Failure IS An Option

Arc 2 – Vacation Time: Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Vacation Time: Chapter 7

The next day*

I stare out the window long and hard, for I have done something I may or may not regret later. Due to the sudden new harem of Sekirei, it was nearly the middle of last night when some of Sekirei wanted to have sex because they had finally been winged by their Ashikabi, aka me, and wanted to see what sex is all about.

One thing leads to another. I used my cheat once again to give me temporary infinite stamina in sex. So I can satisfy all of them; well, for those wanting than those that didn't want to just yet. Or for Musubi's case, Yume had to bring her to sleep in another bedroom to prevent her from losing her innocence too quickly.

Anyway, besides a selective few Sekirei that wasn't that in a hurry to have sex with me, nearly half that did, and my fear was confirmed. Sekirei has a high sex drive. Then again, they are stronger than the average female humans. Juvia, because of having Magic Power, could be another factor.

Nonetheless, I swear the Sekirei drains me more than the Phantom Maidens, and that's saying something. I honestly don't know if that's good or bad, both even. I enjoy it for sure, but damn Matsu is extra kinky once she gets used to the pain of losing her virginity. Of course, similar to her canon version, Matsu is one perverted girl.

"Hey, Juvia. Why is Renato over there staring out the window for an hour now? Shouldn't he be all over us and having his way with our bodies like last night?" Uzume asks what is almost on everyone's mind.

"What does Uzume mean by Renato having his way with our bodies, Yume?" Musubi look at her mentor with curious eyes. "Is he going to change our bodies like the adjustment done to us by the MBI to prevent us from destroying everything we touch?"

"Not quite." Yume sweatdrop.

"Hey, do you think we should get our body to be adjusted again? Because I hate being limited to what I could truly do in the past compared to my present self." Karasuba asks everyone, but she is looking at Matsu for the most part when talking.

"I don't think we will be able to have a safe adjustment done to us without them trying to shut us down. Our only opinion is to steal one of the eight Jinki and use it to remove the limiters. However, if what I know is correct. Not only would the Jinki remove the limits on our strength, but removing the limiters also strengthens the dominant personality characteristic." Matsu reported, causing most of the Sekirei to frown upon hearing the last part.

"Renato-sama should have a solution or two to help everyone." Juvia said to Matsu and the others.

"Oh yeah, didn't Juvia mention that she and Renato came from another world where they use magic? Maybe they have a way to help us?" Hikari looks at her twin in excitement.

"That's right!" Hibiki agrees, then looks at me, which the other Sekirei are, too, "Is it really possible for you to take away our limiters?!"

"Yeah, it's possible." I replied, then suddenly I was nearly surrounded by all the Sekirei as they stared at me hard.

Slowly, Miya walks up to my friend, giving me what looks like a death glare if it wasn't for the hope I saw in her eyes. Damn, this Miya has yet to work on her facial expression other than the ones she used to intimidate people.

Anyway, with Miya this up close to my face. The only thing I could do was kiss her on the lip with everyone watching. This caused Miya to back away instantly with a red face and stare at me in shock, like she didn't think I would do something so bold.

"He is a brave one." Matsu stares at me in equal shock. "But, I guess Miya was asking for a kiss with how close she was to Renato here."

Miya scowls as she looks away to hide her blushing cheeks. Sadly, everyone can see it clearly without a problem.

Akitsu leans over, blankly staring at me for a few seconds before speaking, "Kiss?"

I feel a twitch at the corner of my mouth. Nonetheless, I gave Akitsu the kiss she wanted, which made the Ice Sekirei 'melt', causing her to lay in my arms with a red face equal to Miya's, and this got some jealous looks from some of the Sekirei.

Juvia, on the side, just let out a soft giggle; no doubt she enjoys me getting along with the new harem, unlike how she felt with the Phantom Maidens. In hindsight, I should have realized Juvia must have a good reason for not getting along with the Phantom Maidens that much compared to the Sekirei here.

"By the way, it occurs to me. But what did you do, Juvia, to bring everyone here without many people noticing before it was too late?" I decided to risk it and ask now because my curiosity was getting to me. Plus, it would be best to ask this with all the Sekirei around.

All but Miya glance away instantly. Even Musubi is looking away, with her cheeks gaining a pink hue.

"Hehehe." Juvia giggled in a perverted way that reminded me of all the times she played a trick on me by wearing all kinds of lingerie and outfits that made sex more joyful. "Would Renato-sama believe it was love at first sight when Juvia shows everyone a picture of you? They begin to fall for you and desire to meet you at all costs. They didn't care if I were to lead them to a suspicious place."

And now I'm speechless.

