Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 83 Locking the nest of the criminal group, the sense of smell is almost comparable to that o

Zhao Hao got on with two agricultural vehicle fenders.

After Zhou Kaicheng and the others had numb scalps, when they reacted, Zhao Hao had already rushed to the interior of the repair shop.

At the same time, two black shadows flew towards them.

Bang bang!

I saw two young men falling from the sky, and the blood from their mouths was pouring out as if they didn't want money. At first glance, did they have all their teeth, or did they have no teeth?

Zhou Kaicheng and others took a deep breath, and after leaving one person to watch over them, they immediately followed Zhao Hao's footsteps, for fear that they would not even be able to drink the soup.

Next, is a one-sided slaughter!

Fights go fast and end faster!

In less than ten minutes, the battle was over.

When Zhou Kaicheng and the others entered the interior of the auto repair shop, the good guys were filled with people, about 20 or so, all rolling on the ground, crying and shouting.

A few are missing arms and legs!

But without exception, these people who lack arms and legs are holding control knives in their hands. One of them is the worst, wearing a pair of gloves. As a result, both gloves and fists are rotten!

As for Zhao Hao who caused this result...

Everyone looked up.

Bang bang! Bang bang!!!

I saw Zhao Hao holding the door panel and knocking on one of the locked iron doors, and there were various screams inside.


Or rather, a lot of women!!!


Finally, the iron door was knocked open by Zhao Hao, and then everyone saw that there were about seven or eight women inside the iron door, all curled up in the corner and shivering.

The moment they saw Zhao Hao, they were even more pale!

"No... I don't want you, I agree, I agree to pick up guests with you, I'm willing to go to work in that nightclub, just please don't touch me!

"I'm willing too, please don't come here!"

"Stop making trouble, we won't make trouble anymore, brother, let us go, we will die!"


Several women shouted in horror on the spot.

And these people are different from the three women seen in Baozipu's cellar. Although they are frightened and afraid, their eyes contain rich emotions.

Not like The Walking Dead.

But Zhao Hao wondered, you are afraid of me, which is understandable, after all, many people are afraid of me, but you are always staring at my crotch to see a der?!

"I'm a policeman and I'm here to save you!

With Zhao Hao's identification skills, the identities of these women are clear at a glance.

All of them are good families, and some of the "milk tea girls" are also marked by the system. They are the kind who are forced to sell milk tea!

After Zhao Hao finished speaking, he still didn't believe them when he saw them.

So he waved his hands and asked Zhou Kaicheng and the others to come and explain.

He is good at fighting and catching thieves, but he is really powerless in appeasing work!

"Help, comrade police, save us!

"Yeah, save us, I don't want to sell milk tea, woohoo~!"

"If we didn't sell it, they beat us, didn't give us food, and even locked us in a small dark room. After being taken away by them, a few little sisters were killed alive!"

"As far as I know, several sisters were killed by them, woohoo~! I'm so scared, I was forced!"

"Even if we obey them and go to work in nightclubs, if we make a small mistake, they will beat and scold us in all kinds of ways and even attract fans to us!


After seeing Zhou Kaicheng and the others, these women finally believed that the police really came to save them.

And after confirming their police status, the women began to cry in various ways.

Zhou Kaicheng and the others heard gloomy faces, and they were filled with indescribable righteous indignation!

This criminal gang is so rampant and inhumane, not only forcing good families to sell milk tea, but also treating human life like a mustard!


At first, they were a little sympathetic to those criminals in the repair shop who had their hands and feet broken by Zhao Hao, or whose internal injuries were photographed by the fence.

After listening to the cry of these women, they can't wait to step forward to make up for it!

Let's talk about Zhao Hao.

After he handed these women over to Zhou Kaicheng and the others, he began to search for other clues in the repair shop.

Using scent recognition skills, Zhao Hao found criminal evidence of criminals in other rooms, such as some torture instruments, drugs and powder.

These things are enough to drink a pot of people who are lying on the ground and being controlled by the police!

But as he expected, in this place, the suspect in the smell has still not been found.

"This is not their hometown"!"

Zhao Hao said solemnly: "Baozipu and this repair shop may be just one of the entire criminal gang's industrial chain. Their more profitable business must be elsewhere!"

