Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 12

I walk out of my lake, rubbing my fat belly. My daughters say we should spawn some time later today, we were kind of panicking before we got to the lake and killed all the blue frogs. It’s a good thing we made it in time, and to such a nice place. I can’t check the quest timer to see when I should be spawning since it got completed. Oh well.

Oh right! I need to tell Chief that the quest is done so they don’t have to search anymore.

I spot him talking to one of my daughters by the mud huts, so I walk up. “Hey Chief, I stepped on the last tadpole so the quest is done and we shouldn’t have to worry about any more blue frogs hiding.” He is about to respond but I interrupt him. “Oh! And also, I got a new menu and it had me build a dock, but its under the water and it makes fishes for eating.” I finish and give him a smile.

“That’s good Mom, Sister here has said spawning should start in 3 hours, she got a skill that makes her more sensitive to changes in her body. As for the fish making pier, please show me.” He responds, so I lead him to the water and a few of my daughters follow us, probably curious. They can be so cute sometimes. Chief yells to the rest of the siblings “The search is over! Mom tells me we have completely exterminated all of the filthy colored Frogmen around the lake. Rejoice, for Mom also has built us a way to make food for ourselves! Now follow us and she will show us how it is done.” I nod along with his speech, luckily much shorter than the last one, and then I walk into the lake.

My babies all follow me to the bottom of the lake where the pier is. They all have to swim since they aren’t heavy like me, must be tiring. I walk to the hole and then spend another 100 Stamina, ten fish pop out, 8 of the dull gray ones, but then also a couple pink ones. They don’t have names over them like my Opal Fish, oh well. I turn to see my babies reactions and they seem a little surprised. That’s right, mommy is amazing, I puff out my chest and then gesture for them to try the hole.

I stand at the bottom of the lake for a while as all my children pump Stamina into my hole.

Once everyone has tried and now knows how to get food, Chief motions for us to leave the lake so he can talk. Once we all get out he speaks. “Mom has brought us a great boon, and with this... Dock at the bottom of the lake it will draw less attention and envy from other monsters that may want to steal it from us. Since the spawning will start soon I ask that my brothers spend as much Stamina as they can until it starts so that our spawn will have fish to eat in the lake and grow strong.”

That’s a good idea, my little baby boy is getting so smart, I should help too since Stamina regenerates fast. He probably didn’t ask his sisters since they are weak like him. I remember and catch him before he goes in the water again. “Hey Son, it let me name the lake so now it’s called Lake Opal, just like me. Well I’m not a lake though, but there are white and black fish that come out of the hole sometimes and they are called Opal Fish too, isn’t that amazing!?” I tell him excitedly, my hands rubbing my enormous belly.

“Yes Mom, I shall tell everyone after the spawning, you should stay with sisters. They will need protection while all of us brothers are at the Dock.” He explains and I give him a hug before he gets in my lake. I turn back around and find my daughters near the huts gossiping, so I join them. It’s my turn to tell them about my mating experiences, I only have the one so I hope they like it. They probably will, they are my nice baby girls.

Some time later

“...and then he moaned really loud and fell on top of me, I could feel his stuff pumping into me, it seemed like a lot. You girls called it semen right? I’m surprised my body didn’t get fatter right there he pumped so much into me. Since he looked so cute I decided to hug my little baby boy and pet his head, like this.” I gesture with my hand and make a hugging motion with my arm. “He got up after that, but he must have been putting on a tough front for mommy since he passed out right after I told him how many kids we’d be having. I carried him all the way back to you all.” I finish up my story for my daughters. They all get into a giggling fit, they do that a lot whenever I talk about the cute things Chief does.

One of them asks me “Hey Mom, how many will you spawn and how do you know?” So I answer her like the good mother I am. “I know because it tells me in my sex status menu, and I think it was a little over 15000 this time.” They all stare at me like I’m weird again, I’m sure I’m imagining it.

“We don’t have a menu like that Mother.” Another of them tells me. Oh yeah I think I remember wondering about that when I was talking to Chief. I try to show them my Flatbox for it, but they can’t see it. We end up not knowing for sure why, but guess that it’s a Player thing. I wonder if monsters can be players too. Something to think about later. Probably.

We all go rigid in sync. It’s time for the spawning.

I lead them all to the lake and just like last time I did it, I’m compelled to squat in the shallow part of the lake. This time I have company though as my daughters do the same thing near me. We all look silly, I wouldn’t tell them that. It would be rude. The boys seem to have noticed and are swimming out of the lake, I think they are standing there to protect us, just in case. Such good babies. Definitely.

I feel a huge sense of relief as little black things start getting pushed out of me again. This time they are coming out much faster and I can even see them better since the lake is pretty clear. That pond was not clear. I can see the cute little tadpoles start swimming after they flop out of me. Cute, just like their older brothers and sisters were. Flop, then they wiggle, just like me. I couldn’t see their wiggling well last time, it makes them even cuter.

I look around at my daughters and they have the same little tadpoles wiggling around them, those ones are my grand babies instead of my babies. I feel old suddenly. I’m not sure why. Weird. Anyways we all squat there pushing out babies for a while, they finish before I do, but that’s fine, they all collapse after and are carried to shore by their brothers. They don’t have as much stamina as me, and that’s ok. They are still my cute baby girls. Definitely.

I don’t pass out when I finish this time, I remember last time how my bottom half was left in the water, still embarrassing to think about for some reason. Odd.


Title earned

I can check that later, I want to see all our new babies swimming around in the lake. Telling the boys what I’m doing they wave me off and I walk into the lake. It’s beautiful, there are so many of them, swimming around in large groups. Oh that group is attacking a fish! Violent. Just like me, good babies, eat those fish and get big and strong so mommy or grandmommy can go exploring again like she used to. Yes, I decided I wouldn’t be sticking around after these kids grow up. Now that I think about it, the babies I pushed out this time, since Chief is my son, aren’t I their mother and grandmother? I would have left after the spawning, but too many died in the fight against the blue frogmen. I don’t think about it. Once these babies are fully grown there should be more than enough to defend themselves.

I hope if they get in trouble in the future I’ll get a quest to help them, they do live on my land, and I have a menu for that. I’ll probably check their numbers in my menu just to make sure. Sometimes, Probably.

I walk around at the bottom of the lake watching all my new babies for a while, I don’t have to breathe anyways.

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