Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 39

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 39

A week later*

"Hey, have you guys heard about most of the main powerful Mages of the Fairy Tail Guild going missing? Even their Guild Master is gone too." Karen looks at us with wide eyes, breathing hard and fast from running to get here to deliver the shocking news.

"Wait, what?" Lucy looks at Karen in shock and surprise. "When did this happen?"

"I think sometime near the afternoon yesterday or something. Because someone reported that the Fairy Tail Guild was doing their S-Class promotion yearly but failed to reappear the next day as they would usually the last time they did. Also, the island they used to test those to become S-Class has disappeared, making people question what caused the disappearance. Some claim that everyone on the island is dead under the attack of something powerful. Many people are trying to discover the cause of the Fairy Tail Mages' disappearance." Karen answered in a whisper tone, trying not to gossip so loudly.

After all, Guild Master Bob is a former Fairy Tail Guild member and going by the look on his face. No one wants to go near him for the time being.

"Say, ah. Renato-sama." Juvia said in a loving voice as she fed me her handmade food.

Of course, I open my mouth and eat my girlfriend's handmade food.

Although, I'm focusing on Juvia. Karen's conversation with Lucy and the others nearby that are listening in like I am.

I realized that the Tenrou Island Arc was over before I knew it. In addition, Lucy and Erza weren't on Tenrou Island; therefore, they won't be gone for 7 years and have plenty of time to train in those years while the main fighting force of the Fairy Tail Guild is gone. Making their position as one of the top guilds fall, like in the canon.

"How is it, Renato-sama? Is it good?" Juvia smiled as she grabbed a napkin to wipe my mouth gently.

"Anything you make will always be good, Juvia." I lean in to kiss Juvia.

"Don't you two think it's best to focus on what's happening right now?" Leo asks us dryly, causing Juvia and me to continue to kiss instead. "Are you guys not worried about having one of the top guilds missing their main powerful members?"

"The question is, do we have a reason to be worried?" I ask Leo after stopping giving Juvia a good long kiss. "I understand we are friendly with the Fairy Tail Guild, ally, even if you want to be technical about it. However, we're not Fairy Tail Mages; we shouldn't need to be so concerned about them and focus on ourselves."

"Also, aren't there many others trying to locate them?" Juvia points this out while leaning in my arms.

"There are, but I'm sure the search would be faster if someone like Renato's skills in Teleportation Magic were among the groups seeking the whereabouts of the missing Fairy Tail Mages." Leo replied with a wry smile.

"Yes, Renato-sama has great mastery over Teleportation Magic, but he is one person." Juvia frown at Leo. "Furthermore, we're talking about a missing island. Do you honestly think Renato-sama would find an island he has never been to?"

"Well, you do make a good point." Leo nods in understanding the limitations placed on the Teleportation Magic.

I kept my mouth shut, not wanting others to know that I could easily bypass said limitations placed on the Teleportation Magic. In fact, I have finally come to an understanding I have the Failure Manipulation to do anything and not forget about it so often until I need to use it straight away. For example, I can use my cheat to make it so I can place any markers outside of the Fairy Tail universe that shouldn't be possible due to never being there.

This was one of my reasons for picking Teleportation Magic early on. After all, there are no other means of traveling to other reality besides using the Anima. Even that just sent the main cast to a parallel reality instead of a completely different one. In addition, the Anima isn't even a thing anymore, thanks to Natsu and the others making sure it won't become a common thing anymore. Unless something has changed, which I highly doubt due to my cheat preventing that from happening.

So that being said, everyone got 7 years until the Natsu and the others return; well, if they return, that is since this world is an AU and not 100% canon.

I look over to Lucy, who is frowning at the news and even though she was forced to leave the Fairy Tail Guild. I can understand she still has some feelings for some of the members of the Fairy Tail Guild. After all, it was her first guild, and she should have made many friends besides Natsu.

Now that I think about it. Suppose it was anything like the canon. Lucy should have felt the friendships with everyone due to the Phantom Lord Arc, but because of neglect, later on, has made her forget about that parts, but at the same time. She was kicked out of Natsu's team.

Wait... Then, is Lucy in the wrong for leaving so soon? She could have joined a different team without sticking with Natsu's team.

Ugh, my brain hurts thinking about this now.

Wait, there is the case of Lucy not being able to form any other bonds with the rest of the members in the Fairy Tail Guild due to Natsu dragging her around all the time without giving her enough time to do so.

Holy crap, there are so many plotholes I can't begin to think which could be real and which could be made-up things that pop into my head.

Actually, now that I think about it more. I could also use this time to travel to other worlds before returning when the plot events occur again. Although, I barely appear in any of the canon plot events throughout my time here. Or I could always just check other locations in this world that weren't shown in the canon or explored more.

"Anyway, Renato-sama and Juvia are going on a journey and won't be coming back to the guild for an unknown amount of time." Juvia said to Leo, causing those nearby to look in our direction in disbelief. "What? Did Juvia say something wrong?"

"I think everyone is shocked that the two of you, who are known for doing so many jobs, have made people worry about having a shortage of jobs. Not to mention, you guys barely take any breaks that don't last longer than a few days to a week at best before jumping right back into doing jobs." Leo pointed out, causing nearby guild members to nod in agreement and some even shouted how right Leo's words were. "I wouldn't be surprised if you would take a simple job that requires long travel time as a vacation."

