Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 31. Valentine Day Event. (1)





"Today is a good day."


Looking up at the very bright blue sky outside the garden, I feel bright and excited, optimistic about what will happen today.

This morning, all my employees were present at the restaurant. Since dawn, they have helped me prepare a lot of ingredients, far more than usual to meet today's consumption needs. In fact, all of my employees stayed here last night, preparing the event together, setting the table, decorating, and preparing the agenda for the event.

Which, I still don't know what the detail because the girls keep hiding them from me.

Today's date is February 14th, Valentine's Day... The peak day where there will be an event happened here for the first time since this restaurant was founded.

["So many things happened during the preparation though. Well, it was quite a lesson for everyone."] The system commented.

Indeed. Without everyone's help, I doubt all of these events possible to happen. I owe everyone for their support, and I promise to pay all of this later.

["Did you regret it, Jin-sama?"]

A bit.

Even so, I think I could confidently say that I didn't regret it at all. It is such a novel experience for me to host our own event.


As I still admired the weather outside, my sister walked toward me and reported, "Onii-chan, the stage has been beautifully decorated in the middle of the main area. But we are overlooking serious problems besides that..."

 I turned around and answered, "Problem?"

My sister slightly nodded and answered me, "We don't have a good sound system to use for today's event."

"Ah... Of course, that was not enough."

Hearing what my sister said, I can't help but facepalmed myself. We do have a small sound system with a small speaker for our daily music but I don't think that was good enough for today. 

"So, Onii-chan... Can you make a sound system to use today? Just wish it based on this picture!"

My sister then takes out her smartphone and showed me a photo of looking expensive sound system set from the internet.

I raised my eyebrow and wondered if I could do this. I never test it, to wish something out of the picture from the internet.

["You can. Basically, you can wish for any normal non-living item without no problem."] The system commented.

Great! You are oddly helpful today. What's wrong with you?

["I am trying to be nice today because I know you would get more punishment today, Jin-sama."]


Yeah, thanks for the reminder. You just ruined my good mood!



After getting a positive reply from the system, I look at my sister and said, "Alright, let's move to the storage room, to make sure no one witnessed a freaking full set of the sound system coming out of nowhere."

My sister agreed and followed me to the storage room. Later, we realize there are still a lot of things we didn't consider such as more chairs and tables, more carpets, etc.

Thankfully, all could be solved peacefully with the ever omnipotent wish power. AnywayI will take a note and learn about this blunder, and make sure this would never happen again in the future.



In the end, I still use my wish system a lot to complete all the things that require to make sure the event runs smoothly. I wish all of them were in the storage room and then call the girls to bring them outside.

After doing that, We opened a bit of space in the garden as we realize that would be impossible to accommodate all customers inside the main area while the participant is doing the event. After all, we are just a small restaurant. The open space is a bit too big though so it is quite wasteful, however, my sister insists to leave it alone in case we got a lot more customers or audiences coming for the event time.

As expected from my sister, she is a really good manager.


Another table and chair set quickly appeared again in front of me. I definitely getting better doing this wishing thing.

"Does the chairs and table are enough now?" I asked my sister, who currently arranged the chair and table in the storage room. Thankfully, I have set the space on this room to as big as football field last night so we don't have any problem on capacity problem.

"Should be enough! We got more than 10 new tables and chair sets." My sister answered.

"Any other problem?" 

My sister shook her head and explained, "Nothing major, Onii-chan. The sound system was currently tested in the main area by Saya, Raika and Kaya were in the kitchen to make sure the ingredient was enough for today and to handle the free dessert. Raika especially will help you in the kitchen, as today you are definitely not enough to handle all the incoming orders."

I agree about what my sister said. Today customers might even be tripled than normally we got on busy hours. There's no way I would be able to handle that except I split myself, but then it also got a risk of being spotted by normal people. 

"But then, if Raika is with me, Saya and Kaya will become the host, do we lack manpower for the waiter position?" I asked with concern.

My sister shook her head and explained to me while smiling, "Nah. Oga and Sakura come to help us here! They had no experience, but I think they can do it! Besides, there also Vera and me as the main waiter. We can do this, Onii-chan!"

