Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 38

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 38

"What should we do?!" Lucy cried out in panic. She is holding onto a tree for dear life. "I don't want to go to another parallel world! Bad enough that I had to find out I was some thug in another world!"

Well, that somewhat confirms that Lucy had been to Edolas unless it was one of those spin-offs of Fairy Tail.

"Anyone got any idea how to deal with that thing in the sky?!" Karen shouted to everyone as she held onto Leo, who has used his Magic Power to anchor himself to the ground.

"Juvia has never experienced something like this!" Juvia held onto me, even though she didn't need to when I could see her feets firming, stuck to the ground like Leo was. Even more, she was talking in the third person still; therefore, by no means was she in danger of being pulled into the vortex in the sky.

"Let's see if this work." I didn't shout, but loud enough for Juvia to hear, and maybe the others did.

I threw a Binding Card toward the vortex and used my cheat to make it so the Magic Card would affect it.

Instead of stopping the vortex, the Binding Card changed direction and smacked right onto one of the Dark Mages that almost reached the vortex, causing the vortex to disappear and with that gone. Everything falls back to the ground, including many of the Dark Mages.

"Oh, so it wasn't a gateway to another world, but a gateway to another location somewhere these Dark Mages are trying to escape to." I said my thoughts out loud. "If I were to guess, this should be similar to Teleportation Magic."

To be on the safe side, 100% failure of the vortex leading to another reality because I don't feel like heading to another world just yet.

"Wait, shouldn't we go through the gateway to check if there are any other kidnapped children?" Lucy looks at everyone with wide eyes. As she has yet to let go of the tree.

"Chances are, there might be more Dark Mages waiting on the other side waiting to deal with us." Karen frown as she stares at the Dark Mages on the ground.

"For the time being, we should bring the children to their family and send these Dark Mages over to the noble. Since the children are alive." I said to everyone. "I'm sure others will come to conclusions like us and send off more Mages to check if there anymore kidnapped children."

I wonder if these Dark Mages are like those that kidnapped Erza and the others as children for the Tower of Heaven in the past.

Anyway, 100% failure; these children are NOT from the local noble that posted the job we're doing.

Quickly, with many Binding Cards, we dragged them all back to the village. To be turned into the local noble, along with the Dark Mage already in the village.

Hours later*

Back at the Blue Pegasus Guild's main headquarter. We celebrate our first team's S-Class Job.

"See, I told you weren't a burden." Juvia said to Lucy, "You need to be more confident in yourself, Lucy."

"That's right, girl. You need to believe in yourself." Karen takes a sip from her glass of red wine.

"I don't know; all I did was rely on my Celestial Spirits to do all the work. I barely did anything." Lucy smile nervously, but one can tell she is unquestionably happier than before taking the S-Class Job.

"You're supporting your Celestial Spirits with your Magic Power. Furthermore, you're keeping track of your surrounding, including theirs, while they're fighting so they don't have to all the time, and in addition, you can attack your own with your whip. Plus, you're not fighting alone and fighting in a group. So no, you're not doing anything. You're doing more than a normal Mage does by themselves." Karen said firmly, looking at Lucy with a frown.

"That's right." I nod in agreement. "Lucy, you have to remember that you're not like the other Mages that require fighting on their own most of the time. You, and other Celestial Spirit Mages, will always have Celestial Spirits to help you out. However, this also places a heavy limitation on you as you'll be forced to keep track of how much Magic Power you have available for battles to support these Celestial Spirits. So if you truly feel like you're a burden. Then, work on something on the side, maybe pick up another magic to support your Celestial Spirits or something to prevent you from being completely defenseless. This should allow your Celestial Spirits to fight even more freely without worrying about your safety." I decided to give Lucy an idea of what she could do to improve herself.

"But, I don't think I have any talent in learning another magic, though." Lucy frown, doubting herself.

"Have you tried to learn other magic?" Juvia tilts her head, staring at Lucy with curiosity. "I'm sure you didn't just focus on Celestial Spirit Magic and aim to collect a bunch of keys to expand your range of Celestial Spirits to use for different scenarios, right?"

Lucy's eyes move to the side, avoiding looking in Juvia's direction and everyone else. Proof enough that what Juvia said just now is exactly what Lucy had done.

"I guess we can just help her find the magic to practice to see if she has any talent in it." I told everyone that while inside, I was thinking about the past and picking out my own magic to learn. Quite honestly, I could have used my cheat to make books with certain magic appear for me to grab to learn.

