Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 9–3 (One by One)

Sera's eyes rolled back in pleasure as she gulped down the warm and sweet seed that showered down her throat. Her body trembled and contorted in pleasure as she reached a shattering orgasm from the mere act of swallowing. The taste and sensation were enough to drive her wild with lust. She let out a loud moan as a gush of liquid shot out of her drenched shorts.


“Ahh…!!” Sera spasmed, barely getting her words out through her mouth. “My Lord… when will you take my virginity…?”

"Patience is key." Gin sighed contentedly as he stroked Sera's head, his fingers tangled in her soft locks. He angled his pulsing member towards her open mouth and delivered the last few spurts of his hot cum onto her waiting tongue. "Your time will come soon enough." he promised with a satisfied sigh.

In the secluded outskirts of the village, far from prying eyes, Gin and Sera indulged in their own mini ‘exercise’. It had been a busy morning for Gin, who had paid a visit to Mora before taking Collette around the village and introducing her to everyone. Though many were confused or skeptical, Gin's powers of hypnosis silenced any doubts.

With just a few whispered words and waves of his hand, Gin planted suggestions in the minds of the villagers— suggesting that they accept Collette as she was and get used to her presence among them. His control over their minds was impressive— strong enough to convince even the most stubborn of them to comply with his will, and it all thanks to his new upgraded Mind stats.

After exposing the villagers to Collette's presence and planting suggestions in their minds, Gin sent her back home. He wanted her existence to gradually seep into their subconsciousness and become accepted as a natural part of the village life. By slowly introducing her to the community bit by bit and day by day, Gin believed that her acceptance would be easier and smoother.

‘It’s a bit unnecessary at this point, but it’s all just a precaution. I want my new toy to be liked by everyone.’ he thought, ‘After all, what's the point of having a toy if you can't show her off?’

With his plan for Collette's acceptance set in motion, Gin turned his attention towards Sera. As the evening approached, he sought her out at the training field and together they snuck away for some fun ‘mini-exercise’.

"I promise to wait for you, my Lord," Sera whispered as she gazed up at him with adoring eyes. She blushed and stuttered over her words as she continued, "My p-pussy will always be ready for you." It seemed that even after all the hypnosis and exposure to depravity, Sera still retained a certain innocence and shyness.

Gin couldn't help but smile at Sera's bashfulness. ‘How cute,’ he thought, chuckling inwardly. ‘I never taught her to speak this way— it must be the influence of her mother.’

He chuckled and gave Sera's cheek a playful tap with the tip of his half-erect cock. "Good girl,” he praised as he rubbed his member against her soft skin. His sticky cum smeared over her face, leaving behind a glistening trail. “You'll be rewarded for your patience later. But for now, I need you to finish your practice and go meet Mora after. There’s something I want you to do.”

Sera licked her lips, trying not to waste any of her Lord’s precious essence. As she listened attentively, Gin explained his plan to dominate the entire village— using Mora's established store as a way in. Though he kept the details vague, Sera understood the gist of what her master was trying to achieve.

The key to Gin's plan lay in the village store owned by Mora. Using her influence, he planned to promote a special new 'energy drink', a concoction made from a combination of his own and Mora's sexual fluids. Sweet and 'fruity', the sensual potion would prove irresistible to anyone who tasted it.

‘The moment they take even the slightest sip, their fate is sealed. A drop of my essence in their system pretty much ensures my control over their minds.’

“Of course, my Lord,” Sera replied obediently. She stood up from her kneeling position and brushed the dirt off her knees before Gin snapped his fingers. In an instant, they were both clean and presentable once again.

And so, here she was. Right after she finished her practice, she stood before Mora’s store right after it just closed. She knocked on the door and it opened—

“Heya, Mora,” she greeted, not waiting for a response before slipping inside and closed the door behind her.

“S-Sera,” Mora stammered, clearly surprised but not shocked by the visitor. “You’re here… did the Lord send you?”

Sera nodded curtly. “He did.”

For a second, the both of them stared at each other’s eyes, reading into one another's gait.

‘What could be the purpose of her visit? What would the Lord have her do here?’ Mora thought to herself. Before she managed to reach an answer, Sera spoke out first.

“Do you know why the Lord gave you that ‘blessing’?”

“Blessing… you mean—”

Before Mora even finished her sentence, Sera walked up to her and touched her groins without warning. Naturally, Mora should have backed off— but she didn’t.

She should have recoiled; should have been affronted or outraged. But instead, she stood stock still, back arching involuntarily as pleasure erupted through her body. A strangled moan tumbled from her lips as her eyes fluttered shut in ecstasy— Sera had brought her to climax with just one touch.


Sera watched with a gleeful smirk as Mora's dress dampened, a large wet patch spreading across the fabric. Thick ropes of cum shot out from beneath her clothes, running down her thighs and pooling around her ankles.

