Fallout Wastelander

Chapter 31: One Machine Online

Date 2275 August 18


"What time is it?" I asked aloud whilst I was rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"It is 6:12 AM, boss." Hauler answered.

"Oh, okay, thanks, Hauler."

"No problem, boss." Hauler said lastly while I began getting up to see what I was going to do today.

What needs to be done... Well, first off I should eat something and when I'm finished with breakfast, I think I'll work on getting turrets fabricated to increase the defenses here. And later on, I'll see where I'm gonna put my workout area, even though I won't have anything to put there for the moment seeing how I left my workout equipment back at Vault 101.

After planning out what tasks I was going to complete for the day, I got up and went to go get some breakfast. Which just ended up being the same thing I had last night, sadly, but that will hopefully be changing here soon enough as long as no surprises pop up.

Having spent 15 minutes eating breakfast, I finally got myself together and headed out of Hauler's cabin to the manufacturing area. The minute I arrived on the scene, I went over to the manufacturing machines and noticed my worker bots had repaired one of the machines fully and were part of the way done with a second one. 

Oh, there's even a new worker bot too, to boot, nice. That will definitely speed things up and from what I can see, it seems that each manufacturing machine can produce about 3 robots a day, which equates to about 1,095 robots a year for each machine. So not too bad as long as I can keep feeding enough resources into them. I could also improve their designs and make them more efficient, however, that can come later on since I think a total robot production capacity of 10,950 bots a year is sufficient for now.

As soon as I finished that thought, I used Mechu-deru on the freshly produced worker bot, gaining full control of it. With that taken care of, I strode to the automated manufacturing machines and had them start producing the assortment of parts that I'll need for the turrets. While the machines were manufacturing the parts I needed, I made my way to the workshop area nearby, that was relatively close to the manufacturing machines to begin fabricating several other parts that will be required for the turrets.

I should probably turn in that quest I completed for taking over this facility before I start producing the parts for the turrets, since I can use the gains from that quest to boost my Adeptus Mechanicus perk to further accelerate the rate at which the manufacturing machines are being repaired while I'm working. Although the repair effect will only work for the ones that are within range of the field of energy that I'll be emitting... Yeah, I'll go with that.

Several seconds later, I reached the workshop area. Thus, I opened my Pip-Boy freezing time like usual and right as time completely froze, a holographic screen popped into my view, displaying my stats. With the holographic screen open, I navigated to the quests section and turned in the quest Take Over The RobCo Facility, gaining the following rewards, the perk RobCo Certified, 5 points of science, and 5,120 xp.

Ding! New Perk
Ding! Level Up
Ding! New Quests

When the rewards were finished being distributed, I immediately went to the perk section to see what the RobCo Certified perk effects were.

| RobCo Certified | You're now RobCo certified. You now have knowledge of all things having to do with RobCo for example, all research, plans, robot designs, RobCo locations, and much more. Also, intelligence +2, science +10, and repair +10.

That's actually a pretty good perk and the bonus intelligence it gives should help with processing all the new information that will be driven into my head when time resumes. Plus, the two points of intelligence will give me one additional skill point for all my future level-ups.

Moving on from that, let me use the level up I just gained and after that, I'll check out the new quest.

From there, I turned in the pending level-up I had just received. A moment later, the holographic screen changed from displaying my stats to the perk selection screen, presenting no new options in the perk selection, unfortunately. Though there would be new options next level up.

Hmm, what to choose... There are quite a few perks that I would like to pick right now, but I think for the moment I'm going to go with Rad Resistance. Since I'm in a radioactive wasteland and some of the areas I want to go to have a pretty good probability of being hot. So going with this perk should help out with that, at least somewhat.

| Rad Resistance | Requirements Level 8, Endurance 5, Survival 40: +25% Radiation resistance.

After making sure that was the perk I wanted to go with, I selected the perk Rad Resistance and finalized my choice, changing the holographic screen once again with it now displaying the skill distribution menu with my recent skill improvements.

[ Skills ]

Skill Points Left: 25

Barter: 134
Energy Weapons: 136
Explosives: 136
Guns: 147
Lockpick: 130
Medicine: 204
Melee Weapons: 136
Repair: 219
Science: 250
Sneak: 230
Speech: 136
Survival: 128
Unarmed: 136

Yeah, that's some pretty decent progress right there, if I do say so myself.

Let's get these 25 skill points distributed into repair so I can accelerate the rate at which the manufacturing machines are being repaired by my energy field.

The instant I had all 25 points distributed into repair, I finalized my choice by changing the holographic screen one last time to my current stats.


Name: Harold Todd Woods
Age: 16
Height: 6 Feet 6 Inches
Body Weight: 296 lbs
Race: High Human
Level: 27
Experience Points: 2,468/4,100
Total Experience Points Earned: 56,418
Experience Rate: 267%
Health: 1,290 | Formula: Base of 90 + (Endurance x 30) + (Level# x 20) |
Healing rate: 4.2 Health a minute | Formula: 0.1 x Endurance
Carry Weight: 592.25/3,200 | Formula: 150 + (Strength x 100) |
Critical Chance: 50%

Armor: Body Damage Threshold 27, Armor Damage Threshold 166, Total Damage Threshold 193
Poison Resistance: 105% | Formula: (Endurance - 1) x 5 |
Radiation Resistance: 69% | Formula: (Endurance x 2) |

| S.P.E.C.I.A.L. |
Strength: 27
Perception: 18
Endurance: 22
Charisma: 15
Intelligence: 26
Agility: 19
Luck: 25

| Skills |
Barter: 134
Energy Weapons: 136
Explosives: 136
Guns: 147
Lockpick: 130
Medicine: 204
Melee Weapons: 136
Repair: 244
Science: 250
Sneak: 230
Speech: 136
Survival: 128
Unarmed: 136

