Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 12

A month later*

"Come on; we're going to be late!" Musubi shouted as almost everyone was dressed and ready.

"No need to rush." I let out a tired yawn. "I can just teleport us to the guild before they leave."

Juvia handed me a cup of coffee, earning her a kiss that made her smile.

Then, the next thing I know, Miya is brushing my bed hair to be less messy than it usually is. Making me roll my eyes while smiling at how Miya is acting more of a housewife these days. All thanks to the books she got from Juvia.

"But they might leave without us if we're not there in person!" Musubi pouts, "And we might not get the best seats when the events start!"

"Calm down, Musubi." Yume sighed tiredly, "I made sure to do more research with Juvia, and there are plenty of good seats for everyone; even then, they have lacrima to project large screens for everyone to see without any problems."

"But! But! But!" Musubi was about to continue whining before someone shoved a corndog into her mouth to shut her up.

"Good grief, Musubi. You got to be patient." Yume lecture Musubi. "I know you're excited and all, but so is everyone else."

"Plus, it wouldn't matter if we head to the guild right now. Since the Grand Magic Games won't be starting until tomorrow, which is odd since it was announced everyone must arrive at the location for the Grand Magic Games by today." Matsu explained as she enjoyed eating her banana, or more like she was licking it, as she stared at me with a seductive smirk while standing behind Musubi to prevent the native Sekirei from noticing what she was doing. Everyone else but Musubi could see that.

Man, I'd already fucked Matsu plenty of time in the morning, but her recovery time was too damn fast.

"Would it make you feel better if we were to appear at the guild in the next five minutes from now?" Uzume asks the Fist-type Sekirei. "Because it shouldn't take the rest of us long to be ready to go."

Musubi nodded while finishing the corndog forced on her to eat and finally decided to wait for everyone to be ready.

A few hours later*

Crocus, widely known as the Flower Blooming Capital, is a city and the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore. It resides in a vast valley surrounded by rocky mountains of small-to-mid height, housing mostly mildly prominent hills. It has a small river not far from it, with some isles in its largest part, flowing in a similarly small gorge with woodland on both sides, occupying the western zone of the valley.

It is also the place where the Grand Magic Games take place.

"Okay, everyone! Gather around!" Guild Master Bob shouted to everyone. We're in a fancy high-tier hotel lobby—wholly rented for our guild only. Talk about having the power of money. "Now, today is an important day. Since it will be the start of the first Grand Magic Games. We got to cheer our little flowers and win this!"

This caused many to whistle and cheer, causing some of the members of Team Blue Pegasus to blush in embarrassment. Well, it's mostly Lucy and Seras blushing while the rest take pride in the praise they're getting from their guildmates.

"Okay, remember to return to your assigned room before midnight." Guild Master Bob said to everyone. "Don't ask why because I don't know much myself other than I was informed that everyone needs to be in their room before midnight. Especially the team is taking part in the Grand Magic Games. Other than that, everyone ensures not to cause problems while we're here and have fun."

Done with the speech, Guild Master Bob walks away with a happy smile and heads to the bar nearby.

"Come on, Renato-sama!" Juvia grabbed my hand, then dragged me away before anyone else could say a word to me.

Lucky for the Sekirei, they are used to this and quickly follow along without saying a word.

Out of the hotel and into the busy streets, I can see many Mages walking among the crowd. And oh boy, I can tell people are already very hype and willing to brawl down to show who the stronger Mage is. In fact, many fights are about to happen but have yet to launch the first hit for fear of causing harm to the crowd. So, they're just showing off their magic to scare the other Mages.

Quickly, Matsu used the Archive Card to link us up so we could hear each other without the need to hear each other thoughts and generally talk as we always do. Something that would be annoying trying to hear someone's thoughts while subconsciously hearing bits of noise coming from the crowd, making it harder for any of us to hear what others are saying in our group.

"I don't think I ever see so many Mages in one area other than back in our guild." Uzume said what was on everyone's mind as we wandered through the crowd. "Also, there are more perverts here than I thought there would be." She slaps someone in the face with enough force to send them flying.

If I didn't know any better, those Mages could have been Dark Mages. However, I know how crazy the people in this world are, and some look beyond beautiful to creepy weird looking, like those maids of that one job Lucy had to take with Natsu, which leads to her obtaining Virgo.

