumped into the sea to swim.

Everything about Dubian, all the memories that the pyramid was once torn apart, none exist.

It’s as if nothing happened.

Millions of high-level intelligences continue to think that they are the Protoss, the most powerful civilized being, and they continue to control countless planes of destruction in an orderly way.

Du Bian opened his eyes again!

He was completely shocked again!

The visual shock brought by the scene in front of him far surpassed everything, beyond the sight of him walking out of the ninth floor of the Tower of Purgatory and seeing the God-level Pyramid for the first time.

What is it called here?

Galaxy hell? Universe underworld?

Countless dead souls form an extremely long galaxy, flowing continuously.

How many dead souls are there?

do not know!

It’s not memory, it’s not billions, it’s not tens of billions, but more and more.

There are humans, dragons, demons, spiritual life, energy life… and so on.

In short, there are tens of thousands of life forms.

And all of them are powerful intelligent lives, capable of giving birth to civilized lives.

In short, countless dead souls form a galaxy, an extremely long galaxy that flows endlessly.

Some gods are powerful because of the faith of countless lives.

Some gods are powerful because they slaughtered countless lives!

And this galaxy of dead souls constituted the source of extremely powerful power of the **** king.

If it wants to continue to be strong, it must continue to slaughter. Life is the most advanced energy!

Here, Du Bian saw the reflection of the solar system and the reflection of the triple galaxy.

Is this the eternal place of death?

All the dead souls here are like countless water molecules, which can only flow continuously according to the law, without opening their eyes or moving.

The only thing that can move is Dubian!

Du Bian kept flying and cruising in this eternal death soul galaxy.

He is looking for his wife and his children.


He found it!

He found the soul of Ren Yexiao , found the soul of Du Xiao, and found the soul of Fat Xiao.

He found it all!

I also found Ning Xue’s soul, and there was a baby that was a few months old in her arms.

All his wife and children have been found!

But… Du Bian can only see them, not only cannot be resurrected, cannot be awakened, or even touched.

Together with countless dead souls, they form the Milky Way, flowing continuously.

“I want to resurrect them, I want to reverse everything, I want to save everything!”

Some gods are powerful by killing countless lives.

Some gods are powerful by the faith of countless lives!

Note: The 4,000-character manuscript was abolished today, so it is more than 6,000 words for this chapter, and I will try to finish the book within three chapters!

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