Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 167: The Unrelenting Teacher (1)

Dripping with sweat as completing 2 D-Rank missions, one of which was chasing after that accursed Tora, was JUST that hard when it comes catching with ankle weights but eventually... Team 6 accomplished the mission. The sun is already about to set as Kai looks at the trio, "Alright, we completed two D-ranked missions. Well done."

Wheezing a bit, Konan musters weakly, "How... are we going to participate in Tsunade-sama's competition tomorrow?"

Kai shrugs, "How would I know? Your focus and responsibility are your missions and training. Anything else, if you desire to succeed, comes from your own skill. If you cannot handle opponents after completing a mission, you're as good as dead."

They flinch for a moment now that the concept of death was no longer foreign to them and Kurenai pushes up with her sass, "Not without ankle weights on, we won't..."

Kai glances at the trio and smirks, "Right, if that's what you think. Anyway, as I said, well done. You're still getting used to these weights so we won't be having morning training for the week but I still want you to be able to walk on water and walls with these on. We'll do that tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is—" Konan frowns but gets interjected as Kai continues, "And we will complete two missions once more before the bet Sensei set with Jiraiya."

"We'll lose that way!" Kurenai instantly barks but Kai laughs and waves while leaving, "Then be better~!"

"Where are you going?" Konan groans.

"You three are not the only ones who 'love' to train. Be on time tomorrow," Kai's figure flickers away and Shizune collapses down on her butt in the middle of the road while exhaling a long and tired groan, "My thighs hurt so much..."

"Sensei's an ass," Kurenai pouts and helps Shizune up while Konan silently takes charge of Shizune's right side.

As they begin to lead their battered bodies to Shizune's residence since she could barely walk on her own, Konan clicks her tongue, "We're losing tomorrow, right?"

"No, we aren't!" Konan instantly raises her words sharply and then feels defeated, "But... yeah, we are..."

"I don't want to lose against other teams..." Kurenai adds after a moment of silence, "Sensei is supposed to be the best. I heard he has defeated every one of the other Jonin and Chunin Sensei our classmates are working under..."

This brings about an even gloomier mood and Konan suddenly speaks up, "I think... I have a solution."


"Jiraiya-san! Teach me Sage Mode!" Kai grins while throwing a Senbon needle while forming a seal that clones the needles into tens of needles that threaten to stab Jiraiya in the face. Jiraiya chuckles and the strands of his hair shoot out and accurately parry down each of these needles.

Instead of continuing to attack, Kai appears directly beside the senbon needle as others poof away into plumes of smoke, and he stashes away the needle.

"Oh! You're getting better with Hiraishin!" Jiraiya smiles as Minato takes out a simple kunai with its grip marked with a peculiar seal, "I still don't have that much practice to mark tiny areas like a needle. That's amazing Kai-san."

"Thanks," Kai shrugs and sits down on the empty stool in the training ground before scowling, "Come on, why can't you just teach me?"

Jiraiya sighs at that and shakes his head, "I can't. I mean, even if I had complete control of this strength, I wouldn't be able to. It's not just your age at this point or any other 'excuse' I can come up with. The one who is supposed to give my teachers a green light to teach you... well, is still sleeping."

Kai rolls his eyes, "And what's with that bet? It's disrupting my time to teach my team, you know?"

"I agree with Kai-san on this," Minato frowns for a moment, "Making our teams spar unnecessarily so suddenly may have an adverse effect." With that, the blonde lover of grind glances at Kai as the latter shrugs, "Don't look at me like that. My team isn't winning whatever they may do. They aren't me, you know. I think Mikoto's team will win or Nawaki's team."

"Oh? What's that? I thought you'd be a good teacher," Jiraiya smirks and Kai smiles in return, "That's why they won't win tomorrow. Nothing teaches better than defeat, right? If they win constantly, they'll turn out assholes like me."

"Kai-san, you're not a bad person," Minato smirks sheepishly.

