Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 4

Walking through the woods again to my quest is less boring than sitting around healing, but the gross goblin blood has started to dry on me. The wet feeling I had on me from it is gone now, but its still there being disgusting on my normally flawless white skin. I’m having vain thoughts again, I nod to myself. The number of goblins killed under the arrow I’m following has changed to 2/11 after killing butt grabber and backpack. So I should have 9 more goblins to go, 5 intelligence seems to be enough to figure it out.

I’m not concerned by such a large number since the two I’ve fought so far were so small and easily squished. They didn’t make my health go down and I didn’t have to use Power Attack on them like the wolves. My only worry is about how they both grabbed me in strange places, which I didn’t like. I don’t know why. Odd.

Anyways, with any luck their den will have a way for me to wash this blood off and I’ll get a level for the Quest.

-POV Gornak-

Stupid Chief making Gornak go wash in the stream. Gornak thinks smelling is good for a strong goblin like Gornak. How are we supposed to find a woman if she can’t smell us? Chief wants to horde all the women we find, Gornak is sure of it. He makes us all go to the stream one by one while he is allowed to bathe the den in his own musk. Greedy Chief, maybe Gornak should be Chief instead, but Gornak didn’t win the Chief battle, so next time.

Ugh, Gornak hates the cold water on Gornak’s skin, it’s unnatural and makes Gornak shiver. Gornak doesn’t like it but Gornak rubs and cleans anyways. Maybe Gornak can make hand love with Gornak’s self while stupid Chief thinks Gornak is washing.

It’s getting loud in the direction of the den so Gornak should go back instead of pleasing Gornak’s self.

As Gornak walks back to the den dripping wet Gornak hears… fighting? The tribe needs Gornak! So Gornak starts running since Gornak is the fastest goblin.

“Stop touching me so weirdly you filthy goblins”

Gornak hears a woman’s voice among the fighting sounds! Gornak comes into the clearing around the den and sees an angel. The angel is twice as tall as Gornak and Gornak is a modest 3 feet tall… almost. She is standing there covered in the other goblins as they grope her angelic self. She is stepping on Chief, Gornak is jealous. Her super white toned body shows just enough muscle for Gornak. Abs, toned thigh muscles… Gornak wants to get squeezed by them. Her long black hair drapes over her shoulders and across her back. Gornak can see Grob sniffing it as he clings to her. Lucky Grog.

The angel looks savage and is covered in blood. Ah Gornak was stopped to stare at the angel.

She turns to Gornak as she notices Gornak staring. “Gross” she says to Gornak and glares at Gornak with obvious disgust in her bright turquoise eyes. Ah Gornak is in love and can’t hold back anymore! Running up to Gornak’s angel Gornak prepares to be embraced by her and sees the angel’s blood covered fist approach. Yes! Touch Gornak hard!


Gornak Died

-POV End-


Fighter (Level up) x2

Guh, these goblins were so disgusting! I shake some of their filthy blood off of my hands. I’m never going to forget how bad the highest level one smelled. Nasty. Why do they have such big noses if they are going to smell so bad? Strange.


Quest Complete!

All Classes (Level up), +100 Credits

Fighter level 5 skill unlocked

My first Quest. I still don’t know what Credits are, for some reason I think they are a type of currency… How would I know that though since I wasn’t alive before? Odd. I remember seeing a dripping wet goblin come out of the woods somewhere in the middle of the fight. I Power Attacked him because he was running at me with his arms wide and a disturbing look on his face. Does that mean there is a water source nearby? Can I use it to clean myself?

I want to check out their cave first. I found it when I first arrived and it’s where most of them came out of after the first one I was fighting screamed. I stomped on the dangling bits between his legs, it’s apparently a weak spot on goblins. Luckily I don’t have anything gross sticking out there, just a cute little slit. Another vain thought, Probably.

I have to duck down to get into the cave.

It’s not very big, I wonder how so many of them fit in here. Ohhh! At the back of the cave, about 7 feet away there is a blue box. No, not like Flatbox, like a small chest and it’s blue. I decide to grab it and leave the cave since it smells like that level 5 goblin in here and other than the box there’s nothing to see.

