Excuse Me! Just a Wild Last Boss Passing Through!

Chapter 6: Embrace

Uwah, it's long. This chapter is 4k words. Not as long as many stories out there, but hey! I update about a chapter a week and not once a month. Lots of you may think, where is the Duality of Secret Life? Non-Mainstream Weapon? It's... It's gonna be a while. Twenty chapters, I didn't think it will take this long...


After calming down a little bit, Kobeni looked at the situation again. If she had to put her feelings into words, it'd be 'Sakuya-hime Mai Waifu' or something similar.

Hmm? What do you mean, lolicon?

It's the other party that's going to be arrested, you know?

Kobeni sipped on her barley tea, using the glass to hide her smile. She rested her cheek upon her palm and continued observing this fascinating specimen before her eyes. For a millennia-old immortal, this person sure can act how she looked. She will remember the way those pearlescent eyes lit up like fireworks until the end of time.

Sakuya-hime was her weakness, she decided then and there. Whether it be her bright smile or her quirky laugh, she simply can't just win against this person. Her dear Hime only needed to ask, and she would tell her all the secrets of this world.

"Bringing me puddings like this. Nfufu. Thank you kindly..."

She bit back a smile at that.

Her Kyoto-ben alone was already enough to destroy her defense, if the other party continued using that tone more and more, she might as well die of heart attack. Her breathy voice sent tingles down the spine of those who heard it, it got even worse when she got in the mood and her every word was laced with hedonistic innuendo.

Maybe that's why many players made it their life mission to gift her with strong sakes just to hear the responding dialogue. However, as someone who bought a digital copy of her official ASMR track, she was in no position to judge anyone.

Kobeni lowered her tea and smiled back just as brightly.

"You're welcome!"

"Oh my, you sure are like Shion!"

It's nice that she didn't have to start at zero. However, the fact that she talked about Shion-mama like this must mean she didn't know. It had been a month since the accident, and Sakuya-hime wasn't exactly powerless, so the most possible answer was that there must be some kind of cover up. If so, then why would they do it?

Kobeni frowned. Things just got more complicated.

Then there's Shion-mama's condition...

"Hime-sama, you see—"

"Oh, that's right! Shion must've told you about me, hmm? For you to call me like that. Only good things, I presume. Anyway, how is your mother? Has her condition worsened? Sending you alone like this, that's not like her at all. I hope that's not the case. Hmm, but if she doesn't need the Water of Life, she wouldn't send you..."

The more Hime spoke of her mother, the more confused she became.

If Shion-mama already got the Water of Life five years ago, then why hadn't her condition improved? Or maybe it had already improved, and that it had been way worse before? But her mother had always been bed ridden most of the time—

No, she had to tell her about Shion-mama.

"Hime-sama, Mama is..."

It must have been written on her face, because the next moment their eyes met, her bright smile slowly disappeared. It was a depressing sight, to see such a happy smile die a painful death. She could see the despair in those pearlescent eyes and could feel the moment her own heart broke. She knew this sensation far too well for a six year old, and this feeling brought back the memories of her other self...

It may not be the same, but she still understood it.

The tragedy of long life.

It was the fear of losing your loved ones while you could do nothing to stop it. Their situation was a bit different from each other, but they had experienced the loss all the same. It was a feeling she understood deep down, on an instinctual level.

Her other self experienced loss over and over again without being able to change the outcome. That girl had grown numb to the pain of loss and become detached from reality as a form of coping mechanism. On the other hand, Sakuya-hime chose to distance herself from others out of fear. She was afraid of getting close, because she knew the pain she would feel at the end would be unbearable.

This pain they shared was a curse they knew all too well...

Kobeni nodded back. Since she was afraid of bursting into tears, she decided to forgo any talking for now. It would be embarrassing to cry in front of someone once again. However, even so, she still found herself in Sakuya-hime's embrace.

"If you want to cry, then do so. I will keep it a secret between us two. Shion, your mother— You see, she was like my little sister. That's why, if you find yourself lacking in any manner, I will do my utmost to help. So don't hold back, darling. It's alright to cry, the sky does it too. But I want to see a rainbow afterward, you hear?"

