Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 30. Chaotic Night. (2)




Confirming that my cousin and his sister successfully teleported to my restaurant, I also quickly wish to be teleported to my uncle's room. 

It is time for me to face the final boss.

["I am not sure about that, you are much scarier than him, Jin-sama. His plan literally doesn't stand a chance."] The system commented.

Uh, it is just prose, system!


A white bright quickly enveloped me, and just like that... I literally appeared in front of my uncle who is inside his own office. He is currently sitting down on his big office chair, smoking while staring at the moon outside from the window. 

He gives me calm vibes, even though I am sure he could hear that his whole mansion is currently in chaos.


"I have been waiting for you. It is the first time we have met, Origami Jin... The fact that you are here, you must be aware of the history of this family, right?"

After saying that, he turned around with his chair to face me, which revealed himself to me. His appearance is just like my cousin if he was aged. Neat luxury black suit, a tidy short black hair with monocle glasses showing his class.

He is Kuroba Gorou, the current group leader of Kuroba Group, owner of the biggest manufacturing company... And the source of our current problem.

"Uncle... You seem not too surprised about our sudden appearance?" I asked him while being on guard. 

Since I have been inquiring about this whole family fiasco from system a few days ago, I know the fact that there are guns hidden under his desk and he also got clear hostility for me. 

This guy really has thought of killing me, so I can't drop my guard at all in front of him.

He smiled wryly at me, put his cigar off, and answered me, "What are talking about... of course I am surprised, but I already realize that it was my lost the moment I witness you with your employees have suddenly appeared in my daughter's room."

"How?" I asked, being surprised he would know what happened down there.

"I also have a hidden camera in that room, that not even my stupid son knows about it." My uncle explained. Well, I guess the system didn't tell me about this so that's why I did not know that.

["I won't give you unnecessary memory to you. Do you really want to know everything such as what color of underwear he wear everyday?"] The system reacted.

Uh, yeah I don't need that.

Thanks for your support system.


"Anyway, Uncle..."

Without waiting what I said, he continue babbling, "All of my plan for a few days has been come to failure and always stopped by people that I am sure they are your employees... So, the only plausible explanation I assume is that you have a way to peek into my mind or predicted the future."

He stared at me seriously and asked, "Now the question is, what are you?"


Hearing his smart deduction, I can't help but get surprised. As expected of him, he is really smart and crafty. If not because my ability, I won't even be able to fight back against his scheme. The proof that he was able to deduce what I have done just shows how smart he is.

Ignoring his question, I shook my head and said to him sincerely, "Uncle, let's just stop this all facade. I don't want to have a conflict with you." 

I tried to persuade him peacefully, although I know the chance is probably nonexistent. When I remember that he was also a victim of the situation, I can't help but get sympathy for him. Mother probably also forgives him, and out of respect for my mother, I would also try to do the same for his brother.

However, as I have expected earlier, my uncle snorted in disdain and replied, "Hmmph... you should be aware of my answer already, that's impossible... My nephew."

It didn't stop me and continued trying to persuade him, "My mother... It has been a year since she passed away. The restaurant was inherited from her... I don't think she wants you to destroy it, uncle." 

However, instead of getting persuaded, the response I got is rather violent. He stands up in a rage, and begins to yell at me as he smashes his own table.

"That's because your bastard father wasn't able to protect her! "



Wait... Does father promise him something? 



Looking at his crazy furious expression and hearing what he said to me, I realize that it might be too late for us. I know the system already informed me about how much he hates us and that it was even distorting his rational thinking but never expected to be this intense.

"I see... We are irreconcilable..." I muttered sadly.


Gorou cleared his voice and calmed down himself, sitting down while looking at me with hidden madness, "Actually, I don't have a particular grudge with you, nephew... Even so, your face reminds me of that bastard and can't help but make me want to kill you."

"I see. I got no choice aren't I?" I asked him seriously for the last time.

He smokes a bit and then replied, "Yes. It is just what I am, nephew."

"Even though you know that you have no chance to win against me, uncle?" I asked him once more, trying to threaten him, hoping to change his mind.

As I said that, Instead of answering me, I can see he just pulled something out of his desk, based on where his left hand lay under the table. 

This means that he chooses to fight instead of giving in.

"I can tell. After all, I'm just a normal human... I don't even know what you are. One thing that I know is my hatred... Is not something I can let go of easily, nephew." He calmly replied to me.


Hearing my last persuasion was rejected, I did not reply to him or anything but at that moment, I close my eyes and just simply wished for him to have fainted while muttering, "I am sorry."


"H-Hikari..." He called my mother's name before passing out.


Thus, in an anticlimatic way, he just fainted on his chair without even being able to fight me back. There is also the sound of something dropped onto the floor which I quickly noticed was a silver magnum gun held in his left hand. 

