Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 562

Chapter 492 : Ultimate Battle 1! Kill the King of Go

If you ask, is everything still under Dubian’s grasp?

Do not!

The current situation is really out of Dubian’s grasp.

Even the world in front of Du Bian is unknown, and it is also unknown to the **** king.

How should he save everything? How to resurrect my wife and daughter?

At least, he must first understand the world, where he is, and what he has to face?

He was alone, wandering in this extremely huge world.

The world is big and big!

It was bigger than Du Bian had imagined.

Inside this space, there are dead souls everywhere, and there is far more than a galaxy of souls, but many, many souls with astronomical numbers.

In fact, it is conceivable that in the plane world where Pure Dubian is located, how many people died in the game of God King?

The plane of the Daning Empire, the Dragon Blood Continent, and the modern earth far exceed billions of lives.

And Du Bian is just experiment No. 496899!

Each number represents a galaxy, a plane, and astronomical life.

So how many dead souls are there in this space world that Du Bian saw?

Hundreds of billions, trillions?

No, all these numbers don’t even make sense anymore.

Because this number is already extremely large.

When Du Transformed into it, he saw one dead soul after another.

But when Du Bian gradually flew away, his vision became farther and farther.

These dead souls are getting smaller and smaller, and finally become a spot of light.

Du Bian continued to fly farther, farther, farther…

What he saw was the real galaxy, the real Milky Way.

It’s like the galaxy seen in the universe.

It’s just that every point of light in the Milky Way in the sky is a star, and every point of light Du Bian sees is a dead soul.

Du Bian flew to the farthest and farthest time.

I saw the existence of a galaxy, not the appearance of the Milky Way, but a bit similar.

In the Milky Way, countless stars are rotating around the center of the Milky Way.

And Du Bian saw everything in front of him, countless souls revolving around the center, and each soul was a point of light.

When Du Bian first came here, he thought this was the galaxy underworld, the **** of the universe!

But now, this view may have to be changed.

Of course, he still needs to continue to observe the world.

He continued to fly outside.

Because he saw the reflection of the solar system and the reflection of the triad (three suns).

Therefore, he flew desperately towards the triple star.

In this world, all souls are like a photon, like a star in the Milky Way. They are not free, and they all revolve around the center of the Milky Way.

The soul of Dubian alone is free and can fly at will.

He tried to see if he could fly away from this world, could he approach the triple star.

He keeps flying, flying, flying…

I don’t know how long it has been flying.

He still didn’t fly away from this world, and strangely, the three suns of the triad star had the same size in his field of vision.

According to the truth, Du Bian keeps flying towards the three suns, and the light and shadow of these three suns will become bigger and bigger, but in fact they are not, the size is completely unchanged!


Du Bian finally came to a conclusion!

This space is an independent cosmic space, completely isolated from the outer universe, so the distance will never change.

The world inside, the concept of time and space are also different from the outside!

Secondly, this independent cosmic space is actually…the brain domain of the **** king!

Du Bian is in the mind of the **** king.

That’s right!

The truth is so ridiculous!

Du Bian had thought about many possibilities, and felt that he might have come to the **** of the universe, the underworld of the galaxy, and so on.

But the result was very straightforward. After he was killed, he came to the brain of the **** king.

After the lives of all planes were killed, all the dead souls came to the brain of the **** king and became the basic particles of the **** king’s spiritual power.

Every dead soul is a photon, or particle, in the brain of the **** king.

The truth is simple!

The **** king constantly cultivates lives, then slaughters lives, far from constantly replenishing his brain particles and replenishing his spiritual power.

The brain domain information of ordinary people is also a signal composed of countless electrons.

This **** king slaughtered astronomical lives and made every life his own spiritual particle. He swallowed more than trillions of lives.

So, of course he is extremely powerful!

Of course he can control games of countless planes, and of course he can create extremely powerful protoss robots.

Of course it can withstand almost all damage, even the gravitational damage of the three suns does not care at all.

He continued to slaughter lives, sure enough, not for fun, but just to be strong and to survive!

Humans eat vegetables and meat to maintain life, while **** kings rely on devouring life to maintain their strength.

It was figured out that this space was actually within the brain of the **** king.

Dubian is about to abandon all the inherent concepts before.

The first is the size, this change has become meaningless.

Any size is relative.

Just like a drop of water, it is very small in the eyes of humans. But there are countless lives in this drop of water, and it is a single world.