Sakuya-hime's hug wasn't as warm as what she's used to. Shion-mama's filled her with love, while Tsubaki-mama's tried to take her sorrow away. However, she felt none of those things as the person before her shook like a leaf. A single sniffle was all it took for her to hug back. Once in a while, it's fine to cry your heart out.

Kobeni blinked her own tears away and snuggled close to the older girl.

They stayed like that for a while before separating.

"I'm sorry for crying on you..."

Pearlescent white eyes blinked owlishly before their owner guffawed.

"Come now, no need to be shy, darling! You are but a child, 'tis normal! There is no need for you to act like an adult! If you are hungry, eat! If you are sad, cry! And if you are happy, laugh and smile brightly! Haa... I do love just looking at your smile..." 

The dreamy look on Hime's face as she leaned in closer sent heat creeping up to the tip of her ears. It made her question if this person was part 'inma' or something.

"Hmm, but now that I think about it, this habit of hiding your true feelings is just like your mother. I suppose you inherited it from her. Fufu. Like a smaaall Shion of my own... How very delightful! I can barely look forward to you growing up, darling~!"

She felt herself stiffen up once again as the other girl leaned in.

"I don't think it can be passed down like that..."

She had no reason to contemplate if human behavior was genetic or learned. Those complicated matters should be up to professionals in their field, not a six year old. She shrugged helplessly and reached over for the tea on the low table.

"Ah, aah, but that's where you are wrong, my dear! Your mother is a menreiki!"

Kobeni's hand paused.


"Like a tsukumogami?"

"Fufu. Not exactly like that. Your mother was a special case. How should I say this? Yes, Shion was once a human girl, you see. However, because of an incident in the past, she came into possession of a set of masks... Oh? You don't seem surprised. Shion must have told you about this, at the least. Knowing her, it wouldn't be odd."

Hime's throaty laughs did nothing to ease her confusion. This was the first time she heard about anything like this. If Shion-mama really was a youkai, then Papa and Tsubaki-mama must've known about this. However, since no one mentioned it at all, was it possible that her mother kept it a secret? If she didn't come here, she would never know of her birthright. If that's the case, then what about her other self?

"Who else knows?"

Sakuya-hime hummed quietly.

"Only a handful of people, I believe. Since I was close with Shion, it's almost a given that she would mention something about her past. The party at Kyoto, I don't think she went into details, but it happened about two hundred years ago. Your mother was also at the party! I dare say she drank some onis under the table, nyahaha!"

Two hundred years ago? Her mother, just how old was she?

Wait a second, if that's the case...

'Shion-mama, wasn't she a— No, she's THE cougar, wasn't she?'

The grandparents she never got to meet, were they youkais too? Shion-mama did say that they had a big fight and she was never welcomed back. But in reality, was it really like that? Honestly, she doubted they even existed at this point.

"Hmm, as for who knows... There's no doubt that it'd be the Kyoto's Night Parade! Your mother was buddy-buddy with a bunch of them! Of, right! That Yotsuba kid should at least know that she's not exactly human at the very least. He's her doctor, after all. If she did what she did, I doubt even her lovers would know."

'What do you mean, Night Parade? Mama, just what—'

Kobeni hid her face behind her hands.

"Come now, don't hide. Let me admire your beauty. You are cute. There's no need to hide yourself away, dear girl. You wear your heart on your sleeve, but you don't show it on your face. Shion was worse than that until a few decades ago."

She almost purred when Sakuya-hime started patting her head affectionately. She let the other party do as she pleased until her soft hand retreated. Even then, their close proximity was still unchanged. It was as if Sakuya-hime wanted her to get used to physical contact. It wasn't long until she was sure that that's the case.

'Yosh! If you want to be close that much, then come!'

Kobeno leaned into the older girl.

"Hmm? Do you want to hear more of Shion?"

"Can you tell me more?"

Sakuya-hime chuckled and picked up a cup of pudding from within the box. She twisted the lid open and wasted no time offering her a spoonful. She let herself be pampered and accepted the pudding. It was firmer than she initially thought, but the mouthfeel was exquisite. Its texture was silky, and its taste just as divine.

Kobeni understood why it was the highest rarity gift now.

"Fufu. If my darling niece wants to..."

She closed her eyes in bliss at that affectionate term.