Thinking that these women have always mentioned "night clubs", Zhao Hao can't help but wonder if that so-called night club might be the headquarters of the criminals?!

Possibility is great!

The nightclub is a mixed bag, everyone has it.

Another point is that these women were caught in this repair shop for training, and those who were obedient could not make mistakes or make mistakes, otherwise they would be beaten and scolded.

Those who are disobedient are even more miserable, or they are beaten, played with, or simply killed, and then transferred to Wang Pengcheng's steamed bun shop!

Even, these people use "powder" to control women!

"This is a crime syndicate!!!"

Zhou Kaicheng said with a face full of shock: "The charges that these people are involved in are simply too numerous to list, what the hell, it's a big case..."

Others present were also shocked!

No one would have thought that in order to welcome Zhao Hao, they bought him a few meat buns, but because of a few meat buns, such a big criminal gang was involved!

The two dens found alone are enough to make people shudder!

Unexpectedly, this is not the other party's lair!

So everyone suddenly realized that this case is more complicated than they thought, and the criminals involved in this case must be quite powerful.

Zhou Kaicheng was about to say something.

Zhao Hao took the lead and said: "Dispose of the scene immediately, leave a group waiting for support, and the others continue to follow me! 35

According to the information exposed by the women, after Zhao Hao knew the location of the nightclub, he combined it with the direction of the smell he smelled.

Immediately he was sure!

The criminal's lair is in a place called "Blue Sky Nightclub", which is also the largest entertainment venue in the entire Zhong Mansion.

A real mixed bag.

However, so what?

Do it anyway!!!

The rampantness of this criminal organization has completely aroused Zhao Hao's fighting spirit. If he will uproot this criminal organization today, he will be uneasy!

"Yes, Brother Zhao! 9

Zhou Kaicheng had nothing to say, and immediately greeted the other brothers: "Listen to Brother Zhao, leave a small group, and the others will follow!"

Ding Deng Deng.

After a group of people simply cleaned up, they soon followed Zhao Hao and left the repair shop.

However, when they returned to the vegetable market, they encountered a team from the Canghai District Bureau who came to support them.

The leader is Li Liangping, the captain of the criminal police team of the sub-bureau!

He came with him, including criminal police, armed police and patrol police, about a hundred people, and many cars came.

The two sides met each other, first of all to get to know each other briefly.

Then Zhao Hao couldn't wait to say: "Li team, you guys are here at the right time, now this case has entered a critical moment, so let's not gossip, let's get straight to the point!

"That's it, we're talking as we walk, this case..."

Afterwards, Zhao Hao will start from the discovery of Baozipu, including the general process of removing the Baozipu den and the repair shop den.

Finally point to the blue sky nightclub!

Zhao Hao said solemnly: "Since we have found this, then we have nothing to hesitate and take out their nest. 99

"Captain Li, if you don't have enough authority, then I will take command. Don't look at me as a small police officer, but I have been authorized by the provincial department. 35

"As long as the evidence is conclusive, I can arrest me as I want!

Li Liangping was stunned.

However, when Zhao Hao said this, Zhou Kaicheng and others were all right, so Li Liangping did not doubt whether the clues they found were true.

But, bring down the Blue Sky nightclub?!

Li Liangping was a little hesitant, because the Blue Sky Nightclub is quite famous in Zhongzhai Village, and the forces behind it are very large, and there are many people involved.

But Zhao Hao said that he came to command, and he was responsible for the accident...

"Okay! Zhao Hao, I can hand over the command to you, but in this aspect, don't separate the responsibility, everyone will share the responsibility when something goes wrong!

It can be seen that Li Liangping, the captain of the branch of the Criminal Police Brigade, is also the master of the criminals.

Even if he may take responsibility for this, he has no hesitation!


Li Liangping is not hot-headed either, but he takes up a gun and goes into battle just based on the words of others.

That's because the person who initiated this operation is called Zhao Hao!

Needless to say, Zhao Hao's deeds are familiar to everyone in the Jiangbei public security system.

Now that he is confident, Li Liangping also feels that there is still room for improvement in his credit, police rank and so on.

So, he did it!!!

Hearing this, Zhao Hao couldn't help reaching out his hand, and then he and Li Liangping got to know each other again.

"It's not too late, since we've all decided, let's act!

Zhao Hao grinned.

