Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 11

Hours later*

I enjoy the scene outside my backyard; well, after I repair all the damage was done by the fight between two Sekirei and two Etherious.

Ignoring the painful noise in the basement with my harem, excluding Musubi and Yume, are interrogating the two captive Etherious for information. What the information is, I have no idea. All I know is that none of them wanted me to use the Beyond Card to get the information they wanted. Even Juvia didn't want to use the Beyond Card, which she would usually do whenever important information needed to be gained immediately.

Overall, I'll continue enjoying the view from my backyard with a cup of hot chocolate.

As for what Musubi and Yume would do when the others are in the base interrogating the Etherious, they are simply watching a movie to pass the time before doing some combat training.

So it's just me alone out in the backyard. The weather is excellent, not too hot nor too cold. Just right. Even a slight breeze here and there.

It would be bad if something interrupted it. Oh wait, it won't since I made sure of it. I like having a lovely afternoon of doing nothing but drinking something warm and enjoying the weather.

"Hey, Renato." Yume called for my attention after an hour of doing nothing.

It should be an hour or so now, going by the sun's position in the sky.

"Something you need, Yume?" I walk back inside and clean the cup before placing it on the drying rack.

"Are we going to head to any other world or plan to stay here for a couple of years?" Yume asks.

This draws Musubi's attention upon hearing the question, making her focus on my words more than ever.

"That depends on everyone else. If anything, this world has many places to explore." I point out.

Even though I have expanded my teleportation range through the land of Fairy Tail, it was more of a rush work than checking out the scenery everywhere I go. But, at least I'd roughly covered the surface area of the entire planet, not including underwater, to teleport anywhere.

So in a way, we no longer need to use the car to travel to the jobs locations, which Juvia would use some time for shopping. Mainly because there isn't enough room, and even if one sits on another person's lap wouldn't be enough for everyone in a single car.

I am tempted to see what would happen if I used Failure Manipulation to make it work. But, odd enough, it might make the Regalia into something bizarre and beyond its original features. However, there is no point in doing so. Not when we also got a freaking flying island to use for transportation.

"So if we got everyone to agree to leave this world for another...?!" Musubi leaped from the couch and landed in front of me, with her eyes like stars as a sign of excitement.

"Then we can go for another world; however, I think we should wait a few more years. Not everyone has finished enjoying this world yet." I remind Musubi. "After all, if I remember correctly. At the time, you were eager to take on the next Grand Magic Games and take a few jobs to gain experience, then add training on the side."

"Hehehe...!" Musubi look away, trying to whistle innocently. Trying being the keyword as she is terrible at whistling.

"Why are you so eager to travel to other worlds, Yume?" I look at the Sekriei that brought up this topic in the first place.

"Would you believe it's due to something I'd watched on TV? I wondered if we could visit the world based on the TV show." Yume let out a nervous giggle.

"Nah, I'd believe you." I nod, "Besides, I would do the same."

And by that, I mean I've already, in a way, with Juvia. That reminds me. Did I ever tell the Sekirei about their canon timeline? More importantly, what about Juvia? Overall, the canon timeline wasn't even close to 40%, while the leftover is just the characters themselves and some bare semblance of something close to canon.

"You would?!" Musubi looked at me like she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Why wouldn't I?" I smirk, "If I didn't. Then, I wouldn't have come across you and the rest of the Sekirei." I poke Musubi's nose.

"Oh, yeah." Musubi smiled silly, then moved in to hug me and unknowingly pressed her breasts onto me. This made Yume on the side twitch, causing me to look to the side with a wry smile.

Out of all the Sekirei. It's only Musubi that I didn't have sex with you. It is funny how I had sex with Yume, but Yume wouldn't allow Musubi to because she was, in Yume's words, too young.

I have no idea how that work, but I'll wait until Yume and/or Musubi decide by then.

"How about we watch a few TV shows? Maybe get an idea where we could go." I said to Musubi, while baffled by some TV shows I've watched back on Earth would be shown in Fairy Tail. Of course, it's mainly a fantasy genre than anything else.

"Oh! I know what to watch!" Musubi dragged me to the couch, then placed me in the middle, so she and Yume could sit on both sides.

The next day*

"So, got what you wanted?" I ask Juvia, as she and the others recently finished interrogating the two Etherious, which took nearly twenty-four hours.

"Got what?" Juvia asked in a confused voice as she sat beside me on the couch.

"Information you and the other were trying to obtain from the two captive Etherious." I remind Juvia.

"Oh." Juvia breaks out in cold sweats, which is easy to tell with Juvia as I can literally see her sweatdrops going down her forehead and everything. A subconscious action of using her Water Magic, and she doesn't know about it, something I learned over time learning more about Juvia with or without using the Beyond Card.

