Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 16

It’s finally time to leave, the babies have all grown up.”Sniff”, I wipe away a small tear, watching with my first daughters as most of our babies walk off in different directions looking for a lake or pond of their own. The girls seem less effected by it than me, but they are probably just better at hiding it on their frog faces. Probably.

Quite a few will still be staying at Opal Lake, but it’s only a small percentage of the total number of new adult family members. Chief gave all the leavers one of his speeches, something about spreading our superior color, purging the area of lesser monsters and growing strong enough to even push down Mom… Hey, that last part was about me, I suppose it would be a good goal for such weak babies to push me over, I am pretty heavy. Guard and Chair both assured me again last night that so many leaving is normal and because of the genetic memory they inherit from previous generations, they should be somewhat fine. Maybe.

Well they are adults now, I can’t make decisions for them, I’m leaving too after all. It would be rude to try and get them to stay even though I won’t be. Once they are all out of view and into the surrounding woods we all split up to do different things, I’ll be leaving soon so I’ve already passed Chair sitting privileges to Guard. I lean against the Guard Post and open up my Owned Land Status menu.

Owned Land Status

(Lake Opal)

Land Level (2)

Method of acquisition: Conquest

Inhabitants: 3,499

Frogmen: 3,499

Structures: 2

(Dock)Inhabitants may spend Stamina here to produce fish.

(Guard Post)An elevated platform that gives your guards bonuses.

Modifications: 0

The new number of inhabitants sounds like a lot, but it’s such a large lake that looking around it still feels very empty. Chair explained to me that once enough spawn have decided to stay that the lake can no longer provide for the needs of more, all future spawn will decide to move away with adulthood. It’s another one of those genetic things I don’t quite understand, but I believe my baby. They’ve already started making more of those mud dwellings so that new babies won’t have to sleep outside, they can’t exactly sleep in the lake like I can. All of them have to breathe since they are weak. Unfortunate.

I guess it’s time to go.

I’m pretty excited to get out there and start walking again, I think I feel a little bad about it so I go around and hug all of my older babies, Chief asks me one more time to mate with him again, such a stubborn child. I of course tell him no, I’m a little concerned at this point how fat I’ll get with my new Unique title, so I better be more careful from now on. After I’ve finished I run into the woods in a random direction so that they don’t see me crying, I’m a tough mom after all.

Five days later…

I think I’m lost. I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular though, so it’s fine. Are you still lost if you don’t have a place you are supposed to be? Probably. I stomp down on the goblin’s skull, crushing it. That was the last one from this group. I’ve been getting a ton of quests since a few days ago about goblin dens, so I think there are just a lot of them in this area. Thanks to that though I found a few more of those fancy blue chests, some of which actually had cloths in them again. The goblin leering and groping attempts were starting to make me flustered, they do it a lot less when I’m not naked. From one chest I got a shield that didn’t even fit in the chest, it kind of just popped up outside the chest when I opened it. There were also some little glass containers with a liquid of some kind in them. I didn’t really have a way to carry all this stuff, so I threw them away. My most recent find solved that though, it’s a backpack, not the goblin kind. I’m not going back for the stuff I got before though, and not because I can’t remember which direction I came from. Probably.


New Quest!

A large sounder of wild boars has killed travelers on a local road. Rid the area of this threat to Players.

Rewards: 2 Levels, 200 Credits

Track? Y/N

Track Yes. A road, why do I know what a road is? Weird. Anyways if I remember right, roads lead to places like towns and cities, so if I find a road I can meet other Players… Maybe, it feels very vague. Oh well, lets go kill those boars for the quest, I can figure out memory stuff some other time. Probably.

I follow the arrow from the tracker until I come to a clearing in the trees. No, not a clearing, the forest ends and a hilly plain spreads out before me. Strange. I see the road mentioned in the quest now, and I even see a whole bunch of big furry pigs, probably the wild boars from the quest since the arrow is pointed right at them.

