Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 30

The fire has died down now and everyone is searching the camp for supplies. The other women were really hungry and thirsty once the excitement from the battle had worn off, luckily I don’t eat, must be difficult. Probably.

A few of the elf daughters find what seems to be a butchers tent with dead animals strung up and pieces of meat and fur lying around. I’m told that the meat needs to be cooked before anyone can eat it, weird. Sue finds a wooden structure where it seems the bread was being baked, but we can’t seem to figure out how the orcs got flour since they are missing the tools to make it. That’s what Sue says at least, apparently she used to be a farmer. We even find where the orcs were getting their water, a stream that’s visible from one of the guard posts they have set up next to the walls. Amber actually made that discovery so I give her a hug as reward, not because I’ve grown dependent on hugs. Probably.

With all the most basic needs found, everyone gets together to roast the meat before it goes bad. Not over the burnt orc pit of course, that was filled in by Tina and her kids. We find a supply of cut lumber and separate into a few groups, making little pits that we can roast the meat over. Tina, Steph and their kids are popular for this part. I end up in a group with all my kids and their kids, it ends up pretty crowded, so we make our pit longer and not just a circular hole with wood in it. Once the fires are lit the groups run into another puzzle, how to hold the meat over the fire for roasting. I’m the first one to find a solution, but it only works for me.

I’m standing over the fire with meat draped over my body.

At first my daughters scream and try to get me out, apparently fire is supposed to hurt. Maybe it’s another one of those having blood things, since even Sapphire who has Firm gets a pained look on her face while trying to get me out. I get out of the fire so they stop hurting themselves trying to help me, and tell them it doesn’t hurt me, showing off my undamaged naked body. I hear a collective sigh and Ruby says “Mom really is amazing.” in an exasperated tone and a few of the other daughters burst into laughter. So now I’m standing over the fire with meat hanging off of me, my arms held out to the sides for more cooking surface.

The other groups have tied some chains to logs and then pulled them taught over their pits, draping the meat over the metal chains. They come to tell us about their idea, but are horrified before being turned down. This is a good opportunity for family bonding after all, or so Amber tells them. Once the meat on me is cooked I walk out of the fire and the sizzling meat is replaced by more uncooked venison. Apparently this meat is from a deer, I remember how bad the deer I tried was, but luckily I’m not eating this stuff. As I stand in the fire, surrounded by my hungry daughters, I hear a chime.


Title earned

Oh a new title, nice. I tell my daughters who let out excited sounds asking me to tell them what it says. I check it.

(New)(Witch)Wis +10 Equip Bonus: You receive experience for kidnapping children.

You have been burned alive before a crowd and survived. Grow stronger with your tormentors children.

That title seems very rude, but I tell my daughters what it says and they all give me blank looks. Sapphire sets them all bursting into laughter when she snorts loudly trying to suppress her own laugh. I don’t get what’s so funny, but it must be one of those things they know about because of being monster spawn. Genetic memory or something, I think the frogmen called it. I don’t equip it since I don’t think kidnapping other peoples children is something I want experience for. Probably.

After all our meat is cooked and everyone is eating I decide to leave it and sit with my daughters. They tell me to go jump in the stream first since I’m too hot and might burn them. I don’t see Ruby here, and Amber tells me she left a while ago to find Tasha or something, then points me to where she saw the stream saying I can’t hug her till I cool down. Since that’s the case I have no choice and head towards the gate which my other body stands atop, guarding the camp. Well kind of, I kind of spaced out up there watching everyone chat around the fires in the camp. I don’t think anything has entered the camp while I was distracted… Probably.

My hot body heads out the open gate, which I remember being closed before, and towards the stream. Since the open gate is a little odd I have my body at the gate watch the camp with more observant eyes, since everyone’s safety is more important than the pretty fires and sounds of laughter. I don’t see anything different and I can’t exactly remember how many women there were and count them, so I just stand there and keep watch.

As I walk to the stream I start hearing moaning, but it doesn’t sound like pained moans so I cautiously make my way towards them.

Lewd Scene



I’m brought back to myself when I hear a yell from Ruby. “Who’s there!” and I realize my surroundings are actually on fire, it takes my brain a moment to realize placing my hot body on dry underbrush was not a good idea. I see Ruby and Tasha through the fire getting ready for a fight, so I walk out of the bushes and greet them. Another time I’m glad I don’t have blood to make me blush.

“It’s me Opal.” I tell them, to which they immediately relax, and then Ruby reflexively covers her chest with her hands. Odd. I walk up to them and when I get close they back away, oh right, I’m still hot from the fire. Ruby lets her arms down, probably realizing it’s weird since she’s always naked anyways. Tasha asks “Why did you catch the bushes on fire?” and Ruby answers her “She was standing in the fire earlier so we could cook our meat on her, don’t give me that look, she wanted to.” She starts “She probably just set the dry stuff on fire by standing there… too… long. Mom were you watching us just now?”

I nod, a bit ashamed of myself, covering my wet slit with a hand reflexively. Tasha notices it and looks down, getting a big grin on her face and saying “You know Opal, you could have just joined us…” she starts to insinuate but Ruby punches her in the shoulder hard, causing her to wince and rub it. “You are not fucking my mother!” Ruby yells at her. Tasha responds with “Why not, she obviously enjoyed watching?” only to be shot down by Ruby “We are exclusive now got it? No fucking other people, even Mom.” Ruby glares at her and Tasha chuckles “I’ll take that deal, but only if I can tell everyone you’re mine.” Ruby glares at her again and then sighs “Fine, but just between us, you’re mine so don’t get it twisted.” I hear a chime and I think Ruby and Tasha do to.


Title earned x2

Why are there two? Does peeking at people from bushes give a title? Does rubbing yourself until it feels good give one? It seems too easy. I’m even more sure now that sharing titles with everyone will get me a lot of easy ones. I check to see what the new titles are before I get ahead of myself.

(Voyeur)Int/Wis +5

You have received sexual pleasure from watching someone while unseen by them. You are more cunning for it.

(Exhibitionist)Wis +10

You have received sexual pleasure while having your naked body watched. You grow wiser for it.

Oh right, I completely forgot that my body on the gate was rubbing myself too. I guess some of my daughters may have seen me, oh well. I should tell everyone how to get these when we talk about titles anyways.

Ruby turns to me, a smile on her face and says “Thanks for the title Mom.” Tasha just laughs.

Opal's first all female sexual experience, how lewd.

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