"I see... Are they here?" I asked for confirmation.

"Unn! They are on the outside right now, they are the ones who set up the chair and table in the garden area!"

"Well, let's meet them. As the owner, I need to personally thank them for helping us here."

After that, both I and my sister walked together from the storage room to the garden area and quickly found the sibling who currently quarreling with each other.


"Sakura! You should rest! Leave it all to your Onii-sama!" Oga tries to take the chair from her sister's hand but gets rejected.

"Onii-sama, Baka! I said I am fine, let me help you!" Sakura complained.

Hearing his sister's response, Oga quickly become horrified and said, "But, what if you tripped and broke your neck? I'm just concerned, Sakura!"

"Ahhh!! There is no way that would happened, Onii-sama!" Sakura protested.

Oga shook his head hard and continue to warn his sister, "No way! There is still a chance for that and I wouldn't even let you get hurt even if it's only like stumbled your toe!"


Looking at how the sibling keeps debating with each other instead of working, I know that I need to remind them that they should work instead of debating.


Noticing me and my sister are here, they stop quarreling temporarily and quickly greet us as if they were just caught doing something wrong.


"Jin nii-san!"

"What is happening here?" I asked them curiously.

Before Oga was able to answer me, her sister who was already gotten annoyed quickly answered me, "It is Onii-sama. He doesn't let me help him!"

"Because I don't want you to get hurt! What if you got sick again after getting tired?" Oga scolded his sister.

"I won't!" Sakura answered.

Hearing their quarrel, I sighed in a complaint and said, "Both of you, Stop! Please work together, we don't have much time to waste!"

"Onii-chan is right. Now, let's work together! The event would be starting soon!" My sister followed.

"But my sister--"

Before Oga was able to comment back, all of us together cut him and said, ""No!!""

Getting violent replies from all of us, Oga stopped asking and murmured sadly, "But I just concerned..."


"Onii-sama, Baka!" Sakura yelled at her brother and run from him.

"Sakura!! I am sorry!" Oga quickly chases her sister, pleading for forgiveness.

Watched the siblings begin their quarrel again, I didn't expect Sakura is behaving that way after she gets cured. I thought she was always a Yamato Nadeshiko-type girl. After getting cured, she quickly becomes something like Vera-chan type! Is this a common trope?

["I don't have an answer for that stupid question, Jin-sama."]

Wow. Thanks for answering. Now you are back being not helping at all!

["Now, you have complained that I am not helping you when earlier I do being polite and helpful. What do you want, Jin-sama?"]

Just shut up because we will be busy all day. I don't want to get disturbed today!

["Pffft. Alright, If you said so."]


After that, both siblings and I worked together to set up the outside area, while my sister goes to another place to greet the security team that apparently just arrived at the front door.

Being a manager is sure hard work. I really need to reward my sister later.


After setting the chair with the Kuroba siblings, I continue my inspection to the front area and saw the special banner "Valentine Day Event Sweet Carrot Restaurant" was currently set at the top of our entrance by Kaya with a ladder.

Kaya who seems just done putting the banner, notice me and quickly reported, "The banner of the event has been set in front of the restaurant, Owner. Is it okay for you?"

Looking at the banner that was perfectly placed, I nodded in satisfaction and replied, "It's looking good. You are doing a good job, Kaya."

"Thank you, Owner!" Kaya replied as she nodded enthusiastically.

"Anyway, where is your twin? And more importantly, Vera-chan?" I asked since I haven't seen them at all after helping with the storage room.

Especially since I haven't seen Vera at all since last night. After all, the reason why I want to do all of this is for her, to experience actual valentine after starting a new life.

"Saya was preparing the agenda of the event, meanwhile Vera is currently in the inside main area, greeting and managing all the participants who already come here," Kaya answered.

"I see..." 

I take a peek from the front door window and am able to see some of the people inside, with Vera seems to get along with some of them. 

"Speaking of the event..." I look at Kaya and asked, "No one told me the detail of it yet... Why?" 

"No, you can't know, owner." Kaya shook her head, still refusing to answer me.