Sakuya-hime grinned and fed her another spoonful of pudding. Not one to say no to love and attention, she opened her mouth obediently. Soft touch of the fingertip that lingered on her lips after that melted away her courage. Her face flushed bright red at the sound of quiet and gentle laughter right next to her ear that followed.

If her heart raced at the smallest of intimate gestures like this, she doubted she would survive this day. As a Sakuya-hime SIMP, she knew just how affectionate this person can be. It'd be best to surrender and enjoy this rather than put up a fight.

Hime's Kyoto dialect was pretty much a weapon already...

"If it's about Shion, then it'd be better if I explain about menreiki first. Usually, menreiki are more akin to the collective tsukumogami of a mask. Shion was a bit different, however. She used to be a human once upon a time, after all..."

She was fed another spoonful of pudding.

The subtle hint of white chocolate she wasn't able to identify before was now clear as day. She couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan before catching herself just in time. The six year old brought up both hands and hid her flushed face from view.

"Fufu. I like your expression. Don't hide it away now, my darling niece."

Kobeni let the older girl pull her hands down.

"That you can smile at these little things, it fills me with joy. Menreiki use masks to express themselves, the ones with humanoid bodies at the very least. Shion wasn't an exception to this. Not long after she was possessed, that girl was like a doll."

The Shion-mama Hime spoke of wasn't the one she knew...

"What happened?"

"Hmm, there are many ways for tsukumogami to gain bodies. They can either create one from scratch, or they can pray on some poor schmucks. Your mother's case was the latter, but she was an exception to the rules. I wasn't sure how she was able to fight against the mask for so long, but when it ended, only one remained..."

Kobeni was pulled onto the older girl's lap. Two arms circled her midriff loosely just like how she did with this sloth plushie. She leaned back into this warmth and let out a sigh of content, letting the other party do whatever she wanted. It wasn't only her that lost her mother, but Sakuya-hime too had lost a dear friend...

"Shion was an exception to the rules. She didn't succumb to the collective will of the masks, but she also wasn't strong enough to triumph either. The masks didn't devour the girl and the girl didn't usurp the power of the masks, they merged and became one. The Shion we knew was an existence born of two conflicting souls."

Sakuya-hime reached for another spoon, deciding to finally enjoy the pudding herself instead of just feeding her. Her eyes locked onto the way those glossy lips touched the spoon. Kobeni glanced up and paused. Hime was eyeing her, a wry smile twisting her lips. Once again, she was caught staring like a fool.

"I'm not sure about your grandparents, but Shion did tell me about your grandfather once or twice. He was a rice broker, I believe. Shion knew next to nothing about her mother, only that she passed away not long after she was born. I'm not sure."

She heard the soft clink of the spoon on the glass cup.

"Though what I am sure of is your blood."

Yotsuba-sensei did say something about her blood as well...

"My blood?"

"Yes. Just like Shion, your blood gives off this scent. It will attract all manner of supernatural beings to you like moths to a flame. It's how she found her place in the Night Parade in the first place. Many coveted her presence in their midst."

Sakuya-hime rocked back and forth with her on her lap.

"Do I attract you?"


She felt something soft brush against her bare shoulder.

"If you were any other person, I would have already gobbled you up. Never in my dreams did I imagine you would smell this intoxicating. Fufu. I don't want you to start hating me though, so I'll behave for now. Hmm, in a decade, maybe?"

Honestly, that sounded more like a promise than anything.

"Oh right, speaking of a decade..."


The older girl exhaled.

"We were strangers once, Shion and I... At least until about a few hundred years ago when we were formally introduced by a mutual acquaintance. It wasn't too long after our first meeting that we met again, this time through another acquaintance. You might even know him, the Father of Modern Onmyou Arts. Tsk! That runt! Just because Shion can follow his ramblings, he proclaimed her his disciple!"

Nn? Didn't she just hear something incredible?

She moistened her lips.

"Shion was no more than a lifeless doll back then. 'Twasn't until about a decade ago that she came to visit. That child who never laughed or smiled, the expression on her face when she talked about the prospect of having a child, having you—"

Sakuya-hime drew a shuddering breath and hugged her tight.

It's odd. Her background now felt like one of those light novel's protagonists. She's the Eternal Princess's honorary niece and Shion-mama's that person's disciple. If she got the Water of Life back to Yotsuba-sensei, she would also have Yotsuba's backing. And let's not forget the probably world-ending secrets she held.