"Amazing," Sera commented with a grin. "Just as our Lord told me, your 'blessing' may be small, but it definitely packs a punch." She tightened her grip on Mora's throbbing cock and balls, still concealed by the tainted fabric of her clothing. With vigorous tugs and rough rubs, she continued to stimulate the hypersensitive organs mercilessly.

“HNGGGHHAA—!!” Mora cried out— her voice echoed through the store as she buckled at the knees and collapsed to the floor. She lay there writhing in ecstasy, completely at Sera's mercy. Mere moments later her body convulsed again by another orgasm. Her hypersensitive cock erupting again as hot streams of cum spurted from her twitching body.



Mora cried out in the throes of her bliss. "OH GOD—!! IT WON'T STOP—" she wailed as another spurt of cum jetted from her hypersensitive cock. "I'M CUMMING—!!"


Thanks to the blessing bestowed upon her by her Lord, Mora's body was capable of producing semen at an astonishing rate— much faster than any normal human being. So fast, in fact, that her balls were constantly full to the brim with thick, hot cum. Not even Teressa or Collette were able to produce semen at such a mind-boggling pace. Eventually even they would only produce watery and diluted sperm after multiple sessions.

But Mora… Mora was different.

She possessed a special constitution that allowed her body to constantly churn out fresh batches of semen on demand. It was all part of Gin's master plan to overtake the village. Mora needed to be capable of producing copious amounts of cum whenever it was required. Her ability was so strong that she experienced hands-free orgasms throughout the day, past the point where touch was necessary. Even without stimulation, Mora would find herself writhing and crying out as orgasm after orgasm rocked her trembling body.

"Heheh, this is so much fun!" Sera exclaimed with a giggle as she spread Mora's legs wide open. She pulled up the hem of Mora's dress to reveal her stained underwear and tiny, unimpressive 2-inch cock. Despite its diminutive size though, Mora's testicles were an entirely different story; swollen and heavy, they were the largest that Sera had ever seen.

"Oooh!" Sera cooed, admiring Mora's exposed genitals. "It's so cute! And look at how your foreskin covers up the little tiptop of your glans!"

“N-no—! S-shut up—!!” Mora whined in humiliation and tried to cover herself up, cheeks burning red with embarrassment. But Sera just brushed her hands aside and dove in for a closer look, thoroughly exploring every inch of Mora's pulsing, throbbing flesh.

Sera licked her lips hungrily as she examined every fold and crease of Mora's excited cock, taking note of the way it twitched and jumped at even the slightest touch. She traced her fingers over the veins and ridges that ran along its length, feeling the blood pumping hotly beneath the skin.

Sera grinned mischievously as she gently inserted her index finger into Mora's foreskin, swirling it around to explore the sensitive head of her cock. Mora gasped and shuddered at the unexpected sensation, gritting her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut in a vain effort to stave off yet another orgasm.

‘This isn’t the innocent tomboy that I once knew—’ Thought Mora. She had known Sera since they were children, back when her parents were still alive and their village was a peaceful place. They used to play together with the other kids, exploring the forests and rivers around their homes, climbing trees, and embarking on all sorts of exciting adventures. But despite spending so much time together, Mora and Sera had never been particularly close.

After all, their personalities were just too different. Sera was bold, fearless, and charismatic, always the leader of the pack. Mora on the other hand was quiet and unassuming, content to follow from a safe distance. They don’t feel one way or the other against each other. Like oil and water, their friendship never really progressed past a surface level acquaintance— until now.

'And now this girl who was once nothing more than a childhood friend is spreading my legs wide open, playing with my cock like it's her favorite toy!' Mora thought dizzily, unable to deny the intense pleasure that Sera coaxed from her trembling body. ‘What is happening? My mind can’t keep up—!! I can’t even think straight anymore!!’

"OOOH—!!" Mora wailed as pleasure once again overtook her resistance. "I'M CUMMING AGAIN—!! SERA—!!" Her hips thrust upwards wildly, seeking release as she felt her balls contract - preparing to unleash another flood of cum.

Not missing a beat, Sera quickly removed her finger and leaned in to take Mora's entire length into her mouth. She enveloped the hot, rigid flesh with her wet lips feeling the mushroom-head throb excitedly against her tongue as Mora reached her peak. Thick ropes of sweet, apple-scented cum shot out from Mora's twitching cock, filling Sera's mouth and throat as she eagerly swallowed everything that was offered.



Thick streams of white jizz flowed out from between Sera's lips as she eagerly suckled on Mora's pulsating member.


Gulp—! Gulp—!!

Mora let out another loud scream— eyes rolling back in ecstasy as Sera expertly milked every last drop from her spasming balls.


Gulp—!! Gulp—!!

