Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 11. Giving Free Cheat to Everyone As a God.




Short story, I explain to them all of what happened last night... including the existence of the system, the reincarnation procedure, until what actually happened to Vera.

I was expected them to still have a lot of questions and to bombard me down to the details, but what happened was the exact opposite. They fell silent after hearing my explanation.

"Something wrong with my story? Just ask before we go to the main event."

I asked them to make sure I did nothing wrong. That's a lot of information after all, and I won't blame them if they felt overwhelmed.


My sister shook her head and quickly replied: "No... It is just... What happen to you was really amazing Onii-chan."

Both of the twins also nodded following my sister.

"Alright then."


I stood up from the chair, clapped my hands, and wish that all of us move toward the storage room that had been remodeled like the European luxury room the night before.



Seeing their surroundings which had suddenly changed, all the girls were shocked who were then amazed by what was happening directly in front of them. Especially the twins really look amazed at what happened.


"This is really surreal."


My sister who clearly looked confused asked: "Un... Where it is, Onii-chan? It looks like a room from... rich people's house?"

I shook my head and then explain: "It is our storage room, but I change it to be like this last night as the place for the reincarnation procedure room. You don't mind right, sister?"

"Of course not. The owner is you, Onii-chan."

"Thanks, sister."


I cleared my voice and then begin to explain what I am going to do here.

"Alright... Now, going to the main event. As I have explained before, I am here to give everyone the abilities you all want so you guys could protect yourself. You guys are truly important people for me, and I don't wish any harm toward anyone in here."

Hearing my explanation, the faces of all the girls here suddenly turned red and blushed. I might have picked the wrong words to explain there, but I really mean it when I said they are really important people to me.

["Jin-sama, you really have your way toward your words."] The system commented.

Shut up and please prepare to release the 'basic cheat perk for reincarnation selection card' for everyone here.

["Very Well, Jin-sama."]

As I am done asking the system, Saya suddenly raise her right hand and asked: "Owner, when you mean any ability... You really mean it?" 



I shrugged and replied: "Well... No limit, but promise me you will be able to control your own power... I didn't want what happened to Vera also happen to everyone. You know, destroying this restaurant because can't control their own ability."

After hearing my explanation, everyone quickly nodded understanding what I mean.

["Nice decision Jin-sama, learning from the mistake."] The system commented.

Yep. I don't want to destroy my own home after all. Besides if all my employees are unable to work, I can't even open the restaurant.


I clapped my hand and said: "Alright, with that all said. Let's get into it."

System, please summon those abilities cards right now.




Immediately between me and the girls, hundred of glowing golden cards fall to the floor at the same time. 



System... It is happening again?

["I am sorry Jin-sama! I forget about this!"] The system quickly apologize.

Eh... Not the first time happened. No worries.



My sister pointed her finger toward the cards and said: "Is this all the ability cards you were talking about, Onii-chan? Why it looks... scattered around?"

I pinched my nose. and replied: "Err... Yes, sister It was my fault, I still do not have full control of my abilities after all."

"Oh... No worries Onii-chan. We all understand."

My sister said followed by the twins nodded behind her.

"Thank you, everyone... Then, I guess you guys could pick your own ability now, just pick all the cards you do like in those messes. Meanwhile, I want to train myself with this godly power."


"Let's go, Kaya."

"On your back Saya."


All of the girls begin to scramble around the cards as they are looking at the ability they seek. Meanwhile, as usual, I use this time to know the limit of my current power as a god.



The first one to finish picking up the cards is my sister which only takes about 5 minutes.


[Plant Magic EX: Affinity with plant magic is maximum. Able to communicate with plants and perform miraculously feat with a plant magic type such as Absorb Essence, Custom Spore Manifestation, Custom Seed, Morning Wood, Instant Growth, etc. One of the requirements to have is to be able to grow the World Tree.]


M sister pick up... the plant magic? 

Compared to Holy magic EX, Plant magic looks really amazing!


"Sister, can you tell me the reason why you pick plant magic? I think I know the reason but just for curiosity." I asked her.

My sister quickly nodded and replied: "Yes... Onii-chan, you know I like taking care of our garden. With this ability, it is will help me to enjoy the gardening more."

Hearing my sister reason, I smiled and nodded in agreement. With that ability in my sister's hands, the restaurant garden will become even better and it will potentially attract more and more customers to our restaurant.

