Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 12. Another Reincarnation Work to Do As a God. (1)


{POV: Aria Stanford}


After killing my beloved "Jack Harrison" boyfriend in his sleep to make it less "hurtful", I took a picture of Jack's corpse and sent it to the woman Jack called as"co-worker" to make her feel guilty for the rest of her life.

(A/N: Jack is the first soul getting reincarnated by mc back in chapter 3, in case someone forgets)

I also don't forget to send it along with the context "This is your fault."


Jack is mine, and I will not give him to anyone!

If work was the reason he was forced to communicate with that woman he called his boss, then Jack didn't need to work. But I know he works to support me, and of course... it's impossible to live in this world without any money.

I understand very well how people nowadays are constrained by money. I've always hated this world for how it is work, the only thing I'm grateful for in this world is that it gave me the chance to meet Jack.

Therefore, this world is wrong. I know Jack is a loyal person and his love is real toward me, but I don't want Jack to be stolen by another... better woman because she has more money... Or financially better than me. People with money will always be able to destroy our relationship like they destroy my inheritance business.

Therefore, the conclusion I came to was to leave this ugly world so that we could have a better life in a better world. I made sure we would be sent to a better world by god, after all, one day before I did this I donated all of our assets to a fundraising agency to have my request granted by god.

Good plan, right?




Notification: New Message 

[42829143: Who are you?! Why are you killing Jack!? I will call the police!]



Well, after confirming that the woman had seen the photo I sent, I took the knife I used to stab Jack and pointed it at my own body. There's no use for that woman to call the police.

After all... police won't be able to imprison an already "dead" person.

Jack, I'm coming after you!




Open my eyes, I find myself in a sort of endless void without being able to do anything. Is this punishment from my sinful soul?

But again, I was doing it for Jack's own sake. So I refuse to believe that I was going to hell.


After floating in the void for an untold time, something happen... As I suddenly find myself in a sort of luxurious room. European style? Look into the ceiling and the wall.

I sit down, looking at my own body... there is no blood or any discomfort. I believe I have died, but there is nothing changed in my appearance.

I stand up and then quickly realize I am not alone in this room. In front of me, there is a growing boy sitting in front of me, watching me as if I am a sort of specimen. 

His aura.. made me instinctively recognize it as divine, so he must be a god... probably the god of death.

A god in chef uniform, how cute. And he looks younger than me.


"Are you a god?" I asked him.


The god answered me. Even his voice really sounds divine.

"Where is this, God?" 

"This is the afterlife, Aria Standford. And don't call me god, just call me Jin."

So this is the afterlife, and he is god on here. His name is Jin, and I guess he is here to judge my soul?

"Uhm. Since you are god in the afterlife, will you judge my sin? But I have done a lot of charity before my life ends, so it should help me right?"

He shook my head and replied: "That's not my job to judge your sin, I know what is your sin, Aria Standford but fear not that's not my job to judge your sin. Besides, a higher god has acknowledged your charity action, so I am here to give you a second chance of living in another world."

That's good news! My plan to continue living in the next world with Jack actually works!

I quickly calmed myself and then asked "What kind of world it would be if I may ask God Jin?"

"There is magic in that world, including a lot of well know fantasy elements such as other races, demon kings, church, etc."

As long it is not a modern world! The world based on fantasy is much better since personal strength is matters in that kind of world. And this time, I won't allow myself to be weak!

Again, I quickly collected myself in front of god and then asked another important question.

"Thank you for your offer, Jin-sama. Then, will you reincarnate me with the same world as Jack? You should know my circumstance. He is the only reason why I keep living and I would definitely kill myself again if I didn't get together with Jack again."

After saying that, I quickly procrastinated on the floor to show how genuine I asked his request to him. I need to make sure that I am reincarnated in the same world as Jack and I will do anything for that to happen!

The god scratched his back head, looking confused, and then replied: "U-Uh... That's the plan. I mean that's how it goes since you meet me. I am the god responsible for the world where your old lover resides right now."


I can feel my face grinning hard hearing this god answer. I really should be hiding my behavior, but I doubt it is matter. 

After all, I am talking with god... And there is nothing I could hide from a god.







Looking at her obvious grinning expression, it is obvious that this woman is very dangerous. 

She is going to find Jack again in that world, doesn't she? Poor Jack.

I wish to get some info regarding Aria Stanford's life.



Aria Stanford, A normal girl born from an abused family in the modern world. Both of her parents are business owners that own printing businesses. They are the kind of people who did everything to gain benefit... which is not a good parent at all. They teach Aria how to steal, lie, scam, and even use violence for the most part of her life. At age 13 however, she has enough of their abuse and killed both of her parents by poisoning their food using cyanide that she get from the black market that her parent introduces years ago.

After that, Aria lived her life as she please at the moment until she realize that money won't come on it is own. She tried to run her parent's business as it is only her inheritance from them, but turn out to be unsuccessful as she got no experience in how to run a business in practice and got no connection. In the end, Aria decided to sell the business as she was crushed by her competitor, which give her enough money for living until she got into college.

Aria has a twisted perspective that the world revolves around money, and she hates how the modern world works. She thought of how to kill herself several times as she almost run out of money at age 20 but then she meet Jack Harrison. Both of them quickly fall in love, especially Aria as Jack is the one who only gives her happiness that she never ever felt her entire life. 

This happy moment only lastest until 2 years later... when Aria thought someone was aiming at her boyfriend and she can't really do anything about it without resulting drastic change in their relationship.

In the end, Her twisted perspective gives her the idea to kill both herself and his boyfriend, and be reborn to another world instead keep living in the modern world.



