Failure IS An Option

Arc 2 – Vacation Time: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Vacation Time: Chapter 1

A few hours later*

So, I got to say that our first world to visit for our vacation and the first day at that. I can say it could be better, even when using my cheat to make it so Juvia and I won't end up getting involved in something unrelated to us unless we're willing to.

In addition to not worrying about being forced into things, we don't want. I made sure Juvia and I won't have to worry about money via Failure Manipulation to make it so we will always have money in our pockets for the exact amount to pay whatever we're paying in any form of currency once we take out the money to pay. Including always having the proper documents that just happen to be legal and already in the system for a long time without anyone noticing a new addition file was somehow created into the system without being detected by any means.

That said, Juvia and I recently purchased a lovely comfortable two-story house. Nothing fancy or anything like that since we're not going to stay in this world for too long.

Thanks to possessing specific paperwork, buying the house was quick and easy without having to wait for days between parties and a third party to make things go through before moving in.

"Juvia finds it a little small, but Juvia can deal with it. After all, this is Renato-sama and Juvia's home right now." Juvia smiled at me brightly, hugging my right arm.

"Yup, but if needed, we can move right away. After all, we purchased more than a dozen houses until we picked one to live in due to the environment." I lean in to kiss Juvia on the lip, causing her to blush and giggle.

Honestly, at first, I was constantly about not getting involved with canon events like I did with Fairy Tail, even if technically, there was barely anything remotely as the canon plotline. But, I realized that was dumb of me, and I should get involved since if I didn't, then I wouldn't have Juvia in my life.

Of course, I won't go out of my way to help others in need unless I'm at the place and time to do so. I have more important things to do, like ensuring Juvia is having a great time.

So with those thoughts out of the way. I begin thinking about what we should do in this world. It would be a waste not to do something to change this world for the better or worse. Plus, Juvia and I won't be able to sit still for too long without doing something exciting. We're too used to that lifestyle. Even I won't be able to return to a quiet life after what I've experienced together with Juvia. Therefore, with everything we do, changing the world or not, would occur either way unless I use my cheat to make it, so nothing affects the world due to our actions. And I won't.

"Ah! We should celebrate by going out to eat! Juvia will check for any good local restaurants." Juvia quickly took out a smartphone. Something we got in the first hour in this world to make things easier on us—seeing how we can't really use the previous methods, aka using a lacrima crystal or a Magic Card in public.

"Alright." I respond, "I'll go get the car ready."

Hours later*

After having a nice dinner at a local restaurant, it's time for us to get into business or change the canon plotline, which I can use the Beyond Card as an excuse to know what might happen in the future of this world.

Okay, not much of an excuse since I did use the Beyond Card to check which timeline and where we were upon arriving into this world. Just the basics, no need to know all the details of this world, and this is the choice I'm willing to make. So if I encounter something I don't know, I can use the Beyond Card again to find out.

For example, Juvia and I are driving home after picking up a special someone before they can run off to the main character of this world.

A slender, fair-skinned girl with long, almost waist-length light green hair rests in the back seat. She wears a white straightjacket used to restrain her. There are various straps, zippers, and a high collar capable of gagging the wearer. Not set to bind her fully, the suits have rather long sleeves that flare outwards closer to the cuffs.

This is C.C., one of the main characters of the Code Geass series. C.C. is not her real name; she involuntarily reveals her real name to Lelouch in her sleep, but it is muted, so the viewers cannot hear it. Not that it matters, since if I wanted to, I could find it with Beyond Card. Although, it won't be the same as the canon C.C. since it wasn't announced in the canon; therefore, any possible names I find would be just a different version of C.C. in the multiverse.

Honestly, I just wanted to see what would happen if C.C. wasn't there to help Lelouch early on. And out of small mercy on my part, I made sure C.C. gave Lelouch his geass before I took her away. Teleportation Magic made it effortless to take C.C. away without anyone noticing.

"She had such an awful history." Juvia looks back at C.C. with pity as she finishes absorbing the knowledge of C.C. through the Beyond Card. "It reminds me of my past, but unlike me, she continues to live such a life without being able to die on her own term."

"Well, her life is about to be better than before with us involved now." I said to Juvia.