Out of all the answers I could have gotten for why all these Sekirei follow Juvia here without a fight or took much effort to persuade them. But I can't really apply normal logic to Sekirei since they are aliens and not part of this planet. Thereby learning that they fall for me at first sight, which is pretty much them reacting as part of their nature of being a Sekirei; upon finding out who their Ashikabi would make them do crazy things that not many would do.

"It should be given with how powerful our Ashikabi is to cause all of us to react so strongly. I barely control myself when seeing him." Miya spoke up, saving her fellow Sekirei from being embarrassed for too long.

"Not to mention how he touched us last night, hm..." Matsu bit her lower lip, with her eyes gazing over at me.

Yeah, Matsu is one kinky Sekirei. I bet it's because she is on the internet more than the others could ever be, and I can't fault Matsu for becoming so perverted with how crazy things are on the internet.

"Okay, so everyone wants their limiters removed?" I ask all the Sekirei, then over to Juvia. "How about you, Juvia? I can remove your limiters too, but it's the Second Origin and Third Origin."

I gave Juvia a summary of what the two are, mainly two extra containers for Magic Power that allow the Mages in question a large boost in Magic Power once they are unlocked.

For the Second Origin Release, other than a boost in Magic Power. They are able to reach new heights with their respective magic or perform spells and activate abilities that they would otherwise have trouble with, with ease. In addition, once a person has released their Second Origin, they can either choose to use it at all times to greatly power up their abilities or save it for later, using it as a trump card for later in a battle.

Similar to the Second Origin Release, the Third Origin Release has a heavy side effect of causing the person in mind to lose their magic temporarily for an unknown duration of time. In exchange, their magic gains a massive power boost. Of course, unlike the original method in the canon of Fairy Tail to gain access to the Third Origin Release. I have a better way to make it happen without any side effects, making the effects permanent. And that's by Magic Card plus Failure Manipulation.

All the Sekirei, excluding the excited Musubi, are speechless that even Juvia has a limiter, but not in a way one would think.

"Why do I get the feeling that even with our limiters removed, we will still be unable to beat Renato in an all-out fight?" Kazehana narrow her eyes at me.

"Because chance is, we won't be able to lay a single finger on him with how fast he was able to take us down." Karasuba frowns. "I still can't stop myself from thinking how in the world Renato managed to get the drop on us, including Miya, last night."

"Anyway, how long will it take to remove our limiters?" Tsukiumi asks what is on almost everyone's mind.

I glance down at Akitsu in my arms, then at Tsukiumi and everyone else.

A few hours later*

"Unbelievable." Matsu stares at her screen in absolute shock. "I know our limiters are gone without having it strengthens the dominant personality characteristic. But these readings are incredible that make me understand how a slight accident of not controlling our strength would kill any normal humans, including Ashikabi of other Sekirei."

"And all this was done in half an hour." Hibiki looks at me in awe.

"Yeah, and Renato did this to everyone, including Juvia, all at once." Hikari followed up, looking at her hands covered in thick electrical currents that should blind everyone with how bright it was. Yet, she controls it by dimming the brightness, and even the noise level is level too. Something that shouldn't be possible, but here it is happening.

"See? I told you, Renato-sama can do anything." Juvia said proudly as she ignored the way Tsukiumi was trying to take control of the orb of water floating above her left palm, which she had created but failed.

"But did he have to kick us in the butt to show off how powerful he is still?!" Uzume scowls in anger, glaring at me while holding an ice pack on her butt like the other Sekirei that got their butt kicked for the most part in the all vs. one match.

"I mean, I could have just done something else, but kicking yours and everyone else in the butt should be plenty enough to understand how outmatched everyone is against me." I smirk at Uzume, causing her to glare even harder. Even the other Sekirei on the side icing their butt are glaring at me too.

Although, Akitsu was a bit different. Of course, she got her butt kicked too, and just created a block of ice to sit on instead of holding it against her butt. Sadly, for the other Sekirei, it was too cold for them, and only Akitsu could do this.

"You guys should have listened to Juvia like I did when she said we couldn't do anything to Renato." Matsu giggled, not caring about the death glares she was getting from those who got too prideful after getting their limiters removed. "Besides, I recall someone calling out on Renato that he couldn't beat anyone after the limiters were removed, let alone everyone that volunteered for the fight, and he couldn't even land a hit on anyone. Furthermore, another taunted Renato by smacking their butt at him in a playful manner."

This caused Kazehana and Uzume to look away, sweating a little of the death glares are now directed at them.

I smile in delight at how everyone is getting along so well.

Now, if the MBI would stop making so much noise outside trying to find their missing Sekirei, it's a good thing; with Magic Card: Pocket Dimension Creation, I can easily create a pocket dimension for the fight without having to relocate somewhere else to do so.

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