Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 9-2 (One by One)

Exactly as she feared, when Mora opened her eyes, she found the lower part of her body covered in white viscous fluids. The smell was overbearing, enough to make her nauseated and dizzy.

‘There’s… there’s just too much… and I’m still hard.’

Her blankets and her beddings were completely drenched in a mixture of sweat, saliva, and her very own semen. She had spent the night in a feverish dream, a wet one to be exact. In the pitch darkness of her room, she recalled the time she spent with the goddess. The memory of being forcefully deepthroated to a point of asphyxiation was enough to make her body shiver. Her senses recalled the goddess's sweet, musky scent that lingered on her skin, the taste of her hard, throbbing shaft and glans, and the sweet taste of her essence.


Mora traced her fingertips across the tip of her tiny, underwhelming member that barely exceeded 2 inches in length. The mere thought of her wet dream and the intensity of her goddess's hold over her body was enough to drive her wild. It was evidence of Mora's unwavering devotion, body and soul, to her divine mistress. Her body quivered with pleasure, and she could feel herself losing control over her sanity.

‘But I can’t… I have to stop… otherwise there would be no end to this…’ she groaned, gasping for breath. She was right; if she continued, there would be no end to the pleasure.

Mora shook her head and wiped the precum leaking out of the tip of her glans. She glanced out of the window where the sky was still shrouded in pitch darkness. The air was freezing cold, and she rubbed her hands together to warm them up. As her fingers brushed over her crotch, she cupped her large balls, pleasantly surprised by how warm they were. The sensation of her scrotum nestling in between her fingers sent a shudder through her body—

‘Every single touch, even just a light brush is enough to stimulate my whole body! Is… is this what it feels like to have a penis…? Do men feel this way every single day…?’

Just as Mora was about to change her clothes, a 'ring' resonated through her mind and soul.


It was an inexplicable sensation that left her momentarily disoriented. The sound wasn't truly audible but rather a willful transmission that penetrated her with absolute obedience.


Mora abandoned everything she was doing and left her bedroom, her bare feet padding urgently on the cold floorboards. She bolted down the narrow staircase and came to a sudden halt before the locked door of her store. Without any hesitation, she fumbled with the key and unlocked the front door, swinging it open.

Immediately, the freezing air rushed into the store. Mora’s whole body shivered, but she couldn’t care less about that.

There, shrouded by the dark of night, stood a young androgynous man with midnight-black hair. His soft eyes held a gentle intensity, and a subtle, curved smile could be seen on his lips. There was an unknown charm and charisma about him, a strange magnetism that left anyone who gazed into his eyes powerless to resist.

“Y-you are… Lord…?”

Mora had completely forgotten about her original objective when she visited Gin. Instead she was assaulted by Teressa and came out of the place with an extra limb. It was then she realized this person standing before her, despite not having large chests and long hair, was indeed her Lord.

‘Gin… she was Gin all along…’

Gin nodded his head, and spoke as if nothing was wrong, “Can I come inside? It’s freezing out here.”

Mora, realizing that she was being rude to her own master, immediately welcomed him inside the store while apologizing.

“How was your night? Show me your room.”

Gin didn’t wait for her to answer and started to walk up the stairs all by himself. Mora was confused for a second, ‘how would he know where my room is?’ before being reminded of her Lord’s omnipotence.

‘The Lord must be all-knowing too—!’

It didn’t take long before the both of them stood before the stained bed. The odor of various bodily fluids mixed together making Mora frown and embarrassed. She was ashamed of showing such a mess to her Lord, this ‘uncouth’ side of her.

Meanwhile, Gin himself nodded to himself as if he understood everything that happened in this room.

‘Well, everything went as I thought it would.’

Currently, Gin was using his male form, one that was familiar to the villagers. He altered some characteristics of his physique, making himself look more feminine and androgynous rather than completely masculine with chiseled jaw and bulging muscles. In this form, one would categorize him as a beautiful man.

It wasn’t a minor change, people would be confused when they see him. For the past three months or so, his looks had undergone such major changes in such short span of time, people might start to doubt him as the devil or something similar, but Gin wasn’t worried about that.

‘I can just gaslight them with my hypnosis. With my level 2 Mind Breaker and Mind stats, even Minor Hypnosis is pretty effective for the likes of ordinary people like them.’

The same solution also applies if he were caught by the villagers. If his affairs with Teressa and Sera, and also his forced transformation of Collette were somehow miraculously found out by everyone, Gin was confident he could overcome it with the system’s aid.