"It's more of a bonding experience for everyone, Renato." Karasuba leans over from behind, wrapping her arms around me and placing her chin on my right shoulder. "All you need to know is that those two are no longer a concern, nor do you need to worry about them doing anything that could potentially threaten our family."

"Do I have to deal with the dead bodies?" I give Karasuba a deadpan look.

"What dead bodies?" Karasuba tilts her head, smirking at me like she just heard a good joke.

"So they are still alive, then?" I raise an eyebrow, not bothering to check it personally by using the space field.

"They not." Miya chipped in before Karasuba could input another word, causing the latter to scowl at the former. "It's more like they're brain dead than anything else. Juvia made sure of that in the end."

"I see." I give Juvia a side glance, caught in time to see her eyes go dull and have a creepy yandere-like smile for a split second before her face return to normal. "I'm guessing one of them said something to trigger Juvia, and it didn't end well for those two."

"Oh, and more than just that." Kazehana scowled, "If it wasn't for Juvia quickly being the first to take action before anyone could. Those two would have suffered even more; however, we wouldn't have caused them to experience an awful and slow death. So maybe it was best for Juvia to do it personally instead of letting one of us do the deed."

"Must be something bad." I pull Juvia into a one-armed hug, causing her to pout at me. "Nonetheless, I don't need to know what they said, nor do I care. So you ladies don't have to worry about me being too curious and peer pressure you into telling me."

That causes nearly everyone to sigh in relief.

"It seems everyone forgets that Renato-sama has the Beyond Card. Whether we tell him or not wouldn't matter since it would be up to him to decide to want to know. None of us could stop him." Juvia reminds the Sekirei about the overpowered Magic Card.

"Sometimes I forget that our Ashikabi isn't an average normal human." Uzume said what was on almost everyone's mind. "But, Juvia is right. Nothing for us to pay attention to any further. If Renato wants to know, he will know, whether we like it or not."

"We must also recall that our Ashikabi isn't weak, mentally and physically." Akitsu said calmly.

"Oh, for sure." Matsu purred, "All of us, excluding Musubi, know how Renato is by no means weak physically."

This caused nearly everyone to blush.

"Anyway, who here wants to take on our visitors?" I ask the Sekirei while knowing Juvia doesn't intend to face any of the Etherious when she can allow others to.

"Is one here already?!" Musubi became excited, staring out the back glass door to see if anyone appeared in the backyard like yesterday with the two Etherious. "I don't see anyone..."

"Frontyard, Musubi." Yume said gently, "If anyone doesn't mind. How about letting Musubi and I take on these two?"

I look outside with the space field and see there are two Etherious. Jackal and Torafuzar.

Jackal is an Etherious who utilizes an incredibly dangerous curse that creates fiery and catastrophic explosions.

Torafuzar with a distinct shark-like look that makes use of his bladed arms for armed combat and a curse that summons poisonous, lethal water.

Of course, after using the Beyond Card to check out what else I'd missed out on, I informed everyone what I knew about the two and more details. After all, just Jackal alone would cause damage to the surrounding, and Torafuzar would ruin the place if nothing were done to deal with the poisonous, lethal water.

"Sorry, Yume and Musubi. I'll have to be one to take on the two Etherious." Tsukiumi said firmly, causing Musubi to pout while Yume sighed in disappointment, but she understood her weak and strong points. Thereby, Yume didn't argue. "I can deal with Torafuzar, so who wants to deal with Jackal?"

"I'll do it. I should be able to prevent him from causing too many explosions everywhere if I were to make sure the impacts don't spread." Akitsu volunteers to be Tsukiumi's partner for the incoming fight with the new Etherious.

"Well, everyone else can still go outside to watch and help if things go south." I said to the rest of the Sekirei while using my cheat to make it so Jackal and Torafuzar cannot inflict fatal injuries to the Sekirei nor be able to deal finishing blows.

In a matter of seconds, it's just Juvia and me alone in the house while everyone else is outside dealing with the two Etherious; that no doubt be damn baffled why so many beautiful women are attacking them out of the blue.

"Juvia wonders what the Sekriei would do if they were to find out Renato-sama could easily kill those Etherious outside, and any Etherious for that matter, without having to leave the couch." Juvia moves a bit, then places her head onto my shoulder while resting her legs over my lap.

"Pretty sure some of them have an idea that I could do such a thing." I replied, "So, any idea when the Grand Magic Games will start?"

"If my source is correct. Then it should be this month at the latest to this week at the earliest." Juvia answered.

"I see." I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. Then again, it wouldn't occur before this year's end.

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