Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 13

Hours later*

It's almost midnight, and everyone is back in their rooms. Nearly everyone is excited, while some are too tired from having too much fun in the daytime.

"I think we need to understand something here." Yume frown at everyone.

"Why? What's wrong?" Karasuba raises an eyebrow as she finishes putting her clothes back on after having her turn in sex.

"What is with everyone trying to get Musubi so involved with sex? She is too innocent and young for that kind of thing!" Yume narrowed her eyes, pointing at me, as Uzume was wiping the sweat off my body with a towel, and she didn't notice how Juvia's eyes became sharp and dangerous. "You should stop everyone from taking advantage of you whenever someone gets aroused! There are times and places for sex."

"Say the one that wanted to be among the first ones to have sex with Renato." Kazehana snorted in amusement, causing Yume to blush. "If I remember correctly, you even sent Musubi off somewhere to be busy in the meantime, and I think you should go find Musubi soon since it is almost midnight."

"I'll have you know... Musubi!" Yume cried out as she rushed out of the bedroom and quickly headed to where Musubi should be. Time is short.

"So, can I get a second round?" Uzume wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me on the cheek as she presses herself against me.

"Better if you don't. Since the Grand Magic Games should be starting soon." Miya said to Uzume, causing the latter to pour.

Nonetheless, Uzume quickly got off me and finished putting her clothes on like the others.

A few minutes later*

Yume returned with a sulking Musubi, who was having the time of her life by enjoying an all-you-can-eat buffet. Sadly, she was forced to abandon her next round of food and brought back to the hotel just in time.

"Welcome all guilds joining for the first Grand Magic Games!" An announcer's voice is heard throughout the capital at the precise moment when it's midnight. "The first round will begin after I've finished explaining the rules and the tasks!"

"It's good you got here with barely a second away. Huh, Yume?" Karasuba smirked, poking the other Sekirei with her sheathed sword in a teasing manner.

"Quiet now. We need to hear everything." Miya shushed Karasuba, causing the latter to scowl but kept quiet nonetheless.

"First Rule: Only a team of five per guild is allowed. Anymore, then that guild is disqualified! Second Rule: All contestants must be in their lodgings. Otherwise, they are disqualified, making the team have fewer numbers. This put them at a disadvantage against other teams for not having a whole team. Third Rule: The Guild Masters are not allowed to attend the Grand Magic Games! Fourth Rule: The teams that caused any damage to the buildings will be charged for the repair fee!" The announcer explained to everyone. "With the rules over! The tournament will be divided into five days, with one event held each day! So the first round is going to be treasure hunting! Scatter around the capital in the streets and on the buildings' rooftops are treasure chests containing Magic Items that shoot fireworks into the sky, which will let everyone know which teams have found them! There are only eight of them, so be prepared for a fight! As the treasure chests require lots of Magic Power to activate; thereby, one or two members will be inactive and unable to help the team fight off the attacking teams! And so, let me give one last shout-out for the first Grand Magic Games! GO!"

Shouts and explosions happen throughout the capital as numerous teams from various guilds do their best to find the treasure chests.

"What a good way to prevent being overwhelmed with a large number of guilds right away before the next round." Miya praised the person that created the first round for the Grand Magic Games. "As well as making sure no one decides to destroy buildings as a shortcut to finding one of the eight treasure chests."

"Too bad not everyone has strong self-control." Matsu points out, as we can see through the windows on our left, upon seeing a random building destroyed by a team of Mages using magic based on explosions.

"The Magic Council will be extra rich after someone calculates how much damage everyone did." Uzume said with a hint of envy. "Whoever came up with that last rule clearly knew most of the Mages are destructive."

Not going to lie. I thought it was a team from Fairy Tail Guild, but far too many teams are causing chaos everywhere. I've underestimated this world's Mages of self-control. Then again, it might be because the Mages from Fairy Tail Guild had caused more destruction than others, making them more well known.

"Everyone seems to be having so much fun out there." Musubi pouts in envy.

"Hey, Matsu. Did the Magic Council say anything about the civilians once the Grand Magic Games started? I feel like the ones outside would likely cause harm to the civilians." Tsukiumi asks out of concern for those that can defend themselves against the Mages' magic.

"Did no one see this booklet here?" Matsu reaches the side of the coffee table, picking up a booklet with the front covering printed with the words: Grand Magic Games' Basic Info.

"I was too busy being fed by Juvia and Miya." I answered dully, causing Matsu to roll her eyes.

"If this was someone else being told about this. There's a high chance of them thinking you're lying, Renato." Matsu said in a joking tone.

The rest made their excuses, but overall, only Matsu read the booklet.

"So it says here that all civilians and those that aren't Mages visiting are to be relocated somewhere else temporarily until after a week when the Grand Magic Games is over. Allowing the Magic Council enough time to fix everything and calculating the fee to pay the returning civilians that live here upon finding out if their home and/or shops were destroyed." Matsu informed everyone, mainly Tsukiumi and those that care about the civilians.

