Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 82 The cellar with piles of dead bones looks like a purgatory on earth!

After the smoke dissipated, although the cellar still looked dim, there was also a light bulb emitting a dim light line.

Zhao Hao immediately saw that there were four people in the cellar!

Among them, Wang Pengcheng was impressively included, and then there were three women in ragged clothes!

The eyes of the three women were all dull, and their expressions looked quite numb.

Even with such a big movement just now, they are still indifferent, like walking dead!

The source of the blood in the room was a corpse that was hung up and lost a lot of flesh and blood.

Blood dripping, horrible to see!

It can also be judged from the appearance that this is a female corpse!

Finally, in the corner of the cellar, there are many human bones piled up, including limbs, bear chests, spines, and so on.

Above the corpse, there are more than a dozen human skulls hanging...

Terrifying and eerie, like a purgatory on earth!

These scenes were all brought into Zhao Hao's field of vision in an instant.

And he only lost his mind for a moment, and then, a pair of eyes as big as copper bells immediately looked at Wang Pengcheng!

Pupils are bright and bloody!!!

At this time, Wang Pengcheng, a 52-year-old murderer who looked kind-hearted but committed all kinds of evil, also recovered from his astonishment.

was found?

And the other party still fell from the sky!


This big guy!

Invincible, absolutely invincible!

Originally, Wang Pengcheng was still holding a sharp knife with a flickering cold light in his hand, but he saw Zhao Hao's burly body and fierce temperament.

In an instant, he made a choice!

You can't confront Zhao Hao head-on. If you want to find an opportunity to escape, and there is no way out now, you can only...


Looking at one of the women.

Wang Pengcheng is very close to her, so he will take one of them as a hostage without saying a word!

But his brain is fast, but he is not as fast as Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao doesn't care about the sharp knife in his hand!

As soon as he saw Wang Pengcheng, Zhao Hao immediately angered him, and then rushed over with a swift stride.

Immediately after, under Wang Pengcheng's horrified gaze, Zhao Hao lifted him up!

And Wang Pengcheng knew that if he was caught, he would die, so he bit the bullet and tried to resist 19, and stabbed Zhao Hao's heart with a sharp knife.

The little chick who has been lifted up, still wants to do a fearless resistance?

Zhao Hao was not used to him, and immediately grabbed his knife-wielding arm, using all his strength to yank it suddenly.


Hearing a pop, Wang Pengcheng's right arm was pulled off by Zhao Hao on the spot and separated from his body.


Wang Pengcheng suddenly let out a howl like killing a pig.

As a result, Zhao Hao ignored him, slapped him in the face, fanned out his two front teeth, and threw him on the ground.

That understated action, as if he was throwing a chicken!

Wang Pengcheng's bead of sweat rolled down, accompanied by his wailing and wolf howling, and after a while, he passed out in pain.

And even so.

Those three women didn't react at all, they were as numb and sluggish as people who lost their souls!

Zhao Hao frowned deeply.

Ding Deng Deng.

At this moment, Zhou Kaicheng and other three people jumped down from above.

They were holding batons and electric bats, etc., and their eyes were vigilant and dignified.

"Brother Zhao, what's the situation?

Zhou Kaicheng saw Zhao Hao first, and he was relieved to see that he was fine.

Then, without waiting for Zhao Hao to answer, he and the other two people quickly looked at other scenes in the cellar.

Seeing this... I was instantly dumbfounded!

The two team members who were brought in by Zhou Kaicheng almost vomited again when they saw the blood-soaked female corpse with only half of her body left!

After seeing those human bones, including the hanging human skulls, I couldn't help but shudder.

It's like falling into an ice cellar!

"Wang Pengcheng!"

Zhou Kaicheng shouted: "Quick, catch him, this devil!!!55

At this time, Wang Pengcheng really caused a great psychological shadow to Zhou Kaicheng, because when he saw him, Zhou Kaicheng would think of human flesh buns.

Too bad Nima is disgusting!!!

But when he looked closely, he found that Wang Pengcheng had lost an arm, and he was still bleeding.

"Stop his bleeding first.""

Zhao Hao shook his head and said: "Before convicting him, he cannot be allowed to die so easily, and these three... They are innocent, let the two senior sisters come over to comfort them.

