Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 13

I slowly walk out of the lake sighing.

My babies were so active, killing fish and being cute. I pumped a lot more stamina into the dock, since I make so much of it now. I had a ton of babies floating in the water around me as I popped fish after fish out of my dark Stamina hole. A fish would swim up, only to be torn apart by a few of my new babies, we made a little game out of it even. I would make a random amount of fish per stamina injection and they would either attack with too many tadpoles since it was only a few fish, or they’d be overwhelmed because they weren’t expecting me to use 400 stamina at once. It was pretty fun, I’m sure they had fun too even though they can’t talk yet. Probably.

I get to the grass line around the lake, using the grass to wipe the sand from the bottom of my feet. I try to wiggle and shake some of the remaining water off, but it’s stubborn, my wet hair sticking to my back. Rude. I can’t ask the Frogmen how to dry it faster since they don’t have hair, and if I talk about my hair to much they might grow a complex. Maybe. I spot my grown up babies doing a few different things. First, there are a few of the boys walking around the lake, I can even see one clear on the other side, he looks tiny since he’s so far away. Second, my daughters are all sitting or laying on the beach sand by the mud hut area, watching the lake. They are probably still healing after the spawning since they are so weak. My sex status says I’m still healing too, but I feel fine. Weird. Last but not least in my ranking of fun stuff I see, Chief and the rest of the boys are playing with some of those spears made of trees the blue frogs tried to poke me with. Like a tree would be able to stab through my skin, comical. I decide to walk up to them.

“Hey Chief, what are you boys up to with those tree spears?” I ask him, my hands rubbing my now returned abs as I’m distracted by their returned beautiful shape of not fatness.

“We are practicing with them Mom. We are not as powerful as you so we must find additional ways to protect ourselves and hunt. Spears are simple to use and give us more range in a fight, not everyone is impervious to the pointy end like you Mom.” He explains to me, ending with a smirk. I feel exposed, I was thinking about how they couldn’t hurt me so why use them. I guess they aren’t trying to hurt me so his reasons make sense. I stop to think about it.

“Ok Son, you boys make me so proud, trying to get stronger and protect your sisters.” I then go to each of them and give them a big hug, they seem a bit apprehensive, probably afraid I’ll squish their cute little bodies. I’m gentle and none of them are harmed in the hugging. I see that each of them has gotten at least a few levels from the battle, my babies are growing up. I wipe a tear from my eye when I think they aren’t looking. “Ok boys, Mommy is going to be looking at her screens for a bit, let me know if you need anything.” I tell them, walking off to a nice looking spot on the grass, I sit down.

Now, I got a new title after the spawning. I should check that now, so I bring it up, which I’m much better at doing now.


(New)(Swarm Mother)Boost to the number of children from each pregnancy and pregnancies gestate twice as fast.

You have given birth to more than ten thousand children from a single pregnancy. Your children are legion.

So just another one having to do with being fat and having babies, so it’s useless since I don’t plan on mating again anytime soon. I just got my abs back after all. I look down at my not fat belly, happy with my decision. It also doesn’t give me any extra stats, which I find a little rude. A lot of my newer titles seem to be useless like that. Unfortunate. I wonder what gestate means, I’ll ask my daughters about it later, hopefully after they’ve already asked me a question. Probably.

I stare up at the sky, which is very blue again, just like the lake. I wonder if there is water up there and that’s why its blue. Are clouds lots of white fish, I just can’t make them out since they’re so far away? I can’t fly so I won’t be able to go check. Oh well. Right, I wanted to spend free points to make my Motherly skill permanent, since it was so helpful against the blue frog with the sword. I think one of my daughters was carrying the sword around earlier, I guess she liked it. Anyways, I think about spending free points.


-Allocate to stats(1)-

-Acquire Class Skill(50)-

-Unlock 3rd Class(1000)-

Free Points: 128

I focus on the Acquire Class Skill option and then on the skill in question.


You and allies that can see you get resistance to fear and confusion status effects.


And now Motherly is permanent, I’m such a good and beautiful mom.



You have done enough to be considered Unique!

The following Titles and Skills will be combined into a Title that is for you alone.

*Warning: Some effects may be lost*

Titles:(A Mother),(Broodmother),(Monster Mom),(Incestuous),(Swarm Mother)



(Mother Opal)-Unique-Boost pregnancy and attractiveness, Breeder Class skills are permanent, Breeder Class cannot be Reset.

You are Opal the mother of many, you draw gazes even on the battlefield.

*Unique Titles modify what you display to others. Example: Your (Guardian) title would now show to others as Guardian Mother when equipped.*

“What?” I ask the grass as I read through this new screen. It doesn’t respond. Typical.

So I am considered Unique now? Was I not before, is there another Opal running around somewhere? Strange. So it’s giving me a title that’s basically a bunch of my titles and skills combined. I see a few issues though, as I read the titles and skills used, they are all related to making babies and getting pregnant in some way. Ominous, probably. Also it says some effects may be lost, and as I read the new title it looks like it doesn’t have any stat bonuses, so I’ll probably be losing the ones on the old titles. Rude. Lastly, it says I can’t reset my Breeder class, I was going to do that once it hit level 25 since it’s not really about fighting with my body at all. Now I can’t.

Going over the good things though, I wonder if I’ll be more beautiful now since it’s a Unique title. Hopefully. Breeder class skills are permanent, does that mean I don’t have to spend my free points on them anymore? I did just do that for Motherly, but it was for my other class, not Breeder. Should save me points in the long run I suppose, but not being able to change out Breeder because of it leaves a stale taste in my mouth. It saying I draw gazes on the battlefield is a little embarrassing, probably. The last part about modifying my equipped titles sounds cool, but I only have Guardian that can be equipped right now, I don’t think the new one can be, since it doesn’t have an equip bonus.

I check my status first and see I have lost… it takes me a while to calculate, probably because one of the stats that went down was Int… 15 Vitality and 5 of Endurance, Wisdom and Intelligence. Unfortunate. I check my Titles menu next and it’s much smaller now.



(Giant Slayer)Str/Dex +5

You have slain a monster 2 Tiers above your highest Class. You are spry for it.

(Landowner)Unlocks Land Menu

You own land and get all the privileges associated with it.

(New)(Mother Opal)-Unique-Boost pregnancy and attractiveness, Breeder Class skills are permanent, Breeder Class cannot be Reset.

You are Opal the mother to many, you draw gazes even on the battlefield.


(Guardian)End +10 Equip Bonus: Receive better rewards for Defense Quests

You have spent more than 5 days on a Defense quest. You are more enduring.


I check on my skills too, but they are the same, only missing (Fertile),(Alluring) and (Motherly). I feel like I’m forgetting something important. Oh well, it will come to me later. Probably. I decide to equip my Guardian title again and stand up, walking back towards my stick twirling boys.

“Chief, what does it say above my head?” I ask him, interrupting their spear practice.

He looks at me and then responds. “It says Guardian Mother Level 12. Mom, I don’t know how you keep surprising me so often, didn’t it just say Guardian earlier?” I decide to tell him about what happened with the Unique title. I leave out the parts where I think vain things since he’s my baby and I don’t want him to think less of me. He seems to think for a bit before saying “My memories I received from Dad do have some information about an ancestor who received a Unique title many generations ago. It was supposedly very powerful just like yours. We can look forward to many more brothers and sisters now that you have such a title.” I don’t think it’s powerful at all though, and has even made me weaker. At least he thinks I’m amazing, my cute little baby boy.

I’ll ignore that last bit he said.

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