Skill Points Per Level Up: 25 | Formula: Base of 10 + (Intelligence x 0.5) |

Traits: |Gifted|, |Sex Appeal|, |Skilled|, |Take Another Rank 1|

Perks: |Adamantium Skeleton|, |Adeptus Mechanicus|, |All Seeing|, |Ambidextrous|, |Ammo Depot|, |Bulletstorm|, |Currency Maker|, |Daddy's Boy Rank 1|, |Educated|, |Energy Weapon Fanatic|, |Explorer|, |Gotta Go Fast|, |Herculean Strength|, |High Human|, |Human Skeleton Key|, |Human Supercomputer|, |Human Weapon|, |Intense Training Rank 6|, |Junk Rounds|, |Language Master|, |Lessons Learned|, |Light Step|, |Living Anatomy|, |Lurking In The Shadows|, |Martial Weapon Master|, |Mechu-deru|, |Medical Genius|, |Meltdown|, |Monstrous Physique|, |Pack Rat|, |Quick Draw|, |Rad Resistance|, |Resource Hoarder|, |RobCo Certified|, |Robotics Expert|, |Silent Running|, |Silver Tongue|, |Size Matters Rank 1|, |Stimpak Addict|, |Stonewall|, |Swift Learner|, |The Power Of Atom|, |Walking Treasure Detector|, |Wild Man|


Gear: 10,000x .308 rounds, 200x .50 MG rounds, |12G Laser Pistol|, |AER 18 LMG|, |Anti-Material Rifle|, 10x |Anti-Material Rifle Magazines|, 2x |Combat Knife|, |Exterminator Armor|, |Exterminator Helmet|, |Guillotine|, 100x |Med-x Syringes|, 20x |MFC Grenades|, |Mulcher|, |Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazine|, 100x |RadAway|, 5 |Serrated Spears|, 100x |Stimpaks|, |War Belt|

Loot: 500,000 .308 rounds, 2 .32 Hunting Rifles, 20,000 .50 MG rounds, 136,875 5mm Rounds, 100 Anti-Material Rifle Magazines, Assortment Of Automated Manufacturing Machines, 4 Big Book Of Science, Black Altyn Helmet, Black Hardened Metal Armor, 10,000 Bottles Of Modified Buffout, 3 Chinese Assault Rifles, 2 Combat Shotguns, 2 D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine, 3 Dean's Electronics, 5,450 Flamer Fuel, 1,000 Food Stuffs, 1 Lying Congressional Style, 10,000 Med-x Syringes, 250 MFC Grenade, 20,000 Microfusion Breeder Cells 130,524 Microfusion Cells, 4 Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazines, 2 Nikola Tesla and You, 10,000 RadAway, 10 Stealth Boys, 100,000 Stimpaks, 5,347 Duct Tape, 87,865 Scrap Electronics, 576,699 Metal, 9,989 Wonderglue, 2,732,582 Other Misc. Stuff.

Robots: Assaultrons 30, Hauling Bots 5, 2 Mining Bots, Mister Handys Maintenance Variants 8, Protectrons 459, Sentry Bots Gatling Laser Variants 2, [OLD Model] Sentry Bots Gatling Laser Variants 5, [OLD Model] Sentry Bots Minigun Variants 5, Worker Bots 41

Turrets: 20 Laser Turrets

Quests: 0 Ready to turn in, Many in progress, 6 Completed

Quests In Progress:

| Save dad | Objectives: Prevent the death of your father, James Watson Woods.Rewards: New Perk? and 5,000 exp.

| Farmer Bob | Objectives: Harvest two tons worth of crops. Rewards: Perk Green Thumb, 2,000 exp.

| Undegrounder | Objectives: Clear all metros of hostiles and take control of them. Rewards: Perk Mole People, 20,000 exp.

| Such Wealth | Objectives: Obtain 100,000,000,000 caps worth of assets by any means necessary. Rewards: New Perk?, 1,000,000 exp.

| Take Over Raven Rock | Objectives: Gain full control of the Raven Rock Bunker and eliminate all hostile forces. Rewards: Perk Enclave Secrets, 100,000 exp.

| Orbital Weapon Acquisition | Objectives: Find a way to gain access and control over the many orbital weapon platforms across the United States. Rewards: Perk Hand Of God, 25,000 exp.

| To The Void | Objectives: …

| Yer A Wizard …

Other Statistics:
Kill Counter: 523
Animals Killed: 463
Humans Killed: 40
Insects Killed: 20

One cursory look later.

Ohh, and would you look at that radiation resistance is at 69% percent now, nice.

Continuing on from that, I checked out the details of that new quest I just received a few moments ago.

Navigating over to the quests section, I looked for the new quest. After going through the list, I found it and was happily surprised to find that it was a relatively easy quest to complete, since most of the work can just be handled by my worker bots. That will certainly be increasing in numbers substantially in the next coming weeks. Meaning this quest will probably get completed in the next two months at most if not even sooner.

Done looking at the new quest I had just got, I gave my stats one last look over and exited out of my Pip-Boy, resuming time shortly thereafter.

Another chapter will be released later.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon you can read ahead and support my work on. All tiers give you access to a certain number of chapters across all my works, with the highest tier giving you access to 20 chapters ahead of public releases. You can find the link for it in my bio or on discord.

If you're looking for something else to read, that's similar to this, check out my other webnovel Wasteland Conqueror. It has a lot more chapters released.

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