Li Liangping also acted decisively.

Immediately said to everyone: "From now on, Comrade Zhao Hao will serve as our temporary commander, and all actions will be under his command, and those who violate the order will bear the consequences themselves!"

All the members saluted Zhao Hao one after another.

"Set off!

Zhao Hao gave an order, and everyone went on the road immediately.

He returned to the village entrance and rode on his beautiful big motorcycle. After a while, with his excellent riding skills, he caught up with the team ahead.

ten minutes later.

The group came to the gate of the Blue Sky Nightclub.

It's daytime, the nightclub hasn't opened yet, and the surrounding shops are basically deserted.

While still on the road, Zhao Hao had already ordered everyone to be divided into several teams, and once they reached their destination, they immediately surrounded the nightclub.

As for how to get the opponent's lair?

Zhao Hao stood at the door of the nightclub, his odor recognition and identity recognition skills were in full swing. Suddenly, all kinds of smells came in, and his identity recognition system also made some achievements.

[Name: Lin Xingchao, 26 years old, security guard of Blue Sky Nightclub, participated in many illegal and criminal activities in Blue Sky Nightclub, and had two criminal records. 】

[Name: Chen Wende, 34 years old, security captain of Blue Sky Nightclub, one of the small leaders of the criminal organization, murderer...]


The security guard at the door is already full of crimes.

Combined with what Zhao Hao smelled in the nightclub, there are many kinds of crimes related to crimes, such as the smell of blood, medicine, powder and so on!

Zhao Hao immediately ordered: ".|| There is nothing to say, attack, don't let anyone inside!


He was the first to charge again, the first to charge towards the nightclub!

He has a body as strong as a Hulk, a golden bell hood, a gun attached to his waist, and many skills to assist him.

Zhao Hao is really fearless!

Reckless to the end!!!

at the same time.

At the headquarters of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, director Wu Pengyi and other leaders of the Municipal Public Security Bureau were waiting at the gate of the Public Security Bureau.

Not long after, an Audi A6 drove into their sight.

Then, a third-level police superintendent man in a police uniform with epaulettes consisting of a silver olive branch and a silver four-pointed star came down from the car.

The person here is the leader of the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps, Gao Xueming.

Before Gao Xue's name came down, he greeted Jiangbei City Public Security Bureau in advance, so Wu Pengyi and others waited at the door early.

After the two sides met and greeted each other.

Gao Xue Ming shook his head and said: "Old Wu, our leadership team is not happy to line up to welcome this kind of thing, if you have this idea, how good is it to spend on the security management of your Jiangbei City? 35

Wu Pengyi and others have repeatedly lost.

Of course, Gao Xueming didn't really mean to hold them accountable.

Then, straight to the point: "I have passed the wind with you in advance, I came down this time to investigate a criminal group.

"This criminal group has committed crimes involving many cities and counties, and even the people of some townships, and we have spent countless manpower and resources in order to detect this case. 99

"Finally, after years of investigation and investigation, as well as other efforts, we have now grasped a lot of important clues.

"And now, we have probably locked the location of this criminal group..."

Speaking of this, Gao Xueming glanced at Wu Pengyi.

And Wu Pengyi is obviously confused, but years of work experience tell him that since the leader said so, it is very likely that this criminal group is related to their Jiangbei City!

Wu Mingyi asked tentatively: "What do you mean, the scope of activities of that criminal group is in our Jiangbei City?

Gao Xue Ming nodded and shook his head again.

This makes people unable to understand Li at all.

However, Gao Xueming doesn't seem to intend to talk about it here.

So he stopped and said: "Go to your conference room to talk, it's better to call the chiefs of your urban sub-bureaus and the captains of each team to come together!

Wu Pengyi immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, most of them have already come, and a few who can't leave because of official business have also sent representatives who can talk! 35

Gao Xue Ming nodded, obviously satisfied with Wu Pengyi's performance.

But when I got to the door of the conference room.

Gao Xueming suddenly took another step: "By the way, don't you have a legendary police officer in Jiangbei City? His deeds are familiar to everyone in our provincial department!"

"Well, you can call him over by the way, I heard that his sense of smell is almost as good as that of a brown bear!

"Perhaps, this ability of his will help us a lot in this operation, maybe..."

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