Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 11

The next day*

"Is this okay?" Sol asks me in an uncomfortable tone, where we are at the back of the Cait Shelter Guild's backyard used for training.

"It's fine. He does this all the time." I said to Sol, not bothering to stop smiling at Machio struggling to get free from the Binding Card once again, and like the previous times, he fails to break free. However, this time, I made sure to increase the pressure by twice and make the duration of the Binding Card longer as well, making it even more difficult for Machio.

Well, not like it changes much since he will never be able to break free from my Binding Card unless I make it happen.

"Yeah, Machio loves to use Renato-sama's Magic Card for training." Juvia said to Sol, but one could see the icy gaze directed at Machio.

Yup, Juvia and I didn't resume preparing to have sex since the mood was ruined by Machio last night. Led to Juiva who just enjoyed the feeling of our first kiss. Has pushed her near the edge of going forward and taking the final step. Sadly, for both Juvia and me, Machio's present and informing me about him living next door was plenty enough time for the mood to disappear, making things a little awkward for both Juvia and me sleeping in the same bed.

Of course, we could have just tried to force it a bit, but I can see Juvia was thinking about something very deeply that made me try anything.

It's only after waking up in the morning was when the awkwardness disappears. Sadly, I was still too tired to test my luck with Juvia in having sex and enjoy having breakfast with her before heading off to the guild along with Machio near the end. Of course, we both gave him the stink eyes on the way, which he ignored.

Nonetheless, Juvia and I had a silent agreement to try again tonight before leaving the house. After all, since both of us have already decided to go through the final step. We're going to make it happen and this time we will make sure no one interrupts us. Of course, I didn't tell Juvia that I've already made it so nothing like that or any similar case of being cockblocks would happen ever again.

"I see." Sol replied softly and sweatdrop upon hearing this.

I glance over then quickly look away. As I've finally seen what is the sweatdrop in person, which is shown in anime/manga as a stylized bead of sweat at the forehead, indicating embarrassment, exasperation, etc.

I wonder if anytime someone does that would require the urge to drink more water due to the sweatdrop being so large and visible before disappearing afterward. No idea if the liquid in the sweatdrop would return to the person's body or actually drop to the ground.

I glance at the ground and true enough. There is a small wet spot right next to Sol's feet. Although, I wonder if this is an illusion created by the guild master's Illusion Magic or if it's a common thing in this world with people doing this as well and he just made sure to replicate this to make the illusions more realistic.

Could be both.

"So, Juvia. You want to do our own training for a bit before we get our first job with Machio later as a team?" I ask Juvia, ignoring Machio letting out his war cry in the hope it gives him the strength to break free.

Not a chance.

"Hm. Juvia hasn't trained for months now." Juvia put on a thinking face, then look at Machio and shook her head. "Juvia will have to do some more research and experiment to develop new spells."

"You've already mastered all your existing spells already?" I look at Juvia in awe, for I knew that many characters in the canon have yet to master their magic. Just good at using it better than others, but they are not mean a master. Even Natsu, one of the main characters, didn't wholly master his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic when shown in the early part of the canon and has so many improvements over the cross of the stories.

Well, maybe Erza has mastered her magic, which is literally just a pocket dimension and the ability to do a quick switch in equipment. While relying on the magical gears to fight with as a buff to her base fighting ability. Unless mastering Requip Magic is literally just an instant switch between gears instead of a couple of seconds of switching in Erza's case.

"Juvia hasn't mastered every spells, but there is a couple of leftover spells. Juvia is in no hurry to master them just yet. So Juvia will take this time to create new spells later to work on before resuming to mastering the existing ones that haven't been mastered yet." Juvia explained, not knowing that she is way stronger than the average Mages in this world.

"I see." I nod my head, as I can understand what Juvia is doing. Mainly because there are certain spells she knows of that aren't exactly that important compared to other ones she knows of.

"How about Renato-sama? Do you need some help in training?" Juvia looks at me with eagerness, ready to help me out in any way possible. "Juvia can push researching new spells aside if needed. It's no problem for Juvia."

This caused the other two to peak up on this. Especially Machio, who I can tell by the look on his face is eager to face my new spells to build up a resistance to it somehow. While Sol is determining how powerful my magic might be. Since only Machio and Juvia have shown a hint of their own magic already while I have yet to show anything before Sol's eyes up to now.

"Yeah, I don't need any help." I said to Juvia, causing her to look sad for a few seconds. Even Machio seems sad for some odd reasons. While Sol look calm and didn't seem disappointed. "But, I'll come to you when I need your help when I need it."