"Nah, the punk's got a point," Jiraiya laughs and then has his large palms ruffling both Minato's and Kai's heads while adding, "I don't really have much hope to win either. It's not like Tsunade's bad luck was supposed to stick on forever. I heard about Kakashi and he's quite good."

"Quite good he says," Kai snickers, "You at Kakashi's age were deep down in peeping on chicks."

"And that made me a better man," Jiraiya shrugs but Kai suddenly recalls something, 'Kakashi... wait a minute... No way. Sensei's luck truly is fucking stupidly bad when it comes to gambling...'

"Sensei," Minato looks at Jiraiya, "I think I managed to barely converge the secondary properties of fire into Rasengan."

Kai and Jiraiya look at the youth. Honestly, Kai had suspended his quest for elemental rasengun and the elemental version of Revolving Heaven because of his other priorities and admitted lack of creativity when it came to the latter jutsu but that did not mean he stopped. Instead, he chose to assist Minato with his own quest for the elemental version of Rasengan.

Minato himself is better in three nature changes— Wind, Lightning, and Fire. And when it came to their secondary nature, Minato felt fire nature was the safer one out of the three options. This did not mean he did not suffer terrible burns but that was much better than getting torn to shreds by the cutting force of Wind Nature and having his nerve ends burn off and his perception scorched with Lightning Nature.

This way, Kai can continue to grind wood nature jutsus with his wood clones while Minato works on something that Kai could eventually grind for himself.

Putting some distance and willing to show the result rather than talking about it, Minato held his hand out as chakra converged upon the center of his palm.

"For me, even after understanding that the second nature of elements can be applied, the main problem was to 'add' nature on Rasengan after it is formed. It's like creating a dense cube and then breaking it down to its barest particle before adding the nature of an element and then reconstructing it to its previous shape."

With a bitter grin, Minato snickers, "That's too hard for me without any handsign. And as we saw before, giving chakra the element before it doesn't form Rasengan."

Kai knew exactly what Minato was going through. Part of the reason why Kai succeeded is because of his trait of forming this jutsu into a 'skill' but as seen from the Jutsu's benefit, Shurikengun, Frost Gun, and Railgun each increase his control over the respective element by 10%. If Minato COULD directly achieve it then THAT would be a stranger. But Kai definitely watched with a sense of excitement what Minato came up with to tackle the situation.

Minato takes a deep breath and extends his second hand, "This jutsu is kind of useless despite its strength at the moment because of the requirements of its formation but... if I could not modify anything on normal Rasengan since it's already peak shape transformation of chakra...

I just need to divide my mental process into two and—"

The red-colored formless chakra that emerged from Minato's left hand suddenly got sucked into the chaotic swirl of Rasengan forming on Minato's right hand.

This time, the Rasengan takes a lot longer to form. Minutes, even. Truly a fatal weakness of the jutsu currently but both Kai and Jiraiya lean forward and the anticipation in their gazes cannot be clearer.

The concept is understandable at a glance.

As Minato said, deconstructing Rasengan only to reconstruct it with elemental nature is too damn hard. Using elemental nature directly isn't the way either. And the third option was presented right now. A different source of element nature was used simultaneously in the formation of Rasengan. But as Minato said, to do this, he needs to control two processes at once and he does so without a clone!

Minato's look of concentration barely fazes when Jiraiya whispers, "That's fucking genius."

"Or that's just hard work," Kai narrows his eyes, "Not to mention training to divide mental processes... he must have pushed his elemental nature training with fire nature change to the limits... he can already be a jonin at this point."

"His accomplishments are low," Jiraiya shakes his head.

"He can use Hiraishin," Kai adds.

"That's a good point—"

"A little bit of quiet, please!" Minato gasps as bullets of sweat form on his forehead as the remaining duo shut their mouths and a quiet ball of chakra similar to a sphere of molten metal finally floats upon Minato's palm.