Kobeni felt like a light novel's protagonist. No, really...

"Father of Modern Onmyou Arts?"

"Oh? Hmm, you're only six, aren't you? I doubt anybody in their right minds would teach you about the war. Very well, I'll tell you a bit. The person I was talking about, he was the reason we didn't completely lose in the Great Pacific War sixty years ago. He single handedly revived the dying onmyou arts, giving him fame and followers. Second Coming of Abe no Seimei? Tch, that no-good Harunori—"

Kobeni turned to look. Instead of misty eyes, she was greeted by an overly serious look from Sakuya-hime instead. She could only offer a weak laugh.

"Hmph! That failure of a man! Except for what interested him, he's nothing but a babe! He burnt the pot trying to cook rice! Even the teapot didn't survive! If he didn't come from a prestigious family with an army of servants, I doubted he would even survive childhood! Shion as well! Are all geniuses not right in the head!?"

Seeing the older girl pouting, Kobeni couldn't help herself and poked her in the cheek. Sakuya-hime's surprised look lasted barely a second before a bright smile bloomed upon her face. Her bright eyes no longer held a trace of sadness...

"Ah, I brought us off topic, didn't I? What were we talking about again..."

Kobeni felt her left hand encased in a bigger one. Sakuya-hime brought that hand away from her face with a foxy grin. Soft kiss on her palm and a quiet smack that came after almost made her jump out of her skin. She wanted to pull back, but—

Her free hand pressed against her pounding heart.

"Fufu. You're bright red. How cute."

Sakuya-hime stole a quick peck on her cheek for good measure.

"That's right. After Shion became menreiki, the masks became her only means of expressing her emotions. She still had her memories as a human girl, and it made her actively try to destroy those masks. To regain her lost humanity, I suppose."

"Mama's condition. I take it she succeeded?"

Kobeni frowned when she didn't get an immediate answer.


Pearly white eyes dimmed.

"Yes. She did succeed. That's why she decided to have you, dear child. Shion was a few centuries old, and when she destroyed a part of her that kept her alive for all these years, her human body began to fail her. Her illness was natural, Kobeni."

"Why did she do that? Is being youkai that bad?"

Sakuya-hime laughed.

"No. It's just— Youkais like us have a long life."

Kobeni nodded. Red eyes blinked slowly before widening.


"She wants to grow old with her loved ones. No parents should have to bury their child, after all. Shion told me she destroyed the last mask a few days after you were born. Shion, who was like my sister, chose to leave me alone. She chose to grow old and die before she had to bury you, and a part of me resents her for that."

She never knew it was possible to hear someone's heart break to pieces...

"Um, I-I'm so sorry, Hime-sama."

"Mm, 'twas not your fault, my darling niece. I do not blame you. Love is a free will, we cannot force someone to love us back. 'Tis I understand all too well, yes."

Sakuya-hime started rocking back and forth again. Her hug tightened just a little.

"You loved Mama."

Peach-colored lips curved into a smile.

"Am I that easy to read?"

Kobeni only nodded woodenly. She wasn't easy to read at all, no. It's just that she knew a mask when she saw one. Knowing what she was, it all made sense now. Their proximity no longer bothered her now that she knew the truth. Not all of this love and attention had been for her. She was more of a replacement.

Kobeni bit her lower lip. She shouldn't feel this frustrated, but— 

"How odd. You're not disgusted by me."

Her brows furrowed. That dejected tone didn't suit her.

"I don't care."

Honestly, she wanted to say she didn't give a fuck. However, she's only six years old, and using f-words was a big no-no. So she settled with just hugging her instead. She may feel numb, but it didn't matter. She expected this, and it was only a matter of time before she made this person fall for her and her alone anyway.

"I am your darling niece, after all."

She almost snapped.


Sakuya-hime, of course, didn't miss it.

"Come now, my dearest. Don't be like that. My love for Shion was unrequited from the beginning. We were too close to be anything but family. I knew from the start that it wouldn't work. She desired a simple life, and I am anything but simple. I am eternal, my dear. We were like parallel lines; always close - never together."

Kobeni tapped her cheek lightly. This was an unfamiliar cocktail of emotions she dared not even touch. She felt pity for the older girl's unrequited love, but she was also relieved at the same time. Then there was a bitter hint of guilt that rose up.

