Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 168: The Unrelenting Teacher (2)

This time Hiruzen sucked on his pipe's heavenly smoky essence and filled his lungs with nicotine while thinking of the damages one jutsu could cause. His pipe happened to be slightly useful in calming his nerves as he looks at the trio standing in front of him and blows a plume of smoke, uncaring if any of the three in the front were fretful of the secondhand smoking.

"Taiyogan... appropriate name, I think." Hiruzen groans softly and looks at Minato. His aged gaze sizes up Minato's right palm, particularly, the burnt skin of his palm, "But from the description of it, be it its use, formation, or even the consequences of using the Jutsu, its expenditure is too much even for an experienced Jonin much less a chunin. For the time being, this Jutsu is not only categorized as S-ranked but also a forbidden jutsu until you learn how to make it more... mobile."

Hiruzen's words really didn't leave any space for negotiations. Being classified as a forbidden jutsu, Minato cannot teach Taiyogan to anyone else even if he wants to without being branded as a rogue nin.

"As for the destruction of Training Ground 54... Team Minato shall complete 19 C-ranked missions and 8 B-ranked missions in the next 4 years to compensate for the losses."

Minato's shoulder instantly slumped and Jiraiya fought for his disciple, "Sensei, that's too harsh. Cut the boy some slack. See? Didn't he create an awesome jutsu? Is it necessary to chain down a talent with punishment—"

"Do you think B and C-ranked missions can recover from these losses?" Hiruzen cuts in sharply with his aged brows furrowing tighter, "This happened under your supervision. What Minato-kun's side lack will be covered by you through 5 A-ranked missions within a year. We're having another rise of high-ranked missions as of late."

Jiraiya's jaw hung open and Hiruzen finally shifts his gaze toward Kai.

"I shall wordlessly accept 100 D-ranked missions, 80 C-ranked missions, 50 B-ranked missions, and 10 A-ranked missions," Kai speaks with a solemn expression.

"That will not be necessary," Hiruzen rejects flatly. This is a punishment for their carelessness. Giving Kai a mission is akin to rewarding him, that much is clear, even if the revenue from these missions will only go to the teammate and the village as Minato's and Jiraiya's cut will be used to reconstruct the training ground.

"I think I need some missions to rectify my carelessness," Kai's gaze twinkles.

"I believe your current behavior is enough," Hiruzen smiles 'kindly' and lowers his head to read whatever document he has on his table, "You three may leave. The administration will find appropriate missions for you."

The trio left with disappointed expressions as Hiruzen, too, decided to smoke for a few more minutes before putting his pipe out.

"I can't believe Taiyogan got strapped by the forbidden jutsu's rule," Minato sighs, "I really wanted to share my experience with you, Kai-san. Maybe we could have devised a similar jutsu for other elements. I'm sure they would have varied effects."

"It's better to be tagged forbidden due to the reason of it being self-harming than anything else," Jiraiya reveals as they walk out of the academy.

"What do you mean, Sensei?" Minato questions and the white-haired ist sighs deeply, "Forbidden Jutsus used to be about more self-harming methods but two individuals changed this situation because of their perverse capabilities in researching concepts of chakra and creating Jutsu that would step on too many toes..."

"Do you mean the Second Hokage?" Kai inquires.

"And the Second Tsuchikage. Both of these Kage's techniques are considered forbidden and are handled by the village instead of the clan. The forbidden jutsus created by Tobirama Senju are not even placed within the directory of the Senju Clan and instead kept in protection within the Hokage's estate."

"Do you know more dangerous reasons for a Jutsu to get tagged forbidden?" Minato hums and contemplates, "What reason other than committing harm to oneself is more dangerous?"

Jiraiya looks at the duo but doesn't answer the question directly and shakes his head, "Second Hokage has created some pretty crazy stuff. Maybe you'll get to see them later but no point in discussing them now, is there?"

"I think that other than self-harm, a Jutsu that is too good to be true can be considered Forbidden, right?" Kai, however, stays on topic and decides to geek it out with Minato who considers the situation and adds, "Like a jutsu that has no cost?"

"Or a Jutsu that is the best device to infiltrate and assassinate?" Kai grins.

"Like Hiraishin?" Minato's gaze sparkles.

"No, it still has some restrictions. For instance, we need to have physical contact to place our Hiraishin marks and that defeats the purpose of surprising the enemy..." Kai touches his chin and then glances at Minato, "You want to get your hand healed?"

"Ah, thanks," Minato extends his hand as Kai holds it with a wisp of green chakra flickering and covering Minato's hand. Meanwhile, Kai continued on topic, "A good candidate for the forbidden technique is something Dan Kato used to infiltrate Sensei's office."

Kai knew very well that Dan's Spirit Transformation is Kato Clan's forbidden jutsu and as he speaks of it, he glances at Jiraiya to observe his expression.

"Don't look at me like that," Jiraiya rolls his eyes, "And if Dan's technique was so 'dangerous', how did he even get his consciousness erased by Tsunade? She never did explain that part clearly."

Kai shrugs, "How would I know? Maybe all forbidden jutsus are just waiting for their weakness to emerge eventually. Like Minato's Taiyogan could be countered by a Rasengan charged with water nature? Hiraishin's mark can be removed, too, if the target knows the ins and outs of the unique seal created by the caster of the jutsu. Hey, you can even trap a Hiraishin user by using a bit of your mind."

Jiraiya looks at Kai for a moment longer before sighing and smiling, "You're right about that. Jutsus aren't all that much without the wits of a shinobi... but a truly forbidden jutsu is too dangerous even without the wits of a shinobi. It's not only dangerous to the user and target... but the balance and ideology of the world we hold dear."

"Ideology of a shinobi?" Minato frowns.

