Excuse Me! Just a Wild Last Boss Passing Through!

Chapter 5: Secrets

Hello! I'm late, yes! I'm sorry! There's a lot to do and things to catch up. I want to go back being a kid. I also just got vaccinated for COVID-19 a few days ago, and holy shit, the agony. My arm still hurts, it was like being punched repeatedly and not just a single needle stab. My aversion to pain aside, please enjoy this chapter!


"Hello! Onee-san, is Sakuya-hime in?"

The little girl in white spoke up with a slight lisp. The receptionist onee-san before her smiled back naturally, one hand gestured to the automatic door behind her with professionalism. Not to be outdone, she smiled back just as brightly.

"In that case, please head toward the front desk."

"Thank you, onee-san!"

Kobeni waved at her cheerily and walked into the establishment, leaving her guardian to rush in after her. She could feel his eyes drilling holes into the back of her head. Those deep blue eyes of his must've been filled with confusion. Since the language she just used was certainly not Japanese or English, but Thai.

Ah, what kind of excuse should she use?

"Kobeni-chan, I never knew you could speak Thai."


Well, if a few laughs could solve her problem, world hunger wouldn't be a thing. She merely tapped her temple, indicating the answer to be the same as the reason they knew to be here in the first place. His worry settled, he reached down to pat her in the head. That smile caused her to lean over and nudge against his hand.

His action filled her with warmth.

"If you're being this cute, you might get kidnapped, you know?"

A cough from Hijiri-san caused the kidnapper to snort.

"Oh, Hijiri-kun..."

Hijiri-san, Yotsuba-sensei's close aide, simply rolled his shoulders. Their little exchange made her bite back a smile. She knew the information she had was legit, but nothing in the game told her of this. How warm he was, how bright his smile can be. The time she interacted with him only amounted to a day at most, but...

It's nice, getting to know him a little better like this.

Kobeni nodded to herself and walked over to the front desk.

It may be a little abrupt, but they're already at their destination. With limited time, they had to hurry and get here as soon as they had unpacked. The reason they can do that was because this establishment opened twenty four hours a day. From the brochure she picked up at the hotel, she kinda looked forward to the service.

Ah, but since she's a kid, will it be alright?

"I want to have a meeting with Satake-san, please."

Satake Sakuya.

Another name that alluded to flora...

Kobeni mouthed that name to herself as if to taste it. If she had to choose one as her most favorite character, then it can be no one else but the little owner of this fine establishment. She loved the design of 'Sakuya-hime' even before she knew her favorite seiyuu would be voicing her. She nearly bursted into song once she did.

Honestly, she really wanted to meet Sakuya-hime.

More than her desire for the Water of Life, if she had to admit...

"Have you scheduled a meeting beforehand?"

One of the receptionist onee-sans answered back in Japanese. Her guardian who had spoken in English sighed in relief, unlike her who just stared at the beautiful onee-sans intently. Every single employee of this establishment was Sakuya-hime's shikigami. To think that paper manikins could be this animated and life-like...

"No, I haven't."

"If that's the case, then we'll have to apologize. Satake-san has explicitly stated that she doesn't want any visitors today. If you still want to schedule a meeting, please write down your name and contact address. In my estimation, you will be able to meet with her in three weeks at the earliest. Do you still want to, dear customers?"

'Oya? Onee-san, are we talking about the same person?'

Kobeni glanced at the box in Hijiri-san's hands. She brought up her hand and rubbed her mouth in a thoughtful manner. If the other party really didn't want to be disturbed, then she really wouldn't come out even with puddings as a gift. Besides, there's still no guarantee that they'll get the Water of Life even with the puddings.

Oh, that's right. There's still a way, isn't there?

The little girl exhaled quietly.



"Can you please tell 'Hime' we're from the party in Kyoto?"

She knew Sakuya-hime was here. So long as the Fountain of Youth still existed, she will be bound by contract to protect it. Hence the reason why these onee-sans reacted differently when she brought up the party in Kyoto, because the last time Sakuya-hime stepped foot into Kyoto was more than two centuries ago...

So if a six year old little girl like her brought that up—

"Please follow me."


Kobeni flashed a bright smile at Yotsuba-sensei and rushed after the onee-san. From the footsteps that followed, she realized he must have a lot of things he wanted to ask. The knowledge she shouldn't have known, the way she acted that's not like any six year old, and then the 'dream' she spoke of a while ago.

Even then, she couldn't help but hold her cheeks with a smile.

It can't be helped!

Just thinking of meeting Sakuya-hime...

"Kobeni-chan, are you tired?"

"Eh? N-No..."

"But your face is really red though?"