"Yeah, they're really going on a vacation. No jobs involved." Guild Master Bob said to everyone, causing many to become speechless. "I'm surprised myself too. Since I thought they would keep doing jobs for at least an entire year before taking a long break."

Almost everyone begins to cheer, not caring that Juvia and I are still here with them. Some even go far as to kiss their opposite genders to celebrate, leading to some continuing with the kiss and others being slapped by the kissed person.

"Alright, it's best we leave. I rather not have Juvia beat everyone up." I let out a nervous chuckle as I drag the wrathful Juvia away from punching someone in the face for commenting something that really pissed her off, and quickly too, before she remembers that she can use magic.

"Have fun, love birds! Don't come back too soon! And Renato, make sure Juvia has a great time!" Guild Master Bob shouted as I dragged Juvia out through the front doors.

"Will do!" I shouted back.

A few hours later*

"Are you ready, Juvia?" I ask Juvia as I turn the Regalia on.

"Juvia is ready, Renato-sama." Juvia replied as she closed the side door, putting her seatbelt on.

"Then, let's see what fate has to over us." I grabbed one of the Magic Cards placed inside a small slot under the radio and activated it as I placed it against the steering wheel.

Regalia begin to glow, covered in numerous Magic Circles of various sizes.

I put the gear shift into drive and hit the gas pedal, causing the surroundings to speed up, not even 10 seconds later. Everything outside the car has changed from the grassy field to a modern-day street.

That's right, I've decided now is a good time to travel to another world with Juvia. Of course, I didn't tell Juvia all my knowledge of the multiverse but just enough for her to understand we're no longer in our previous world from this point on. Also, to cover our weakness of not being able to use magic due to the lack of Ethernano, the source of Magic Power for all Mages, in the atmosphere. I've already crafted numerous Magic Cards containing massive amounts of Ethernano for us to absorb and recover.

That was the case until I scraped the idea after crafting the 10th Magic Cards to store Ethernano. As I'd decided that no matter how much I saved up. It won't be enough for certain worlds we end up visiting. Therefore, I craft a false Magic Card to make it. Hence, Juvia naturally generates her own Magic Power from this point on by absorbing the world's natural energy and converting it into Magic Power, similar to being in Fairy Tail world. Balancing out the amount of natural energy Juvia's body can absorb and convert without causing her to overload her body from having too much Magic Power she could handle.

Anyway, we're in a new world now thanks to the many Teleportation Magic Circles covering the car and using my cheat to teleport us out of the Fairy Tail world. Of course, I placed an anchor down for us to return whenever. After all, the Fairy Tail world is Juvia's home and technically mine since I don't feel like finding out the hard way upon returning to my original world. There is no doubt to find some shocking truths about a world I've lived in almost all my life.

In addition, I have yet to find more about that world version of Fairy Tail. Since there's bound to be more other characters like Machio in it for me to find them. But for now, a new world awaits for us to tour around.

"Wow, the buildings here are so large." Juvia said to me as she looked at everything in awe.

"Look like it, but I think it's best we find a local library to check out this world's history. Who knows if they have magic here or not." I said to Juvia, as I took this time to deactivate the cloaking feature on the car while using my cheat to make it so anything or anyone couldn't see us appearing out of thin air. In addition, I make it so everyone isn't too shocked upon seeing the Regalia, causing an unwanted crowd to gather around to check the car out up close.

"That would be the best. But do you think this world uses the same language system as us?" Juvia looks at me in concern.

"If they do, that's great. If not, no worry, since I have a Magic Card to translate the language of this world into ours for us to understand." I answered as I used my cheat to make it so I would find a local library with the best available information for the public.

After all, I'd only made my cheat to send us into a world I know and as close to canon as possible without any additional characters that shouldn't belong in that world. Let's hope it isn't too bad; otherwise, I'll have to drive the Regalia to perform another leap to a different world.

Author Note:

And that's the end of arc 1 and temporarily done with a crossover AU of Fairy Tail, honestly, which wasn't too much of a crossover. Anyway, what do you guys think so far? I will put this story on a temporary hiatus to figure out the best worlds to send them. Whether it is just a single one for an arc before making them come back to the AU Fairy Tail or a few more worlds before doing so, and if they should return exactly or close to the time they left or after 7 years time skip in Fairy Tail.

You guys can tell me which worlds to send the mc and Juvia into and why, it doesn't have to be a great reason, but there are enough reasons why they should go to that world for whatever reason.

I'm thinking about a month of hiatus should do it, so starting today, 12/2/22 to 1/6/23, which is also a Friday.

Don't worry; I got a new fanfic for you guys to read, yes, I could resume the other ones, but I keep getting writer's block on those, including trying to make a rewritten version for them. I keep getting stuck at some point. So this new one is pure random bullshit with no plot and can be dropped at any moment. You may turn your brain off to save your brain cells while reading it.

This new fanfic is just to pass the time until either you guys picked out a world for me to go from or I found one myself. So I may or may not continue on that new fanfic one I will return to this one depending on if you guys want me to continue it or not. Till then, happy reading, and I hope you can spare some time to read the new fanfic that will make you question if the mc is in his right mind or not.

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