"Then, why you don't pick more cards, sister?"

She shook her head and answered: "I think I should master one ability per one time Onii-chan. "

I folded my arms while nodding and replied: "Good thinking, sister."


As expected of my smart sister. I didn't give her a manager role in this restaurant without reason.

["You are really love praising your sister, aren't you, Jin-sama?"] The system commented.

Well... She is the best sister after all. 

["Are you a siscon, Jin-sama?"]

Eh, No. I am not lusting after my sister. It is just... Normal siblings feeling you know.

["I see... But your sister is the one who looked after you. Pfft."]

Shut up. This is not the time to talk about that.

As I am still having conversations with the system, both twins have also done pick up their cards and they called me out.

""Owner!! We are also done with our choices!""

They both looked happy then ran to me with their card of choice. I nodded and saw what their card of choice was.

"Let's see what you both picked up..."



[Fire Magic EX: Affinity with fire magic is maximum. Able to perform miraculously feat with a fire magic type and it is variant such as Hell Fire, Inferno, Fire Storm, Explosion, etc.]


[Water Magic EX: Affinity with water magic is maximum. Able to perform miraculously feat with a water magic type and it is variant such as Tsunami, Cocytus Breath, Blizzard, Avalance, Ice Age, etc.]


This is... the most generic cheat I have ever seen so far. Same level as Holy Magic EX that I have seen from Ayaka.


"Kaya and Saya... Why both of your choices are too... normal?" I asked them.

Kaya raise her hand and answer: "I pick Fire Magic because I can use it to help the restaurant in case we ran out of gas... And warm the food too, owner."

Her sister Saya, also raise her hand and followed: "For me, I pick Water Magic because I can use it to help the restaurant with water supply, and as it is said included advanced abilities like ice, I will also be able to help with ice supply."

After hearing their explanation, I took my words back. Their choice abilities are awesome! Like my sister, they also think about this restaurant when choosing their abilities. They are really good employees... and I am very grateful for that.


"You guys... awesome!"

Both twins cheerfully replied: ""Of course we are owners."'

"We are super."

"Super awesome pervert."

Kaya shook her head and muttered: "Besides, there is no dress break or sex magic in those cards... So we got no choice but pick up normal ability."


["You should thank me Jin-sama since I remove them from the deck temporarily."] The system suddenly commented.

Really they actually exist within those cards? Thanks, system.

["Your welcome. Beside those abilities won't be fit for any of your soon pantheon member."]

Wait, what?

["Forget what I said."]

Well... If you said so. I am still grateful for what you did though.


"Onii-chan? Since we are all done picking our ability... What we are going to do next?"


I hold my chin and replied: "The next step obviously train your ability and make yourself stronger... So what we do next is attached the system with you guys."

"System, Onii-chan?"

"Yep, system."


With that said system, can you attach yourself to those girls too?




System (3) has been attached toward Origami Rin, Urakashi Saya, Urakashi Kaya souls. 


The system has been connected with Origami Rin, Urakashi Saya, Urakashi Kaya souls. 



After the notification connected, all the girls' eyes went wide… and they were silent for a moment. Maybe because the system is talking to them.

["Yes, I just introducing myself to them."]

Welp, Okay.


After a while, the first one who seems done with the system introduction is my sister. She looked at me with admiration and asked: "This is the one who makes you keep daydreaming Onii-chan? Honestly... She really sounds fun. How about you guys?" 

"Kaya found this interesting, Rin. She didn't mind of my perverted jokes!"

"Saya also finds it the same, Rin. She is also good at making jokes!"


Hearing their excellent response to the system made me feel happy. I smiled at all of them and said: "The system is my partner. So far, she has been really helpful to me so I hope you guys get along with her."

["Thank you for your kind words Jin-sama, I will not disappoint you!"] The system suddenly commented.


My sister nodded and replied: "Will do, Onii-chan. Also, the system suggested we train ourselves inside the dungeon following Vera-san."

"Owner, you can join us!"

"It will be fun!"

Hearing their invitation, I think it might not hurt to follow them. I also want to see Vera's progress, and if I go with them... I can protect them head-on.

"Alright, since it seems I had no job tonight, I will accompany everyone--"



[A multiple new souls have been transported to Theon world from multiple types of world. Please prepare the soul reincarnation procedure.]