Her red eyes widened at that remark. She could already feel her cheeks heating up through both of her palms and had to look down in embarrassment. Kobeni calmed her breathing and smiled back bashfully. He did let it go, but there's no stopping those worries in his eyes. He acted more like a mother hen, honestly.

Uwah, that's embarrassing, showing that kind of face...

It really can't be helped that she showed such disgraceful manners. For someone who fell in love with Sakuya-hime's design at first sight, getting to meet her like this was pretty much like an idol's handshake event. If possible, she'd like to record the other party calling her name and listened to it every single night—

Kobeni shook that creepy thought out of her mind.

'She's going to hate me if I do that...'

It was then she felt the change.

The feeling of stepping into another world caused her to glance around. Kobeni looked over to Yotsuba-sensei for some answers, but he only took a hold of her hand. It did alleviate her worry a little, but the way he tensed up was quite a tell.

But wait, wasn't this place a Dungeon in the game?

"Vault of Tears..."

She muttered that to herself.

In Moonlit Paradigm, it was said that the World was separated into two layers during the tail end of the Sengoku period. With the Scientific Revolution well on its way, the Supernatural found its source of power waning. Combining that with whatever ritual performed to free mankind from the Supernatural, they finally fled from the Earth to the Reverse Side of the World. While they seemed content to stay on the Reverse Side, there were some unruly ones that may cause the breach between worlds—

These breaches were called the Gate by the officials.

The Vault of Tears was something like that. It was a barrier erected to contain and control the influence from the Gate, stopping it from affecting the world. It was around sixty years ago that the Fountain of Youth was found on the other side. Blinded by greed, the Gate was kept open by the 'Guardian' they had chosen.

Guardian? Heh, more like a prisoner...

However, to erect and maintain a complicated barrier like this without much effort, as expected of her Sakuya-hime. The Eternal Princess may be bound her against her will by circumstances, but that didn't diminish her influence in the least.

Her Hime was known by that title because she had feasted upon a mermaid's flesh once upon a time. And with age came experience, knowledge, and power...

Many may see it differently, but immortality was a curse to her. Falling in love with someone but couldn't live out your lives together in the end was a tragedy. Even more so when it's Sakuya-hime whose aging stopped even before her thirteenth birthday. If she ever found a lover, the other party must have been a lolicon.

If that wasn't a curse, she didn't know what it was.

In this world full of magic, she didn't think it was wrong to have something like this. If the Founder of Saionji Family can be enshrined as a divine spirit, what's to say a young girl couldn't eat a mermaid's corpse just to live to see another day?

Death was a natural and essential part of life.

That's why Sakuya-hime was seen as unnatural. The Hime who was neither human nor youkai. Even gods may fall prey to death. So it's given that the existence of the Eternal Princess instilled fear as much as awe. Long life meant a lot of memories, some full of happiness and smiles, while others filled with tears and sorrow.

She remembered what Sakuya-hime said, it wasn't something she spent her time mulling over though. But there was this one line that she could recall vividly—

'Immortality is but a long life full of tragedies, is it not?'

Since those wise words were spoken with a childish voice, she couldn't hold her laughter when she first heard them. Especially when her Hime was rolling around eating chips and drinking cola when she said it, she just couldn't. Her dear Hime back then was like the dictionary definition of a NEET. What an impression...

Kobeni bit back a smile and looked around at the luxurious hallway.

'Isn't she a rather self sufficient NEET?'

"Good morning, Shinoda-san."

"Thank you for your hard work, I'll take it from here."

"I'll leave it to you."

Kobeni waved at the receptionist and turned to look at 'Shinoda-san' with stars in her eyes. If she had to choose a favorite that's not Sakuya-hime, then it had to be this person. With white hair and pale gold eyes, this young woman gave off a sharp presence like that of a beast. It didn't matter just how elegant the other party was in a sleeveless white shirt and high waist denim, those eyes were just too intense.

The Shikigami of the Eternal Princess, the Nine Tailed Fox...

Shinoda Noa.

In Moonlit Paradigm, there were only three Nine Tailed Foxes. One of them was a boss in one of the three end-game dungeons. The other was a playable character you have to go through a long quest chain to recruit. The last one was an optional boss in a rather out of the way dungeon. Noa was, of course, the last one.

As for that ara-ara onee-san? It's up to you now, protagonist!

"Yotsuba-dono, it's an honor. I'm Shinoda Noa, Aruji-sama's shikigami."

This soothing voice made her giddy.

"Likewise, Shinoda-san. This is my niece, Kobeni."

She bowed.

"Hiiragi Kobeni, it's nice to meet you!"

She didn't miss a flash of surprise that crossed Noa's face. Those pale gold eyes focused on her for a short while before moving back to Hijiri-san who's being introduced. Maybe her little ruse was already up? Noa was close to Sakuya-hime, so it wouldn't be weird if she was also at the party two hundred years ago...