"Ah, but I've already recovered. Besides, I still have you."

She stiffened slightly and melted into her embrace, sighing contentedly as the older girl nuzzled her cheek. Their closeness felt more like a reward now that she calmed down a bit. That little statement meant more to her than anyone would know.

"Hime. 'Don't hide how you feel.' Isn't that what you said to me?"

It must've been painful, talking to the daughter of your unrequited love like this. Had she been in Hime's shoes, she doubted she could even smile. She was like a thorn that kept digging into her side. Did she even have any rights to pity this person?

"Uwah, to have my own words used against me. Haha."

Her chuckle was low and soft.

Kobeni simply waited. She found the situation eerily similar to when she first woke up in that hospital room. Just like with Yurika-nee, it wasn't hard for Sakuya-hime to despise her with just a look. She was a sore reminder that her love would never bear fruit. Now even more so when Shion-mama was no longer with them.

She knew full well Hime wouldn't hate her. However, no matter how much she tried, her six year old mind wouldn't believe anything she said and assumed the worst...

"How come you don't hate me? I am—"

"You're your mother's daughter, and that's already enough. I love you not because you're her replacement, noooo... Five years ago, when she came to me begging for the Water of Life to mix with her milk for you, I got to hold you in my arms. I didn't like you much, honestly. You're like a thorn in my side. But you see, my dearest..."

Sakuya-hime's face crumpled into a smile.

"When you smiled at me for the first time, I fell in love."

Kobeni froze.

"P-Please don't tease."

"Aww, you're blushing. I like that look on you."

The Eternal Princess hummed quietly to herself as she inched closer bit by bit. The pearly luster of her white irises shone like two precious gemstones as they ignited something in her core. She could no longer distinguish between fact and fiction.

"Oh my, you're breathing hard. How cute. Fufu. That's right. Since the mother is now out of my reach, I might as well try for the little one. Yes, yes. How delightful."

She felt a cold fingertip tracing a line on her cheek. Soft lips curving gently against the tip of her ears. Her hands reached up to muffle the sound that escaped her throat, but one of them was seized by the older girl. She could only look on almost in trance as the tip of her fingers were rubbed and squeezed absentmindedly.

"Hime. Lolicon."

The accused merely laughed.

Kobeni chewed on the inside of her cheek. She decided against escaping from the older girl's hold and simply conceded to her whim. Her free hand hid the lower half of her face from view from habit. She was a menreiki. It was instinctual.

She liked this, but she didn't come here for pleasure.

"It's not her illness..."

There was a pause, and then a quiet—


Her heartbeat quickened.

"It was a car accident. Tsuba— Hiiragi-san said it was a hit and run. It's odd. They still couldn't find any leads on the truck driver. I was in the car with them. Papa tried to steer the car away, but that only made things worse. Mama tried to cover me. So if it's anybody's fault, then it's mine. I was the reason we went out in the first place."

Kobeni looked down, trying to free herself from this hold.

She wanted to kneel down and beg, but—

"It's not your fault."

It wasn't forgiveness or consolation, but cold hard facts.

She felt her lips quiver as she pushed the sloth plushie to the side. Her red eyes were wet with tears when they met with Sakuya-hime's glossy white ones.

The two of them knew it all too well.

Life is precious...

"It's alright if you want to cry, my darling niece. I'm here for you."

However, it was her two hands that reached out first. Kobeni pulled the older girl close and held her tight against her bosom. She ignored the trembling arms that circled around her waist. She could do nothing else as she picked up a sniffle.

"If you have to cry, it's okay. Hime. I'll cry with you..."

She choked back a sob and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

"Let it all out. It'll be alright. I promise."


Isn't it a nice loophole? If both parties are lolis, you don't need to fear the FBI! I'm sorry if my vocabulary is limited. English isn't my first language. Bilingual? I'm more like a Bye-lingual, actually.

Yes, Kobeni (and Shion) is a menreiki. Would you believe me if I plan out her character about two years before Onmyoji released Kuusou Menreiki? Holy shit, a lot of things are so similar. Sure, I based Shion's character on Menreiki, but her SP form? Her similarity with the image of Kobeni in my mind is a little too much. Will I be accused of plagiarism in the future, I wonder...

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