P.s: I know what you did yesterday, young man. Just do your job and the 'punishment' might be slightly lessened.



...Fuck. That old man seems mad!

You said, "I can do anything I want, system?" That old man clearly intended to punish me soon or later.

["I am sorry! But I remember Original One did say it like that to me, Jin-sama!"] The system replied with an apologetic tone.

Yeah, too much sorry for you today. Sigh, I guess I can't join the girl's adventure then.


"Onii-chan? Are you okay? Your face... seems in trouble." My sister called me out while looking concerned. Not surprising if she could tell something wrong from my expression as we have been living with each other for years.

I let out a breath and replied: "*Sigh* Y-Yeah sister... the thing is I can't join you guys tonight because I suddenly got a notification to do reincarnation procedure again... and that old man seems a bit mad too so I can't skip this one."

"...Are you sure you will be okay. Onii-chan?" 


Now everyone is asking worriedly about my condition. Once again, I am grateful to have employees and sisters like them.

I smiled and replied: "Don't worry, everyone. For now, I will transport all of you to the dungeon where you guys could get stronger and know your ability better. I am sorry I can't join though, but I promise I will join on the next time."


My sister quickly replied: "No worries Onii-chan."

"We will make you proud, Owner." Kaya excitedly answered.

"We will make you praise us." Saya followed.

"I will anticipate it." I answered and offered my best genuine smile toward them.


After I say that, all of the girls suddenly bask in white light... and seconds later, the girls are all gone from this room. They all seemed to have entered the dungeon at the same time and this room suddenly feels... quiet and lonely.


System, please guide them with their ability as what you did with Vera. It is okay if you are busy with them... I think I can manage tonight's job alone.

["Of course, I will. That's my job after all. Also, you severely underestimated me, Jin-sama. While I can exist in multiple souls, I am also able to multitask with it so I don't need to leave you after all. You need me to do your duty, and you will be not lonely tonight."] The system explained.

Really? Then why with Vera...

["You didn't ask, Jin-sama. Besides, I don't want to disturb your education time."] The system commented.

Ah, I see. Thanks for your consideration. Really, you are the best partner.

["Your welcome."]



Now, let's just start this again... Will I do this every night from now?

["I don't think so. There are only 2 souls waiting to be reincarnated tonight, so you might be able to join the girls in the dungeon in the end."] 

I hope what you said is true, system. 


["One question before we started Jin-sama, I think your chef uniform isn't fit for a god doing the reincarnation job."] The system suddenly said.

...Just remember that old man acting as homeless when he was supposed to be the strongest god.

["Good point. Forget what I said."]

I'm glad you understand.



[Intermission: Why basic cheat perk for reincarnation selection card?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, I wonder why I need to use basic cheat perk for reincarnation selection card to do my job. Is this method really popular among gods? Can you answer me please, system?"

(System): ["Of course, there are a lot of other methods out there to give away cheat ability."]

(MC): "What do you mean?"

(System): ["There is plenty of way for god giving cheat to the reincarnator such as using other tools like Wheel of Destiny, Dice of Fate, Fortune Darts, etc. Mostly being probability type because most gods believe luck is part of the soul's fate and they also didn't like waiting. "]

(MC): "Those tools sound much cooler than giving out cards and then someone always messed it up."

(System): ["I am sorry about that, Jin-sama... But believe me, cards are the best method out of all of them. It gives the reincarnator fair chance to get any ability they wanted to."]

(MC): "Hmm... but I am the curious system. Being probability type, what is the rate of good ability and bad ability on those tools?

(System): ["Well mostly 1% for super tier ability, 4% for good tier ability, 40% for decent tier ability, and 45% for trash tier ability."]

(MC): "1%... really? Isn't that bit too low?

(System): ["Well... the most of gods taking inspiration from gacha games rate... which well known to be terrible, to begin with."]

(MC): "...I feel sorry to all reincarnator who going through that probability methods."


I was planning to put sister backstory in this chapter but then I have difficulty how to connect them. So instead of this chapter, I decided to do it in a later chapter, which probably will be a side story chapter with the sister perspective.

By the way, thinking a joke is hard... so pardon me for the lack of jokes in this chapter.

Also turn off the brain, and remember I got no editor.


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