"First thing first, what I've heard, Yotsuba-dono."

The air around them became cold in a single breath.

"The party in Kyoto, was it?"

Yotsuba-sensei paused for a brief moment, his deep blue eyes flashed toward her. It was only a second, but to Noa's sharp senses, that's already enough. So when those pale gold orbs turned to her, she couldn't do anything but sighed. It seemed like recently she'd been sighing a lot. Well, most of them were her fault, but still...

"It's an excuse, yes. We want to meet Sakuya-hime for the Water of Life. It's just like what you're thinking, onee-chan. Even a single drop is fine, because it will already be enough to save that person. We only want to treat her illness, nothing more and nothing less. I'll be the happiest little girl in the world if you allow me this."

Kobeni turned around and plucked the box of puddings from Hijiri-san's hands. She then showed its contents to Noa, before adding with a sly grin—

"Immortality is but a tragedy of long life, no?"

Because they truly wanted the Water of Life, she decided to paraphrase that line from her memory. Since their goal wasn't immortality but a treatment for Iori-san, she didn't really care if she had to drop a few names. If these words were enough to tilt the scale their side even just a little bit, it would be a risk she's willing to take.

If she can't even help Iori-san, then forget about Yurika-nee...

"So can you let us through? Foxy Onee-chan?"

The Foxy Onee-chan sighed tiredly and massaged her temple. Noa muttered something under her breath and heaved another sigh. Kobeni smiled back brightly when those pale gold orbs stared at her. Honestly, if she's in Noa's position, she would be nursing a nasty headache dealing with her too.

Kobeni stepped closer and asked, eyes upturned.

"Please? Onee-chan?"

'Oya? That face! I'm cute, right? Ah, but if you make a move, you might become a lolicon, you know? Uhya! What's this immoral feeling? I might get addicted to this!'

She giggled at Noa's flushed face and suddenly froze— 

If she wasn't wrong, onmyouji could see through the eyes of their shikigami...

So when Noa muttered to herself?

"It seems like Aruji-sama is interested in only meeting this young lady. I apologize, but you will have to wait outside, Yotsuba-dono. As for the Water of Life, Aruji-sama will decide after meeting the young lady. However, in my opinion, a few drops shouldn't be a problem. If I'm not wrong, it will be used to save someone's life, yes?"

Yup! Sakuya-hime saw her cutesy act all right!

Ugh, embarrassing...

Yotsuba-sensei sighed in relief after hearing that.

"If that's the case, then I'm glad."

Noa only narrowed her eyes slightly and turned away.

"Make no mistake, Yotsuba-dono. The decision ultimately falls into Aruji-sama's hands. If it's up to me, a few drops is not a problem. But if I give it to you and words get out, bothersome people will gather like annoying flies. Ah, so troublesome..."

The bewitching fox trailed off and led them further inside.

Hmm, maybe it's just her, but...

Why did she feel like Noa kept looking at her?

Kobeni bit her lips.

It didn't matter how much she liked Noa, that kind of self-centered thought still embarrassed her. There's no way a millennia old fox youkai would be interested in a little girl. So could it be her behavior? She's not like a normal six year old, so maybe that's it? But they had just met, Noa sure was observant.

She looked up at Noa's back and sneaked a glance at Yotsuba-sensei. His hold on her hand tightened a little as if to reassure her. Since her guardian knew nothing of Sakuya-hime, he must be worrying himself crazy right now. Honestly, if she didn't know the other party was such a slob, she'd be shaking in fear as well. Sending her into potential danger like this, it spoke of both his determination and desperation.

She wouldn't fault him if he backed down, so—



The girl looked up.

"I don't know about the party in Kyoto you speak of, and I won't pry. But I know you'll succeed, so don't make that kind of face? You're worried, right? Shion-san made that same face as well, when she worried about something. Hmm, how to say this? If you can't believe in yourself, then believe in the me that believes in you?"

Her left hand that's holding the box came up briefly to touch her face.

"Am I really that easy to read?"

"Hmm, no. It's more like, I feel like you'd be worried?"

Kobeni let out a relieved breath. She almost snorted at his unintentional quote, but a fleeting look from Noa made her pause. However, before she could look up to meet the other party in the eyes, she had already turned back to the hallway before them. 

It may be the light, but she believed she caught a hint of red on those pale cheeks...

Noa may seem like a serious person, but she's actually quite soft.

It's that. That gap moe thing!

Kobeni nodded to herself and pressed forward.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. The place now resembled the interior of an old Japanese house rather than inside a building. She glanced to her left and marveled at the beautiful garden through the glass door. However, the real prize was behind the pair of shoji doors on the other side of the corridor.

