Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 15

Children Birthed: 20,667

Male: 19,381

Female: 1,286

Other: 0

Current Status: Healthy

I see in my Sex Status menu, I don’t really need to pay attention to all the other stuff right now.

It’s been 5 days since the spawning and our new babies have little arms, legs, and just got our characteristic beautiful white color today. I’m sitting with a few of my daughters while chatting about the future and how cute our children are. “They will be powerful warriors Mother.” Chair speaks up under me… I forgot he was here, I wiggle on top of him, settling into a more comfortable position. He groans a bit at my shifting weight, but he assured me earlier this was good training for him, something about carrying the burdens of the tribe. I hear him moan from time to time. Strange.

“I agree with my brother, though many of them will want to set out on their own, meeting a horrible demise, the ones that survive will make us proud.” One of my baby girls adds. I had asked earlier how so many of them will fit at the lake once they are adults, and their response was surprising. Most of our children will leave the area, trying to spread the genetics wide, only a small percentage will stay at the lake. It’s just the way Frogmen do things apparently. Even with the stamina hole for fish, their genetics simply causes wanderlust in them. Probably.

Suddenly Chair gets more sturdy beneath me, no longer shaking.

“Oh I am blessed by mother!” Chair yells, catching the eyes of everyone in the area. I look down at him to see what my daughters are gasping at. Above his head is…

-Chair- Lvl 8

Oh did he get a title? I pat his head and say to him “Good job baby, what does your new title say?” My daughters also prod him for an answer as well, to which he proudly announces. “(Chair)Str +10 Equip Bonus: You may gain passive experience while someone or something is sitting on you. You have spent a large percentage of the past 5 days being sat on by someone or something very heavy. You are stronger for it.” I ignore his title saying I’m heavy for now, he continues “I feel so strong now, like I have been blessed by your perfect posterior mother, supporting your beautifully naked form has been my greatest honor in life.” Some of my daughters start whispering among themselves, their eyes looking at him, on his hands and knees in… is that envy? Probably.

Word of Chair’s new title spreads to the rest of my adult children, all of whom show up to see it for themselves. Chief even gives one of his speeches once everyone has gathered, I’m still sitting on Chair of course, he is much more comfortable now, so why wouldn’t I? “Mom has blessed us once again, even I had my doubts seeing Chair seemingly demean himself in such a manner, thinking him a simple pervert taking advantage of our mother. I admit my mistakes now, he will be able to level now while staying within the area around the lake, he has no need to purge our lesser enemies for strength. He can stay here and protect our future spawn and this territory for Mom. We will simply take turns sitting on him and…” but Chair interrupts him. “I will only use my new title for one of our sisters, chosen by Mother to take her place once she leaves. I will have no male hindquarters rest on my supportive back, my brothers need no support.” Chief looks upset… probably, it’s still hard to tell from their frog faces. He quickly regains his composure and with reluctant acceptance he continues. “Then Mom will choose a strong sister who will take her job of protecting the young once she leaves. Whoever gets chosen will have an honorable task ahead of them, sitting on Chair and watching the lake. Can I make a suggesting Mom?” He turns to me asking.

I nod to him, indicating he should continue, I have no idea how I could choose one of my beautiful babies over another.

“Then I suggest you pick the strongest of my sisters, and to find out who that is we will have them fight. Is that acceptable to you, Mom and Chair?” he asks us, Chair answering first, “If that is what Mother wishes I will abide by it.” and now I’m put on the spot, but I don’t see anything wrong with his suggestion so I say “I will permit it, may the strongest daughter prevail.” That sounded cool right, I’ve been trying to sound smarter since I’ve noticed some of my children questioning my Intelligence at times. I’m sure it was good. Maybe.

It seems almost half of my daughters didn’t want to be put in the running, saying they are too weak for such an honor. So we have eight of them now, and they will be paired up, fighting 1 on 1, with the winner fighting another winner until we have a sole victor. I’m glad there aren’t too many of them or I’d lose track pretty quick. Probably.

About an hour later...

Only one daughter now remains standing, her arms raising as a show of her victory. Her sisters have already been dragged off with help from some of the boys, none of them have life threatening injuries but it was a little more brutal than I was expecting to watch. I walk up to her and give her a big hug, being careful not to squish her of course, she is still weak after all, even if she beat her sisters. My baby girl deserves a hug.