Just like the solar system, it is very, very large in the eyes of humans. But if the Milky Way is a giant, then in his eyes, the solar system is so small that it is not even a dust.

Du Bian’s brain area of ​​the **** king is already an independent space world, so the size here has almost nothing to do with the outer space of the universe.

This is equivalent to another microcosm.

The other is the length of time.

The life of human beings is nearly a hundred years, and the life of a mayfly is only 24 hours. In the eyes of humans, the life of a mayfly is so short, but does the mayfly feel that its life is extremely short?

And those microorganisms with shorter life, their life may be less than a second, that is also a lifetime.

Therefore, in the independent space within the brain of the **** king, the length of time does not have much to do with the outside.

After figuring out these principles!

Du Bian confirmed a fact. First of all, he must not expect to resurrect his wife and children in this world. It is meaningless.

Because in this world, the souls of wives and children are just particles.

The King of God is right, the only way to resurrect his wife and daughter is to kill the King of God!

Killing the **** king is, in a sense, subverting cause and effect.

In this world, only by subverting cause and effect can death be saved.

So, **** the **** king?

Now Du Bian’s soul is still completely imprisoned in the mind of the **** king, and the strength of the two sides has been disparity to an unimaginable point.

If the brain of the **** king is described as the Milky Way, then Dubian is a star.

If the **** king is compared to a strong man, then Du Bian is a cell in his body.

Is it possible that a cell wants to defeat a person?

It is theoretically possible that cancer cells divide infinitely, swallow infinitely, and eventually swallow the entire life.

And Du Bian seems to have this ability.

Before he died, tens of thousands of demigods placed all their hopes and beliefs on him.

Faith is contagious, spreading once and twice, and spreading continuously.

What is faith?

This is too long and complicated to explain.

But for Du Bian, faith is unilateral spiritual entanglement and spiritual supply!

Du Bian and Mo Han are mentally entangled on both sides. Two people can share life, share will, and share energy.

And tens of thousands of demi-god test products exported their beliefs to Du Bian before they died, which was a unilateral spiritual entanglement.

This means that Du Bian can unilaterally enjoy all their power and determine their will, but without paying any price.

Du Bian turns his mind!

Suddenly, in the galaxy composed of countless souls, tens of thousands stopped rotating, and they got the order of Dubian!

These tens of thousands of souls were the tens of thousands of demigod test objects sacrificed to save Dubian.

That’s right, Du Bian fully possesses their will and energy, even if they have become an ignorant soul, even if they have become the basic particles in the brain of the **** king.

And these tens of thousands of demigod trials were once the supreme leader of their respective planes, the king of kings.

Countless lives on these planes were willingly sacrificed for them and gave their strength.

Just as countless demons and dragons gave their all for the purpose of preventing change, this is also a kind of belief.

Du became the faith of these tens of thousands of demigods, and these tens of thousands of demigods had the belief of tens of thousands of trillions of lives.

Du Bian opened his greatest mind and wanted all believers to order!

All his believers, whether direct believers or indirect believers, are all still.

Suddenly, more than trillions of dead souls stood still.

Including Du Bian’s wife, children, and his parents.

Because these people and unreservedly believe in change!

Du Bian couldn’t help but remember the words of the **** king. Some gods rely on slaughter and devour lives to become powerful, while some gods rely on faith to become powerful.

Du Bian gained absolute faith in countless lives directly and indirectly, and he was already very close to God.

Therefore, in the universe of the God King’s brain, all souls are ignorant and unconscious, and rotate without freedom. Only change is free.


These trillions of souls just stopped turning slightly, and quickly recovered.

Although they believe in change, the gravitation in the brain universe of the **** king is too great for them to resist.

Only those tens of thousands of demigod souls can really be controlled by Du Bian.

Want to kill the **** king!

To destroy his brain universe, then go to the center of his brain universe.

His brain is like a galaxy, with countless souls of light revolving around the center, just like countless stars revolving around the center of the Milky Way.

There is a black hole in the middle of the Milky Way, so what is the center of the universe of the God King’s brain?

Before Du Bian was flying out desperately, this time he flew desperately inward, toward the center of the king’s brain.

Once again, distance has become meaningless in this world.

Compared with the outer universe, the world of the **** king’s brain domain is an independent universe.

Compared to Du Bian, the brain world of God King is extremely huge.

The closer to the center of the God King’s brain, Du Bian found that countless souls were turning faster.

Faster and faster, faster and faster.

And the soul is getting denser.