I do wonder if this would become a thing with me. Finding female main characters with troublesome pasts. I mean, it was first Juvia, then kind of Erza, which didn't last that long, and now there's C.C. Of course, I'm going to jump her like a horny bastard. Instead, I'm going to help her and make sure she will be happy after Juvia and I leave the world of Code Geass. Who knows, maybe she might tag along.

"Yup! And who knows, she might join our little family, and unlike the previous ones, she won't end up trying to betray us." Juvia hinted at her approval of pursuing C.C., causing me to look at her dully.

I'm starting to think Juvia has a thing for having other girls join our sex times. Make me wonder if I would need to put extra effort into satisfying Juvia if it wasn't for the fact that I've already covered that problem with Failure Manipulation in the past. Most likely, she just wants to have another girl included, and after a while, she feels something missing.

Yeah, let's not make that a thing. I mean, having Juvia make out with another girl is hot and all, but I would rather not let her experience another betrayal for whatever reasons it could be. First with Erza, then the Phantom Maidens, and now with C.C., I think it's best not to let her go through a third betrayal. Honestly, I'm counting the Phantom Maidens as a set of one.

We arrived at the house, parked in the garage, then I got out of the driver's seat and opened the door to the beat seats. I carefully pick C.C. up, then I black out for a few seconds, and I now have a basic knowledge of my geass.

What the fuck, C.C.? I didn't even get the whole weird experience Lelouch went through when he got this geass.

"Is something the matter, Renato-sama?" Juvia moves over, then reaches over to touch C.C. to pick her up in my place, only for her to black out for a few seconds as I did, and I see the geass symbol in her left eye. "I can now see people's emotions?"

"That's a good one." I replied, then blinked. "I can cause people's minds to shut down briefly as long I keep my eyes on them."

I am speechless that my geass would be this. Then again, my cheat is Failure Manipulation, so there is a high chance that something related to it would become my geass and anything in the future that is similar to this case.

"That's powerful, Renato-sama!" Juvia looks at me in awe, causing me to smile. Then, she giggles, "I can see how much love Renato-sama has towards me."

"If there were any doubts about me not loving you, they should be gone now." I kiss Juvia on the lip, making her giggle again.

"Can you two get a room or something? I rather not see this as the first thing when I wake up." C.C. said dryly, which instantly made Juvia and me look at her. "Also, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any food, like pizza? I haven't eaten anything for days now."

"We can order one." I roll my eyes at C.C. as she asks for pizza of all things to eat, but just to show this C.C. is still similar to the canon C.C. I just don't know what else is different from her, other than maybe Juvia. She was the one that wanted to know more about C.C.'s past.

"Oh, I wonder what kind of pizzas are available." Juvia's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Make sure to get a box for me alone; I don't share." C.C. said to Juvia and me.

"For someone we kidnap. You sure are demanding." I look at C.C. dryly as I pick her up princess-style. She didn't struggle and allowed me to carry her into the house. While Juvia closes the garage door, locking the car before entering the house.

"Well, seeing how the two of you accepted my contracts. You two are no longer my kidnappers. So, I'll repeat myself. I don't share and want an entire pizza box for myself." C.C. rolls her eyes at me.

"Right." I shake my head in disbelief before placing C.C. on the sofa. "May as well, since money isn't a problem."

"Oh?" C.C. look at me in interest.

"Yeah, but don't get any bright idea." I narrow my eyes at C.C.

Then, I thought about it for a second, then recalled Juvia and I technically don't have a fixed credit card. Since my cheat just gives us the right amount to pay for whatever after taking it out from our pockets or something.

"Don't worry; it's not like I'm going to spend it on useless things." C.C. waved off my warning.

I stare at C.C. dully, knowing for a fact that she will try her best to get my non-existing credit card until I need to buy something that requires said credit card.

"Pizza will be here shortly, around ten minutes!" Juvia informed everyone.

"Did you order more than one pizza?" C.C. tilts her head, blankly staring at Juvia.

"I got us three! One for each of us." Juvia smiles at C.C.

"I like her more than you." C.C. said to my face, causing me to sigh in annoyance.

I think I might have made a mistake in kidnapping C.C.

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