Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 29

I don’t know how long I’m there crying, but I’m brought out of it when Ruby and Opal both kiss the top of my head, like they’re the ones with two bodies. I hear Ruby whisper “I love you Mom”, and Sapphire practically shout “I love you too Mommy!” I don’t know where that puts both of them in the favorite daughter standing at this point, I’m just glad to have them.

Suddenly Sapphire and I are hit in the side by a leaping bundle of orange hair and energy, or Amber by her usual name. “Everyone group hugs!” she yells to the women who look almost done with their culling, and I look up from Sapphires chest to see the rest of my daughters coming towards us as well. We are soon surrounded by naked elf flesh and Sapphire points out “Mom is also in the birthing room, if you can’t reach her in the group hug, join her there.”

I sniffle and tell Ruby “We’ll have more huggers here soon.” to which she looks at me oddly until she notices her sisters coming through the entrance. Soon both of my bodies are enveloped in loving hug bubbles and I see most of my daughters crying now as well. A few of them are extremely loud about it, but if it makes them feel better like it did for me, then I won’t take that away from them. They are all my cute little babies… Even when they’re taller than me.

I manage to see through the tangled, sobbing bodies at one point and the other women are in similar situations with their daughters and granddaughters. Our two groups end up shifting a lot as seemingly everyone gets to be the center of the hugs at some point, it’s only fair since it is the most soothing spot. Those of us with Firm are careful to be as gentle as we can be, since not all of our family has it.

I make a note in my head to learn all of my daughters names, it sounds bad since I was the one who named them, but I got so used to not remembering my kids names with the frogmen, since most of them didn’t have any. Now I feel a little bad about it, I should know my beautiful daughters names and I’ve been a bad mom. Maybe.

Some time later

Since I’m currently on the outer edge of the outside hug group, I see Sue walking up to me.

“Hey Opal, we all got a quest earlier for killing all the orcs after you got us free, and there is only one of them left. I think we should let Steph take him out since she’s been here the longest and had to deal with them by herself for a while, is that alright with you and yours?” She asks me, but it’s not that hard of a decision so I just tell her “Yeah, but I think everyone should watch if that’s okay with her.” she admits it probably is and I tell my hug pile in the breeding structure about it, causing everyone to start shuffling out.

When I get to the last orc it’s grappled and held off the ground by many of my black tendrils. He’s squeal rude things at all of us and spits in my direction when I see him. Steph notices something and says “He’s the one who brought us food every night, I don’t think he’s ever raped anyone from what I’ve seen. He just licks us sometimes, should we really kill him?” She seems unsure of herself now and is pitying him, then it occurs to me, they can’t understand what he’s saying.

“He just called you a cockless sow, and you should have been a good whore and collected more delicious cum for him. Now he’s calling me a demon and saying he wished the war chief would have listened to him when he suggested they kill the elf sows. Now he’s ranting about hybrid abominations or something.” I start telling them, then Steph interrupts me and asks “You can understand the orcs?” with a confused expression, so I tell her. “It’s from a skill.” Well it was from a skill that got eaten by (Mother Opal) but I’ve been told I can ramble on too much when telling people about myself, so I’ll be smart and leave extra stuff like that out this time. She sighs “You have the most useful and at the same time useless skills, well thank you for telling me. He didn’t rape us because we disgusted him, not because he was a nice orc.” she seems to firm her resolve, then takes a javelin she found somewhere and pushes it into his chest. He squeals loudly but soon hangs limp, sliding out of the tendrils grip as he is no longer considered an enemy, being dead.


Title earned

Radiant Progenitress (Level up)x3

Dark Maiden (Level up)x5

Radiant Progenitress level 20 skill unlocked

I get the first batch of announcements from Flatbox, gaining a title and bringing my classes to level 21 and 31 now after all that fighting and the previous birthing quest. I’ll have to check that skill later because another set of notification chimes at me.


Quest Complete!

All Classes (Level up) x3 , +500 Credits, Land Rights, Relationship + with participating captives

Title earned

So three more levels bringing me to 24 and 34, and another title. That makes two titles from this quest and fight, I’ll check them later with my new skill, but for now I look around at my daughters.

I see most of them have at least gotten to level eleven, with a few being higher level from probably their own quest rewards, since you can only receive a maximum of 10 levels in a class per combat. I remember learning that after the pond defense quest. Probably. There is a lot of cheering from all the women here, as now we are officially free, no more being restrained, beaten and raped. No more being forced to give birth to monsters who turn around and assault us as well. There would probably be less cheering and more crying right now if we hadn’t all participated in group hugs and crying earlier.

Sue gets everyone's attention by whistling sharply, I wish I could do that, it seems cool.

“Ok everyone listen up, we need to work together to survive now and the first order of business needs to be getting rid of the orc bodies so we don’t get sick. I for one suggest we burn them in a pit, it is night time now so a big fire should be very cathartic. Does anyone have any other suggestions?” She says, her face glowing as the light spells I used earlier still flickering and revealing the camp.

“If we need a pit I have a spell that can make one for us.” Tina chimes in and I remember the dirt wall she made earlier. She must like dirt a lot.

“I still have plenty of stamina and can help drag the orcs into the pit.” I say, but only with one mouth since Ruby reprimanded me earlier. Lots of other women speak up about things they can do to help, Steph offering to light them all on fire once they’re in the pit, one of her daughters joining her in that, since she got her mothers Fireball skill when born.