"Ugh..." I groaned and continue said, "But, why? I mean, the event would soon begin under an hour anyway." 

"Hmmm..." Kaya hummed and then looked at me, "You are right, owner. Alright, want to know the reason?"

"Yes!" I answered. Of course, I would like to know the reason. I have respected their will to hide the event agenda from me but even so, I want to know!

Kaya who noticed my anticipation just shrugged and answered, "The reason why everyone refuses to tell you is because the owner is also a participant." 


Hearing the unbelievable reason from Kaya, I got surprised and asked, "What? I never agree to participate!"

"Your consent does not need it."

"Why? Of course, you need!"

Kaya looked at me with deadpanned expression and said, "Owner, do you think we all fully consent too for doing all this event preparation?"

Knowing Kaya is right, I take a step back and complied, "Alright... You win." However, I quickly throw another argument, "B-But this is a couple event, and I can't participate alone!" 

Look at my overreaction, Kaya just shrugged again and calmly answered me, "Of course, Owner will be paired with Vera-chan. After all, what is the best way to experience the event itself better than being the participant itself."


"I am with Vera?" I said with disbelief, as I pointed my finger at myself.

"Yup." Kaya answered.

"...Let me think about it for a second." 

"Sure, owner!"

After calming myself from being surprised, I agree that Indeed the most effective way for Vera to enjoy today's event is to participate, not become an organizer. But why does she need to pair with me? 

Although... the others employee is also a girl, and there is left my cousin and he is a man... Nope. I won't let him be paired with Vera.

"Can Vera-chan--"

As I want to reply to Kaya, my sister who seems listened to our conversation suddenly opened the door and cut me in, "Or Vera-chan should go with another man to participate, Onii-chan?"


Listening to my sister reason, I begin to imagine that Vera goes with another man to this event and it does make me uncomfortable.  

I really do not have a choice on this. No matter what I think about it, the only feasible solution is to go with Vera. The girls really got me trapped in their plan and I wonder if this is their revenge for my own selfishness in doing all of this.

After thinking for a while and there is clearly no choice on this, I made up my mind and answered, "...I agree." 

My sister who seem to know I will not refuse give me a sly smile and then said, "Great! Don't worry, you will like it Onii-chan!"

As I want to agree with my sister, I quickly realize there is an immediate problem if I really participate in the event so I asked, "But if I participated who will be cooking? While I believe in Raika cooking ability, A lot of new recipes were practiced for today, and only I could cook them. Not to mention she is not as skillful as I do." 

My sister seems to understand my concern, and quickly explained to me, "Don't worry, Onii-chan! We can always adjust the schedule, so every time people ordered a special menu, you can cook for them first! I will be helping in the kitchen too!"

Hearing my sister answer, I am even getting more confused and continue asked, "But then, if you are in the kitchen, we have not enough waiters?" 

"About that, Raika-chan also called her personal maid to help us in here, so we definitely got enough manpower for the waiter!" My sister answered firmly.




Well, if we got more help for today, then I guess I really could participate in the event myself, as long we do not have a lot of orders incoming though. 

After that, I went to the kitchen a bit, to make sure the ingredient is okay and instructed Raika to make more free desserts for all incoming participants until the time the event started.




It is soon 9 AM morning, and the Sweet Carrot Restaurant is crowded with people who looked excited, looking forward to this event.  Everyone really did a good job decorating everything with pink tablecloths, red roses, and valentine's theme paintings, giving every customer (participant) a sense of being on valentine's. 

Although, I notice there was a big monitor in front of the stage facing toward us, when they did set this? I don't remember wishing for a big monitor in the storage room.

Well, aside from that I also notice right in the front of the small stage close to the cashier, that there are separate tables and chairs set in a lineup too facing the same direction of the stage. 

If I guess correctly, it should be for... judge? Even I can tell without knowing the event detail. But I wonder why it does face the audience instead of the stage?

Then, I turn around and this time I take a look at the people around me, the participant. As the current owner of this restaurant, I have never seen this many people in the restaurant even when my parents were still alive. And the good news is, it's just getting started, I'm sure the crowds will continue to grow as time progresses. There are probably more than 50 people here right now, I just hope the security could handle it when more than 100 people are coming here.