Plus, having open perverts should be expected in this world. If anything, I shouldn't be surprised if there is one that would do crazy things in the name of pleasure.

"I'm more interests in how many rounds there will be for the Grand Magic Games." Matsu sidestepped to her left, then stomped at the foot of someone that tried to touch her butt.

"It could be the standards of three or up to ten at max depending on if the host of the Grand Magic Games could keep the people's interest intact for that long. In addition, to how long the events will go for. After all, no one wants to stay if it would last a month with a low chance of winning the whole ordeal. Many could be taking on jobs that would more like a guarantee to give them money in return upon completing the jobs." Miya wack someone in the head with her sheathed sword.

"You know, I think we might have drawn more attention than we would realize." Akitsu said to everyone. "I've counted at least five men had tried to touch me up to this point."

"I stopped counting after three when someone tried to use their magic on me." I said calmly, using another Dispel Card to stop someone's magic from affecting me and everyone else. The way these Mages act makes me think they are Dark Mages. But it's just scumbags acting out and is on the borderline of becoming a Dark Mage. The only thing stopping them from being labeled as such is due to no solid evidence or whatever reason it could be. This world is an anime/manga, and common logic is damn near nonexistent.

Then again, back on Earth isn't any better. With all the crimes done worldwide and most of the laws work in the criminals' favor for the most part if one doesn't have wealth and connections to make the court go the victims' way. Hell, any time the victims fight back, they would be blamed for the problems more than half the time, even though they are the victims. Man, life is damn frustrating when one doesn't have the means to defend oneself—especially having a cheat to make life easier.

"I'm beginning to question if it was best for all of us to stick together in a group." Kazehana growls as she kicks someone in the balls for nearly touching her breasts. "I know we're all beautiful women, but this is getting annoying. It wasn't that bad when we wandered around in other towns before."

"Most likely because the places we'd been to before had fewer Mages than now, where every step we take. Even though the Grand Magic Games is new, we'll encounter more and more Mages. That doesn't mean it is not something everyone will ignore." Miya said to Kazehana.

"It doesn't help that less than 1% of other beautiful women are in the crowd. The rest are either decent or downright... How do I say this nicely...?" Uzume frowns as she tries to devise a nice word to describe the other women. "Not beautiful. Besides, if we compare our looks with those around us, it's no wonder we're standing out like a sore thumb."

"Time likes this; I wish we didn't have to play by the rules." Hikari scowls, causing her twin to nod in agreement.

"If things come down to it. We could just have Renato-sama here to blast them all away as we take the chance to leave the crowded area for somewhere with fewer people." Juvia said to the Sekirei.

"I could just teleport everyone away from here. Like right now." I said to my harem in a deadpan tone. "It would barely take any effort."

"Or we can just beat people up." Karasuba grin with bad intention as she shove the bottom of her sheathed sword into someone's gut, causing the person to cough up blood and faint from the pain. This caused a panic in the crowd, but that didn't last too long when I used a Reconfiguration Card to heal the person up—leaving no evidence behind of Karasuba harming the person, even though the person had tried to assault Karasuba sexually. Suppose she hadn't attacked before it could happen.

"I think we should just leave before things escalate and accidentally cause our guild to be banned from joining the Grand Magic Games." Tsukiumi warns everyone, reminding those that we're part of the Blue Pegasus Guild.

"Juvia forgot about that." Juvia giggled nervously, "Yeah, we should leave the crowd as soon as possible."

And that's my cue. No point in waiting any longer, so I teleport everyone further away from the crowd, which is much further than one would think. The capital is really crowded and even far away from the center area of Crocus. There are still more people pouring in. Luckily, we got a hotel for our guild alone. Otherwise, we would have to stay somewhere tight and small places with barely any rooms for everyone.

"Uh, Renato. There are still lots of people around us." Uzume pointed out after we'd teleported away from the area we were in a few seconds ago.

"Yeah, there is no area that isn't crowded." I answered, "But look on the bright side. There are fewer perverts now."

True to my words, fewer people are gawking at the Sekirei and Juvia, with no fool-brave ones trying to get some lucky touches. Although we can see some men wanted to test their lucks but kept to themselves due to being smart enough to understand, they might not come out unharmed if they tried.

"Oh! I know which street we're in. Come on; there is a store nearby we can visit first." Juvia drag me once more, with the Sekirei following along.

I wonder what the chance of meeting someone we know upon entering the store Juvia leads us to.

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