If I wanted to, I could have learned all three types of Slayer Magic. The Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic, and Devil Slayer Magic. However, now that I'm at this point. Those types of magic are useless to me due to their lack of versatility.

"What kind of magic should I aim for in the first place?" Lucy asks everyone, with eyes of determination to improve herself.

"No idea and I'm going to train with you. After all, I'm also a Celestial Spirit Mage." Karen smiled at Lucy.

"Renato-sama, do you have any idea what magic they should learn?" Juvia asks me, causing the others to look at me in the hope that I have some idea to give them to start with.

"If I recall correctly, among the spells for the Celestial Spirit Magic. One of them is called: Star Dress, right?" I got a nod from Karen AND Lucy, with the latter, I wasn't expecting her to know this spell early. Unless it's one of those spells, Lucy and others don't have enough Magic Power to use until later. "Then, we can take off any magic that requires using one's body to fight with."

Both Karen and Lucy share a glance before looking back at me, waiting to see what I say next.

I suppress the urge to sigh that I will have to pick some magic out for them to learn. It's a good thing Blue Pegasus has a library filled with many books on magic for any members to use and study. Of course, certain books require the Guild Master Bob's permission to look at.

"Let's head to the library. I think I have an idea which magic for you girls to learn." I said to Karen and Lucy.

A few days later*

"Geez! This is so embarrassing!" Lucy has tears going down her cheeks as she continued to dance behind her team of Celestial Spirits. She is boosting their fighting capacity as they fight Juvia, who is single handled taking on the Celestial Spirits, due to having the advantage of turning her body into water to prevent any physical attacks from harming her.

"Well, who would have thought you had more talent in Dancer Magic than the other magic you could learn in." Karen said to her fellow Celestial Spirit Mage as she has green Magic Circles hovering over Leo, healing his injuries while he continued to fight off the tiny monks and had yet to land a single hit.

I don't know what came over to me using my cheat on Lucy to make it, so she has talent in the Dancer Magic, but I'm willing to bet it's because I was a bit horny then as I imagine Lucy dancing around in clothing that shows off her figure and skin when I picked this magic out for Lucy to practice in.

On the bright side, the Dancer Magic allows the Mage, through the power of dance, to increase the fighting capacity of allies around them, or they can also decrease the power of enemies. This magic can also force a targeted opponent to mimic the same movements as the caster does and make them vulnerable to incoming attacks.

Of course, the Dancer Mage has to have more Magic Power than the target at the time. If the enemy's Magic Power is lower from fighting, then the Dancer Mage should affect them as long their Magic Power reserve is higher.

Karen's new magic is Healing Magic. The Mage uses their Magic Power to heal, replenish, or revitalize. The healing can range from small to large wounds, and increased stamina to lessen fatigue for the ability to move about, and/or the removal of various maladies of the target.

Overall, out of guilt. I made sure to do the same to Karen with Healing Magic as I have done with Lucy with her new magic.

"Why can I not hit them?!" Leo roared in rage, unable to hit any of the tiny monks beating him up like usual.

"Don't worry, Leo; I'll keep healing you!" Karen shouted to her lover, doing her best to heal any injuries that would take Leo out of the game.

"Lucy, even though I'm holding back a lot. You still have to remember to stick a little closer to your team. Otherwise, someone could sneak up behind and deal with you." Juvia appears behind Lucy, causing the latter to shriek in fear and shock.

I watch all this happening before me, where all of us are in one of the Blue Pegasus' training grounds for members to use. I'm still speechless at how rich this guild is with so many things that most guilds wouldn't have. In addition, I have come to realize that I have some sort of better connection with wealthy people than those who aren't rich.

I know for a fact that my cheat didn't do this. If anything, I would use it to make myself rich first, which I should have done early instead of letting Juvia pay for everything.

Actually, shouldn't Machio be considered a wealthy person too? Unless I'm missing something here because if my theory of having a better connection with rich people, then I wouldn't have a fallout with Machio and Erza, with the latter having to be rich with all the magical equipment she has stored away to use her Requip Magic.

Nonetheless, I continue to watch the spars going on, think about what Karen and Lucy could work on, and check Juvia out as she fights Lucy's Celestial Spirits. I ignore Leo's raging warcry at the tiny monks. Damn, those tiny guys are strong and fun to use.

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