He did not dare to approach the three women, for fear of adding more trauma to their already dull and numb psychology.

These tasks are undoubtedly better left to the teachers and sisters.

The other is the female corpse.

Zhao Hao walked closer and saw that the smell of half of the female corpse was exactly the same as the smell of the stuffed buns he had smelled before.

Although the taste of the minced meat has been reduced to the extreme by being steamed at high temperature, it is close to nothing, but his odor identification skills are still strong, and he can form a contrast.

"This is……"

After Zhou Kaicheng took out the walkie-talkie and shook the person, he followed suit and watched the female corpse with Zhao Hao.

It's a pity that the face of the female corpse cannot be recognized at all, not even Zhao Hao's identification skills!

This shows how horrible this corpse is.

Zhao Hao gave Zhou Kaicheng another sympathetic look.

And because of this look.

Zhou Kaicheng suddenly realized, and then his body couldn't help but turn over again.

Just at this time someone came to support.

Two female police officers and several auxiliary police officers.

They were also horrified by the sight in the cellar!

At this time, Zhao Hao said solemnly: "According to the preliminary judgment, the owner of this corpse died within forty-eight hours. 35

"And Wang Pengcheng, the steamed bun shop owner, is the biggest criminal suspect. In addition, the corpse is so appalling."

"By comparing the smell and other clues, I suspect that the meat on her body was scraped off by Wang Pengcheng and made into the meat stuffing in the buns."

But he was fine if he didn't say it. As soon as he said it, Zhou Kaicheng, who had already turned his body upside down, couldn't help but vomit.

The same goes for others.

Their faces were extremely pale. Originally, they had already spit out the yellow bile outside, but this time it was difficult to spit out the saliva again.

So, all you can do is retching!

Zhao Hao was helpless.

He didn't want it either, but it was an extremely bad case, and it was impossible for him as a policeman to escape these things.

So what needs to be said is to be clear.


Spit up, maybe you'll get used to it~!~

Zhao Hao waited for a while before seeing them relax.

"Let's deal with the scene first, collect all those corpses, and count the number!"

Everyone's faces were gloomy.

They were also holding back a lot of energy at the moment, and they must solve this case, so they quickly acted according to Zhao Hao's instructions.

About ten minutes later.

The brother in charge of the inventory said: "There are a total of sixteen corpses that can be pieced together..."

Sixteen corpses!!!

Including the female corpse, there are seventeen in total!

There were also three other imprisoned women, and everyone couldn't help thinking that if Zhao Hao didn't come today, or that the case would be discovered later.

So, will these three women also be turned into skeletons, and then their meat will be made into stuffed buns, and their bones will be buried deep in the cellar?

Even after they die, will there be new members in this cellar?!!!

These are all terrifying!

The members of the Haicang District Resident Patrol Team couldn't help but look at each other.

Things... big deal!!!

"Seventeen bones? No, no, it's more than that!"

However, Zhao Hao shook his head and said, "Many of these assembled bones are stumps, so it is very likely that this is not the only crime scene.

"Clean up, and then arrange for someone to guard here. In addition, Senior Brother Zhou, please inform your branch and send us some reinforcements!"

"After this, come with me..."

They don't know how many people Wang Pengcheng killed, but Zhao Hao knows it through his identification skills.

The bones here are less than half of Wang Pengcheng's life!

Zhao Hao has already identified the bloody smell on this female corpse through his scent recognition skills, and he could smell the bloody smell spreading outwards in addition to here.

Moreover, it is mixed with the smell of another person!

In other words, although this was the first crime scene, it was very likely that there was another perpetrator besides Wang Pengcheng!

After a while, everyone was ready to go.

Zhao Hao left some people here to watch the scene, and then brought others back to the steamed bun shop. Sure enough, Zhao Hao didn't smell that person on the other shop assistants.

And these clerks are also guilty of many crimes.

In addition to being accomplices, each of them was more or less stained with the body fragrance of the three rescued women.

It can be seen that these are all beasts!

"Cuff them all away, put them on the bus, and then everyone else follow me, hurry up!"

All acted quickly.

