Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 10

Hours later*

So, after leaving Machio to his fate with the paperwork and finding a place to live whenever we're on our days off. Yet, I find myself baffled that instead of finding a local town to stay in like we did in Oak Town before thinking about joining the Phantom Lord Guild.

Juvia decided we should stay at Rose Garden. As she owns a place there that she mainly goes back to relax and think about her future plans.

A bright-colored city overflowing with magic where practically every establishment uses magic and sells magic items. From restaurants that poof meals to the table, theme parks with floating carnival rides, and streets filled with market stalls that use magic to present their products such as ice cream shaped like a snowman and a teapot that pours into six teacups. There are also several armory stores that sell weapons and armor.

Besides the cable car trains, residents regularly fly on magic brooms and carpets as a mode of transportation. Throughout the city there consists of small floating lanterns and pillars with large cyan-colored lacrimas at the top that light up at night. At the city's exterior lies several floating lights that form a ring around the city.

Furthermore, Juvia didn't mind paying for the train rides; well, she didn't quite have to due to owning a special VIP membership card that allow her and her companions to ride the train for free. As long as she keeps on paying the membership fee monthly.

I wasn't going to ask how much the fee was and just know that I'm just going to do my absolute best to make Juvia always happy and do anything else to help her with anything I can do.

Besides, later on, I'm going to figure out how to use Teleportation Magic from a long distance. So we won't need to use the train any longer. Even though, I could have done it within the week of traveling from Oak Town to Cait Shelter Guild's headquarter. But, the Magic Card I have as my trump card is something too good up not to get when the idea popped into my head at the time.

Although, I wonder if Juvia is going to let Machio live in her house too, or have him find another place to live in. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Machio also own a building in Rose Garden like Juvia.

"I got to say." I look around the bedroom that's going to be my own from this point on. "This is a nice bedroom. Are you sure I can sleep here?" I glance over to Juvia, who just put some of her own personal things here, including her own personal pillow next to mine, that I have yet to lay on yet. "And why are you moving your things here? Don't you already have a bedroom of your own?"

"Isn't it normal for a loving couple to sleep in the same bedroom?" Juvia replied with a question of her own while blushing again, but her face isn't completely red this time. Just her cheeks were a bit pinkish but still easy for me to see in plain sight.

Right... I forgot that the moment I took the first step in being a relationship with Juvia. Then, this just gives Juvia the permission to push back stronger and show all her love for me, proving that she is the one for me.

Well, that's what I'm guessing.

"Yeah, that's normal. But, aren't you taking this whole thing a bit too fast?" I give Juvia a wary smile.

"Is it?" Juvia look at me with a confused face, showing that she honestly didn't think her actions were out of the ordinary.

"Quick question, but where are you learning about romantic relationships between two people from?" I look at Juvia with eyes a little widen, to show how I'm confused and curious about her source in learning about this whole thing. Because I doubt her own family, which she barely talks about, would give her 'the talk' aka how babies are made while growing up.

"Oh, Juvia purchased books about what a lovely family is like and what to do when one is interested in another person." Juvia begins taking out many books from her magical storage inside her coat.

Picking up one randomly, then flip a couple of pages to see what has Juvia been reading and I can say the very least.

Holy shit, this book is pure garbage in explaining the complication that is about the love/hate in a relationship between two people, or in an unnatural situation of a harem relationship, and make me realize that whoever read this book and took it as serious facts would have a difficult time getting and being in a relationship.

Pausing on that last thought, then glance at Juvia, who is smiling at me.

This explains a lot about Juvia. Both in this world and in the canon.

I begin checking the rest of the books and they are also equally bad as the first one or worst. Overall, I'm in disbelief at how Juvia turned up as she is right now. Hell, there is one book that mentions how one shouldn't overwhelm their target of love interest too much and rather send gifts to them from a distance if it wasn't possible to do up close. Furthermore, one should be aware of potential love rivals that could steal their love interest in the process of courting.

Oh... Is this the reason why canon Juvia keep on thinking every female she sees that comes near Gray is a love rival? Because if so, I feel the need to punch the author of this book in the face. Especially among these books, there is one mention of sex, not the gender, but actual sex. Talking about how it's normal to have sex daily, which technically isn't wrong but still. And even go into details about making sex more pleasurable through many methods.

