Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 28

It’s getting dark. The light I cast dances off the surroundings, wood, tendrils, bodies, blood, mud, orcs and my beautiful daughters. It’s still raining. It runs down our bodies, off our hair, swinging arms and shaking legs. It’s almost over… Probably.

I cast Dark Tendrils every time I have enough mana back and they’re everywhere now.

All the orcs left alive are tangled in black tendrils now, we are going around, killing them in place like picking fruit. It fills something inside of me knowing I’m killing them like this, fish in my net. Is this revenge for catching me in a net? Probably. It feels good though, so I kill another one who’s squealing at me. I continue pretending I can’t understand them, it’s probably rude at this point, but it makes me feel better.

The level 1 women don’t have a lot of stamina so they are plucking the orc fruits in turns.

The new war chief I Charmed earlier didn’t make it, he might have had Firm, but he still had blood. So without healing from Sapphire he took too many wounds from his orc brothers and bled out. I wonder if Charm lets him understand what’s happening around him or if it just shuts it’s target off while taking control. Maybe.

Before the tendrils made it more of a chore than a fight, my daughters did really well. I didn’t let the ones without Firm fight, but they still got to be in a party of someone who did. Just because they wouldn’t be much help in the fight doesn’t mean they won’t be helpful later actually having levels. Dumb Flatbox not giving us levels before the end of combat. This would have been much easier if all the levels ones got even a few levels early on.

Luckily, Glowing Visage used stamina and not mana, so I could cast it anytime it looked like someone else was getting overwhelmed. I decide to let the other women finish them up. My party probably has the most experience so far anyways, I wouldn’t want to take all the easy to pick sources. One of my bodies sits down by Amber and Ruby, while the other one stands next to Sapphire, watching to make sure nothing unexpected happens. I open up my skills menu to see what caused all this, since no one is in a talking mood yet.



Universal Language:

You can speak, read, write and understand the language used by Players.


You can see Levels and Titles of other Players and species of monsters.

Humanoid Body(3):

You have a humanoid body.


Your body is firm and difficult to damage. Effect Increases based on highest tier Class.

Crazed: (Passive)

Increase Stamina regeneration while in combat.

Bloody Cuts: (Passive)

Increase the range of bladed weapons you wield based on enemy blood lost during combat.

Familial: (Passive)

Increase relationship with all of your children.

Resilient Womb: (Passive)

Decrease the amount of time Healing after a pregnancy.

Dark Identity: (Passive)

You may choose to display your Title to others as (Maiden), (Human), or (Princess). Does not affect currently equipped title bonuses.


Increase effect of healing spells and Health regeneration of allies within line of sight.

(New)Maidens Lure:(Passive)

Increase attractiveness. Enemies are more likely to target you in combat.


Increase resistance to magic damage and scry.

(New)Double the Fun:(Passive)

You now have two bodies with doubled max Stamina. Each body has separate pregnancies.


Power Attack:(20 Stamina)

Increase the power of your next attack.

Adrenaline:(30 Stamina)

Get a temporary boost to Dexterity and Strength.

Taunt:(50 Stamina)

Enemies around you are compelled to attack you.

Shout:(100 Stamina)

All allies who hear you regenerate (20) points of stamina.

Bloody Fists:(50 Health)

Increase the power of your punches till the end of combat.

Exertion: (100 Health)

Sacrifice Health to regain 100 Stamina.

Mother's Touch: (50 Health)

Touch target, giving them blood armor which reduces damage.

(New)Glowing Visage:(50 Stamina)

Enemies around you are compelled to attack you until end of combat.


Blessing:(30 Mana)

Target gets a boost to Intelligence and Strength till the end of combat.

Charm:(100 Mana)

Target will fight for you until the end of combat. Success based on Attractiveness.

Create Light:(20 Mana)

Create a light attached to target surface.

Dark Healing:(100 Mana)

Increase Health and Stamina regeneration of yourself and allies participating in sexual activity for the duration.

(New)Flash:(30 Mana)

Produce a bright flash of light that has a chance to blind enemies.

(New)Dark Tendrils:(60 Mana)

Creates an area that produces black tendrils that attempt to grapple enemies.