Exiting the cave I go to the edge of the clearing around the cave, away from the dead smelly goblins. I sit down and place the box in front of me. It’s about 2’ x 1’ about 1 ½’ tall and blue with silver edges. Are goblins good at making pretty boxes? That doesn’t seem right. The box has a silver latch in the front keeping it closed so I fiddle with it and it pops open.


Common Chest found +100 Credits

Flatbox informs me. Waving it away I look into the box and pull out some cloth, or as I check them out, cloths to be more precise. A shirt and some shorts, both made of the same fabric. It’s a little coarse and a tan color, the shorts are slightly darker than the shirt and they have an elastic waistband. I decided I wanted to try them on but I’m covered in grossness and don’t want to transfer it to them. There’s nothing else in the box so I put them back in and carry the box, looking for where that wet goblin came from.

It doesn’t take me long to find it since I can hear running water. I see a small stream running through the forest. It has clear water so I can see smooth stones glistening on its bottom. Ah nostalgic... Strange.

I shake away the weird thoughts and put the box down on the dirt next to the stream as I climb in. It’s deep enough in the middle that the water comes to my neck when I sit down. It’s cold but I can feel and see all the dumb goblin blood washing off of my amazingly white skin. I dunk my head into the water since my hair also got covered in the filth and I’d rather be completely clean. Just Opal, not blood Opal.

As I sit there with my head under water, looking at the stones, I pull up my Status.


Name: Opal

Age: 20

Class: (1)Fighter Level 5

Health:103/160 Mana:50/50 Stamina:15/110

Strength:15 Vitality:16 Endurance:11

Dexterity:10 Intelligence:5 Wisdom:5

Free Points: 18

I gained 3 levels total, 2 from killing the goblins and 1 from finishing the quest. I don’t think I lost any health fighting the goblins, probably because they didn’t manage to penetrate my skin. My stamina is low since I used Power Attack a few times when the goblins were being particularly off-putting. 4 of my stats are in the double digits now which I’m proud of. I must be as strong as I am beautiful. “Gurgle Blub blub?” I ask the stones their opinion, but I can’t hear their answers. Oh well.

I think Skills, to check out the new one I got.



Universal Language:

You can speak, read, write and understand the language used by Players.


You can see Levels and Titles of other Players and species of monsters.

Humanoid Body(3):

You have a humanoid body.


Your body is firm and difficult to damage. Effect Increases based on highest tier Class.


Power Attack:(20 Stamina)

Increase the power of your next attack.

(New)Adrenaline:(30 Stamina)

Get a temporary boost to Dexterity and Strength


So it’s called Adrenaline and it boosts my stats for a little bit, seems simple enough. I wonder how long it lasts, does temporary mean a day, until the end of battle, or a few minutes? I’ll have to test it out later. I decide the feel and muted sound of rushing water is nice, so I lay on the stream bed and close my eyes to rest and regenerate my now higher max health and stamina.

I wake up I don’t know how long later. There was a dream and I can’t remember anything about it but I think I feel sad. I sit up and my head pops out of the water. Thinking about my health and stamina I see -

Health:160/160 Stamina:110/110

So I must have been asleep for a while. As much as I like being in the stream I want to try on those cloths I got, so I stand up and get out, shaking off water so I dry off faster. Don’t want to get my new cloths wet already after all.

After a little bit of trying I manage to wiggle myself into the shirt and shorts. Strangely they fit me perfectly, maybe its a magic chest thing. Even though the materials are coarse it feels comforting to have them on my skin. I get the thought that the gross goblin stares wouldn’t be as bad with cloths on. Strange. I pick up the box since I think it’s pretty and don’t want to leave it behind, it’s not heavy anyways. I walk up to a particularly tall tree and do a twirl. “How do I look?” I ask it but it doesn’t respond. Typical.

I decide to walk alongside the stream, following it in the direction it’s flowing and I feel like I’m heading off on an adventure.

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