"From this point onward, only the young lady alone is allowed..."

"Kobeni-chan, please be careful, alright?"

She could hear concern clearly in his voice, and when she turned to look, the worry on his countenance was just as clear. She knew full well how he felt at the moment. No matter how they joked about it, he did bring her here without telling anyone. If she was to be harmed in any way, it will be him that's held accountable. It wouldn't be weird if Tsubaki-mama paid him a visit. She could see that he really cared.

But that may not be the only reason, after all...

Kobeni made a peace sign.

"Aye, Oji-san!"

Clutching the box of puddings in her arms, she carefully slid the door open. The darkness inside may scare any grown men, but she simply shrugged and stepped forward without fear. The door finally closed, leaving behind one dazed man holding his chest as if in pain. His close aide only shook his head in wry amusement, while the fox youkai only stared at the closed door as she couldn't help but worry.

On the other side, Kobeni merely smiled as she marched on.

The empty void between two Layers of the World wasn't as scary as she thought. However, she couldn't say much since the only thing in her eyes was a thick black door covered in talismans. Rather than an old thing, the door looked like one of those she often saw in a high-end apartment in the city. Honestly, she wasn't sure how she should react to this harmless little prank courtesy of her dear Hime.

If it wasn't her, these talismans might have worked. They acted like a ward that kept unwanted people away from the door, but since it only worked on those who didn't know what to look at, they were useless to her. She already knew what the door looked like, after all. She supposed this could be a test for her, but—

Should she play along?


Kobeni brought her hand up to knock

However, before she could, the door was pushed open.

Pearlescent white eyes stared back at her.

"Hello, Hime-sama."

It was as if her mere presence put her under a spell. The girl's beautiful eyes were glittering white like mother of pearl. Her silvery white hair which was bound into a low ponytail hanging over one shoulder also didn't help. Everything about this person was like a pure white canvas that existed only to make those eyes breathtaking.

Aside from the red flush on her milky white skin, the only color on her person was a tie dye shirt in pastel colors. It was big enough to hang off one shoulder, showing a single black strap upon pale flesh. As her glossy peach-colored lips curved into a knowing smile, she already knew that she was caught staring like a lovestruck fool.

Kobeni's own heavy breathing was rewarded with a giggle.

The older girl reached up and brushed against her arm. Her heated touch then trailed down to her left hand hanging limply by her side. Seeing no resistance, the other party grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. It was when she heard a soft click from the lock that she whipped toward the girl with her heart racing.

"If not for your eyes, you would look so much like Shion!"

She blinked at the unexpected name drop.

Kobeni let the other party guide her to the couch with nary a word. Sakuya-hime's room was just like what she remembered, except for a few trinkets and personal effects here and there to liven things up. It felt more lived in than in the game, like the newest game console sitting before the television for example. Then there's also this big and fluffy sloth plushie that she pulled into a hug almost instantly.

"I'm sorry... Since I don't really have many visitors yout age, I only have bitter teas prepared for you. I already drank all the juices, and soft drinks... Well, if Shion knows,  she would tan my hide! Fumu, but 'tis odd that she sends you alone like this, and so soon too! Oh, you were so small I was afraid you would break when I held you."

The familiar lilt of her accent and the tender note at the end nearly sent her over the edge. However, it was the last sentence that made her look over to the open kitchen behind her. Kobeni kept staring at Sakuya-hime who walked over to the low table with a tray of drinks and bit the inside of her cheek. Her mind just kept blanking...

Rubies met pearls, and this time no one looked away.

"Have we met? B-Before this, I mean."

"We have! 'Twas five years ago, I wager. You were but a lil' babe, I doubt you would even remember anything though. Mu, but to think that only a few years after I gave her the Water of Life, she would already send you back for more. 'Tis a surprise!"

She did prepare herself when she heard the name, but to hear that her mother had already received the Water of Life before. However, if that's the case, then why did she never seem to recover? Five years ago? So just after she was born, then?

"Oh, puddings! How delightful! Shall we eat them together?"

Kobeni could only sit still, letting Sakuya-hime look inside the box with a bright smile while her own mind was plagued with theories. She watched on silently as the older girl cheerfully set up a small fort out of the containers. When her dear Hime noticed an audience, that cute was was already a few inches away from hers.

Concern was clear in those alluring pearlescent orbs.

"Come now, are you unwell, Kobeni?"

W-What's going on!?


There are two new names in this chapter! Satake Sakuya and Shinoda Noa! Satake is written with 'help' and 'bamboo'. Sakuya is 'bloom' and 'night'. Shinoda is rather simple with 'bamboo grass' and 'field', and Noa while not related to flora is from 'hope' and 'love'. It's hard translating Kansai dialect to English. It's easier in my language, I think.

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