Everyone seems determined to help out and so it doesn’t take long for the pit to be dug, turns out all of Tina’s children inherited her weird dirt skill. Odd. It ends up still taking a long time to get all of the orc bodies into the pit since there were just so many of them, I don’t think anyone wants to count, but we end up having to expand the pit a couple times. After all that is finally done we all sit down around the pit and watch Steph and her daughter Maple, cast a few fireballs each into the pit. They then join all of us sitting around the pit as it starts to smoke and then builds into a massive flame.

Sue was right, this does feel cathartic… probably, I think I understand what it means, but I’m not going to ask anyone and look dumb.

Everyone sits and stares at the fire, so now is probably a good enough time to look over some of the new additions I got from the fighting. First up will be the new titles.

(New)(Kin Slayer)Decrease Relationship with family members who do not hold this title

You have killed your kin on purpose. You are shunned for it.

(New)(Beginner Conqueror)Str +10 Equip Bonus: Receive better rewards for Conquest Quests

You have gained Land through conquests at least twice. You are stronger for it.

The first title makes me a little sad, but it couldn’t be avoided, everyone here probably has it too, so I don’t have to worry about it changing my Relationship with daughters. We’ll probably have to have more hug piles in the future I’ve decided. Definitely.

The second title is a good addition to my Guardian title, now I have two types of quests where I can get bonus rewards. I wonder how I can get more of them, oh I should ask the women later about sharing titles so we can all get stronger. I realize I might forget so I poke Ruby in the arm since she’s sitting next to me. She turns to me, looking away from the large fire so I ask her “Can you remind me later to see if everyone can get together to share titles, I’ll probably forget?” She smiles at me and says “That’s a good idea Mom, yeah I’ll remind you later.” I boop her nose like I did to the baby earlier because she looks cute right now. She brushes my hand away and blushes, which is super noticeable on her extremely white skin. I’m once again glad I don’t have blood, it’s so embarrassing sometimes.

Our display seems to get other people talking and chatting with each other, everyone seems happy and I hear a lot of giggling. Before I get pulled into a conversation I check my new skill since I’ll probably forget it later otherwise.

(New)Burn Bright:(Passive)

Increase attractiveness based on current Stamina.

I like it, it should be very useful, and no I’m not going to tell anyone about it. Probably. Now, since I just finished a quest and got a bunch of levels, do I tier up my Dark Maiden class? If I do, I’ll at least wait till I have a bunch of levels in the new class before I tier up Radiant Progenitress. I look to the fire, and then back at the gate of the camp, firmly closed. It should be safe enough since I’ll still have a lot of levels in my first class, I’ll do it. I focus on the option in my Classes menu for Dark Maiden and hear a chime.


Options for your Tier 3 Class.

Your choices are based on your achievements, play style and associations.

*Rare option available* Rare classes give more stats per level for their Tier due to the difficult requirements.

-Womb Slave- Vit/End +8, Wis/Dex +4 Free Points +16

You are a womb for your masters. For equipping the Breeding Slave title for the majority of your playtime you get this option.

-Slave Queen- End/Wis +8, Str/Int +4 Free Points +16

Your rule was bred in slavery. You get this option for leading fellow slaves in a revolt where you ended up in power

-Seething Darkness-(Rare)Vit/End/Wis +8, Int/Dex +4 Free Points +20

You and your children are many and go bump in the night. You get this option for hiding your abilities for the majority of your playtime, for having more than one body and extreme amounts of birthed children.

Only one rare option and no continuation of the Dark Maiden class like I had with Bloody Mother before? I guess that means I didn’t do enough with the class while I had it to get the continuation maybe? Let me go over the options, but with only one being (Rare) there probably isn’t much of a choice. First is Womb Slave, not rare and very rude for some reason, unless the others are more horrible than that will be a no. Second is Slave Queen. Queen sounds nice, but the slave part is still a little rude, also not a rare class, so probably a no, but better than Womb Slave.

The last option is Seething Darkness, which I don’t know if the name sounds cool or gross. It’s the rare class this time and it’s stats seem really good for fixing a lot of the problems I had during this last fight with the orcs. More Vitality means more Health, Endurance means more Stamina, and Wisdom means more Mana. The description sounds much better than either of my slave options, but I’m not sure what it means by going bump in the night, is it a sexual thing since it’s a breeder class? Probably. It also sounds like it will be dark related like Dark Maiden was, and the skill from it were really useful, with enough time Dark Tendrils made the fight with the orcs as simple as killing a fish from my stamina hole. It also mentions having more than one body, so maybe it will give me boosts to that. I focus on the Seething Darkness option.


(Tier 2)Dark Maiden Level 34 is now

(Tier 3)Seething Darkness Level 1

Dark Maiden stats per level removed.

Seething Darkness level 1 skill unlocked

I feel the normal weakness of losing a lot of my stats per level, but it’s not as bad as when I tier up both of my classes at once, I’m still supported by my level 24 primary class. I check the new level 1 skill, hoping it’s useful.


(New)Shadow Children:(100 Mana)

Until end of combat, your allied children in combat are followed by shadow figures that mimic their movements.

So it’s a skill that only helps my babies. I’m ok with that, I have a lot of them now, and it could have given me something that makes me more likely to get pregnant again. My daughters around me are talking about a few topics I’m not sure how to add to, so I just listen to them and their giggles as I watch the fire burn.

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