Failure IS An Option

Arc 2 – Vacation Time: Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Vacation Time: Chapter 8

The next day*

"Man, the MBI is still going on with their crazy search for the missing Sekirei." Matsu said to everyone in the living room, where everyone could see the multiple holographic projection screens around her with a keyboard floating in front of her. "Also, Renato, this Magic Card of yours is amazing! I don't have to worry about carrying any laptops or needing to find a PC to work with ever again!"

Archive Card is the recreation of the Archive Magic from Fairy Tail. This magic allows the user to convert information into magical data, which can be stored in many objects. In this case, the Magic Card also acts as magical data storage and has been linked to Matsu to allow her to do tasks that she normally couldn't do with a regular PC. In addition, free internet with powerful unhackable defense and the tools to perform hacking in return.

"If I weren't so busy, I would suck your dick right now in front of everyone to show how grateful I am to get this!" Matsu wasn't ashamed to say this.

"Matsu!" Yume shouted at the Techopathy Sekirei in horror as she covered Musubi's ears just in time.

"My bad!" Matsu didn't sound sorry one bit, too busy enjoying her new toy and doing what looked like hacking everything related to the MBI.

"Should Juvia tell Matsu that Renato-sama can get all the important data from the MBI in a matter of seconds?" Juvia whispered her question to me, but everyone heard it loud and clear, as if she wasn't even whispering in the first place.

"I think I'm more love than I ever could." Matsu stared at me with her eyes now having heart-shaped pupils like in those hentai with girls has fallen to the pleasure of sex.

Not going to lie, but that is kind of a turn on, yet I'm concerned if this world is actually a hentai version of Sekirei if Matsu can do that. Although, with how Sekirei as a race wasn't further explained in detail. This could be one of their innate abilities to do outside of combat. Nonetheless, this wasn't the time for this.

"So yeah, if you're not that in a hurry. I can hack the MBI's database and steal everything in no time. Afterward, we can help the other unwinged Sekirei find their Ashikabi quickly before we leave this world." I said to Matsu and everyone else while I rested my head on Juvia's lap.

"What about those winged by others who weren't their fated person?" Musubi look at me with a pout.

"Well, if they're not enjoying their current Ashikabi, then I can just remove the bond between them safely. This should give the newly unwinged Sekirei a second chance to find their true Ashikabi instead of being forced to be winged by someone who isn't their true Ashikabi somehow." I replied calmly, ignoring the shocked looks from the Sekirei in the room.

"Everyone should by now realizes how powerful Renato-sama is. He can do pretty much anything once he puts his mind to it." Juvia said proudly as she started running her hand through my hair.

"Oh, we got that." Karasuba spoke up first. "I don't think all of us understood that he would be able to do other things too. The Magic Card alone is already pushing it, but it looks like we were still underestimating Renato."

"I think I can speak for some, but what can't you do, Renato?" Kazehana asked, staring at me dumbfounded as she was lucky enough not to take a sip from her sake, or else she might have choked on it after learning the big news.

"I have no idea." I said truthfully since I have yet to find what I CAN'T do with Failure Manipulation. Other than some random ideas of some powerful people, aka ROBs as an example, that might have been among those that gave me the Failure Manipulation in the first place.

"How do you not know?!" Hikari looked ready to shake me if it wasn't for the fact that I had my head resting on Juvia's lovely lap, and she would've for sure attacked in return for trying to disturb us.

"Hikari, calm down." Hibiki tries to calm her sister down before she does something she regrets. "I think it's because Renato has yet to find his limitations, right?" She gave me a look for help and agreed with her words.

"Yup." I answered, which wasn't a lie or more like I didn't bother to get too deep into it. Otherwise, I won't have enough time to do other stuff. Like, spending lots of time with Juvia, and she needs a lot of attention from me, or she goes stir crazy similar to her canon version. "So, Matsu. If you need any information, that is usually impossible to get normally. Just let me know to get it right away before we leave to help any winged Sekirei with an unwanted relationship with their present Ashikabi."

"Matsu, how long would it take right now?" Miya asks Matsu, "Because if we've already wasted enough time letting the MBI run free with the other Sekirei, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We also need to retrieve the Koten as well."

"Isn't the Koten a flying island?" Akitsu blinks slowly, where she is currently resting inside a large hollow-out ice cube.

This is something I learn about Akitsu early on. She just loves being cold, but understands not everyone does like her; therefore, with her limiters removed. She can now freely cover herself in ice like now and ensure the temperature wouldn't change around her.