"This is... really something else. I don't know whether I should praise or scold you for successfully invite of all of these unique participants." I muttered as I looked at all the people who were already inside "the participant" area. 

"D-Don't worry, Jin-kun. I believe we can do this!" Vera, who has been standing beside me tried to explain.

"I don't concerned about that. It is just... how did you manage to invite all of these people?" I curiously asked.

She tilted her head cutely while responding, "What do you mean, Jin-kun?"

Hearing her respond, I can't help but think she goddamn seriously does not understand the problem here? Most of the participants here are not really could be called a normal couple at all!

Knowing that it might be useless to explain with words, I started to point toward the people inside here, "Look... A pair of grandfather and grandmother? Arent this event is too old for them?" 

"They are a couple and still deeply loving each other despite their old age. I don't see anything wrong with it, Jin-kun." Vera answered confidently.

I nodded dumbfoundedly and continue to point to another couple, "Uhh... Then... A pair of a couple in military uniform?"

"They are retired soldiers who meet on the battlefield, fall in love with each other, and survive... isn't that romantic? They promise that they didn't bring their knife with them!"

"...A pair of a couple in kimono and is that fox ear and tail...? They are youkai, oii! " 

"Aren't they look so fluffy together!? Besides it is no problem, no one aside from us that could see their ears and tails anyway!" Vera explained again.

"A pair of samurai?"

"Don't worry, they are just a cosplayer couple! Their sword is not real... Maybe?"

I rolled my eyes and continue to point at another participant, "A pair of kids?"

"They are sweet childhood friends like us before! Never underestimated their love, Jin-kun! Age does not matter in love! Besides we don't really have age for that." Vera answered with confidence.


"Then... A pair of cats? An actual cat?" I said in a resigned tone

Vera shook her head repeatedly and exclaimed, "They are smart cats! And they are a couple! I can prove it!"

Vera walked over to the cat couple, stretched out her hand, and give instruction, "Mr.Nyan, give me your hand!"

"Nya~" The male cat put his paw on Vera's hand.

"Mrs.Nyan, pretend to be dead!"

"Nya~" The female quickly lied down after listening to Vera's instructions.

"See?" Vera said with confidence while looking at me.


Looking that they were able to follow Vera instruction clean, I admit they are smart cats. Still, they are not human, and probably should not participate in human events!

As I want to scold Vera for her absurd reasoning, suddenly I hear a familiar voice behind me, "Jin-kun, you growing up much more grumpy than your father." (?)

I quickly turned around and see someone that I have been not seen for a year. A woman in her 20's, a long ponytail like my sister, and wearing a casual pink shirt, gives her an aura very friendly person. 

I can't but be surprised and yell, "Annie-san?! You are here?"

"Unn. I am not here alone, you know?" She grinned.

"Don't forget me oi, Jin. I am here too, you know?" (???)

I look at the source of another voice that I was familiar with and found a man who should be in his early 30's with spiky black hair and tone muscle, wearing a customed apron as a t-shirt also walking toward us.

"Tora-san!" I said with excitement.

"Who are they, Jin?" Vera curiously asked.

I enthusiastically answered, "The old employees of this restaurant back in the day when my parent still alive."

Annie was the popular waiter in this restaurant along with my mother, meanwhile, Tora was the old second chef beside my father. Both me and my sister owe them so much in our early days, as they used to guide and play with us a lot. I didn't expect to meet both of them here, at the valentine's day event... Oh, wait.

I widened my eyes and realize something as I asked, "Wait a minute, You guys together here mean..."

"Yup, we are married." Annie answered me with a grin.


Hearing her declaration, I am really surprised. I mean, I am aware that they were liking each other when they were still working together at here, but I didn't expect it only takes 1 year for them to reach the final step!

"Ah! Congratulation!" I said, sincerely congratulating them.

"Thank you, Jin-kun!" Annie replied.

"Actually, they were still in their honeymoon period Jin-kun. They might be the ones who win this entire event." (???)

Hearing another familiar voice, I turned around again and found someone all of the employees here knows very well.;. because we meet her literally every morning.