‘I can make up some random bullshit and no matter how much of a stretch it is, they will believe me even if they harbor some hostility against me.’

In fact, Gin had raised his Mind stats by another 10 points. That’s right, he spent 2.000 Faith points in one go to raise his Mind stats to a whooping 30 points. This was possible thanks to Teressa, Sera, and Collette becoming his zealots. They kept on generating points for him the whole day yesterday. Combined with his ‘therapy session’ with Mora, he still had a considerable amount left after.

He wasn’t sure how much more effective his hypnosis became, but he wasn’t worried about it.

‘I’m in a pretty good situation right now.’

If Gin really wanted to, he was sure he could take over the village with much more finesse and effective method beside just feeding the villagers his essence—

‘—But that won’t be any fun. Instead, I plan to make it an enjoyable and entertaining experience for myself, and for that, I'll need Mora's help.’

Gin snapped his fingers and the entire room, Mora included, was cleaned out of dirt and filth of any kind.

“O-oh, Lord, that’s amazing!”

Mora clasped her hands in admiration. Gin thought she looked like a puppy wagging her tail, enthralled by his power and charisma.

“Well, you haven’t seen anything yet.” Gin whispered into her ears gently. He moved suddenly, cupping Mora's testicles before she could even register what was happening. The sensation of his strong fingers on her delicate flesh sent a shiver through her body, and she yelped in surprise.

"L-Lord...I...!" Mora was at a loss for words, her mind whirling with a pang lust and confusion.

"Shhh," Gin hushed her gently. "There's one more gift I've yet to give you."


Mora couldn't help but let out a sharp moan as a sudden warmth of pleasure attacked her testicles.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as she shuddered with beating pleasure coming from her groins. Her jaw slacked, allowing drool to seep from the corner of her lips as she creamed herself on the spot. The sensation of her warm fluids spilling down her thighs only served to heighten her pleasure, and she couldn't help but let out a feral growl.

“OH—!! OHGK—!!”

Splurt—! Splurt—! 

“There. It is done.”

Mora dropped all four on the ground, her mind was still reeling from the intense sensations she had just experienced, and she could barely think straight. “W-what just happened, my lord…?”

“Nothing much,” Gin shrugged casually. “I’ve made two changes to your testicles.”

He raised his index finger to emphasize his point. “First, your semen will last longer now. It won't rot or expire as easily, like milk. It's like having preservatives injected into your balls, but there are no side effects, of course.”

Then he raised his middle finger and continued. "Secondly, the flavor of your semen will change depending on what you eat. For instance, if you consume a lot of strawberries, your semen will also have a similar flavor and aroma."

“Lord… I… I’m not sure—”

Mora wasn’t sure what her Lord meant by these changes. She was about to ask Gin what he was trying to do when she heard another ‘ring’ in her head. 

"...I understand, my lord. I shall do my best to play my part." Mora nodded obediently, still reeling from the intense sensations coursing through her body.

"Good," Gin said, pleased. "Take it slow for today. Get used to your new body. One of my followers will come to check on you later in the day."

Mora's eyes widened with surprise. "S-someone? Who could it be, my lord?"

Gin smirked, moving closer to her face. Without warning, he gave her a long, slow lick from the bottom of her chin, over her nose, and up to her forehead. The sensation of his tongue on her skin was electric, and Mora's breath quickened with arousal.

"A follower of mine, just like you," Gin murmured, his voice low and intimate. Mora felt his presence itself dominating her body and soul, and her dick couldn't help but to throb even harder. Gin pulled away, leaving Mora panting, almost creaming herself for the second time.



As the sun rose, the darkness faded away, replaced by a cheerful blue sky and the sound of birds chirping in the trees. People could be seen strolling along the path outside of the store, enjoying the beautiful morning.

Gin had left a while ago, leaving Mora alone in her room, experimenting with her new body.

‘What I eat, is what my semen will taste like… I wonder…’

Her Lord had transmitted his will into her soul. She received a set of instructions to follow, and she planned to abide by it faithfully. If what she ate would affect the taste of her semen, then she had to try it out.

Mora grabbed an apple and devoured it hungrily, savoring each juicy bite. She continued to eat until she had consumed three of them, each one juicier and more delicious than the last. Then, with a sense of excitement, she undressed herself and grabbed the wooden cup that her Lord had cleaned for her.

With a small gasp, she pointed her glans inside the cup and let out a soft moan as she began to masturbate.

