Fallout Wastelander

Chapter 32: Bolstering Defenses

Now that that's taken care of, time to get to work, but first let me activate Adeptus Mechanicus so I can help speed up the rate of the manufacturing machines repair.

Willing a field of invisible energy into existence, it began to repair the nearby manufacturing machines at an incredibly slow but nonetheless still noticeable pace.

With the ability active now, I observed the field of energy repairing the nearby machinery for the next several minutes to see how it worked and how much time it could cut off of my previous estimate of about a week. Standing there for the next several minutes, I came to the conclusion that it could probably reduce the repair time by about two days, which is a welcome improvement over the original one week estimate.

From that new repair estimate, I can use that extra time to go visit that VSS Facility, the one that shouldn't have a single brotherhood outcast at it this time. Because they shouldn't have been established until the year 2276, though I don't know what month. And if I don't go to the VSS Facility, I could go check out the nearby metro station to see what I'm working with there for my eventual expansion.

That said, I'm currently leaning more towards the VSS Facility for the simple fact that it should have an intact and untouched armory, along with a suit of power armor, a Chinese Stealth Suit, and a gauss rifle. And if that ends up being the case, it would increase my combat power by a huge margin, so hopefully, all that gear is still sitting there waiting to be claimed, otherwise I'll be incredibly disappointed.

When I was finished thinking about what I was going to do with those two extra days I just freed up, I finally got to work making all the parts I was going to need for the turrets. 

Six hours later, I ended up doing everything from fabricating armor for the turrets to getting the gatling mechanisms put together and what I received for my efforts was a total of ten gatling laser turrets that each weighed well over 100 pounds.

Also, from what I've tested so far, the gatling laser turrets should have no issue dealing a ton of damage and receiving a ton of damage. Since they basically have the equivalent firepower of six souped-up laser rifles each, as well as enough armor to shrug off .50 caliber rounds or even rounds that are slightly larger and more powerful. That latter bit has yet to be tested, so that's only my speculation at this point, but if I'm going off the thickness of the plates, that should be the case here.

Other than that, we've almost got a second robot manufacturing machine fully repaired. But that was not all. I also had some of the worker bots diverted to set up my other automated manufacturing machines. So now different types of ammo are being manufactured along with an assortment of different parts, ranging from parts for weapons to parts that will be used to produce more automated manufacturing machines, that will further improve my production capabilities.


Ohh, my stomach is informing me that it's time for lunch. Guess I better go get something to eat and while I'm having lunch, the worker bots should be able to get that second machine up and running before I get back.

With food on my mind, I walked away from the production area back towards the loading area where Hauler was parked. When I got there, I climbed into his cabin to make myself a high-protein meal.

An hour later, I finished my lunch and got a small workout in, thus I headed back to the manufacturing area of my facility to resume my crafting of even more turrets to bolster this place's defenses. When I was nearing the area, I noticed through Mechu-deru that my worker bots had just finished repairing the second machine, making my previous estimate spot on.

I suppose using Mechu-deru on all those robots has made some substantial improvements in my ability to make calculations and estimations.

As I was entering the area, a fresh new worker bot was just completed, so I walked up to it and used Mechu-deru on it before sending it to help the others in repairing the remaining eight manufacturing machines.

The moment I was done handling that, I headed back over to the workshop area and returned to work on fabricating more parts for the gatling laser turrets.

Around six hours into my work, I was interrupted from said work by my stomach once again crying out for nutrients. Thus, I decided to take a break, get something to eat, and give everyone back in Vault 101 a call to see what they were up to and to inform them that I was doing just fine.

It took me a bit to get to the loading area, but when I got there eventually, I hopped into Hauler's cabin again. And this time, instead of getting something to eat immediately, I pulled out my radio and made a call. A few seconds went by before my dad answered the call, asking me how I'd been doing.

"Hey, son, how have you been handling the wasteland?"

"Not too bad, dad. I've been having a pretty good time getting this RobCo facility up and running, though on my way here I did encounter a couple of groups of raiders that I took care of with no issue. Other than that, the only other thing I had to handle was 20 bloatflies and one Yao Guai, but those also didn't really present any challenge at all, either." I replied before dad took the wheel of the conversation again after I heard a sigh of relief.


"Well son, for any normal wastelander, those threats you just casually mentioned would be lethal, but I'm glad you handled them without issue and are safe and sound. Nevertheless, do try to stay away from anything you don't think you can handle since you've only got one life, son. And I don't think I can handle another loss." Dad said in warning.

"Okay, I promise I won't do anything stupid. Ohh and that reminds me, dad. Was mom buried and if so where since I would like to go visit her grave?" I asked while I was thinking about the possibility of bringing the women who brought me into this world back from the dead, even though it would cost me half my lifespan.

Several seconds of radio silence later, dad came back and said in a somewhat saddened tone that then turned into a somewhat serious one by the end. "Your mother is buried on the south side of Jefferson Memorial with a tombstone marking its location. I'm sure she'll be glad that you're visiting her, son. Just be extremely careful when you venture out into that direction because the downtown DC ruins are a well-known hotspot for all kinds of dangers ranging from super mutants to swarms of feral ghouls."

"Alright, I'll be sure to be extra careful when I decide to venture over to that area and if I meet anything that I think I won't be able to handle, I'll make a speedy strategic retreat." I responded after he told me the location of where my later mother was buried before I then continued to ask him how he and everyone else was doing.

"Pretty good actually, we all got together to have dinner, so everyone is currently here at our home. I can also see your girlfriend here is eagerly waiting to talk to you as well." He said with a bit of a chuckle while I could practically see Amata's face glowing red.

"Other than that, everything's been the same as usual. Alright, I'm gonna hand the radio off to Amata, now so you guys can talk for a bit."

"I'll talk to you later, dad."

"Yep, I'll talk to you later, son, stay out of trouble." Dad replied lastly before handing over the radio to very eager Amata.

Around 10 minutes after that, I finally got off the radio with Amata and started making myself some dinner. As soon as it was ready, I began eating while going over what I got done in the last six hours of work.

I managed to finish up another ten gatling laser turrets over this six-hour period of work, and while I was doing that, my worker bots and the energy field I was emitting repaired a good percentage of the third manufacturing machine. So it shouldn't be long before it's completely repaired, hopefully by the time I get up in the morning.

All in all, not bad progress, though I should be able to get another ten gatling laser turrets done by the time I hit the hay. On top of that, another two worker bots should also roll off the production line by that time as well.

Done thinking for the meantime, I focused my full attention on the food in front of me and finished my meal. And right as I finished, I got myself cleaned up a bit and headed back over to the manufacturing area to resume working for the following six hours.

Once I was done fabricating parts for the day, I went around the whole facility to find where I wanted to set up my workout area. After exploring for a bit, I ended up deciding to go with putting it in the basement since there's a ton of free space down there. Done figuring that out, I finally hit the hay for the night at around 2:00 AM give or take a few minutes.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon you can read ahead and support my work on. All tiers give you access to a certain number of chapters across all my works, with the highest tier giving you access to 20 chapters ahead of public releases. You can find the link for it in my bio or on discord.

If you're looking for something else to read, that's similar to this, check out my other webnovel Wasteland Conqueror. It has a lot more chapters released.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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