At the most central position, the speed of countless soul light spots is already astonishing.

For example, the star in the most central orbit of the Milky Way galaxy has an astonishing speed of 12,000 kilometers per second orbiting the center.

Du Bian saw it, and saw the center of the king’s brain!

It really is a black hole! This black hole is the spiritual core of the **** king’s brain, the core of life!

Just like a normal galaxy!

Then it becomes simple and extremely difficult to kill the King of Gods.


Destroying this black hole directly, the **** king will completely collapse and destroy, and he will die forever.

But how to destroy this black hole? !

Of course, all artificially created black holes will soon die and erupt again.

But there are some black holes with a steady flow of power and mass supply, so the life of these black holes is extremely long.

For example, the black hole in the Milky Way has existed for about 10 billion years, and it will survive for a long, long, long time.

The same is true for this black hole in the center of the king’s brain.

It is almost invincible!

Because black holes can swallow all energy, all matter, including light. Any attack method is invalid to it!

So, how to destroy a black hole?

The theory is also very simple!

Even if a particle hits with a faster than light flight, it can destroy everything, including black holes, no matter how big or how small it is.

Therefore, if Du Bian accelerates an example to exceed the speed of light, he can destroy the brain of the **** king, and he can completely kill the **** king!

However, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the speed of any matter in the universe cannot exceed the speed of light!

Human scientists have done countless experiments to overthrow this view.

Even in an experiment in 2011, a certain scientist announced the discovery of a medium particle whose speed exceeded the speed of light.

At that time the whole world was in an uproar.

But in the end result, this is because the technician’s measurement error caused the experiment error.

Therefore, Einstein’s theory of relativity stands there like a wall of gods, unshakable.

The speed of light is the speed limit of the universe, as if it has become the truth.


Du Bian’s bombardment of the core of the **** king’s brain has begun!

This is a very cruel process!

Because this is a suicide attack!

Du Bian controls a demigod soul, speeding up, speeding up, speeding up…


Then, hit the black hole at the core of the **** king’s brain!

No effect!

The soul of this demigod was easily swallowed by the black hole without any waves.

Next, Du Bian controlled the second, third, and fourth souls of the demigod race to strike.

Completely invalid!

These demigods are all believers in Dubian, and they have dedicated their will and energy to Dubian.

And now, Du Bian let them launch suicide attacks time and time again, even if they are completely dead.

However, they were still in the state of soul before, and once the **** king was killed, their souls might be resurrected.

Once a suicide attack is launched, there is no possibility of resurrection, and they will be completely annihilated.

The hundredth impact.

Thousandth impact!

Next, Du Bian even gathered dozens, hundreds, and thousands of demigod souls together, and then compressed and collapsed into a single spot of light, hitting the black hole in the center of the king’s brain!

Still failed!

Du calmed down!

He fell into long thoughts again!

This conventional attack is useless and will definitely fail.

The maximum speed of these souls under his control can only be infinitely close to the speed of light, and it is impossible to exceed the speed of light.

This tactic was unsuccessful!

So… what should I do?

Suddenly, Du Bian had an extremely terrifying idea in his mind!

Use black holes against black holes!

That means that he will compress and collapse the souls of the remaining tens of thousands of Protoss and condense them into a black hole.

In this way, what is the difference between him and the **** king?

These demigods believed in him and gave all will, energy, and matter to Dubian before dying.

Du Bian collapsed their soul matter into a black hole, which meant that eternal death killed them and made them never resurrected.

Only a moment later!

Du Bian made the decision!

In order to kill the **** king, in order to resurrect his wife and daughter, he is willing to do anything, he is willing to pay any price!

“Sorry, everyone!”

Du Bian said silently.

Then, he controlled the remaining ten thousand demi-god souls, controlled all their will, strength, and material, and then collapsed.

These tens of thousands of light spots began to condense, condensing to the extreme.

At last!

They have become a black hole a black hole that is extremely small but also extremely powerful.

For these demigods who believe in him, Du Bian is a **** who can do everything.

A small black hole to the extreme!

This…is the ultimate weapon of Dubian.

The ultimate weapon to kill the king!


There are black holes condensed by tens of thousands of demigods, and they hit the black hole in the center of the **** king’s brain!

The ultimate kill!

Note: I have been sitting in front of the computer from 12 noon to make ideas, and I have only finished writing now.

The first one is sent, please ask for support, and ask for a monthly pass. There is a second one tonight.

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