Overall, it's literally a guidebook on sex and how to make it so both sides, or more people, would have a better experience during the process of sex. Yet, the list of methods is not that great in my opinion. Then again, this world doesn't have internet; therefore, doesn't have access to a massive amount of porn at one fingertip.

"Did you read this one yet?" I held the guidebook on sex to Juvia, whose face is completely red now.

"Y-Yes, but Juvia didn't let anyone touch Juvia's body yet! Juvia is clean!" Juvia shouted at the end, with steam coming out of her ears, literally. "S-So, Renato-sama will be the first one to touch Juvia..."

"Right, I understand. Calm down." I suppress the urge to find a bottle of water to pour it over Juvia's head to cool her down, then recall she is a Water Magic user. So kinda a useless point to do. "Also, I won't touch you in a sexual way unless you want us to."

Mainly because I rather not find myself being blasted out of the building by a panic Juvia.


100% of Juvia fails to harm me with her Water Magic while we have sex.

"Ju-Juvia don't mind Renato-sama to-touching..." Juvia's voice becomes quieter near the end, but I can see the lust and hope in her eyes aimed at me. As she hasn't broken eye contact with me so far.

If I could blush, I would. Since I never expected this to happen so fast. Then again, my present situation wouldn't be that fast. As I recall many events mention on the internet, be it true or false, where even just within an hour alone would be enough for people to just have sex for whatever reasons and the two are complete strangers at that.

So, time to be a man of my words and show Juvia that I want her.

Moving closer to Juvia, who has started breathing heavily. As I am now in her personal space, with our bodies touching each other. I lean forward, ready to give Juvia a long breathtaking kiss.

Suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on the front door of the house interrupts us.

What the fuck? I'm not the main character of this world! I shouldn't get cockblocked like all those main characters that are about to seal the deal with their love interest!

100% of failures for future cockblocks from happening to me.

I honestly should have done this a long time ago the moment I decided to pursue Juvia.

Nonetheless, the mood is ruined, but not before I gave Juvia a quick kiss on the lip to seal the deal before I exit the room to answer the door for Juvia. As she is clearly not thinking straight anymore nor is aware of her surroundings going by the way her face is like and the giggle she making. While blankly staring into space.

Walking towards the front door. I was about to open the door when a thought came to mind.

What if the person knocking behind the door is a serial killer, who knock on random people's house, then attack the homeowners straight away the moment the doors are open. Killing all those inside before escaping afterward.

100% of failing to meet a serial killer upon opening the door to Juvia's house front entrance.

100% of failing me not being the first one to attack before the person behind the door could IF the person has any intention of attacking me.

I pull out my Magic Card that I didn't get to use against anyone that wanted to mess with me back at Cait Shelter Guild. Of course, this is good but at the same time bad. Since I didn't get enough time to get a test run of this Magic Card to see any hidden problems that come with it. Even with my cheat making sure to remove all the potential bad side-effects that come with it upon being used. Of course, there are still some side-effects that are considered 'good' in some people's views, but it might not be good in my eyes.

Slowly injecting my Magic Power, ready to activate it straight away if things go south. As well as creating a couple of Magic Circles to use Bullet Magic.

I unlock the door, then slowly turn the doorknob and open the door to see who knocked. I dismiss the Magic Circles and reel back the Magic Power injected into the Magic Card. Preventing it from almost being activated.

Standing before me is Machio, who is giving me a bright smile but it wasn't shining this time and seem dull in fact. To the point, I can tell he is pissed at me and maybe Juvia for ditching him to do the paperwork all by himself.

I honestly can't blame him for being mad at me.

"I'm guessing you're done with all the paperwork?" Of course, it wasn't really a question but more of a statement.

"Yup, no thanks to you." Machio continues to give me a dull smile. "Just wanted to drop by to let you guys know I live right next door." He points to his left, where I see the house next to Juvia's and I can say that this is unexpected surprise. "Well, see you tomorrow at the guild." Then, Machio walks to his own house.

What are the odds of Machio's house being right next to Juvia's? Also, how does he know Juvia and I were in this building?

I'm beginning to have more doubts about Machio now and starting to become paranoid because of him being able to find Juvia and me so easily. We didn't even tell him where we went. Yet, he somehow know we came to Rose Garden.

Very suspicious...

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