0/52 Boars slain

I think they are all there, just walking on the black road. I counted them since I’m smart. The Boars are pretty big, they will probably come up to my belly, with the biggest one probably coming up to my chest. Some of them have large tusks coming out the side of their mouths, I wonder if I’ll have to avoid those or if they’ll glance off me like everything else. Well I’m close to tiering up in both of my classes again, I could have tiered up Breeder a few levels ago already, but I want to do them both at once. Why wait? I’m not sure, but when I think about it tears fall out of my eyes without my permission. Strange.

The quests in the forest have kept my class levels closer than they would be if I had just gotten them from killing stuff. Bloody Mother is level 23 right now and Breeder is level 28. I will probably get enough levels just from killing the boars even before the quest granted levels, so I’ll have a lot of extra Free Points going into my next tiers up. The boars aren’t going to kill themselves for my quest so I should get to it. Probably.

I start sprinting at the group of fur pigs, they notice me coming and the biggest of them must take my charging as a challenge to him. He lines up and starts charging right back at me, that’s an unfortunate choice for him. I put my shoulder forward and put my force into it when we are close to colliding. Surprisingly I’m not showered by his blood and guts like most things I get enough speed and run into, I do here a loud snap though. My body gets knocked to the side, rolling a bit before I’m laying on my back. I feel a pain in my stomach and look down. Oh, one of those big tusks of his is sticking out of me. I pull it out, which also hurts for some reason, luckily I don’t bleed or such a big hole in me would be concerning. I toss the tusk and look over to my stabber, he’s just laying there, not moving but he still has a name and level above his head, so I guess he’s still alive.

-Marauder Boar- Lvl 34

I get up and am immediately hit in the side by one of the smaller boars. I don’t think it got as much of a running start though so it doesn’t knock me over. I right myself and grab one of its tusks, punching it in the head with my free fist, now covered in my Bloody Fists skill and charged with a Power Attack. It’s head explodes, now that’s what things are supposed to do. It falls limp and I toss it aside, as I start fighting the rest of the boars now too. The ones with tusks seem to be stronger, but they are easier to kill because of the nice grip they provide me for leverage. With my current level my stamina feels almost endless, so giving each boar a Power Attack or two is no problem.

I turn to one of the bigger boars and use the skill I got for level 25 in Breeder…

Charm:(100 Mana)

Target will fight for you until the end of combat. Success based on Attractiveness.

He stops charging me and instead turns his head, goring one of his fellow boars. I finally have something useful to use my mana on, well Blessing is useful too, but I hardly notice it with my Bloody Fists and Power Attacks. I found out it won’t let me use it on more than one thing at a time in a fight, otherwise I would have Charmed more of them. Just like when I used it on the goblins, the other boars quickly turn on him and he doesn’t last long, but his sacrifice gives me some more room to maneuver and not be overwhelmed.

I don’t know how long I’m there fighting, a couple more of the higher level Tusked Boars managed to stab me with a well placed tusk before I managed to kill them. So now I have a few more holes, I haven’t really been damaged since that big melee where I was protecting my babies. The pain distracted me a bit in the fighting and so it took longer than I think it would have otherwise. The Marauder Boar never rejoined the fighting. I stand up and look over to the biggest boar body littered around me and I don’t see his name or level anymore so I guess he did end up dying from my charge. Ha! I still got it. Probably.


Bloody Mother (Level up)x2

Breeder(Level up)x3

Quest Complete!

All Classes (Level up) x2, +200 Credits

Bloody Mother level 25 skill unlocked

Oh I guess Breeder doesn’t get a skill at level 30, I haven’t gotten another class that high before though, so maybe none of them do. That should be more than enough for…


You have reached or surpassed Bloody Mother (Level 25) and have unlocked new options for it. You may choose from the following options listed, or choose to keep your current Class and continue leveling it. If you keep your current Class these options will remain available in your Class Menu.

Finally! I’ll do Bloody Mother first. I Focus on the Tier Up Class option that pops up.


Options for your Tier 2 Class.

Your choices are based on your achievements, play style and associations.

*Rare option available* Rare classes give more stats per level for their Tier due to the difficult requirements.

-Blood Matriarch-(Rare) Str/Vit/End +8, Wis/Dex +4 Free Points +20

You have continued on the path of the bloody mother. This is a continuation of your current Class.