"It is. But, I'm willing to guess that Renato has a way of taking the Koten with us to another world. Right, Renato?" Miya challenged me.

"I do." I wasn't fazed by the way Miya was acting. If anything, I guess it's due to finding her Ashikabi, and one that can beat her in a straight-up fight must have restarted her fighting spirit. Seeing how she doesn't have any worthy opponent to fight, even Karasuba wasn't a challenge going by the Beyond Card.

"Then, we will go get the Koten later after we finish with the first two tasks we must finish before leaving this world and the rest of the Sekirei behind once we made sure they won't be taken advantage of when we're gone." Miya nods, no longer trying to provoke me for whatever reasons she comes up with. "So, Matsu? How long?"

"If this were before Renato gave me this Magic Card, then I would say it would take me months with barely any breaks in between." Matsu frown before smirking. "Now? It wouldn't even take me before the end of today to get all we need from MBI and erase everything in the process too."

"Any questions from everyone?" Miya looks at the other Sekirei.

"If possible, I rather not get any involving any innocent civilians and bystanders if we're to fight the MBI at any point today." Tsukiumi said to Miya, then looks at me. "Renato, I hope you can make it so none involved would be hurt." She bows her head to me, causing some whispers from the other Sekirei.

"Sure, I can ensure no one involved would get hurt." I agreed to Tsukiumi's request.

Honestly, Tsukiumi is one of my top favorites in the series because she is a tsundere, but up to this point. I have yet to see her acting as such, but she still upholds being someone with honor and someone that has morals not to cause any harm to the defenseless ones.

So seeing Tsukiumi bowing her head shows how much this means to her and goes by the reactions of the other Sekirei. She means business and might put her life on the line to protect those that can't.

"I agree with Tsukiumi in not involving those with no relationship with the Sekirei and MBI." Yume walks over to place a hand on the Water Sekirei's shoulder, smiling at her before looking at Miya. "It's pointless causing meaningless deaths before we leave this world for another."

"Pointless, my ass." Karasuba scoff, rolling her eyes. "If it wasn't for Renato and Juvia here. I bet on my sword that there would be a river of blood being made in the end because nothing will go perfectly well for us."

"I want to argue with Karasuba, but she gots a point." Kazehana followed up, "Ever since we came to this planet. Many bad things appear one after another. Musubi is a good example of nearly dying if we were too late to rescue her and the other children." She starts drinking her sake in large gulps before continue on speaking, "Look at us. Only recently did our Ashikabi and his girlfriend find us, not the other way around of us finding Renato, otherwise, after some time into the Sekirei Plan. That bastard would make a random person wing us as our Ashikabi to tie us down with the MBI. Honestly, to think we would share the same Ashikabi and him not being part of this reality is a kick to the stomach. He isn't bad, but damn, just thinking how if he didn't come to our world is making me hate how bad our life is."

No one argued with Kazehana because even Miya and Musubi knew this was true.

"Hey, no more of this depressing talk. Now that you girls have us now. There is no need to continue with that line of thoughts." Juvia gives the Sekirei a bright smile.

"Yeah, let's be positive!" Musubi grins happily, "Plus, now that we have Renato as our Ashikabi. Our life will get better for sure!"

"I know what would help me be more positive." Uzume winks at me as she makes a gesture with her hands. One hand forms a circle with her index finger and thumb, then uses her other hand to rapidly thrust her index finger through the hole.

Damn, Uzume. I know you want sex and all, but not the best time.

Yume glared at Uzume, causing the latter to let out a nervous giggle as she stopped before Musubi could see what she was doing.

"Okay, while Matsu is working on hacking into the MBI's database. Everyone should get ready." Miya said to everyone, then paused before looking at Juvia and me. "If possible, I want you two to help us out on the sideline when things get out of control."

"Alright." I agreed, curious to watch the Sekirei get to work and also wondering if this is out of pride that Miya didn't just ask me to do everything, which is an easy task for me with Failure Manipulation. Of course, Miya and some of the Sekirei could be just confused by how there is someone like me that could take care of them instead of the other way around.

"Would Miya like Juvia to help with anything besides waiting on the sideline?" Juvia offers her help.

"It's okay. We'll let you two know when we need it." Matsu spoke up before Miya could. "After all, I have the ability to telepathically communicate information to other nearby Sekirei and with this Magic Card's help. I can also contact those that are outside my range too."

"Alright, if you say so." Juvia nods, not bothered that none of the Sekirei wants our help further than we have already given them.

"Let's move everyone." Miya ordered as she headed outside with some following right behind her.

Damn, I think I might have developed a fetish for girls that take charge.

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