""Celia nee-san!"" Both me and Vera exclaimed.

"Vera-chan, you didn't tell me Celia nee-san also participate?" I asked.

"It is a surprise!" Vera stuck out her tongue.

"Hahahahaha! Is it the cutie who invite me to participate in here?"

A woman wearing black denim and short black hair stands beside Celia. She looks handsome, I would be tricked think her as a 'man' if not because of her big chest, about the same as my own sister.

"Yes, my name is Origami Vera! I am one of Jin-kun current employees!" Vera introduces herself proudly.

"Origami? I see! Our little boy finally grow up!" Annie commented.

"You made me proud, Jin!" Tora followed.


"Celia nee-san, Is she... your... Girlfriend?" I asked with hesitation.

"Yes." Celia answered calmly, probably already expecting my reaction.

Celia's girlfriend then introduces herself, "Hello. I am Delia. Celia talks a lot about you, Jin-kun. Nice to meet you."

So... Celia nee-san is Yuri? Not that I have something to say about it, since I know loves are irrational and can't be explained by logic. 

I learned it after feeling it from my own biological uncle... And honestly, compared to his twisted love for him, Celia nee-san relationship is very good.


After that, all of us talk to each other, discussing what happened during 1 year of their absence and reminiscing the old days. I offer both Annie-san and Tora-san to work back on this place again, but they refused since they apparently have started their own food stall business. 

It is unfortunate that we can't work together again, but I am happy for them that they are doing just fine after quitting this restaurant.

They offered me to visit their place later, and I promise that I will do it when I had time.


After talking pleasantry to old acquaintances, not long after that, the main event would be started and the chaos of the day would begin.


Intermission: Can you tell how Vera managed to invite these unique participants on her own?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, Can you tell me how the heck Vera managed to invite these unique participants on her own to Valentine's day event?"

(System): ["Jin-sama, I think you have asked about this topic once in the past."]

(MC): "I know! But, almost half of the participant is... not even normal! Did you not give her advice or help when she invite these participants?"

(System): ["I did. But Miss Vera did give me a logical answer for all of my advice so in the end I leave her alone."]

(MC): "What do you mean? Like, hell... you can give her advice that she shouldn't let a cat join this event!"

(System): ["Initially it was a hundred cats, Jin-sama. In the end, those pairs of white cats won the competition among the cat's race and were eligible to join the event."]

(MC): "I don't need that kind of answer or information, system!"

(System): ["Let me question you Jin-sama, did you tell Miss Vera initially about a nonhuman can't join the event?"]

(MC): "Of course I didn't, I mean this is common sense! I don't need to tell her about that."

(System): ["Then you are at fault here, seriously. You forget Miss Vera does not exactly have good common sense. She is an airhead."]

(MC): "...Yes... but you can teach her right?"

(System): ["She has been bedridden for 6 years from age 11.... when she is still a young naive little girl."]

(MC): "...You are 'guilty tripping' me, aren't you?"

(System): ["Pffft. No... I just want to tell you that when I told her common sense to not invite cats, she refused to obey and believe you will forgive her if she was really wrong about this."]

(MC): "I mean... I am not even mad about this either. I just curious why... well, let's forget about this."

(System): ["This is the second time in a row you forcefully ended the intermission topic, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "I truly apologize for this. I did not think well enough of Vera's circumstances and I have no heart to even be mad about this either."

(System): ["Pffft. I mean, you literally revive her just because she is your crush. I bet even if Miss Vera accidentally burns your restaurant, you won't be mad either about it."]

(MC): "..."

The valentine's event day mini-arc is starting. The length would be either 6-7 chapters if there is no change in the middle. (I am not 100% sure as I haven't finished the epilogue of this arc due to how busy I am in real life.) This arc while short, is quite an important plot point as I will use this to confirm MC's relationship with his harem, and his stance as a god.

Also, I am really sorry for the late update... even if I have stocked the chapter, I did not publish it fast as I haven't edited them either.

I really hate editing, especially since I don't have an editor or proofreader anymore.

At least with the promised stock chapter, you have no worries that I suddenly would drop the story in the middle lol.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.