This put a big smile on Juvia's face.

"Juvia will do her best to help Renato-sama!" Juvia made a promise to me.

I have decided to not use my latest new Magic Card so openly. After all, the moment the surprise of its effects is known. Others would have something to use as a base for countering it somehow. Well, not that its effects would be that weak if known by others, and countering it would be near impossible to do.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, then I've decided to finally work on Teleportation Magic. Something I seriously should have worked on sooner than later. Also, Spin Magic too if I want to make one of my dreams/ideas come true.

However, I need to pick out a fighting style to go with Teleportation Magic. Otherwise, it would completely become support-type magic. Although, I could mix Teleportation Magic together with Bullet Magic as I intended before.

Eh, I'll think about it later. I'll have to work on developing the speed, distance, and awareness of using Teleportation magic to make it somewhat combat-ready.

Hours later*

The good news is I now have better control in using Teleportation Magic. Be it in speed and distance in creating a space field for teleportation. As well as the speed to teleport faster than the blink of an eye. Along with having something on the line of creating a marker to be used as a temporary anchor for me as a replacement for needing to create a stabilized space field to teleport in.

In addition to this, I've managed to recreate a deadly fighting style to go with Teleportation Magic thanks to using my cheat. Covering one of my previous weaknesses of lacking the means to fight up close.

Furthermore, I have finally obtained the method of instant travel to other places without having to ride a train to get there.

Bad news... Of course, I still have to get there first the normal way before setting up the marker for future usage. Nevertheless, I'll continue to think up something, one way or another to make it so I don't have to keep on doing this.

On another note. Juvia and I are on our way to our first guild job together. Too bad, Machio is a bit busy with trying to break from the Binding Card, which may or may not last for the entire day until tomorrow morning.

By no means, this is my and Juvia's revenge. After all, Machio did after all pay me before and continue still, with an extra payment for the extended duration of the Binding Card. No sir, just a normal transaction between Machio and me. Nothing else.

"So, what's the job this time, Juvia?" I ask my girlfriend, with her sitting on my lap and having my arms wrap around her waist as we enjoy the train ride. Well, more like we're getting better in this whole very up close in each other personal's space. To help us be better prepared for our night tonight activity.

Hopefully, we make it to the town we need to get to for the job. I rather not have our first time on a train.

"Juvia picked another subduing job for us to do." Juvia reaches into her coat and takes out the paper with the information on the job, for me to read.

I seriously need to read the jobs Juvia picked out before accepting them. Who knows what kind of weird jobs she might pick for us to do.

Now, going by what's written on the paper in my right hand. I'm a little speechless once I was done reading. Yet, at the same time, this seems like something Fairy Tail would have. Unlike subduing the goblins before. This one is subduing a ghost that's causing problems for the townfolks around a couple of days now.

I reread it carefully and yes, it says a ghost. Not an evil Celestial Spirit Mage that's causing havoc. Similar but a big difference between the two. Especially, how I remember one of those books I read in Oak Town's local library that briefly mention how ghosts are similar to a spirit, not Celestial Spirit, but spirit like Roubaul.

Those that have died, but kept living on as a spirit in order to fulfill their lifetime goal. Yet, ghosts are actually a group of multiple people merged into a single entity upon their deaths occurring nearly similar at the same time and area with negative influences to cause destruction around them. Well, depending on the number of people that had died in a single area.

Luckily, there are many ways to deal with ghosts, making this a desired job among many mages. Due to how easy it is compared to other jobs. Mainly because the average ghosts are more dangerous to non-mages and some weaker mages as well. The tricky part is locating the ghost and capturing them. For them to go through a process of sending them off to the afterlife.

Anyway, the job's reward for subduing the ghost is 4,000,000 jewels. Yikes, that's a big number. But, on the other hand, this isn't too bad. Since it isn't an S-Class job. Not to mention, I should have something to locate and capture the ghost via Magic Card before the end of the train ride.

"This shouldn't be too hard. Good job in finding this, Juvia." I said to Juvia, who let out a soft giggle.

"Juvia is glad to help Renato-sama find a job for us to do together." Juvia turns her head to show me her smile.

I lean my head a bit to give Juvia a kiss on the lip, causing her to get up right away before sitting right back onto my lap, but with her facing in my direction this time and having her arms wrap around my neck before she moves in to give me a kiss, but with the tongue this time. Much to my amusement of how eager she is. Nonetheless, I replied in return by wrapping my own tongue onto hers.

Yup, I'm glad I've picked Juvia to be with and the first one to meet in this world.

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