The first thing I notice is I forgot to use Mother’s Touch that whole fight, it probably would have helped the poor women without my Firm skill like Tasha and Sue. Oh well, I just won’t bring it up to them. It’s not like it’s needed now anyways.

My only new skill, from reaching level 25 in Dark Maiden after the quest, is definitely responsible. Double the Fun, says I have two bodies with doubled max stamina, I’ll ignore the pregnancy part since it’s not important. I can’t get rid of the skill if I wanted to, since (Mother Opal) makes all my Breeder skills permanent, that means all my skills in the higher tier breeder classes too. I checked. Not like I would want to get rid of it, it’s been really helpful and is the only reason I was able to get out today. It will just take some getting used to, maybe I can go check on my frogmen babies and lake, but still stay here with my elf babies for a while. I’ll think about it later.

“Mom, can you go punch down Tina’s wall and let them come out here to grab some experience?” Ruby asks me suddenly and I see her pointing at the entrance of the birthing room, which I noticed earlier was covered by a dirt wall. I guess Tina did that to protect them and the babies.

“Yeah sweetie, I’ll go let them out, you go grab your sisters we left at the breeding structure.” I tell her, stand up and walk over to the dirt wall. I use a few power attacks and the wall crumbles, revealing a human and two elves, with 4 elf babies behind them. I guess other than Ruby’s 3 there was only one, I wonder who’s it is. I didn’t exactly get to check what my last few babies were. The women lower their guards when they see it’s me so I tell them “There are still orcs but they are harmless, you three should go get some experience before they are all gone. I will stay and watch the babies.”

They look a bit confused, but thank me anyways and leave the room, I hear them gasp in surprise when they see what’s outside. Too bad I can’t see their faces from where my other body is standing. Oh well. Ruby soon comes back with the rest of the level 1 elves and they start finishing off orcs, Ruby hands off her dagger to one of them before joining me in the birthing room.

“Ah, I forgot to ask who had the 4th elf baby.” I admit to her, she smiles at me and responds. “It wasn’t yours Mom, see how it has a normal skin tone, not even a little pale.” Oh she’s right, I’d probably be blushing from embarrassment if I had blood. I still pick it up and hold it since she has gathered her 3 into her lap, playing with them and laughing joyously. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside watching her. “You’re going to be a great mom, just like me.” I tell her, which makes her giggle and respond “Thanks Mom!” Since I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, I boop the baby I’m holding on the nose and cast Mother’s Touch on it. She suddenly has cute little armor made of blood, well some might disagree about the cute part, Ruby reprimands me “Mom! You can’t just cast blood spells on other people’s babies!”

I don’t see a problem with it, but give in and try to turn it off or something, I’ve never tried turning off a skill before. I touch the armor and try thinking to cancel it and with a pop the blood armor disappears leaving a very confused baby elf armorless in my lap. “Good.” Ruby says and sighs “You are going to give someone a heart attack with all the crazy stuff you do Mom.” I choose to take it as the compliment I’m sure it was. Probably.

We sit there and chat, my other body still watching over the experience orc farming. I ask Sapphire why she still has the rain skill going and she tells me “It’s keeping gross orc guts and blood off of everyone.” and I agree that is pretty important so I tell her “Thank you for that then sweetie, Mommy loves you.” Then I do something I haven’t been able to do yet, I hug her. I wrap my arms around her, feeling her warm skin against mine, I feel something inside my chest break. I can’t hold it back anymore and start crying. I put down the baby with my other body and hug Ruby too, I decide I’m going to hug all of my daughters once all of this is over with. I rub my face on Ruby and Sapphire’s chests, sobbing my feelings at them. I feel them place a hand on my head, one rubbing my hair and the other patting me.

Their warmth only making me cry louder as my frustration, fear and pain fall from my eyes, are washed away by the rain and hidden in the darkness.

Final results for the following polls are in.

Should Non-Consensual fully lewd scenes be put in spoilers?


Do readers want more screens, including stat pages and descriptions, or less.


What should Opal's starting 3rd class be.


Thank you to everyone who voted :)

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