-Radiant Progenitress-(Rare) Str/Vit/Dex +8, End/Wis +4 Free Points +20

You are a shining example to your masses of descendants. You get this option for your vanity and violence, for leading others into a battle in which you were triumphant and for having at least 2 generations of descendants.

-Battle Mom- Str/End +8, Vit/Dex +4 Free Points +16

You fight for your many children. For continuing your legacy you get this option.

I got Rare options again which is nice to hear, let me see what I got. Well the first option is just a higher tier Bloody Mother, and even says so itself. A great option, it’s just… I don’t like being covered in blood all the time, even if I really like fighting things that unfortunately end up showering me in their blood. I’ll keep it as a maybe and go to my next option.

Radiant Progenitress is also Rare, says I’m a good example for my babies, mentions my vanity and my enjoyment of fighting? I think I like this option even more than Blood Matriarch, probably. I look at the last option Battle Mom. I suppose it would have been good for me if I didn’t have the other two options, but no. I decide to go with my second option, not just because it doesn’t have blood in the name. Probably.

I focus on Radiant Progenitress and pick it.


(Tier 2)Bloody Mother Level 27 is now

(Tier 3)Radiant Progenitress Level 1

Bloody Mother stats per level removed.

Radiant Progenitress level 1 skill unlocked

I don’t have to get rid of a class skill because I’ve just been spending Free Points to make the ones from Bloody Mother permanent. I thought about it, and it’s not worth it to fill up my slots and have to lose skills forever by replacing them. I don’t have to pay to make my Breeder class skill permanent so I can afford them. Why not save up for the third class option, because its expensive. Why not use it when I have more points per level from my soon to be tiered up classes? Speaking of which, I focus on the option in my Classes menu to Tier Up my Breeder class.


Options for your Tier 2 Class.

Your choices are based on your achievements, play style and associations.

*Rare option available* Rare classes give more stats per level for their Tier due to the difficult requirements.

-Seducer- Int/Dex +4, Vit/End +2 Free Points +8

You tempt others into your bed. You get this option for having enjoyed sleeping with someone taboo.

-Hive Queen-(Rare) Str/Vit/End +4, Wis/Dex +2 Free Points +10

You are the center of a swarm of your own making. You get this option for having more than 2000 children, leading those children into battle, and conquering land

-Dark Maiden-(Rare) Str/End/Int +4, Wis/Dex +2 Free Points +10

You are a maiden hiding legions in the dark. You get this option for having prodigious amounts of children, having a unique title related to breeding, and not showing outward signs of any of this.

Yes! Rare option for Breeder too, I must be doing something right, it did say Rare classes were harder to get. I don’t remember doing anything particularly difficult yet though. Strange. I look at my first option, it’s not rare and I don’t think it really describes me. I think I know what a bed is but I haven’t seen one yet, so I’d first have to find one just for this class to be useful? I’ll put that one down as a no.

The second option Hive Queen describes me a little better and it’s rare, but I don’t think I’ll be leading my children into fights from now on so I’ll put it as a maybe for now. Dark Maiden sounds really cool for a class name and it’s Rare too. It’s stats per level are nice, if I pick it I think I’ll have a source for each stat between it and my other class. Which is a point in favor for it. This is the only class I’ve seen that mentions my Unique title too. What does it mean I don’t show outward signs… does it maybe mean how it doesn’t show my race when I don’t have a title equipped? Chief told me about it at one point during one of his speeches, I think. Probably. Well if this option is going to help me hide stuff like how many children I’ve had or if I get really lucky, maybe it will hide my fat belly if I get pregnant again. That’s not why I focus on it and pick it…


(Tier 1)Breeder Level 27 is now

(Tier 2) Dark Maiden Level 1

Breeder stats per level removed.

Dark Maiden level 1 skill unlocked

I feel weaker again after tiering up both of my class, I forgot that was a thing that happened last time. Maybe I should have just done Breeder when I got it past 25. Not much I can do about it now, I’ll remember it for next time. Probably.


Opal probably won't have her 3rd class for a while, that gives me time to let you the readers pick it.

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