Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 11

This lake is much bigger than a pond.

I’m walking around on the bottom of the lake we just got. My babies are swimming around the lake around me, making sure to find all the enemy spawn. The quest hasn’t completed yet so I asked them for help and they suggested there might still be spawn in the water. Stupid blue frogs. They were even weaker than my babies, so blue must be a weaker color of frogmen than white. I unequipped my title before the fight so maybe I’d be harder to see, smart right? They even tried to use spears made of pieces of trees to kill me, can you imagine, trees. Silly.

The water of this big lake is much clearer than the pond was, even before it became filled with blood. I can actually see pretty far down here. I really like it, I wiggle in the water, enjoying the feeling and atmosphere.

I’ve gotten to know my daughters more on the way here. They are really smart and nice to me, playing with my hair as we traveled. It was nice seeing them getting fat at the same time as me, having a family is a really nice, warm feeling. I like it a lot. We talked about their brothers most of the time, they told me it’s something called gossip. Things like who has the biggest pink club, which I found is called a penis. Weird. We decided that a particular one of my sons had the biggest, not Chief, so he didn’t have a name. I can’t really tell them apart except for Chief since he got my skill and looks harder. My daughters assure me they can tell the difference though. Oh well.

I would have bonded with the boys too but they stayed away from me, the girls said they are just too shy and I scare them. I took it as a compliment. Definitely.

I think about all the boys who died fighting the blue frogmen. I’m glad I’m in the lake so I don’t have to wipe any tears away. There were only two dozen of them left after the fighting, Chief said it’s normal for monsters, and we should be proud of taking the lake from a family ten times our size, instead of being sad. One of my daughters told me the biggest penis son died in the fighting, but I wanted to see if it was really as big as she said. Unfortunate.

I decide to stop thinking about it since my chest starts hurting again.

Chief says this lake is perfect for spawning since it doesn’t seem to have any monster fish, it’s not poisonous and some other reasons I forget. I’ll be excited to not be fat anymore, I know I told Chief he could mate with me back then, but walking around fat is no fun, well except for the female bonding. So I probably won’t let people mate with me anymore if they ask. It’s not like I’m going to run out of babies after this spawning anyways. Probably.

I leveled 6 times in my Breeder class and 4 times in my Bloody mother class after that fight, so I guess higher tier classes take more experience to level. Maybe. Anyways, I got a skill for level 10 Breeder and that reminded me I’d have to pick a Bloody Mother skill to get rid of once I get the levels from the quest. When we weren’t gossiping I asked the girls a bunch of stuff I wasn’t sure about, and they said the skill option for Free Points should make a class skill permanent and free up one of my slots. They mentioned they have something similar, but not exactly the same as monsters, I forgot to ask more about it. Maybe later.

So I bring up my free point options.


-Allocate to stats(1)-

-Acquire Class Skill(50)-

-Unlock 3rd Class(1000)-

Free Points: 136

I have enough to do it twice, but I’m not sure I need both. Let’s check my options first. I focus on Acquire Class Skill.


Power Attack:(20 Stamina)

Increase the power of your next attack.

Adrenaline:(30 Stamina)

Get a temporary boost to Dexterity and Strength.

Taunt:(50 Stamina)

Enemies around you are compelled to attack you.

Shout:(100 Stamina)

All allies who hear you regenerate (20) points of stamina.


Increase Stamina regeneration while in combat.


Increase chance of pregnancy and amount of children per pregnancy


You are more attractive to anything that can get you pregnant.


You and allies that can see you get resistance to fear and confusion status effects.

(New)Blessing:(30 Mana)

Target gets a boost to Intelligence and Strength till the end of combat.

Blessing is my new Breeder skill, and it’s two firsts, a magic skill and a skill for fighting from Breeder. I really thought Breeder was going to be the same as fighter, but the girls explained that to me too and now I feel dumb. I’m not though so it’s ok. Probably. I plan on resetting it to a new starting class when it gets to level 25, since I don’t want to be fat all the time because of a class.

Anyways, I think I’ll pick Crazed for now and maybe Motherly later, since they are my two best skills. Motherly really helped me out fighting the boss frog. Flatbox told me he tried using a fear skill on me but Motherly blocked it. Lucky. I focus on Crazed.


I check my skills menu but it looks the same, it never really showed me which of my skills were class skill did it. Weird.

I feel something get squished under my foot. Gross.


Quest Complete!

All Classes (Level up) x3 , +500 Credits, Land Rights, Relationship + with participating family members

Title earned

-Land Menu option unlocked-

Bloody Mother level 10 skill unlocked

Oh, did I step on the last one? I raise my foot to look and yup, that’s a squished tadpole. Good thing I’m in water so it’s easy to wash off. I’m getting pretty used to the Flatboxes and how they work. With my kid’s help I even know what the stuff in the sex status menu means, but I don’t think I’ll be trying to up any of the numbers there. Weird stuff, at least the way they explained it. I did like the feeling of the mating part, but like I said before, I don’t want to get fat again. Probably. I check my new title first.

(Landowner)Unlocks Land Menu

You can own land and get all the privileges associated with it.

That’s… kind of annoying. I was hoping for something that gave me bonuses to conquest missions or maybe something about killing blue frogs. Oh well, I’ll have to check out that new menu soon, but new skill first before I forget. I look for my new skill.

(New)Bloody Fists:(50 Health)

Increase the power of your punches till the end of combat.