‘My dick is so small, but it’s so sensitive…!’

Mora's small member was a source of humiliation and arousal for her. Boasting nothing more than two inches in length, it was tiny and insignificant compared to the few she had seen before. But it was also incredibly sensitive, and every touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Mora was on fire. All her senses were alert, and her little member was painfully erect, throbbing with heat and desire. Her lust was welling up within, she gripped the wooden cup in one hand, rubbing her thumb over the glans of her tiny member as she toyed with her clit with the other.

Her face was flushed red with excitement, and her breathing was rough and hurried as she stroked herself harder and harder. The sensation of pleasure was almost too much to bear, and she felt herself teetering on the edge of climax. With a final burst of energy, she slammed her little member into the cup, letting out a loud cry of pleasure as she began to pump her seeds from her large balls empty into it.

Splurt—! Splurt—! Splurt—! 

"HNGGAHH—!!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the room as the last few drops of her cum leaked out of her glans.


She lay there, trembling and gasping for breath, overcome with the sensation of pure, unadulterated bliss that had just consumed her.

Slowly but surely, Mora began to come back to herself, her senses returning to her as she struggled to recover from the intensity of the orgasm she had just experienced. Her hand was still wrapped around the wooden cup, the smell of her own lewd fluids filling the air around her.

"T-that was close...!" she gasped, her heart racing as she struggled to catch her breath.

The cup was slick with her own essence to which she held carefully. With a trembling hand, she brought it up to her face, taking a quick whiff of the musky, potent aroma that was uniquely her own.

‘It— it does smell like an apple—!’

Mora couldn't believe her senses. Not ten minutes had passed since she had eaten the apples, yet she was already producing a potent "juice", and the scent that wafted up from the cup was unmistakably that of apple.

Filled with a sense of excitement and curiosity, she took the jugs that contained her Lord's divine essence and mixed them up with her own, producing a bizarre apple juice that was viscous, thick, and creamy, with a intense sweetness that could potentially turn one into an addict.

‘Oh, this is amazing…!’

The aroma and the taste was beyond enticing, and Mora couldn't resist taking a taste. Just as she expected, the juice’s texture and creamy nature mixed with a delicious sweetness gave her another boost of libido and pleasure. The blend of her own potent scent with that of her Lord's essence was simply too intoxicating, and she found herself gulping down the entire jug without a care in the world.

‘O-oh crap—! I shouldn’t drink them all!’



Per the Lord's instruction, Mora had to keep her head down and maintain appearances to avoid arousing suspicion from the villagers. She donned her usual clothes, a short and plain dress as they were, and with a deep breath, unlocked the door to her store.

The sun was already high in the sky, and the road was filled with sounds of people going about their daily business. So with a brave face, she opened her store, and people did come to buy her odd wares, albeit a bit later than usual.

"Are you alright, Mora?" Treo asked, concern etched on his face. "You seem a bit red. Are you sick?"

"O-oh, it's nothing!" she squeaked out, her voice higher than usual. "I'm just feeling a bit under the weather right now."

Treo visited the store today to buy some groceries and happened to see Mora sitting by the counter, the lower half of her body hidden by the table. Her face was red and she kept on fanning herself with her hand, she was obviously not on her best condition.

“Are you sure? Do you need rest?”

Treo looked at her suspiciously, his eyes lingering on her flushed cheeks and heaving chest. Something wasn't quite right, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what was off about her. 

“N-no, I’m fine. I’m just—”

Before she finished her sentence, Treo reached out his hand and touched her forehead.


The moment his hand made contact with her skin, Mora’s eyes rolled back inside her head for the umpteenth time today, and her whole body shook subtly.


Treo noticed this and immediately pulled back his hand.

“A-are you alright!? Are you sick!?”

“N-no—...! I’m fine! I'm—!"

Mora grit her teeth, 'Shit!! I'm cumming again—!!'

Splurt—! Splurt—! 

"—I, ahh... I just didn’t get enough... sleep… that’s all…” She said, her voice stuttered and hoarse.


Unbeknownst to anyone, Mora had been sitting by the counter the whole day with her dick out. Her throbbing member was tiny, barely visible to the naked eye, but it was a constant source of pleasure and frustration.

She tried to ignore it, not even trying to touch herself whatsoever, yet the pleasure kept on building up on its own. She didn't quite understand how her new body works, but she had a hunch it was all caused by her large pair of testicles, the Lord's blessings upon her.