And still, the relentless waves of pleasure continued to crash over Mora's body as Sera drank deeply from her overflowing fountain.

Mora's breathing grew shallow as her body was wracked with tremors of pleasure. "Ungh…ah…" she moaned incoherently, her mouth hanging open as her mind went blank. Her vision blurred and then faded to black her consciousness slipping away as Sera ruthlessly pushed her over the edge again and again.


With one final gulp, Sera swallowed down the last of Mora's thick, fragrant cum. She pulled back to admire her handiwork— watching as the girl's tiny 2-inch cock slowly wilted between her spread legs. "I feel full." she remarked with an air of satisfaction, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. "It’s just like our Lord said– your seeds can be used to make some sort of an ‘energy drink’. It tastes so good, it’s like apple juice, something that’s almost impossible to find in our village."

Abruptly, Sera noticed the absence of sound and looked down at Mora’s prone form. "Hey, are you asleep?" she asked, gently tapping Mora's cheeks with the back of her hand but there was no response. Just soft breaths escaping from parted lips as she lay slack on the ground. It seemed that the intense bouts of pleasure had been too much for even her blessed constitution to withstand.

Sera looked down at Mora's limp form with a mixture of concern and lust. "Hmm, I can't just leave her lying here like this." She scooped the smaller girl up into her arms without effort, carrying her bridal style as she made her way upstairs to the bedroom.

As she laid Mora gently on the bed, Sera couldn't help but let out a wistful sigh. "Oh how I wish that I had a cock right now," she moaned, eyes glued to Mora's exposed folds. "Just imagine how amazing it would feel to slide deep inside her tight little pussy while she's so out of it."

She had begged Lord Gin to grant her the same 'blessing' as her parents; a massive, ever-hard cock that could deliver endless pleasure. But he had refused, telling her that the time wasn't right. So for now she was stuck with only her fingers, tongue and toys— denied the opportunity to truly savor all the pleasures of flesh.

“Hmm…” As Mora continued to lay there, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings, Sera couldn't resist the opportunity to explore further. "Our Lord mentioned something about her cock being…elastic," she mused aloud, eyeing the flaccid member with renewed curiosity. "I wonder what he meant by that…"

Feeling bold, Sera reached out to gently cup Mora's balls in one hand while wrapping her fingers around the base of her surprisingly thick shaft with the other. 'It's not that it's small,' Sera thought as she experimentally tugged and squeezed at Mora's fleshy package. 'It's just really short. But so damn thick at the same time.' The shaft was indeed thick and meaty, only the length was too short to allow for penetration. 'Is that still considered small? I mean, it's certainly nothing like what I've seen on mom, dad, and the Lord. But maybe size doesn’t matter? Can she even have sex?'

As she pondered the mysteries of the male anatomy, a bead of clear pre-cum oozed from the tip of Mora's cock. Without missing a beat Sera wasted no time in leaning down and gave it a thorough lick, dragging her tongue over the entire short length of the sensitive flesh. Mora spasmed slightly in response but otherwise remained blissfully unaware.

'Oh this is going to be fun.' Sera thought, a devious smirk spreading across her face as she thought of all the different ways she could play with Mora's elastic little cock.



Mora slowly came to, blinking her heavy-lidded eyes as she tried to shake off the daze that clouded her mind. "Hm…? Ah!" she exclaimed in confusion, looking around at her surroundings.

She found herself in her own bedroom, lying naked and exposed under a thin blanket, with no sign of Sera or anyone else. The scent of freshly-picked apples hung heavy in the air a byproduct of Mora's earlier orgasms. Her bed was slick with cum and there was a small puddle of it on the floor beside her.

'W-what happened…?' Mora wondered groggily, struggling to piece together the events that led up to this moment.

She felt an odd soreness inside her shaft, prompting her to push aside the blanket and take a closer look. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary, her cock was just semi-erect and throbbing faintly as it always did after a particularly intense bout of orgasm.

'…?' Mora's gaze drifted towards her soiled clothes and bed sheets as exhaustion began to overtake her once again. She flopped back onto the bed with a resigned sigh, unsure of how to even begin cleaning up the mess she'd made. But for now all she could do was close her eyes and let herself slip blissfully back into unconsciousness.


Unbeknownst to the sleeping Mora, a small piece of parchment lay on the table beside her bed, filled with detailed instructions for creating and distributing a special 'energy drink' to all the villagers. It was a recipe that utilized Mora's unique blessing— her special seeds that can change flavor depending on what she eats to ‘invigorate’ and ‘energize’ those who drank it.

As Mora slumbered on, unaware of the busy day that awaited her tomorrow, the words on the page seemed to taunt her in their detailed instructions. For despite her contented and peaceful expression, tomorrow promised to bring a flurry of activity as she went about fulfilling her new role as village provider.

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