First thought, I hope it doesn’t actually put blood on my fists, I already get enough of that without my skills piling more on. It looks really good though, since it lasts for the entirety of combat. It’s weird that it costs health, but it’s only 50 and a one and done, unlike Power Attack which I have to keep using every time. I forget to use it a lot when I should be. Oh well. Anyways, I like punching stuff and am forgetful so I like it, as long as it doesn’t put more blood on me. Why don’t I just check that now, smart.

I think Bloody Fists.

My hands and forearms turn red instead of their beautiful white, and I panic, trying to rub the blood off. The red stays there, but I calm down and realize it’s not actually blood, they just change color when the skill is on. I look at them, and it’s kind of like I’m wearing long gloves… What are gloves? I don’t remember, must be something you put on your hands. Weird.

The red fades off of my hands and forearms. I guess the skill only lasts a few seconds if you aren’t in combat when you use it. “Glub blub blub” I tell the lake. It doesn’t respond. Typical.

I should check that Land menu. I focus and think Land.



-Owned Land Status-




Even more options! Rude. Well I guess it’s not rude if they are helpful, but I feel like it’s going to be a lot of work to figure out, and just when I figured out the stupid sex status stuff. Ok I will go down the list first. I focus on Owned Land Status.

Owned Land Status

(Unnamed Lake)*You may name this land*

Land Level (1)

Method of acquisition: Conquest

Inhabitants: 39

Frogmen: 39

Structures: 0

Modifications: 0

Not a lot of information I can’t understand there. I can name the lake too. I wonder what I should name it. It says it has 0 structures, do the mud hut things the blue frogs used not count? Strange. Nothing else to look at so I might as well name it. I’m excited. I focus on the name and think Lake Opal. I see it change in the menu. I do a little wiggle in happiness, Opal is in Lake Opal, It’s like I’m inside myself. Strange. Ok next option, I focus on Development.


Credits: 3,634

Available Structures: Max 1 per Level

(Dungeon)Can be farmed for resources and experience. Cost:100,000 Credits

(Quest Board)Allows Inhabitants to take local Quests. Cost:20,000 Credits

(Dock)Inhabitants may spend Stamina here to produce fish. Cost:2,500 Credits

Available Modifications: Max 1 per Level

(Clear Waters)Lake water is clearer and can’t be poisoned, soiled, or cursed. Cost:50,000 Credits

(Blessed Waters)Inhabitants get a boost to all regeneration near the lake. Cost:80,000 Credits

That actually answers two of the things I didn’t know, where I can spend Credits that I got from quests, and what the structures and modifications where on the previous menu. I can already afford one of the structures. The Dock would basically make food for my babies, I was a little worried how they’d eat without my help. They can eat a lot, and there will be many, many more of them soon. Should I ask one of them? Probably not, it’s my Credits and lake after all, mommy knows best. I focus on Dock.


Dock Built

Suddenly my feet get pushed up about a foot and I’m standing on a dock, I can’t remember how I know what a dock looks like but I do. This one is made of wood and it looks pretty clean, the only problem is I’m pretty sure docks are supposed to be above water. This one came up right under my feet, and I was standing at the bottom of the lake. Does it build structures based on where I’m standing… Awkward. Well my Frogmen babies can all swim so it should be fine. Probably.

I walk forward on the Dock, checking it, when I get to the end there is a square hole in the center, about 3’ x 3’. Another thing the girls taught me, my forearm is about a foot long, so I can use it to measure stuff. It was a neat discovery. Anyways, the hole goes into the bottom of the lake, not sure how deep it is, it’s too dark. When I get close I hear a chime.



Spend Stamina to produce random fish based on locality.

Choose an amount of Stamina.

Looking around me I see my babies still swimming around looking for tadpoles, I feel like I’m forgetting something. Oh well. My stamina is back to full anyways so I think Spend 50 Stamina.

5 fish swim up out of the hole, I suppose they’d be stuck in the hole if the dock was above water since most fish can’t fly, I think. 4 of the fish are a dull gray color and don’t have levels or names above their heads. I saw the same thing on a squirrel once, so I think it’s normal for some animals. The last fish is much better, it’s a beautiful white color and its fins are black, above it I see the name (Opal Fish), still no levels though. I do a little wiggle dance as I see it swim away, catching the attention of some of my babies. I’ll tell them about it later, talking in water is hard. I should check out the next menu option before they get anxious, so I think Taxes.


(Lake Opal)


Base: 1000

Inhabitants: 39

Total:1039 per Year *Delivered New Years Day*



(Dock)1% of Stamina Used

Oh I can get more credits for free, Yay! I don’t think the passive is going to give me much since it’s just once a year. I wonder how far away New Years is. I should check to see how the active one works, so I check my current Credits.

Credits: 1,134

Then I use 50 more Stamina on fishes. There are 5 more dull gray ones that swim up, so it’s 10 stamina per fish and I don’t get an Opal Fish every time. Rude. I check my credits now since I’ve spent a total of 100 stamina.

Credits: 1,135

It gives me 1 Credit every time 100 total is spent, and I don’t even have to wait for another year to get it. Then again I can only really spend the Credits on Land stuff so far… Doesn’t matter, for some reason the thought of getting free Credits every time my babies buy fish makes me happy. I still have one more menu to look at though and then I can tell them about the Dock and new lake name. I focus on Voting.


There are 0 items currently up for Vote.

So it’s useless then. Will it tell me if something comes up or will I have to keep checking it, that would be tedious. I wouldn’t like that very much. I see some of my babies avoiding the fish that popped out of the hole even though they are for eating, I better get out and tell them about it. Probably.

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