As the day wore on, Mora's balls kept producing semen, and once it was full, it needed to be pumped out, increasing her libido to the limit. Unfortunately for her, surrounded by people shopping in her store, she couldn't just rub one off. She was stuck behind the counter, serving customers, her heart racing with unfulfilled desire.

But her libido reached the ceiling and burst through the roof after being left unattended for hours. With a sudden cry, Mora's orgasm surged through her, her tiny member throbbing uncontrollably as she spurted her seeds down under the table.


Splurt—! Splurt—! Splurt—! 

Thanks to the Lord's blessings, nobody noticed anything was off since there was nothing but the smell of apples wafting through the entire store.

The cycle repeated itself a few times until now. The floor under Mora was drenched with spilled cums and pussy juice, all hidden by a simple table before dozens of unsuspecting customers. Every time she orgasmed, her tiny member and swollen clit throbbed even harder, aching to be touched and satisfied.

Mora felt anxious and worried that she might get found out, yet at the same time, she felt a deep sense of belonging, of being embraced by the Lord's blessings, no matter how forbidden or taboo. She couldn't understand what was happening to her body. The changes felt foreign, but she didn't resist them. Instead, she embraced it wholeheartedly. Perhaps, it was all thanks to the Lord.

“Oh, well, that’s fine then. Just remember not to overwork yourself, understand?” Treo backed off once he saw Mora’s adamant attitude. “By the way, have you heard about Coll?”

“...Coll? You mean about him transforming into a woman? I’ve heard about that.”

Mora tilted her head when she heard his question. Treo sighed and said. “Coll now has changed completely. He has turned completely into a woman.”

“Huh… you mean… physically…?”

“Yeah. Isn’t that crazy? He— well, she and that guy, Gin, visited the training field. They came to deliver the news that the transformation was successful. Apparently, her new name is now Collette.”


“...You don’t seem shocked about this at all? This is crazy, how did that Gin accomplish such a thing with a mere ‘therapy’ or whatever he called it. It’s weird… something feels off about this whole thing, but I can’t seem to pinpoint why… many things happened since his arrival.”

“I'm shocked…”

Mora feigned ignorance throughout the whole conversation. She had a pretty good hunch that the whole household where her Lord was staying were also a fellow follower just like her— a zealot. After all, didn’t Teressa jump at her with a penis? How long have they been going at it? From the beginning perhaps? What have they done since then? She had no idea...

‘Teressa, Sera, and Coll… well, Collette. Is one of them going to visit me today…?’

After they chatted a bit more, Treo left the store and the day continued. Many people came and left after taking care of their groceries, all the while Mora kept on pumping her seeds against the table, her tiny member throbbing uncontrollably, begging for sweet release.

As the day wore on, Mora's exhaustion grew, but her lust remained unabated. She leaned by the counter, gasping for air as she thrusted her waist against the air.


Splurt—! Splurt—! Splurt—! 

Her seeds shot out of her throbbing member in a hot, sticky stream, coating the surface under the table.


Her cums landed on the feet of the table and at the floor, making soft splatter sound.

"Haah... haah..."

Finally, Mora's balls were empty. For now, that is. She slumped against the counter, gasping for air as her tiny member throbbed in pain.

‘How many times… have I came…?’ Mora pondered, her mind completely clouded.

Once she made sure that everyone had left her store, she stood up from her seat and locked the door.

‘The table floor is completely flooded…’

A thick scent of apple struck her nose when she took a closer look.

‘What a waste… I should’ve poured it all into a cup or a jug…’

Disappointed, Mora leaned down and scooped up a handful of her seed, and licked it off her fingers. Once again, exactly as what her Lord had said, the flavor and the aroma matched exactly what she ate.


Mora couldn't resist the sweet taste of her own cum, and with a deep gulp, she swallowed it down.

"This is good..." she whispered to herself.

Mora licked her lips and reached down to scoop up more of her cum from the floor, her fingers sliding through the hot, sticky mess as she sucked them clean. Just as she was about to scoop some more she realized she could just make a whole new batch herself.

'W-wait! What am I doing!?'

She snapped herself out of it and stood up, searching for a mop when she heard a knock coming from the front door. 

Knock—! Knock—!

Her body jolted the moment she heard the sound.

‘...Could it be…?’

Mora slowly reached her hand to the knob, unlocked the door and pulled the door open. There stood a familiar girl with a blue ponytail. Her whole body was covered in sweat, dust and grime. A pair of sharp eyes looking straight at her as her lips curved into a smile.

“Heya Mora.”

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