"Death." Kai hums.

"It challenges that," Jiraiya huffs and then has his arms coiled around the duo before laughing loudly, "But enough about this. Come on. I've had enough drinks with Tsunade and Orochimaru! It's time we three have some fun! Kai-kun, I need details. My next chapter is going to be about a romantic affair between a married teacher and her passionate student! And YOU'RE my case study!"

Kai grins, "Sure thing. As long as you promise to give the passionate student a worthy size and the teacher a really hot figure, I'd be willing to share my secrets for good!"

"Do I need to go, too?" Minato groans.

"Don't be such a party pooper. I'm not always going to be here, you know," Jiraiya smirks and ruffles Minato's hair, "And before I get caught up in some dangerous stuff, I do want to teach you a lot more stuff. Just because Kai took you to your first escort doesn't mean I don't have a hundred more lined up!"

Minato almost choked up on his saliva and Kai nodded, "Or you could just stick to your first one? I'm sure she'd be happy to have you as a return customer. She DID have a rather stunning glow when I and Tsume came to pick you up."

"That's my student!" Jiraiya snickers, making Minato feel even more embarrassed.

"Don't we have a competition tomorrow..." Minato resisted one last time only for Jiraiya to tighten his hold over the duo, "Who cares? That's just a cheap plot of mine. If it works, it works. And it's not like we're the ones fighting. Your students are the ones that should worry."


"So you'll go out with Jiraiya-san and Minato but still won't take me out even once after your promise?!"

Kakashi likes to eat in solitude. It's not about his recent loss. He's always been like this. In the world of assassination where his identity could be used, Kakashi simply decided to keep his face hidden from most, and by eating alone, he has a chance to keep his secret a... secret. Naturally, he also likes peace when eating dinner. To some extent. That's not weird at all.

But Kai's pad is rarely at peace when one accounts for Kushina's presence. She is loud and most certainly finds a problem with the tiniest thing to just banter with Kai— Kakashi observed in these two days. In fact, Kushina would act quite calmly when Kai isn't present and would busy herself with seals but as if Kai is a switch that turns her crazy side, the entire place would liven up the moment Kai steps in.

'I thought I needed to have a harem even beyond Kai-san to aim to surpass him,' Kakashi muses silently and chews on a small clump of rice while looking at the empty space ahead, 'Maybe I should just change my goals to have my skills as refined as Kai-san. Having a harem now looks more of a hassle and a personal taste than an accomplishment.'

"Oh?" Kai's voice traveled, "I swear it's Minato who wanted to give me a treat for creating a new Jutsu and Jiraiya-san just dragged me away." The sincerity in his voice is unquestionable but even Kakashi, who wasn't looking to get into anyone's pants, did not believe Kai in the slightest. Of course, the greatest and youngest Jonin would be as good of a liar, too, right?

"Hmph! Lies! You just don't want to take me out," Kushina pouts and crosses her arms. Her violet pupils bore into him with an indignant gaze, "I want an answer now! I don't want training as a 'date'! Real stuff! Like you did with Mikoto-san, Sensei, and even Nono!"

"We go out and eat every day," Kai scratches his head, equally annoyed, "What more do you want? That's all a date is, you know? There's not all that entertaining stuff in the village."

Kushina purses her lips, "I want to—"

"Woah!" Mikoto steps down the stairs alongside Nono and smiles wryly, "We have a guest for another day. Don't just shout embarrassing stuff."

"I'm not embarrassed anymore, dattebane," Kushina snorts, "If Kai can be a perv and hang out with Jiraiya-san who is a bigger perv. I can be a perv, too!"

"Yeah, that's the embarrassing fact," Nono rolls her eyes, "You don't want to end up a perv. It's really hard. Your imagination constantly dries your throat and boy you can make some weird stuff with genjutsu."

Others look at Nono as the sound of the sink's tap turning on travels out to the living room and after a few minutes, Kakashi walks out, "I've eaten my dinner. Thank you for the food."

Kai waves at him, "Sorry about this."

"You should be apologizing to me," Kushina shoots him an annoyed stare as Kai rolls his eyes, "You keep on saying as if we would even do anything other than eat food on our dates. At least, with Mikoto and Tsunade, I get—"

"Not another word!" Mikoto snaps with her cheeks flushing lightly as she turns to look at Kakashi, "To your room, now. I need to have a chat with my fiance and... her."

"What did I do?" Kai and Kushina speak up simultaneously and then look at each other, adding in perfect sync, "It's your fault!"

"If I may add," Nono smiles, "It's really biology's fault. Hormones and stuff..."

"Stay out of it," Mikoto groans and hold Kai's and Kushina's hands before dragging them into her room, for an earful, most likely.

Meanwhile, Nono looks at Kakashi and smiles, "If you aren't too bored, would you help me cook breakfast tomorrow?"

Kakashi thinks for a moment before nodding.

"Hmm, the bath is ready. You should take one before sleeping. We four usually take a bath together so we will go in after you."

Kakashi nods again and leaves while Nono wonders quietly, 'Maybe Kai would look great with white hair... maybe glasses, too? And... hehe... an open jacket... his body oiled up with nothing underneath...'

She quickly shakes her head and giggles to herself, 'I should describe this to Jiraiya-san and read what he comes up with.'

She skips to the kitchen rightly so and sits down to eat quietly. But unlike Kakashi who had peace throughout as he slowly came to terms with Sakumo's 'disappearance', Nono's thoughts were chaotic. Luridly so.


Alternate Title: Missions are NO Punishment; Nono likes the Oil; Kai with Edgy White Hair?; Kushina Wants THE Date!; Mikoto and Tsunade Get it Done!; Kai DID Promise; Kushina Hates Oathbreakers!


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