Zhao Hao doesn't need Zhou Kaicheng to guide him anymore, he switched his scent recognition skills to the single state, and locked another suspect!

Although the source is not within the scope of his skills, it is different from the carrion case, because the smell left by the suspect this time is still very strong, and the time does not exceed 24 hours.

But then again.

The terrain of Zhongzhai Village is indeed complex, with various paths and alleys emerging one after another.

"Brother Zhao, I actually knew that you were going to pass here, we just came directly from that alley, there is no need to detour!"

After walking for a long time, Zhou Kaicheng and others almost fainted!

Zhao Hao was also speechless.

But because he is not familiar with the road conditions, and the smell can only be smelled by him, so many times, he has to detour.

After everyone knew the reason, they couldn't help but feel helpless.

"It's okay, don't worry, I've already locked in that smell, he can't escape! 35

Zhao Hao just stopped and said: "And we don't know what the specific situation is there, so we can just wait a little longer for our brother who is responsible for reinforcements."

"Let's talk about it... Forget it, there is a situation ahead!"

Halfway through the words, the smell that Zhao Hao followed suddenly became extremely strong.

Although it is not the source of the suspect's smell, Zhao Hao is sure that the other party has at least stayed in that area, and the time is not short!

Look up.

In front of everyone is a vegetable market, and there are a lot of people in this little vegetable market, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

However, the place with the strongest flavor is at the back of the vegetable market!

Zhao Hao then asked: "Senior brother, do you know what is behind the vegetable market?"

Zhou Kaicheng replied without thinking, "It's a small auto repair shop, what's the matter? Brother Zhao, is the suspect you mentioned in the auto repair shop?

Then a film policeman muttered: "I know that auto repair shop, the location is very remote, the business is poor, and the repairman's skills are not good! 603

"Once we broke the car and took it to repair, and it took a few days to repair it, but it got worse and worse!

"But maybe I'm a policeman. They didn't dare to be a rogue. They not only confiscated my money, but also lost some money to me..."

When the others heard it, they couldn't help laughing.

One of the film police couldn't help but ask: "What happened after that?"

"Later? Later, I randomly found another repair shop, and it was repaired on the same day, and it was very cheap. It was just a small problem. Anyone who knows a little bit knows how to repair it!

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Zhao Hao also looks weird!

This repair shop seems to have a problem!

Not to mention, the suspect still has a strong smell left there!

The location is poor, the business is poor, and the repairman in the store can repair even a small problem on the car for a few days, and the more it is repaired, the worse it is!

Combined, these clues, plus the length of time the suspect stayed there...

Zhao Hao said immediately: "There is nothing to say, the suspect is looking for it, but this repair shop can't let it go, maybe there will be some major discovery!"

"So, everyone hurry up and keep up, and be ready to fight at any time!

After finishing speaking, Zhao Hao walked ahead.

So everyone stopped laughing and immediately followed in his footsteps.

After a while, everyone came to the vicinity of the repair shop.

The first thing that came into view were two agricultural vehicles. Zhao Hao immediately smelled a lot of blood from the two vehicles!

There is also the interior of the repair shop, Zhao Hao switched the odor recognition to the group recognition state, and all kinds of smells came out.

And after his careful analysis, he soon confirmed that this place must be a criminal's den!

Because all kinds of bloody smells are too strong, which is mixed with the smell of some drugs, and contains the suspect they want to track and the smell of Wang Pengcheng!

Wang Pengcheng has been here!

The suspect has also stayed here for a long time!

All of these things illustrate the extraordinary nature of this repair shop!

"Everyone listened to my command, immediately divided the team into four teams, and then double-teamed this repair shop!

Zhao Hao gave an order.


Everyone did not hesitate, and immediately followed Zhao Hao's instructions and divided the team into teams of five on the spot.

Then, they began to move quickly and completed the side double-teaming of the repair shop in four directions.

But in the end, Zhou Kaicheng couldn't help but ask: "Brother Zhao, can't we wait for reinforcements?"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

Bang! Bang!

Then he rushed forward, removed the baffles of the two agricultural vehicles on the spot, and then carried them left and right in his hands.

"No wait, there are some small fish in it, we are enough!!!"

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