As expected, my uncle really intends to shoot me, huh? Too bad.



System... I know you watched me right now.

What I should do?

["You know the answer, Jin-sama. You can manipulate his memory and he will stop doing whatever he wants to do right now or kill him right now."]

...But, I don't want to do both of them.

["You have no choice. It is either that or just kill your uncle. You are lucky that you have a choice, Jin-sama. If you are not a true god appointed by Original One himself, you wouldn't even survive under your uncle's plan."]

I won't deny that at all. His position, his brain, and his resource are far above my small restaurant. Normally, it would be truly impossible to fight back at all. But still, I don't want to choose any option you have given to me.

["Sometimes, not even a god had a choice in some situations to run away. God is also a creature bound to emotion but as a god, you need to learn which is more important to follow... Your principle, or your family?"]


The answer is obviously... My family.




System, quickly connected everyone to the chat group right now, including Raika and Oga who are not included yet. I got a better idea to solve my current dilemma.





While I just issued an order to the system to gather everyone in the chat group, another loud explosion followed by an earthquake happened again. 

"Damn it, system. Please be quick to gather everyone or this whole area would be turned into ruin in the next morning!" 

["It is not like you don't have the power to revert everything that happened here, Jin-sama."] The system resounded in his mind.

Yeah, about building and our existence... Sure. But what if there is a casualty? 

I still can't revive the dead as much as I want, right?

["....Alright, it is done."]

Good grace, system.




Opening the chat group...



(Jin): @everyone, Hello, I just want to report that the source of the problem has been captured so right now I want to ask everyone's opinion about this.

(Saya): Break his leg.

(Kaya): Break his arm.

(Rin): Break his neck.

(Vera): Umm... Break his genital?

(Rin): Vera-chan is the winner!

(Saya): As expected of our destruction specialist.

(Raika): Everyone is so scary... Why does everyone want to break him?

(Oga): Cousin, you are talking about that bastard, right?

(Jin): Yeah, he is with me right now. I made him faint. Oga, you, as one who hates him the most in here and being his son... What do you want to do with him?

(Oga): Let me talk to my sister a little bit.

(Jin): Alright, do it quickly.

(Rin): Onii-chan, why did you not put Sakura-chan in here too?

(Jin): Umm... Because she is not aware of the real situation of us and I don't have a plan to tell her. The fewer people know about us, the better it is.

(Jin): Now speaking of which, You guys had enough of causing chaos in this place! How did you guys manage to create a lot of destruction when you just got a task to attract their attention?! I could hear a lot of scream and explosion from here as if I was standing on the battlefield!

(Saya): The plan was to pretend to be a terrorist, Vera did a good job to set up an explosion with her fist!

(Vera): I-I am sorry!

(Jin): Wait, what?

(Rin): It is like what Saya-chan just said. We manage to attract the security guard that was about to enter Sakura's room by creating a lot of destruction in another area! 

(Kaya): Simple plan but just work!

(Rin): Also no one blames you, Vera-chan. I am also causing a lot of destruction in this place.

(Saya): +1

(Kaya): +2

(Rin): I am surprised that this place isn't destroyed yet. As expected of a conglomerate mansion, so durable.

(Jin): @Oga, what is your answer? Do it quickly or your home would be turned into ruin soon!

(Oga): Can you leave it to me? That guy has done so much wrongdoing in his entire life. He needs to take responsibility for all of them and I will make sure of it. I promise.

(Jin): Alright, then I will be leaving him here and we will be back to the restaurant immediately. Are you all ready?

(Rin): We are ready anytime. System-chan will be taking care of the aftermath, right?

(System): [Yes, don't worry about it.]

(Jin): Alright, I will start teleporting everyone out.

(Rin): Yes, Onii-chan!



Closing the chat group, I quickly wished for everyone to be teleported to the restaurant... And then as always, white bright light quickly enveloped me.



After that, all of us teleported successfully to the restaurant in front of Raika and Oga with his sister who has been waiting in the restaurant. 

Looking at everyone, it seems no one gets hurt at all. The girls even have a bright smile on their faces and seem to be satisfied with what they have just done.

When I asked what they actually do when I am busy confronting my uncle, the girls answered me that they just destroying a lot of stuff in Kuroba Mansion, and beating a lot of guards' bodies in there. 

I tried to peek at the situation on there using my wish, and oh god.

The girls were surely ruthless! Broken expensive paintings, Broken walls, and floors, a lot of expensive looking cars were destroyed and the garden was burned to crips! I am sure that I just leave them for less than half an hour but this kind of destruction?! Thankfully, None of the guards get murdered, but they all sure ended up in hospital tomorrow. Ironically, The system manipulates the event that happened to tonight into an actual terrorist attack. Well, the damage they caused is sure about the same as being attacked by terrorists.