There is no sense of heat emanating from this Rasengan but Jiraiya and Kai know better than to try and face it head-on.

"There is another problem I encountered after I finally formed this Jutsu..." Minato sighs as he calms his nerves.

"I'm... a little afraid to use it in the village. I usually let the chakra dissipate and it takes... about 15 minutes. I still cannot understand the extent of the damage from this jutsu..."

"Gee, if only we were in a location that is away from Konoha and is so well-founded that it's called one of the three legendary locations..." Kai looks at Jiraiya and the latter scoffs, "Enough about Mount Myoboku already. Minato, just plant that jutsu into the ground."

Minato looks at the ground and ponders quietly.

Unstrapping his Kunai with his unique Hiraishin seal, Minato tosses it to the edge of the training ground. It's just simple caution and the remaining duo notes the same for themselves as they are ready to face any sudden consequence that may arise from this use of jutsu.

Just when Minato is about to push this jutsu into the ground, Kai calls out sharply, "Wait!"

Minato looks over curiously.

"Did you name it already?" Kai questions and supplants, "Rasengan can be considered an A-ranked Jutsu. When you complete this jutsu and stave off its fatal flaws, like the consumption of time, it'll be an S-Ranked Jutsu. Like Hiraishin. It should have a name, right?"

"Well... I was thinking of Fist of Sun: Blazing Heaven."

Kai and Jiraiya look at each other before shaking their heads.

"Flame Gun."

"Hot Ball."

Kai and Minato look at Jiraiya this time as he nods, "Alright, not Hot Ball. But Sun Gun... how Taiyogan?"

{A/N: Taiyo in one form means ocean and another literary form means Sun in the Japanese language— source: google.}

"Taiyogan..." Minato looks at the orb of a hot mess in his hand and smiles fondly before pressing it into the ground.


A tremendous geyser of hot steam instantly rushed toward Minato and his eyes widen. Not only he disappears in an instant as the orb of flame balloons up beyond control, but Jiraiya also forms a seal and uses body flicker alongside Kai.


A barely audible clicking noise echoed from the Jutsu as the gigantic, hill-sized sphere of 'sun' implodes alongside a mushroom of steam as wide as fifty meters and as tall as seventy meters!

There is no sound of an explosion as the trio stand on one of the surviving trees at the edge of the training ground.

While Jiraiya and Minato are shocked stupidly so, Kai compares notes.

'Shurikengun is deadly to an individual as it ruins the chakra coils beyond belief, too. Railgun is quick beyond belief when it comes to a straight trajectory with piercing strength that can puncture orbs of energy as Bijudama. Frost Gun is similar to Taiyogan. Both have a wide range and are entirely dependent on their second nature of cooling and heating... After all, Taiyogun, even when expanding to the limits, did not have a flicker of fire. It's pure heat...'

"It's like the charged version of scorch release." Jiraiya whispers and evaluates further, "But Scorch release can be controlled to dehydrate others and not affect the user. THIS... cannot. Ah, a mix of scorch release that also has the effect of steam release."

Kai nods internally.

These elemental variations of Rasengan, to some extent, do touch upon the elemental Kekkei Genkais, further proving that it's just an instinctive control of chakra over a ratio of elements.

"Do... I have to pay for the damages?" Minato is stunned speechless even now.

"Why don't you ask them?" Kai snickers as multiple Anbu members surround them at this point and the leading member with a monkey's mask states calmly, "Please follow us to Hokage-sama's office."

"Sure," Jiraiya shrugs, "I bet Sensei's already missing the stuff I have collected in these two days."

And by stuff... Jiraiya meant his premium collection, causing Kai to laugh further as Minato blushes and lowers his head.


Alternate Title: Minato Surpasses his Canon Achievements.


A/N: Kai's presence is uplifting everyone's quality in some manner, lol. How do we balance Konoha with others? By removing valuable members of Konoha or raising the quality of other villages?


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