I let her go and say to her “I’m proud of you my baby girl, you did a good job and I have chosen you to sit on Chair and protect the lake while I’m gone. Can you handle such a responsibility?” She nods to me, walks over to the sword she stuck in the ground before her fight, I told her she couldn’t use it on her sisters since it was unfair, and picks it up. She raises it facing the gathered crowd and they cheer, but she silences them with a hand gesture. “I will accept this great honor and responsibility, with my sword no enemies shall endanger our future spawn or Mother’s lake. With Chair’s help we shall protect all that is important to us and keep it clean of any monsters or lesser colored Frogmen.” She gives a little speech and everyone starts cheering again but then they all gasp, and I can see why. Above her head now is…

-Guard- Lvl 6

She’s lower level than Chair for now since the pregnant sisters didn’t take part in the fighting for the lake, so she was only able to gain levels after. I’ve seen her marching off into the woods a few times after the spawning with that sword and a few sisters. She continues “As you can see, I now also have Mother’s blessing which states that I will receive experience for guarding an area assigned by it’s Landowner. Since Mother owns this lake and she has given me authority to guard it and our spawn, I will do so with the best of my ability.” She looks at Chief and says “I have no desire to take the title of Chief since I have my own purpose now, so fear not Brother.” He nods in response and a little bit of relief. Probably. Frog faces are hard.


You have appointed your first guard. Experience awarded.

Land (Lake Opal) Level up

New Building option available

Oh that’s probably good news, but I wait till everyone has finished congratulating Guard to check it out. It’s her achievement after all and I wouldn’t want to just space out or walk off. I’m learning to be an even better mom. I nod to my own thoughts.

After everyone is done I give her and Chair another hug before making Chair kneel down on his hands and knees so I can sit on him again while going over the Land stuff. He seems pleased as I sit on his naked back once more, looking over my lake. I focus on the Development menu first to see what the new building is, and if I remember right, I should be able to build another one now that Lake Opal is level 2.


Credits: 8,389

Available Structures: Max 1 per Level

(Dungeon)Can be farmed for resources and experience. Cost:100,000 Credits

(Quest Board)Allows Inhabitants to take local Quests. Cost:20,000 Credits

(Guard Post)An elevated platform that gives your guards bonuses. Cost 5000 Credits

Available Modifications: Max 1 per Level

(Clear Waters)Lake water is clearer and can’t be poisoned, soiled, or cursed. Cost:50,000 Credits

(Blessed Waters)Inhabitants get a boost to all regeneration near the lake. Cost:80,000 Credits

Oh, I’ve made quite a bit of credits so far from the Dock. Not all of my new credits are from that though, I did manage to wipe out a couple monster dens nearby when it gave me quests over the past few days. It wasn’t a lot though, just a goblin den here, a Frogmen family pond there. Really most of it came from the Dock. Looking further down I see the new building was probably unlocked because Guard is a Guard now. Maybe. It was mentioned by Flatbox as the reason my lake leveled up.

I have enough to purchase it now, and since I don’t think I’ll have enough to build one of the other options before I leave, I think I should just go ahead. I wiggle my butt in excitement, my children all thought the Dock was super helpful after all. Chair moans, but I ignore him, calling Guard over. “Hey Guard, my cute little daughter, I’m going to build a Guard Post for you now. Since the dock grew up from under my feet it will probably do the same thing this time, and I want you to be here for it.” I tell her, scooting over a little bit on Chairs back, then patting the room I made for her “Sit sit.” I instruct, and she gets a happy smile… probably, quickly taking a seat next to me and wiggling a bit in excitement. She gets her wiggles from me, I’m sure of it. I focus on the Guard Post option.


Guard Post Built

We are slowly raised up by a stone platform which seems to grow up and out of the ground. Its solid stone under our feet and Chair now, and we are about 10’ higher than we were before, I'm getting better at judging sizes with just my eyes. It’s not very fancy, just like the dock, but it seems sturdy. I can also see further since I’m higher up now.

“Mother, this is so amazing. I got a screen telling me that as a Guard I get a bonus to all stats while guarding the Land on which the Guard Post is built.” She hugs me, obviously happy, and it makes me happy too. I feel a soft warmness in my chest. I did a good thing for my baby and she hugged me. I can’t keep myself from wiggling, we both ignore Chair’s moan.

I sit there getting hugged for a few seconds, it feels too short. I should come back and visit some time after I leave.

I have a surprise for those interested in Chair, don't worry I won't kink shame you, he is pretty cute after all.


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