["Physically, they are beyond human beings Jin-sama. You should be thankful that they decide to not use any kind of destructive move. I am sure a half-full power of Miss Vera punch could easily cause an earthquake and raze the mansion to the ground."] The system was flatly explained.

I didn't realize that all employees become that strong in a short time!

["At least with this, they were able to protect themselves as you wished."]

I wonder if I made the wrong choice.



After witnessing their destruction cause, I asked the reason why they did that. It seems all of my employees decide that it's the best way to revenge by causing destruction in the Kuroba mansion, even though they were talked in front of the Kuroba Group heir presence. 

Well, Oga himself doesn't mind as long his sister is okay and Sakura herself also has the same opinion as her brother.

Ama-chan also did call me again from a supernatural force and inquire about what's happened but I still refused to explain further. I just said that our problem was solved, and there should be no more disturbance in this country... I hope.

With all of this, It seems one of our problems was solved tonight, although our real problem to run the valentine's event is coming soon.

Not to mention the system told me that the stinky old man would visit again on valentine's day to discuss another punishment for me after causing such a mess.


I did feel that I might miss something to deal with tonight... but since I can't remember it, I guess it was nothing.


{3rd POV}



Shortly after Jin and his employees screwed up at the Kuroba Group Mansion, Kumagaya, the guy who worked for Kuroba Gorou to spy on the Sweet Carrot restaurant got a piece of news that his boss's place had a terrorist attack.

"Shit shit shit! Kuroba Group Mansion was getting attacked by terrorists?! What a chance that could happen when the time to destroy that place gets close!" Kumagaya cursed.



He threw a glasses cup in his hand to the floor in frustration. Kumagaya then stands up and then walks toward his bedroom to find something that he could use to destroy the Sweet Carrot Restaurant.

"I won't let it end with this! Even without Kuroba Gorou's support, I will not give up on my revenge!" 

Arriving at his bedroom, Kumagaya who doesn't know when to give up takes out a gasoline container under his bed. Looking at what he got in his hand, with confidence Kumagaya begins to talk to himself.

"I can burn that restaurant with this!"

"Yeah, I will do it tomorrow, when there should be a lot of people coming for that event! It will cause panic and destroy that restaurant's reputation entirely!"



Later he did not know that he won't even have a chance to ruin anything in the restaurant.


[Intermission: Can you tell how strong my wish ability compared to your system when it comes to doing something?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, I wonder if my wish ability compared to your system when it comes to doing something?"

(System): ["Obviously, it is the wish. Your own wish is more powerful than my assistance work. After all, your identity is a true god, and I am just an assistance system."]

(MC): "I see. I thought we were equal, after all, so far you can do anything that I asked for."

(System): ["While I have some of my own capability to assist you with your wish like when we were reviving Vera, all I do is control the direction, but you are still the one who runs the entire process, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Ah, I understand. Thanks for answering."

(System): ["You're welcome. Although I am curious, why did you ask this?"]

(MC): "I'm just curious. Like when I wish for my uncle to faint in this chapter to stop him. It was rather... anti-climactic. If I asked you do to that, what you are going to do, system?"

(System): ["Anticlimatic... Huh? If you want it to be exhilarating then I will send your uncle to space, slowly killing him as his blood vessel ruptured inside and lacks of breath. After that, I would revive him again... Throw him into the deep sea as the pressure crush him... And then, I will throw him into cannibal tribe naked, he will become a slice of meat ---"]

(MC): "Stop!! It is too graphic for the audience! Are you a sadist? I ask you to defeat him, not to torture!"

(System): ["But it was all the your girls want to do to your uncle if you asked them their honest opinion. By the way, Miss Rin does the give the first idea."]

(MC): "...I am glad that I am not asked the wrong person.

(System): ["To be fair, you saw this coming since the first answer was to "break" your uncle."]

(MC): "Well... yes. I am honestly confused about what I should do with the girl's violent tendencies. Making them stronger seems rather affect negatively toward their behavior."

(System): ["Poor to be you, Jin-sama. At least since they are stronger, they should be more durable on the bed."]

(MC): "Stop!! We don't touch that side, okay?"

I promise to edit these latest chapters of this arc in the future when my mind isn't in the gutter xD You can tell that I am not having fun at the end of this chapter and skimp all over them. Though I believe the result is rather unsatisfactory, I have built up everything I need before the mc and co enter the next big arc. Honestly, there is a lot of time I just want to drop this story over and over again on this arc alone, but knowing how much fun I would have when I got into the isekai arc, I keep persevering, and finally, I am done! 

I also have a bit of fun on the valentine's event mini-arc that comes after this, so far I have written 4 chapters ahead and the event is still not complete! Didn't expect it would take that much chapter... I underestimated how many words I need to feel when I filled out my outline...

Anyway, enough ramblings. Thanks for keep sticking with me so far xD 


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