After reading her life history, I can't blame this woman either... her life... is kinda fucked up. 

But still, to reincarnate the woman that killed the previous reincarnator in the same world... What does that stinky old man think?!

["Probably Original One find this amusing, Jin-sama."] The system replied.

I am not amused at all!  Why she is not sent into purgatory or hell? She is clearly dangerous here!

["What are you afraid about, Jin-sama? You could erase her from existence if you find her annoying."]

Ah, I forget I am a god.

["Correction, a True God."] The system corrected me.

Y-yeah, sorry. I also forget this is technically a job, and as a professional, I won't back down from doing my job.

Well, let's get over with this. I want to have time to train with the girls after all.

["I agree. I didn't like this woman either, Jin-sama."]



I cleared my voice, look at her seriously, and said: "Aria Standford... before you get reincarnated I will give you an opportunity to choose an ability that will help your journey in another world."

She nodded as if she already know this would happen and then asked: "Did Jack also pick his ability, God?"

"Yes, But I can't reveal what kind of ability he picked up."

There is no way I would tell her what kind of ability jack picked up, it would make her have an easier time finding him after all.

"I see..."


Instead of looking disappointed, she is actually looking... Happy? And there is a clear smile on her face. I thought she would be mad since I didn't disclose any info related to Jack 

["She thought that with given ability to her lover, her lover would be able to survive in the new world instead just outright dying."] The system explains.

Put aside her twisted behavior, she genuinely loves him... huh?

Welp, system. Put the card on now. And please put all the golden cards carefully instead of making a mess on the floor... again.

["Don't worry, I got this Jin-sama!"]


After the system said that, hundred of golden cards appeared in a stack in front of Aria without being scattered like what happened with Ayaka's procedure yesterday.



Good job, system.

["Your welcome, Jin-sama!"] The system replied.


I clear my voice, move my arm as I start to explain to her: "All of these stacked cards in front of you contain all possible abilities you could choose to bring with you to another world. Take your time and be careful of your choice."

Hearing my explanation, Aria just nodded without saying anything and then begin to scramble around those cards carefully.

And as always, I am using this time to know my power better and experiment with the limit of my power.




About an hour or more, Finally, Aria is done picking her ability. Damn this woman sure take her time seriously when picking up on the cards.

She walked toward me while smiling and then said: "God Jin, I will pick this ability for my next life ability."

I take the card out of her hand and look at what she picked up.


[Dark Magic EX: Affinity with dark magic is maximum. The user would be able to perform impressive dark magic and it is variation such as curse, hex, shadow blending, soul shackle, etc.]



This woman is destined to be a supervillain! Why is this ability included in the card?!


"Err... Are you sure you want to pick this kind of ability?"

She look at me seriously and replied "Yes. Is there something wrong with picking dark magic? As a god, I think you know that dark magic user is not equivalent to evil, right?"


["She is right, Jin-sama."] The system quickly commented.

But she is EVIL here! Or her twisted mind did it! Arghh!! With dark magic, it is just complimented her twisted behavior furthermore!

["Well... Just give her a chance to prove herself Jin-sama. I think you shouldn't discriminate against her based on her previous life experience Who knows, she might be changed in her next life."] The system explained.

I have a hunch that won't be the case, but I see what is your point, system. Anyway, just get over with this... I will believe your suggestion.


System, as always... please do the next procedure. 


As I told the system, the woman in front of me suddenly shone in golden light, and then a portal to another world appeared below her sucking her in slowly... like happen to every reincarnator before her.



Before she disappeared, she bowed her head slightly toward me and said: "Thank you for this opportunity, God Jin. I swear I will also pray toward you from now."

I nodded and replied: "U-Uh... Have fun in your next life."


A few seconds later, the woman in front of me is gone.

The first reincarnated soul procedure for today is completed!

 ["Good Job, Jin-sama. Please hold on because you only get one soul left to attend for today."] 

And as always... thank you for assisting me, partner.

Please proceed with the next soul quickly so I can join with other girls who currently training.

["Alright, Jin-sama. Prepare yourself a bit because the next soul is quite unique."]


["This one is former demon princess soul."] The system answered.





[Intermission: Why every reincarnator so far has a tragic backstory on them?


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, system....can you explain why every reincarnator we had to proceed so far got a tragic or sad backstory before dying?"

(System): ["You want me to answer it with truth or sugarcoating fact, Jin-sama?"]

(MC): "...Uh, truth? I mean what the fuck with sugarcoating answer.., sounds like a false answer, to begin with."

(System):  "Are you sure you are asking the answer in this order?"

(MC): *Nod* *Nod*

(System):  "The truth is because sad backstory character more interesting to know than a plain one. And as said before, Original One finds them amusing."

(MC): "...Really? "

(System):  "Yes."

(MC): "What nonsense is this?"

(System):  "I don't know. That's Original One answer by the way."

(MC): "Then... Sugarcoating answer?"

(System): "It is because they deserve the second chance of their life after experiencing their tragic first life."

(MC): "I wish your last answer was the truth instead of the first one. There is no impact whatsoever after hearing that cool reply."

(System): "That's why I asked are you sure asking about truth first."

(MC): "Excuse me, there is no way I would know that would be the answer, system!"


Honest to earth, I have a difficult time giving a logical backstory for Aria as yandere lol. But then, people told me you can't logic with yandere because it is a mental disorder. An abusive parent is a good enough reason for her then xD

Anyway, I got no editor and this chapter seriously burned me out. I will try to edit this more later.

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