That made Tsukiumi sigh in relief, but something must have popped into her mind as she paused and looked at Matsu with concern.

"Something the matter, Tsukiumi?" Matsu raises an eyebrow.

"Other than the civilians. What about us? Along with the other guilds watching from their lodges?" Tsukiumi asked.

Sounds of fights and explosions start to become louder by the second. In fact, some are getting closer to the hotel we're in.

"Again, right here in the booklet. The guilds are allowed to fight back to prevent being harmed by the contestants from going overboard." Matsu replied.

"Looks like the Magic Council has yet to iron out all the problems for the Grand Magic Games." Kazehana snorted as she took a sip from her glass of alcohol provided by the hotel. "By the way, I don't know if it's the alcohol affecting me, but is it just me, or are there more and more teams just outright attacking each other instead of trying to find the treasure chests at all?"

"That just means even though our guild has a team participating in the Grand Magic Games. Doesn't mean we won't have any part either; well, at least for the first round." Miya said to everyone.

"Sweet! So we do get to fight others after all." Karasuba grinned with bloodlust as she unsheathed her sword, eager for many fools to arrive at her doorstep. "I call first dip on anyone coming to cause any harm to the hotel."

"I get second!" Musubi quickly follow Karasuba's example.

"This feels like the Etherious all over again." I shake my head in disbelief.

"On the bright side, we don't have to worry about facing them alone." Uzume points out.

"Juvia has to remind Uzume that even us alone are beyond strong than those Etherious, let alone the Mages outside going crazy from being able to attack others legally with barely any punishments in the end." Juvia explains.

"Uh, more than a dozen teams are coming here." Hibiki said in a concerned voice, pointing to our right.

"I'm heading off first!" Karasuba leaps out the window and lands at the hotel's front entrance, eager to face the incoming teams of other guilds.

"Wait for me!" Musubi follow after Karasuba, and funny enough, Yume follows after Musubi.

Now, we're waiting to see how this takes place; however, to our surprise, upon seeing the teams of Mages pause in their step. Literally, stop in their place as they stare at Karasuba, Musubi, and Yume for a solid minute.




As if they faced unbeatable foes, these Mages quickly ran away while screaming at the top of their lungs in fear.

Uzume burst out laughing, "WOW! Here we thought there would be a fight, but all we got was people with enough common sense to understand the battle was already lost before it began. So, may as well leave before being eliminated from the Grand Magic Games initially."

"Oh, crap." Hikari's voice filled with worry. "Karasuba is piss."

That got everyone's attention.

"And she is chasing after them, with Musubi tagging along and Yume trying to stop the two. Failing to do so, going by the frustrated look on her face." Akitsu said calmly.

"Hey, Matsu." I called for Matsu's attention, and she cut me off before I could ask her my question.

"Depending on the situation, the non-participating members of the guild can chase after the ones from a different guild and—ah, crap." Matsu frown. "I forgot about this part and was planning on telling everyone, including Guild Master Bob, later today. However, I was distracted and forgot all about it. No wonder the Magic Council allows the guild members to stay in the capital, even on the first night of the Grand Magic Games." Matsu shakes her head in disbelief.

"Why, what's wrong?" Miya asks. "Should I go help Yume retrieve Karasuba and Musubi before it's too late?"

"More like if things land in Karasuba's favor. Then, she, along with Musubi and Yume, will temporarily be able to join the first round of the Grand Magic Games in helping our guild's team by eliminating the other enemy teams. Reducing the number of teams before all eight treasure chests are found." Matsu informed everyone.

"What's the odd of other guilds reading this booklet?" Kazehana blinks a few times with a confused look.

"That depends on whether they got a smart/lucky person to find more information on the Grand Magic Games." Matsu replied. "Also, if the Magic Council deems Karasuba's actions unreasonably and not to their standards. It's a high chance of costing our guild's team in advancing further into the other rounds."

Right. Time to use my cheat to make it so that doesn't happen. As for other guilds finding about the booklet. I leave that alone even though I can just make it so none of the other guilds didn't notice the booklet until it's too late.

"Well, I'm guessing we're staying up all night and ensuring the hotel doesn't collapse while we're asleep." I said to Juvia and the rest of the Sekirei. "Anyone wants to meet up with the rest of our guild or just stick around in our room for the rest of the night?"

"Juvia rather stay here." Juvia answered as she continued to look out the window as the battles outside went on.

"No point in us meeting with the others." Uzume agreed with Juvia, causing the rest to agree as well.

Although Hikari and Hibiki wanted to get some late-night snacks, but seeing how room services are currently unavailable at this time, that isn't going to happen.

"By the way, should we worry if Karasuba removes more than half of the multiple teams by herself?" Uzume asks everyone.

"Just another reason why Magic Council would hate our guild." I said dryly.

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